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5 days
Test Coverage
 * This file includes a single statement, the function declaration of the getWasmModuleFactory. This function is used in the
 * speedyjs-transformer to generate the code to load the wasm module.
 * The code is inspired by https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/blob/incoming/src/runtime.js

declare function fetch(url: string): Promise<any>;
declare function read(filename: string, type: "binary"): Uint8Array;
declare function read(filename: string, type?: string): string;
declare var window: any;

interface Type {
    primitive: boolean;
    fields: Array<{ name: string, type: string }>;
    constructor?: Function;
    typeArguments: string[];

interface Types {
    [name: string]: Type;

interface Options {
    totalStack: int;
    initialMemory: int;
    globalBase: int;
    staticBump: int;

interface ModuleLoader {
    (): Promise<WebAssemblyInstance>;
    gc(): void;
     * Converts the given value to the JS equivalent
     * @param ptr the ptr of the WASM object in the heap
     * @param type the type of the object
     * @param types the reflection information of the types
    toJSObject(ptr: int, type: string, types: Types): any;

     * Converts the js object (array or object) to a WASM pointer
     * @param jsObject the js object
     * @param type the type of the object
     * @param types the reflection information of the used types
     * @param objectReferences Map from the JS object to the WASM pointer for this object. Used to ensure reference
     * equality across the boundary
    toWASM(jsObject: object, type: string, types: Types, objectReferences: Map<object, int>): int | undefined;

function __moduleLoader(this: any, wasmUri: string, options: Options): ModuleLoader {
    const PTR_SIZE = 4;
    const PTR_SHIFT = Math.log2(PTR_SIZE);

    function sizeOf(type: string): int {
        switch (type) {
            case "i1":
            case "i8":
                return 1;
            case "i32":
                return 4;
            case "double":
                return 8;
            default: // all objects are pointers
                return PTR_SIZE;

    function getHeapValue(ptr: int, type: string) {
        switch (type) {
            case "i1":
            case "i8":
                return heap8[ptr];
            case "i32":
                return heap32[ptr >> 2] | 0;
            case "double":
                return heap64[ptr >> 3];
            default: // all objects are pointers
                return heapPtr[ptr >> PTR_SHIFT] | 0;

    function setHeapValue(ptr: int, value: any, type: string) {
        switch (type) {
            case "i1":
            case "i8":
                heap8[ptr] = value;
            case "i32":
                heap32[ptr >> 2] = value;
            case "double":
                heap64[ptr >> 3] = value;
            default: // all objects are pointers
                heapPtr[ptr >> PTR_SHIFT] = value;

    let heap8: Int8Array;
    let heap32: Int32Array;
    let heapPtr: Int32Array;
    let heap64: Float64Array;

    let malloc: (size: int) => int = () => { throw new Error("malloc not defined"); };
    let free: (ptr: int) => void = () => void 0;

    function updateHeap(buffer: ArrayBuffer) {
        heap8 = new Int8Array(buffer);
        heap32 = heapPtr = new Int32Array(buffer);
        heap64 = new Float64Array(buffer);

     * Computes the size of a not packed object
    function computeObjectSize(type: Type) {
        return type.fields.reduce((memo, field) => {
            const fieldSize = sizeOf(field.type);
            return alignMemory(memo + fieldSize, fieldSize);
        }, 0);

    function jsToWasm(jsValue: any, typeName: string, types: Types, objectReferences: Map<object, int>): any {
        const type = types[typeName];

        if (!type) { throw new Error("Unknown type " + typeName); }

        if (type.primitive) {
            return jsValue;

        if (jsValue === null) {
            throw new Error("Undefined and null values are not supported");

        if (typeof(jsValue) === "undefined") {
            return 0;

        let ptr = objectReferences.get(jsValue);
        if (typeof(ptr) !== "undefined") {
            return ptr;

        if (type.constructor === Array) {
            if (!Array.isArray(jsValue)) {
                throw new Error("Expected argument of type Array");

