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4 days
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import {
} from "@microsoft/fast-element";
import type { Constructable, FASTElement } from "@microsoft/fast-element";
import { keyEnter } from "@microsoft/fast-web-utilities";

 * This file enables typing support for ElementInternals APIs.
 * It is largely taken from
 * When TypeScript adds support for these APIs we can delete this file.

interface ValidityStateFlags {
    badInput?: boolean;
    customError?: boolean;
    patternMismatch?: boolean;
    rangeOverflow?: boolean;
    rangeUnderflow?: boolean;
    stepMismatch?: boolean;
    tooLong?: boolean;
    tooShort?: boolean;
    typeMismatch?: boolean;
    valueMissing?: boolean;

 * Source:
interface ElementInternals {
     * Returns the form owner of internals target element.
    readonly form: HTMLFormElement | null;
     * Returns a NodeList of all the label elements that internals target element is associated with.
    readonly labels: NodeList;
     * Returns the error message that would be shown to the user if internals target element was to be checked for validity.
    readonly validationMessage: string;
     * Returns the ValidityState object for internals target element.
    readonly validity: ValidityState;
     * Returns true if internals target element will be validated when the form is submitted; false otherwise.
    readonly willValidate: boolean;
     * Returns true if internals target element has no validity problems; false otherwise.
     * Fires an invalid event at the element in the latter case.
    checkValidity(): boolean;
     * Returns true if internals target element has no validity problems; otherwise,
     * returns false, fires an invalid event at the element, and (if the event isn't canceled) reports the problem to the user.
    reportValidity(): boolean;
     * Sets both the state and submission value of internals target element to value.
     * While "null" isn't enumerated as
     * a argument type (here)[],
     * In practice it appears to remove the value from the form data on submission. Adding it as a valid type here
     * becuase that capability is required for checkbox and radio types
        value: File | string | FormData | null,
        state?: File | string | FormData | null
    ): void;
     * Marks internals target element as suffering from the constraints indicated by the flags argument,
     * and sets the element's validation message to message.
     * If anchor is specified, the user agent might use
     * it to indicate problems with the constraints of internals target
     * element when the form owner is validated interactively or reportValidity() is called.
    setValidity(flags: ValidityStateFlags, message?: string, anchor?: HTMLElement): void;

declare let ElementInternals: {
    prototype: ElementInternals;
    new (): ElementInternals;

const proxySlotName = "form-associated-proxy";

const ElementInternalsKey = "ElementInternals";
 * @alpha
export const supportsElementInternals =
    ElementInternalsKey in window &&
    "setFormValue" in window[ElementInternalsKey].prototype;

const InternalsMap = new WeakMap();

 * Base class for providing Custom Element Form Association.
 * @beta
export interface FormAssociated extends Omit<ElementInternals, "labels"> {
    dirtyValue: boolean;
    disabled: boolean;
    readonly elementInternals: ElementInternals | null;
    readonly formAssociated: boolean;
    initialValue: string;
    readonly labels: ReadonlyArray<Node[]>;
    name: string;
    required: boolean;
    value: string;
    currentValue: string;
    attachProxy(): void;
    detachProxy(): void;
    disabledChanged?(previous: boolean, next: boolean): void;
    formDisabledCallback?(disabled: boolean): void;
    formResetCallback(): void;
    initialValueChanged?(previous: string, next: string): void;
    nameChanged?(previous: string, next: string): void;
    requiredChanged(prev: boolean, next: boolean): void;
    stopPropagation(e: Event): void;

     * Sets the validity of the custom element. By default this uses the proxy element to determine
     * validity, but this can be extended or replaced in implementation.
     * @param anchor - The anchor element to provide to ElementInternals.setValidity for surfacing the browser's constraint validation UI
    validate(anchor?: HTMLElement): void;
    valueChanged(previous: string, next: string): void;

 * Base class for providing Custom Element Form Association with checkable features.
 * @beta
export interface CheckableFormAssociated extends FormAssociated {
    currentChecked: boolean;
    dirtyChecked: boolean;
    checkedAttribute: boolean;
    defaultChecked: boolean;
    defaultCheckedChanged(oldValue: boolean | undefined, newValue: boolean): void;
    checked: boolean;
    checkedChanged(oldValue: boolean | undefined, newValue: boolean): void;

