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# FoodSearch
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![](features/base/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/icon_launcher_round.png) > ごはん検索 / FoodSearch


## Google Play Track

|Track|Azure Pipeline|Google Play Url|
|Internal|[![Build Status](](|Secret|

## Build
1. Make directory `{ROOT}/Secure`
2. Create empty file `{ROOT}/Secure/google-play-service-account-key.json`
3. Create empty file `{ROOT}/Secure/google-play-upload-key.jks`
4. Create file `{ROOT}/Secure/signing.gradle`
signingConfigs {
    release { }
5. Create file `{ROOT}/Secure/version.gradle`
ext {
    instantVersionCode = 1
    installedVersionCode = 2
    versionNamePostfix = 1
    googlePlayTrack = "internal"
6. Create file `{ROOT}/Secure/key.gradle`
ext {
    gnaviApiKey = ""
7. Build.

## ApiKey
Key configuration locate `{ROOT}/Secure/key.gradle`.

- Get `gnaviApiKey` in [](

## Set Up CI/CD (for Developer as a other application)
First, clone repository.  

important files:
- `.codeclimate.yml`
- `azure-pipelines.yml`
- `azure-pipelines-track-**.yml`
- `build.gradle`
- `configuration.gradle`
- `app/build.gradle`

Next, upload your repository to Github.
### Code Climate
1. Sign up Code Climate Quality using Github account
2. Add Repository as a Open Source
3. Go to repository settings
4. Select Github
5. Enable to `Pull request comments`, `Inline issue comments` and `Pull request stats updates`

### Google Play
- use Google Play App Signin 
- enable Google Play Publisher API

1. Make credential file in Android Studio, save to `{ROOT}/Secure/google-play-upload-key.jks`
2. Make signin setting file `{ROOT}/Secure/signing.gradle`  
signingConfigs  {
    release {
        storeFile file("../Secure/google-play-upload-key.jks")
        storePassword "{YOUR_PASSWORD}"
        keyAlias "{YOUR_ALIAS}"
        keyPassword "{YOUR_PASSWORD}"
3. Make first Android App Bundle file, example command: `gradlew bundleRelease`
4. Open Google Play Console
5. Make new application
6. Set all information of required settings
7. Add first bundle file to target track, example: `internal`
8. Go to setting
9. Select API access
10. Enable link `Google Play Android Developer`
11. Create service account
12. Download created service account key as a json, save to `{ROOT}/Secure/google-play-service-account-key.json`
13. Add permissions to created service account in Google Play Console settings

### Azure Pipeline CI
1. Set up Azure Pipeline from Github Marketplace, make Azure Pipeline project
2. Set up first pipeline from `azure-pipelines.yml`

### Azure Pipeline CD (for each track)
if added secure files, skip to 6
1. Open pipeline's `Library`
2. Select Secure files
3. Add `{ROOT}/Secure/google-play-service-account-key.json`
4. Add `{ROOT}/Secure/google-play-upload-key.jks`
5. Add `{ROOT}/Secure/signing.gradle`
6. Add `{ROOT}/Secure/key.gradle`
7. Create pipeline from `azure-pipelines-track-***.yml`
8. Open created pipeline, click `Edit`
9. Click `Edit in the visual designer`
10. Select Triggers, select Pull request validation
11. Enable `Override YAML Pull Request trigger from here`
12. Check `Disable pull request validation`, this option mean is Security for guard from pull request attack
13. Save setting

when not download secure file, see that:

## License
This application is published by [MIT License](LICENSE.txt)

### Using Libraries

- [Google Play Publisher](, published by [MIT License](


- Kotlin Standard Library, published by [Apache License v2](
- kotlinx.coroutines, published by [Apache License v2](
- AndroidX, published by [Apache License v2](
-, published by [Android Software Development Kit License Agreement](
- Material Components, published by [Apache License v2](
- [Moshi](, published by [Apache License v2](
- [OkHttp](, published by [Apache License v2](
- [Nachos](, published by [Apache License v2](
- [ShimmerLayout](, published by [Apache License v2](


- junit4, published by [Eclipse Public License v1](
- [Robolectric](, published by [MIT License](