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Test Coverage

1.0.0 / 2019-05-28

  * Stable

0.1.12 / 2019-03-05

  * Add Api::BadRequestError

0.1.11 / 2019-02-28

  * Add Api::DefinitionError

0.1.10 / 2019-02-21

  * Add new fields to ShipmentLine

0.1.9 / 2019-02-21

  * Add new fields to Shipment

0.1.8 / 2019-01-08

  * Add find! method that returns an exception when no stock totals found

0.1.7 / 2019-01-08

  * Improve SKU find support

0.1.6 / 2018-12-20

  * Fix case expression bug in snoop_for_errors
  * Add StockTotals#find

0.1.5 / 2018-10-03

  * Use Content-Type application/json
  * Add errors!

0.1.4 / 2018-09-30

  * Add Outbound api and models
  * Add Shipments#update

0.1.3 / 2018-09-17

  * Use #parsed_response over #to_hash
  * Add StockTotals

0.1.2 / 2018-09-16

  * Add ShipmentStatus
  * Wrap HTTParty response
  * Add ActiveModel validations
  * Add ShipmentLine nested model

0.1.1 / 2018-09-16

  * Add Shipments#destroy
  * Add Shipments#create
  * Add image to readme
  * Add basic usage instructions
  * Update Gem install instructions
  * Add Snap shipment model
  * Add gem version badge
  * Add CodeClimate badges
  * Update rake requirement from ~> 10.0 to ~> 12.3
  * Add Changelog

0.1.0 / 2018-09-15

  * Update name of gem to avoid conflict
  * Add Shipments#find
  * Add VCR
  * Add a base client
  * Add HTTParty
  * Add initializer for local dev
  * Make binding.pry available in test
  * Add sample .env and fix setup bug
  * Add dotenv
  * Add SimpleCov
  * Add configuration object
  * Lint all the things
  * Add rubocop
  * Add pry
  * Remove default failing spec
  * Don't commit Gemfile.lock
  * Update gem description
  * Merge branch 'master' of
  * Update Travis CI yaml
  * Initial commit
  * Initial commit