
View on GitHub


7 hrs
Test Coverage
import datetime
import operator

import deal
import yaml

from requests import get
from typing import List, Mapping, Any, Optional

from opensource_watchman.api.codeclimate_api import CodeClimateAPI
from opensource_watchman.common_types import (
    GithubPipelineData, TravisPipelineData, RequiredCICommandsConfig,
from opensource_watchman.composer import AdvancedComposer
from opensource_watchman.utils.dates import parse_iso_datetime
from opensource_watchman.utils.logs_analiser import if_logs_has_any_of_commands

def has_readme(github_data: GithubPipelineData) -> List[str]:
    error = (
        f'{github_data.get("readme_file_name", "readme file")} not found'
        if github_data.get('readme_content') is None
        else None
    return [error] if error else []  # type: ignore

@deal.ensure(lambda _: (_.result == []) if _.D01 else True)
def has_required_sections_in_readme(
    required_readme_sections: List[List[str]],
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    D01: List[str],
) -> List[str]:
    if github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('type') == 'readings' or D01:
        return []

    errors: List[str] = []

    for options in required_readme_sections:
        if not any(o in github_data['readme_content'].lower() for o in options):
            errors.append(f'None of following found in readme: {",".join(options)}')
    return errors

def has_ci_config(github_data: GithubPipelineData) -> List[str]:
    error = (
        f'{github_data.get("ci_config_file_name", "ci config")} not found'
        if github_data['ci_config_content'] is None
        else None
    return [error] if error else []  # type: ignore

@deal.pure r: len(r) < 2)
def is_ci_bild_status_ok(travis_data: TravisPipelineData, C01: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    errors = []
    if not C01 and travis_data['last_build'] and travis_data['last_build']['state'] != 'passed':
        errors = ['Current build status on Travis is not ok']
    return errors

# this one is actually pure, but deal has bug, that fires on this function on make deal_test
def has_all_required_commands_in_build(
    required_commands_to_run_in_build: List[RequiredCICommandsConfig],
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    travis_data: TravisPipelineData,
) -> List[str]:
    errors: List[str] = []
    for section_info in required_commands_to_run_in_build:
        if not all(p(github_data['ow_repo_config']) for p in section_info['prerequisites']):

        section = section_info['cmd']
        if not section:
        if not if_logs_has_any_of_commands(travis_data['last_build_commands'], section):
            error_perfix = f'None of {",".join(section)} is' if len(
                section) > 1 else f'{section[0]} is not'
            errors.append(f'{error_perfix} found in build')
    return errors

def has_ci_badge_in_readme(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    travis_data: TravisPipelineData,
) -> List[str]:
    errors = []
    if (
        and travis_data['badge_url'] not in github_data['readme_content']
        errors = [f'Travis badge not found in {github_data["readme_file_name"]}']
    return errors

@deal.ensure(lambda _: (_.result == []) if _.C01 else True)
def has_ci_weekly_build_enabled(travis_data: TravisPipelineData, C01: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    errors = ['Travis weekly cron build is not enabled']
    for crontab in travis_data['crontabs_info']:
        if crontab['interval'] == 'weekly':
            errors = []
    return errors if not C01 else []

@deal.ensure(lambda _: (_.result == []) if _.C01 else True)
def has_support_of_python_versions(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    C01: List[str],
    required_python_versions: List[str],
) -> List[str]:
    repo_config: Mapping[str, str] = github_data['ow_repo_config'] or {}  # type: ignore
    if 'python' not in repo_config.get('main_languages', '') or C01:
        return []

        config = yaml.load(
    except yaml.YAMLError:
        config = None
    python_build_versions = config.get('python', []) if config and hasattr(config, 'get') else []
    errors: List[str] = []
    for required_python_version in required_python_versions:
        if required_python_version not in python_build_versions:
            errors.append(f'Travis build is not running on Python {required_python_version}')
    return errors

def fetch_package_name(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    package_name_path: str,
) -> Optional[str]:
    package_var_name = package_name_path.split(':')[-1]
    file_content = github_data['file_with_package_name_content']
    if file_content is None:
    package_name = None
    for line in file_content.splitlines():
        prepared_line = line.split('#')[0].strip().replace(' ', '')
        if prepared_line.startswith(f'{package_var_name}='):
            package_name = prepared_line.split('=')[1].strip("'").strip('"')
    return package_name