            ptr = RuntimeArray.from(jsValue as any[], type.typeArguments[0], types, objectReferences).ptr;
        } else {
            // Object
            if (typeof(jsValue) !== "object") {
                throw new Error(`Expected argument of type object but was typeof ${typeof(jsValue)}.`);

            if (jsValue.constructor !== type.constructor) {
                throw new Error(`Expected object of type ${type.constructor} but was ${jsValue.constructor} (inheritance is not supported).`);

            const size = computeObjectSize(type);
            const objPtr = malloc(size);
            if (objPtr === 0) {
                throw new Error("Failed to allocate object");

            let offset = 0;
            for (const field of type.fields) {
                const fieldSize = sizeOf(field.type);
                offset = alignMemory(offset, fieldSize);

                setHeapValue(objPtr + offset, jsToWasm(jsValue[field.name], field.type, types, objectReferences), field.type);

                offset += fieldSize;

            ptr = objPtr;

        objectReferences.set(jsValue, ptr);

        return ptr;

    function wasmToJs(wasmValue: any, typeName: string, types: Types, returnedObjects: Map<int, object>) {
        const type = types[typeName];
        if (!type) { throw new Error("Unknown type " + typeName); }

        if (type.primitive) {
            if (typeName === "i1") {
                return wasmValue !== 0;

            return wasmValue;

        const ptr = wasmValue as int;
        let objectReference = returnedObjects.get(ptr);

        if (typeof objectReference !== "undefined") {
            return objectReference;

        if (ptr === 0) {
            return undefined;
        } else if (type.constructor === Array) {
            objectReference = new RuntimeArray(ptr, type.typeArguments[0]).toArray(types, returnedObjects);
        } else {
            // Object
            const obj: { [name: string]: any } = Object.create(type.constructor!.prototype); // ensure it is an instance of the class
            let memoryOffset = wasmValue as int;

            for (const field of type.fields) {
                const fieldSize = sizeOf(field.type);
                memoryOffset = alignMemory(memoryOffset, fieldSize);
                obj[field.name] = wasmToJs(getHeapValue(memoryOffset, field.type), field.type, types, returnedObjects);
                memoryOffset += fieldSize;

            objectReference = obj;

        returnedObjects.set(ptr, objectReference);

        return objectReference;

    class RuntimeArray {
         * Allocates a Speedy.js array for the given JS array
         * @param native the js array
         * @param elementType the element type
         * @param types the reflection information of the used types
         * @param objectReferences map from JS to WASM pointers of already deserialized objects
         * @return {RuntimeArray} the Speedy.js Array
        static from(native: any[], elementType: string, types: Types, objectReferences: Map<object, int>): RuntimeArray {
            // begin, back, capacity
            const size = PTR_SIZE * 2 + sizeOf("i32");
            const arrayPtr = malloc(size);
            const elementSize = sizeOf(elementType);
            const elementsPtr = malloc(elementSize * native.length);

            if (arrayPtr === 0 || elementsPtr === 0) {
                throw new Error("Failed to allocate array");

            const begin = elementsPtr;
            const back = elementsPtr + (elementSize * native.length);

            heapPtr[arrayPtr >> PTR_SHIFT] = begin;
            heapPtr[(arrayPtr + PTR_SIZE) >> PTR_SHIFT] = back;
            heap32[(arrayPtr + 2 * PTR_SIZE) >> 2] = native.length | 0;

            switch (elementType) {
                case "i1":
                case "i8":
                    heap8.set(native, begin);
                case "i32":
                    heap32.set(native, begin >> 2);
                case "double":
                    heap64.set(native, begin >> 3);
                    heapPtr.set(Int32Array.from(native, object => jsToWasm(object, elementType, types, objectReferences)), begin >> PTR_SHIFT);

            return new RuntimeArray(arrayPtr, elementType);

        constructor(public ptr: int, private elementType: string) {

        get begin(): int {
            return heapPtr[this.ptr >> PTR_SHIFT] | 0;

        get back(): int {
            return heapPtr[(this.ptr + PTR_SIZE) >> PTR_SHIFT] | 0;

