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Test Coverage
import { FASTElementDefinition } from "../components/fast-definitions.js";
import type { Constructable } from "../interfaces.js";
import { ViewTemplate } from "../templating/template.js";
import type { HTMLView } from "../templating/view.js";

 * Options used to customize the creation of the test fixture.
 * @public
export interface FixtureOptions {
     * The document to run the fixture in.
     * @defaultValue `globalThis.document`
    document?: Document;

     * The parent element to append the fixture to.
     * @defaultValue An instance of `HTMLDivElement`.
    parent?: HTMLElement;

     * The data source to bind the HTML to.
     * @defaultValue An empty object.
    source?: any;

 * A test fixture.
 * @public
export interface Fixture<TElement = HTMLElement> {
     * The document the fixture is running in.
    document: Document;

     * The template the fixture was created from.
    template: ViewTemplate;

     * The view that was created from the fixture's template.
    view: HTMLView;

     * The parent element that the view was appended to.
     * @remarks
     * This element will be appended to the DOM only
     * after {@link Fixture.connect} has been called.
    parent: HTMLElement;

     * The first element in the {@link Fixture.view}.
    element: TElement;

     * Adds the {@link Fixture.parent} to the DOM, causing the
     * connect lifecycle to begin.
     * @remarks
     * Yields control to the caller one Microtask later, in order to
     * ensure that the DOM has settled.
    connect: () => Promise<void>;

     * Removes the {@link Fixture.parent} from the DOM, causing the
     * disconnect lifecycle to begin.
     * @remarks
     * Yields control to the caller one Microtask later, in order to
     * ensure that the DOM has settled.
    disconnect: () => Promise<void>;

function findElement(view: HTMLView): HTMLElement {
    let current: Node | null = view.firstChild;

    while (current !== null && current.nodeType !== 1) {
        current = current.nextSibling;

    return current as any;

 * Creates a random, unique name suitable for use as a Custom Element name.
 * @public
export function uniqueElementName(prefix: string = "fast-unique"): string {
    return `${prefix}-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)}`;

 * Creates a test fixture suitable for testing custom elements, templates, and bindings.
 * @param templateNameOrType An HTML template or single element name to create the fixture for.
 * @param options Enables customizing fixture creation behavior.
 * @remarks
 * Yields control to the caller one Microtask later, in order to
 * ensure that the DOM has settled.
 * @public
export async function fixture<TElement = HTMLElement>(
    templateNameOrType: ViewTemplate | string | Constructable<TElement>,
    options: FixtureOptions = {}
): Promise<Fixture<TElement>> {
    const document = options.document || globalThis.document;
    const parent = options.parent || document.createElement("div");
    const source = options.source || {};

    if (typeof templateNameOrType === "function") {
        const def = FASTElementDefinition.getByType(templateNameOrType);
        if (!def) {
            throw new Error("Missing FASTElement definition.");

        templateNameOrType =;

    if (typeof templateNameOrType === "string") {
        const html = `<${templateNameOrType}></${templateNameOrType}>`;
        templateNameOrType = new ViewTemplate(html);

    const view = templateNameOrType.create();
    const element = findElement(view) as any;
    let isConnected = false;



    // Hook into the Microtask Queue to ensure the DOM is settled
    // before yielding control to the caller.
    await Promise.resolve();

    const connect = async () => {
        if (isConnected) {

        isConnected = true;
        await Promise.resolve();

    const disconnect = async () => {
        if (!isConnected) {

        isConnected = false;
        await Promise.resolve();

    return {
        template: templateNameOrType,