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/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */

// TODO: Documentation: #apply as decl with value of rule selectors to inline
//  ↳ Selectors can be separated by comma and/or whitespace (including new
//    lines), both OK
//  ↳ Add note about why we use decl with "#"; the way stylis (+ brief note
//    about what stylis is) parser creates AST nodes and how stringify works
//  ↳ Selectors with a ":" must be wrapped in commas
//  ↳ Selector refs are minified, the same as what the output CSS would be; so
//    for '.a > .b {}' the ref would be '.a>.b' + show examples

// TODO: Documentation: plugin only applies the rules from selectors you give
// it. It will not create or modify other rule sets, i.e., it does not
// automagically also apply pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, at-rules,
// attributes, etc. It's an intentional design choice to keep the code simple
// and have better performance. Although the consumer maintenance overhead can
// be higher it also has the bonus of better visibility into what's going on
// and no unexpected results (which often leads to logically incorrect or hugely
// bloated code in SASS for example.)
//  ↳ Give examples how to use in common scenarios + link to addon/native.xcss

// TODO: Document build performance impact (about 10% extra time, but do
// benchmarks to verify)
//  ↳ Impact of including this plugin and impact of actual #apply use

import {
  type Element,
  type Middleware,
} from 'ekscss';
import * as stylis from 'stylis';

type ApplyRefs = Record<string, Element[] | undefined>;

onBeforeBuild(() => {
  ctx.applyRefs = {};

onAfterBuild(() => {
  ctx.applyRefs = undefined;

 * XCSS plugin to inline the properties of referenced rules.
export const applyPlugin: Middleware = (
): void => {
  if (element.type === stylis.RULESET) {
    for (const selector of element.props) {
      ((ctx.applyRefs as ApplyRefs)[selector] ??= []).push(element);


  if (element.type === stylis.DECLARATION && element.props === '#apply') {
    // TODO: Remove type cast; stylis types don't differentiate by element.type
    const targets = (element.children as string)
      .map((x) => x.trim().replace(/^["']/, '').replace(/["']$/, ''));
    const decls: Element[] = [];

    for (const target of targets) {
      const refs = (ctx.applyRefs as ApplyRefs)[target];

      if (refs) {
        for (const ref of refs) {
          // TODO: Remove type cast; stylis types don't differentiate by element.type
          decls.push(...(ref.children as Element[]));
      } else {
          code: 'apply-no-match',
          message: `Unable to #apply "${target}", no matching rule`,
          file: ctx.from,
          line: element.line,
          column: element.column,

    element.return = stylis.serialize(decls, callback);

    if (element.return === '') {
      // Set empty value so declaration is removed in stringify
      element.value = '';

        code: 'apply-empty',
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
        message: `#apply "${targets}" result empty`,
        file: ctx.from,
        line: element.line,
        column: element.column,

export default applyPlugin;