         * Converts a Speedy.js array to a native JS array
         * @param types the reflection information of the object types
         * @param objectReferences map from WASM pointers to the deserialized JS objects
         * @return {Array} the native JS Array
        toArray(types: Types, objectReferences: Map<int, object>): any[] {
            switch (this.elementType) {
                case "i1":
                    return Array.from(heap8.subarray(this.begin, this.back), value => value !== 0); // Elements need to be converted to bool
                case "i8":
                    return Array.from(heap8.subarray(this.begin, this.back));
                case "i32":
                    return Array.from(heap32.subarray(this.begin >> 2, this.back >> 2));
                case "double":
                    return Array.from(heap64.subarray(this.begin >> 3, this.back >> 3));
                    return Array.from(
                        heapPtr.subarray(this.begin >> PTR_SHIFT, this.back >> PTR_SHIFT),
                        objectPtr => wasmToJs(objectPtr, this.elementType, types, objectReferences)

    const TOTAL_STACK = options.totalStack;
    const INITIAL_MEMORY = options.initialMemory;
    let totalMemory: number = INITIAL_MEMORY;
    const GLOBAL_BASE = options.globalBase;
    const STATIC_BUMP = options.staticBump;

    const WASM_PAGE_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
    const memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: INITIAL_MEMORY / WASM_PAGE_SIZE });

    heap8 = new Int8Array(memory.buffer);
    heap32 = heapPtr = new Int32Array(memory.buffer);
    heap64 = new Float64Array(memory.buffer);

    const STACK_BASE = alignMemory(STATIC_TOP);

    const DYNAMIC_BASE = alignMemory(STACK_MAX);
    // the top of the heap

    heap32[GLOBAL_BASE >> 2] = STACK_TOP;
    heap32[DYNAMIC_TOP_PTR >> 2] = DYNAMIC_BASE;

    function growMemory(requestedSize: number) {
        const limit = 2 ** 31 - WASM_PAGE_SIZE;
        if (requestedSize > limit) {
            throw new Error("Cannot grow memory larger than the WebAssembly limit of " + limit + " (requested: " + requestedSize + ").");

        const oldSize = totalMemory;
        while ((requestedSize | 0) > (totalMemory | 0)) {
            if (totalMemory <= 536870912) { // grow fast to 2 gb
                totalMemory = totalMemory * 2;
            } else {
                const increase = alignUp((2 ** 31 - totalMemory) / 4, WASM_PAGE_SIZE);
                totalMemory = Math.min(totalMemory + increase, limit);

        memory.grow((totalMemory - oldSize) / WASM_PAGE_SIZE);

    function sbrk(increment: number) {
        increment = increment | 0;
        let oldDynamicTop = 0;
        let newDynamicTop = 0;
        increment = ((increment + 15) & -16) | 0;
        oldDynamicTop = heap32[DYNAMIC_TOP_PTR >> 2] | 0;
        newDynamicTop = oldDynamicTop + increment | 0;

        if (((increment | 0) > 0 && (newDynamicTop | 0) < (oldDynamicTop | 0)) // Detect and fail if we would wrap around signed 32-bit int.
            || (newDynamicTop | 0) < 0) { // Also underflow, sbrk() should be able to be used to subtract.
            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
            console.error("Signed 32 wrap around detected");
            return -1;

        heap32[DYNAMIC_TOP_PTR >> 2] = newDynamicTop;
        if ((newDynamicTop | 0) > (totalMemory | 0)) {
        return oldDynamicTop | 0;

    function alignMemory(size: int, quantum?: int): int {
        return Math.ceil((size) / (quantum ? quantum : 16)) * (quantum ? quantum : 16);