def analyze_is_pypi_response_ok(
    package_name: str,
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
) -> bool:
    if (
        github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('type') == 'project'
        and 'python' not in github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('main_languages', '')
        return False

    is_pypi_response_ok = None
    if package_name is not None:
        is_pypi_response_ok = get(f'{package_name}/').ok
    return is_pypi_response_ok

def has_package_name(
    package_name: str,
    package_name_path: str,
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
) -> List[str]:
    if (
        github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('type') == 'project'
        or 'python' not in github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('main_languages', '')
        return []
    return [f'Package name not found at {package_name_path}'] if not package_name else []

def is_package_on_pypi(
    is_pypi_response_ok: Optional[bool],
    package_name: str,
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
) -> List[str]:
    if (
        github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('type') == 'project'
        and 'python' not in github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('main_languages', '')
        return []
    return (
        [f'Package {package_name} is not released at PyPI']
        if package_name and not is_pypi_response_ok
        else []

def has_commits_in_last_n_months(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    max_age_of_last_commit_in_months: int,
) -> List[str]:
    delta_days = ( - github_data['last_commit_date']).days
    errors = []
    if delta_days / 30 > max_age_of_last_commit_in_months:
        errors = [
            f'Last commit was at {github_data["last_commit_date"]}, more that '
            f'{max_age_of_last_commit_in_months} months ago',
    return errors

def fetch_code_climate_repo_id(
    owner: str,
    repo_name: str,
    code_climate_api_token: str,
) -> Optional[str]:
    cc_api = CodeClimateAPI.create(owner, repo_name, code_climate_api_token)
    return cc_api.code_climate_repo_id

def fetch_test_coverage(owner: str, repo_name: str, code_climate_api_token: str):
    cc_api = CodeClimateAPI.create(owner, repo_name, code_climate_api_token)
    return cc_api.get_test_coverage()

def fetch_code_climate_badge_token(
    owner: str,
    repo_name: str,
    code_climate_api_token: str,
) -> Optional[str]:
    cc_api = CodeClimateAPI.create(owner, repo_name, code_climate_api_token)
    badge_token = cc_api.get_badge_token()
    return badge_token

def fetch_test_coverage_badge_url(code_climate_badge_token: str) -> Optional[str]:
    return (
        if code_climate_badge_token
        else None

def is_project_exists_on_codeclimate(
    code_climate_repo_id: Optional[str],
    owner: str,
    repo_name: str,
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
) -> List[str]:
    if github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('type') == 'readings':
        return []

    errors = []
    if code_climate_repo_id is None:
        errors = [f'{owner}/{repo_name} not found at Codeclimate']
    return errors

def has_test_coverage_info(
    test_coverage: Optional[float],
    code_climate_repo_id: Optional[str],
    owner: str,
    repo_name: str,
) -> List[str]:
    errors = []
    if code_climate_repo_id and test_coverage is None:
        errors = [f'No test coverage info found for {owner}/{repo_name} at Codeclimate']
    return errors

def is_test_coverage_fine(
    test_coverage: Optional[float],
    min_test_coverage_percents: int,
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
) -> List[str]:
    if github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('type') == 'readings':
        return []

    errors = []
    if test_coverage and test_coverage < min_test_coverage_percents:
        errors = [
            f'Test coverage is too low ({test_coverage:.2f}<{min_test_coverage_percents})',
    return errors

def is_test_coverage_badge_exists(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    test_coverage_badge_url: str,
) -> List[str]:
    errors = []
    readme_content = github_data['readme_content']
    if (
        and test_coverage_badge_url
        and test_coverage_badge_url not in readme_content
        errors = [
            f'Codeclimate test coverage badge not found at {github_data["readme_file_name"]}',
    return errors

def fetch_issues_stale_days(github_data: GithubPipelineData) -> Mapping[int, int]:
    issues_stale_days = {}
    for issue in github_data['open_issues']:
        updated_at = parse_iso_datetime(issue['updated_at'])
        if updated_at is None:
        stale_for_days = ( - updated_at).days
        if issue['comments']:
            comments = github_data['issues_comments'][issue['number']]
            last_comment_date = parse_iso_datetime(max(c['updated_at'] for c in comments))
            if last_comment_date is None:
            stale_for_days = ( - last_comment_date).days
        issues_stale_days[issue['number']] = stale_for_days
    return issues_stale_days

