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3 hrs
Test Coverage
import * as assert from "assert";
import * as path from "path";
import * as ts from "typescript";
import {Compiler} from "./compiler";

import {
} from "./speedyjs-compiler-options";

function getInitializedCompilerOptions(options?: UninitializedSpeedyJSCompilerOptions): SpeedyJSCompilerOptions {
    options = options || ts.getDefaultCompilerOptions();

    // transpileModule does not write anything to disk so there is no need to verify that there are no conflicts between input and output paths.
    options.suppressOutputPathCheck = true;

    // Clear out other settings that would not be used in transpiling this module
    options.noEmit = undefined;
    options.noEmitOnError = undefined;
    options.out = undefined;
    options.outFile = undefined;

    return initializeCompilerOptions(options);

 * This function compiles the given source code in memory and returns the result as object instead of writing the result to disk.
 * @param sourceCode the source code of the file to transpile
 * @param inputFileName the name of the file
 * @param options the compiler options
export function compileSourceCode(sourceCode: string, inputFileName: string, options?: UninitializedSpeedyJSCompilerOptions) {
    const initializedOptions = getInitializedCompilerOptions(options);

    const defaultHost = ts.createCompilerHost(initializedOptions);

    let sourceFile: ts.SourceFile | undefined;
    const basename = path.basename(inputFileName).replace(".ts", "");
    const outputs: { js?: string, wasm?: any[], wast?: string, sourceMapText?: string } = {};

    const compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost = {
        directoryExists() {
            return defaultHost.directoryExists!.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        fileExists(fileName: string): boolean {
            return fileName === inputFileName || defaultHost.fileExists.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getCanonicalFileName() {
            return defaultHost.getCanonicalFileName.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getCurrentDirectory() {
            return defaultHost.getCurrentDirectory.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getDefaultLibFileName() {
            return defaultHost.getDefaultLibFileName.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getDefaultLibLocation() {
            return defaultHost.getDefaultLibLocation!.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getDirectories() {
            return defaultHost.getDirectories.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getEnvironmentVariable() {
            return defaultHost.getEnvironmentVariable!.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getNewLine() {
            return defaultHost.getNewLine.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget) {
            if (fileName === path.normalize(inputFileName)) {
                return sourceFile = sourceFile || ts.createSourceFile(fileName, sourceCode, languageVersion);

            return defaultHost.getSourceFile.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        readFile() {
            return defaultHost.readFile.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        realpath() {
            return defaultHost.realpath!.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        trace() {
            return defaultHost.trace!.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        useCaseSensitiveFileNames() {
            return defaultHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames.apply(defaultHost, arguments);
        writeFile(name: string, text: string) {
            if (name.endsWith(`${basename}.map`)) {
                assert(outputs.sourceMapText === undefined, `Unexpected multiple source map outputs for the file '${name}'`);
                outputs.sourceMapText = text;
            } else if (name.endsWith(`${basename}.js`)) {
                assert(outputs.js === undefined, `Unexpected multiple outputs for the file: '${name}'`);
                outputs.js = text;
            } else if (name.endsWith(`${basename}.wast`)) {
                assert(outputs.wast === undefined, `Unexpected multiple outputs for the file: '${name}'`);
                outputs.wast = text;
            } else if (name.endsWith(`${basename}.wasm`)) {
                assert(outputs.wasm === undefined, `Unexpected multiple outputs for the file: '${name}'`);
                outputs.wasm = (text as any as Buffer).toJSON().data;

    const compiler = new Compiler(initializedOptions, compilerHost);
    const result = compiler.compile([inputFileName]);

    return {
        js: outputs.js!,
        wasm: outputs.wasm,
        wast: outputs.wast,
        diagnostics: result.diagnostics,
        sourceMapText: outputs.sourceMapText,
        exitStatus: result.exitStatus