    function alignUp(x: number, multiple: number) {
        if (x % multiple > 0) {
            x += multiple - (x % multiple);
        return x;

    function loadInstance(): Promise<WebAssemblyInstance> {
        let instance: WebAssemblyInstance;

        let wasmLoaded: Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
        // browser
        if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
            if (typeof fetch !== "function") {
                throw new Error("Your browser does not support the fetch API. Include a fetch polyfill to load the WASM module");

            wasmLoaded = fetch(wasmUri).then(function(response: any) {
                if (response.ok) {
                    return response.arrayBuffer();

                throw new Error("Failed to load WASM module from " + wasmUri + " (" + response.statusText + ").");
        } else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { // Node.js
            wasmLoaded = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                // trick webpack to not detect the require call. Webpack should not include the required files as we only
                // want to execute this code if we are in node and use the fetch api in the browser.
                const req = (module as any).require as NodeRequire;
                const fs = req("fs");
                const path = req("path");
                fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, wasmUri), function(error: any, data: Buffer) {
                    if (error) {
                    } else {
        } else if (typeof read !== "undefined") { // Spidermonkey shell
            wasmLoaded = Promise.resolve(read(wasmUri, "binary").buffer);
        } else {
            throw new Error("Unknown environment, can not load WASM module");

        return wasmLoaded.then(function(buffer) {
            return WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, {
                env: {
                    STACKTOP: STACK_TOP,
                    __dso_handle: 0,
                    __cxa_allocate_exception(size: int) {
                        return malloc(size);
                    __cxa_throw() {
                        throw new Error("Exceptions not yet supported");
                    __cxa_find_matching_catch_2() {
                        throw new Error("Exceptions not yet supported");
                    __cxa_free_exception(ptr: int) {
                        try {
                            return free(ptr);
                        } catch (e) {
                            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
                            console.error("exception during cxa_free_exception: " + e);
                    __resumeException() {
                        throw new Error("Exceptions not yet supported");
                    __cxa_atexit() {
                        throw new Error("Exceptions not yet supported");
                    pow: Math.pow,
                    round: Math.round,
                    fmod(x: number, y: number) {
                        return x % y;
                    abort(what: any) {
                        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
                        console.error("Abort WASM for reason: " + what);
                    invoke_ii(index: number, a1: number) {
                        return instance.exports.dynCall_ii(index, a1);
                    invoke_iii(index: number, a1: number, a2: number) {
                        return instance.exports.dynCall_iii(index, a1, a2);
                    invoke_iiii(index: number, a1: number, a2: number, a3: number) {
                        return instance.exports.dynCall_iiii(index, a1, a2, a3);
                    invoke_iiiii(index: number, a1: number, a2: number, a3: number, a4: number) {
                        return instance.exports.dynCall_iiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4);
                    invoke_viii(index: void, a1: number, a2: number, a3: number) {
                        return instance.exports.dynCall_viii(index, a1, a2, a3);
        }).then(result => {
            instance = result.instance;
            free = instance.exports.free || free;
            malloc = instance.exports.malloc || malloc;
            return instance;

    let speedyJsGc: () => void | undefined;
    function gc() {
        if (speedyJsGc) {

    let loaded: Promise<WebAssemblyInstance> | undefined;
    const loader = function moduleLoader() {
        if (loaded) {
            return loaded;

        loaded = loadInstance().then(instance => {
            speedyJsGc = instance.exports.speedyJsGc;
            return instance;
        return loaded;
    } as ModuleLoader;

    loader.gc = gc;
    loader.toWASM = function(jsObject: Object, objectTypeName: string, types: Types, objectReferences: Map<object, int>) {
        return jsToWasm(jsObject, objectTypeName, types, objectReferences) as int;

    loader.toJSObject = function(objectPointer: int, objectTypeName: string, types: Types) {
        return wasmToJs(objectPointer, objectTypeName, types, new Map<int, object>());

    return loader;