def has_enough_actual_issues(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    issues_stale_days: Mapping[int, int],
    max_issue_update_age_months: int,
    min_number_of_actual_issues: int,
) -> List[str]:
    if github_data['ow_repo_config'].get('features_from_contributors_are_welcome') == 'False':
        return []

    actual_issues = 0
    for issue in github_data['open_issues']:
        if issue['number'] not in issues_stale_days:
        stale_for_days = issues_stale_days[issue['number']]
        if stale_for_days / 30 < max_issue_update_age_months:
            actual_issues += 1
    errors = []
    if actual_issues < min_number_of_actual_issues:
        errors = [f'Too few actual issues ({actual_issues}<{min_number_of_actual_issues})']
    return errors

@deal.ensure(lambda _: len(_.result) <= len(_.github_data['open_pull_requests']))
def analyze_is_prs_ok_to_merge(github_data: GithubPipelineData) -> Mapping[int, bool]:
    is_prs_ok_to_merge = {p['number']: True for p in github_data['open_pull_requests']}
    for pull_request in github_data['open_pull_requests']:
        pr_number = pull_request['number']
        if pr_number not in github_data['pull_request_details']:
        statuses_info = github_data['pull_request_details'][pr_number]['statuses_info']
        if statuses_info and statuses_info[0]['state'] != 'success':
            is_prs_ok_to_merge[pr_number] = False

        last_review = github_data['pull_request_details'][pr_number]['last_review']
        if last_review and last_review['state'] == 'CHANGES_REQUESTED':
            is_prs_ok_to_merge[pr_number] = False
    return is_prs_ok_to_merge

@deal.ensure(lambda _: len(_.result) <= len(_.github_data['open_pull_requests']))
def compose_pull_requests_updated_at(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
) -> Mapping[int, datetime.datetime]:
    pull_requests_updated_at = {}
    for pull_request in github_data['open_pull_requests']:
        pr_number = pull_request['number']
        updated_at = pull_request['updated_at']
        if pr_number not in github_data['pull_request_details']:
        comments = github_data['pull_request_details'][pr_number]['comments']
        last_comment = (
            max(comments, key=operator.itemgetter('updated_at'))
            if comments
            else None
        if last_comment and last_comment['updated_at'] > updated_at:
            updated_at = last_comment['updated_at']
            pull_requests_updated_at[pr_number] = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(updated_at[:-1])
        except ValueError:
    return pull_requests_updated_at

@deal.ensure(lambda _: len(_.result) <= len(_.github_data['open_pull_requests']))
def has_no_stale_pull_requests(
    github_data: GithubPipelineData,
    is_prs_ok_to_merge: Mapping[int, bool],
    pull_requests_updated_at: Mapping[int, datetime.datetime],
    max_ok_pr_age_days: int,
) -> List[str]:
    errors = []
    for base_pull_request_info in github_data['open_pull_requests']:
        if base_pull_request_info['number'] not in github_data['detailed_pull_requests']:
        pull_request = github_data['detailed_pull_requests'][base_pull_request_info['number']]
        if is_prs_ok_to_merge.get(pull_request['number']):
            updated_at = pull_requests_updated_at[pull_request['number']]
            stale_for_days = ( - updated_at).days
            if stale_for_days > max_ok_pr_age_days:
                errors = [
                    f'Pull request #{pull_request["number"]} is stale '
                    f'for too long ({stale_for_days} days)',
    return errors

@deal.pure r: r._functions)
def create_master_pipeline(**kwargs: Any) -> AdvancedComposer:
    pipes = {
        'D01': has_readme,
        'D02': has_required_sections_in_readme,
        'C01': has_ci_config,
        'C02': is_ci_bild_status_ok,
        'C03': has_all_required_commands_in_build,
        'C04': has_ci_badge_in_readme,
        'C05': has_ci_weekly_build_enabled,
        'P01': has_support_of_python_versions,
        'R01': has_package_name,
        'R02': is_package_on_pypi,
        'S01': has_commits_in_last_n_months,
        'T01': is_project_exists_on_codeclimate,
        'T02': has_test_coverage_info,
        'T03': is_test_coverage_fine,
        'T04': is_test_coverage_badge_exists,
        'I01': has_enough_actual_issues,
        'M01': has_no_stale_pull_requests,
    return AdvancedComposer().update_parameters(**kwargs).update_without_prefix(  # noqa: ECE001