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Test Coverage
import type { Locator, Page } from "@playwright/test";
import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";
import { fixtureURL } from "../__test__/helpers.js";
import { AccordionExpandMode } from "./accordion.options.js";

test.describe("Accordion", () => {
    let page: Page;
    let element: Locator;
    let root: Locator;

    test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
        page = await browser.newPage();

        element = page.locator("fast-accordion");

        root = page.locator("#storybook-root");

        await page.goto(fixtureURL("accordion--accordion"));

        await element.waitFor({ state: "visible" });

    test.afterAll(async () => {
        await page.close();

    test("should set an expand mode of `multi` when passed to the `expand-mode` attribute", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="multi">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        await expect(element).toHaveAttribute("expand-mode", AccordionExpandMode.multi);

    test("should set an expand mode of `single` when passed to the `expand-mode` attribute", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        await expect(element).toHaveAttribute("expand-mode", AccordionExpandMode.single);

    test("should set a default expand mode of `multi` when `expand-mode` attribute is not passed", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("expandmode", AccordionExpandMode.multi);

        await expect(element).toHaveAttribute("expand-mode", AccordionExpandMode.multi);

    test("should expand/collapse items when clicked in multi mode", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="multi">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        const items = element.locator("fast-accordion-item");

        await items.nth(0).click();

        await items.nth(1).click();

        await expect(items.nth(0)).toHaveAttribute("expanded", "");

        await expect(items.nth(1)).toHaveAttribute("expanded", "");

    test("should only have one expanded item in single mode", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        const items = element.locator("fast-accordion-item");

        const firstItem = items.nth(0);

        const secondItem = items.nth(1);


        await expect(firstItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        const secondItemButton = secondItem.locator(`[part="button"]`);


        await secondItemButton.evaluate(node => {
            node.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click", { bubbles: true }));

        await expect(firstItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

    test("should set the expanded items' button to aria-disabled when in single expand mode", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        const items = element.locator("fast-accordion-item");

        const firstItem = items.nth(0);

        const secondItem = items.nth(1);


        await expect(firstItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(firstItem.locator("button")).toHaveAttribute(


        await expect(firstItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(firstItem.locator("button")).not.toHaveAttribute(
        await expect(firstItem.locator("button")).not.toHaveAttribute(

        await expect(secondItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem.locator("button")).toHaveAttribute(

    /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
    test("should remove an expanded items' expandbutton aria-disabled attribute when expand mode changes from single to multi", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        const items = element.locator("fast-accordion-item");

        const firstItem = items.nth(0);


        await expect(firstItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(firstItem.locator("button")).toHaveAttribute(

        await element.evaluate(node => {
            node.setAttribute("expand-mode", "multi");

        await expect(firstItem.locator("button")).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled");

    test("should set the first item as expanded if no child is expanded by default in single mode", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        const items = element.locator("fast-accordion-item");

        const firstItem = items.nth(0);

        const secondItem = items.nth(1);

        await expect(firstItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await secondItem.evaluate<void>(node => node.setAttribute("expanded", ""));

        await expect(firstItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

    test("should set the first item with an expanded attribute to expanded in single mode", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                    <fast-accordion-item expanded>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>
                    <fast-accordion-item expanded>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 3</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        const items = element.locator("fast-accordion-item");

        const firstItem = items.nth(0);

        const secondItem = items.nth(1);

        const thirdItem = items.nth(2);

        await expect(firstItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(thirdItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

    test("should allow disabled items to be expanded when in single mode", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 1</span>
                        <div>Content 1</div>
                    <fast-accordion-item expanded disabled>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 2</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>
                    <fast-accordion-item expanded>
                        <span slot="heading">Heading 3</span>
                        <div>Content 2</div>

        const items = element.locator("fast-accordion-item");

        const firstItem = items.nth(0);

        const secondItem = items.nth(1);

        const thirdItem = items.nth(2);

        await expect(firstItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(thirdItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await secondItem.evaluate(node => {

        await expect(firstItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(secondItem).toHaveAttribute("expanded");

        await expect(thirdItem).not.toHaveAttribute("expanded");

    test("should ignore `change` events from components other than accordion items", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                <fast-accordion expand-mode="single">
                        <div slot="heading">Accordion Item 1 Heading</div>
                        Accordion Item 1 Content
                        <div slot="heading">Accordion Item 2 Heading</div>
                        <fast-checkbox>A checkbox as content</fast-checkbox>

        const item = element.locator("fast-accordion-item").nth(1);

        const button = item.locator(`button[part="button"]`);


        await expect(item).toHaveAttribute("expanded", "");

        const checkbox = item.locator("fast-checkbox");


        await expect(item).toHaveAttribute("expanded", "");