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Test Coverage
 * Author: MetalGuardian

namespace metalguardian\fotorama;

use Yii;
use yii\base\Widget;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\helpers\Json;
use yii\web\View;

 * Class Fotorama
 * @package metalguardian\fotorama
class Fotorama extends Widget

     * Choose fotorama version from CDNJS
     * true - use current version from CDN
     * '4.5.0' - use custom version
     * @var bool | string
    public static $useCDN = false;

     * Current Fotorama widget version
    const VERSION = '4.6.4';

     * Widget options
     * ```php
     * 'options' => [
     *      'width' => '50%', // Number or String. Stage container width in pixels or percents.
     *      'minwidth' => '40%', // Number or String. Stage container minimum width in pixels or percents.
     *      'maxwidth' => 300, // Number or String. Stage container maximum width in pixels or percents.
     *      'height' => 500, // Number or String. Stage container height in pixels or percents.
     *      'minheight' => '500px', // Number or String. Stage container minimum height in pixels or percents.
     *      'maxheight' => '100px', // Number or String. Stage container maximum height in pixels or percents.
     *      'ratio' => 800/600, // Number or String. Width divided by height. Recommended if you’re using percentage width.
     *      'margin' => 10, // Number. Horizontal margins for frames in pixels.
     *      'glimpse' => '100px', // Number or String. Glimpse size of nearby frames in pixels or percents.
     *      'nav' => 'thumbs', // Boolean or String. Navigation style: 'dots' (iPhone-style dots), 'thumbs' (Thumbnails), false (Nothing)
     *      'navposition' => 'bottom', // String. Navigation block position relative to stage: 'bottom' or 'top'.
     *      'thumbwidth' => 100, // Number. Tumbnail width in pixels.
     *      'thumbheight' => 100, // Number. Tumbnail height in pixels.
     *      'thumbmargin' => 10, // Number. Size of thumbnail margins.
     *      'thumbborderwidth' => 5, // Number. Border width of the active thumbnail.
     *      'allowfullscreen' => true, // Boolean or String. Allows fullscreen: false (Default), true, 'native'
     *      'fit' => 'cover', // String. How to fit an image into a fotorama: 'contain' (Default), 'cover', 'scaledown', 'none'
     *      'transition' => 'slide', // String. Defines what transition to use: 'slide' (Default), 'crossfade', 'dissolve'
     *      'transitionduration' => 3000, // Number. Animation length in milliseconds.
     *      'captions' => true, // Boolean. Captions visibility.
     *      'hash' => false, // Boolean. Hash in urls
     *      'startindex' => 3, // Number or String. Index or id of the frame that will be shown upon initialization of the fotorama.
     *      'loop' => true, // Boolean. Enables loop.
     *      'autoplay' => true, // Boolean or Number. Enables slideshow. Turn it on with true or any interval in milliseconds.
     *      'stopautoplayontouch' => '', // Boolean. Stops slideshow at any user action with the fotorama.
     *      'keyboard' => true, // Boolean. Enables keyboard navigation.
     *      'arrows' => true, // Boolean. Turns on navigation arrows over the frames.
     *      'click' => true, // Boolean. Moving between frames by clicking.
     *      'swipe' => true, // Boolean. Moving between frames by swiping.
     *      'trackpad' => true, // Boolean. Enables trackpad support and horizontal mouse wheel as well.
     *      'shuffle' => true, // Boolean. Shuffles frames at launch.
     *      'direction' => 'ltr', // String. Sets the frames direction: 'ltr' or 'rtl'.
     *      'shadows' => true, // Boolean. Enables shadows.
     * ],
     * ```
     * @var array {@link Fotorama options}
    public $options = [];

     * Add items as js objects
     * ```php
     * 'items' => [
     *      [
     *          'img' => '1.jpg',
     *          'thumb' => '1-thumb.jpg',
     *          'full' => '1-full.jpg', // Separate image for the fullscreen mode.
     *          'video' => '', // Youtube, Vimeo or custom iframe URL
     *          'id' => 'one', // Custom anchor is used with the hash:true option.
     *          'caption' => 'The item caption',
     *          'html' => new \yii\web\JsExpression('jQuery("selector")'), // ...or '<div>123</div>'. Custom HTML inside the frame.
     *          'fit' => 'cover', // Override the global fit option.
     *          'any' => 'Any data relative to the frame you want to store',
     *      ],
     * ],
     * ```
     * @var array {@link item options}
    public $items = [];

     * Loader (spinner) object config
     * ```php
     * 'spinner' => [
     *      'lines' => 13, // The number of lines to draw
     *      'length' => 20, // The length of each line
     *      'width' => 10, // The line thickness
     *      'radius' => 30, // The radius of the inner circle
     *      'corners' => 1, // Corner roundness (0..1)
     *      'rotate' => 0, // The rotation offset
     *      'direction' => 1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise
     *      'color' => '#000', // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors
     *      'speed' => 1, // Rounds per second
     *      'trail' => 60, // Afterglow percentage
     *      'shadow' => false, // Whether to render a shadow
     *      'hwaccel' => false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration
     *      'zIndex' => 1000, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000)
     *      'top' => '50%', // Top position relative to parent
     *      'left' => '50%' // Left position relative to parent
     * ],
     * ```
     * @var array {@link spin.js options}
    public $spinner = [];

     * Using of html data-params, if false - js object initialization
     * @var bool
    public $useHtmlData = true;

     * Container tag name
     * @var string
    public $tagName = 'div';

     * Html options of the container tag
     * @var array
    public $htmlOptions = [];

     * Setup default Fotorama widget options
     * {@link}
     * @param array $options
    public static function setDefaults($options = [])
        $options = empty($options) ? '{}' : Json::encode($options);
        $view = Yii::$app->getView();
        $js = <<<EOD
fotoramaDefaults = {$options};
        $view->registerJs($js, View::POS_HEAD, 'fotorama-defaults');

     * Initializes the widget.
     * This renders the open tag.
    public function init()

        if (empty($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
            $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $this->id;

        if ($this->useHtmlData) {
            if (isset($this->options['data'])) {
                $this->items = (array)$this->options['data'];
            if (isset($this->options['spinner'])) {
                $this->spinner = (array)$this->options['spinner'];
            foreach ($this->options as $option => $value) {
                $this->htmlOptions['data-' . $option] = $value;
            $this->options = [];

        $this->htmlOptions['data-auto'] = 'false'; // disable auto init

        if (!empty($this->items)) {
            $this->options['data'] = $this->items;
        if (!empty($this->spinner)) {
            $this->options['spinner'] = $this->spinner;

        echo Html::beginTag($this->tagName, $this->htmlOptions) . "\n";

     * Runs the widget.
     * This registers the necessary javascript code and renders the close tag.
    public function run()

        echo Html::endTag($this->tagName);


     * @param int $position
     * @param null $key
    public function registerJs($position = View::POS_READY, $key = null)
        $view = $this->getView();

        FotoramaAsset::register($view)->version = self::$useCDN;

        $options = empty($this->options) ? '' : Json::encode($this->options);
        $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
        $js = <<<EOD
        $view->registerJs($js, $position, $key);