 * Avaiable types for the `proxy` property.
 * @beta
export type ProxyElement = HTMLSelectElement | HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLInputElement;

 * Identifies a class as having a proxy element and optional submethods related
 * to the proxy element.
 * @beta
export interface FormAssociatedProxy {
    proxy: ProxyElement;
    disabledChanged?(previous: boolean, next: boolean): void;
    formDisabledCallback?(disabled: boolean): void;
    formResetCallback?(): void;
    initialValueChanged?(previous: string, next: string): void;
    valueChanged?(previous: string, next: string): void;
    nameChanged?(previous: string, next: string): void;

 * Combined type to describe a Form-associated element.
 * @beta
export type FormAssociatedElement = FormAssociated &
    FASTElement &
    HTMLElement &

 * Combined type to describe a checkable Form-associated element.
 * @beta
export type CheckableFormAssociatedElement = FormAssociatedElement &
    CheckableFormAssociated & { proxy: HTMLInputElement };

 * Combined type to describe a Constructable Form-Associated type.
 * @beta
export type ConstructableFormAssociated = Constructable<HTMLElement & FASTElement>;

 * Base function for providing Custom Element Form Association.
 * @beta
export function FormAssociated<T extends ConstructableFormAssociated>(BaseCtor: T): T {
    const C = class extends BaseCtor {
         * The proxy element - this element serves as the communication layer with the parent form
         * when form association is not supported by the browser.
         * @beta
        public proxy: ProxyElement;

         * Must evaluate to true to enable elementInternals.
         * Feature detects API support and resolve respectively
         * @internal
        public static get formAssociated(): boolean {
            return supportsElementInternals;

         * Returns the validity state of the element
         * @beta
        public get validity(): ValidityState {
            return this.elementInternals
                ? this.elementInternals.validity
                : this.proxy.validity;

         * Retrieve a reference to the associated form.
         * Returns null if not associated to any form.
         * @beta
        public get form(): HTMLFormElement | null {
            return this.elementInternals ? this.elementInternals.form : this.proxy.form;

         * Retrieve the localized validation message,
         * or custom validation message if set.
         * @beta
        public get validationMessage(): string {
            return this.elementInternals
                ? this.elementInternals.validationMessage
                : this.proxy.validationMessage;

         * Whether the element will be validated when the
         * form is submitted
        public get willValidate(): boolean {
            return this.elementInternals
                ? this.elementInternals.willValidate
                : this.proxy.willValidate;

         * A reference to all associated label elements
        public get labels(): ReadonlyArray<Node> {
            if (this.elementInternals) {
                return Object.freeze(Array.from(this.elementInternals.labels));
            } else if (
                this.proxy instanceof HTMLElement &&
                this.proxy.ownerDocument &&
            ) {
                // Labels associated by wrapping the element: <label><custom-element></custom-element></label>
                const parentLabels = this.proxy.labels;
                // Labels associated using the `for` attribute
                const forLabels = Array.from(
                        this.proxy.getRootNode() as HTMLDocument | ShadowRoot

                const labels = parentLabels
                    ? forLabels.concat(Array.from(parentLabels))
                    : forLabels;

                return Object.freeze(labels);
            } else {
                return emptyArray;

         * Track whether the value has been changed from the initial value
        public dirtyValue: boolean = false;

         * Stores a reference to the slot element that holds the proxy
         * element when it is appended.
        private proxySlot: HTMLSlotElement | void;

         * The value of the element to be associated with the form.
        public value: string;

         * Invoked when the `value` property changes
         * @param previous - the previous value
         * @param next - the new value
         * @remarks
         * If elements extending `FormAssociated` implement a `valueChanged` method
         * They must be sure to invoke `super.valueChanged(previous, next)` to ensure
         * proper functioning of `FormAssociated`
        public valueChanged(previous: string, next: string) {
            this.dirtyValue = true;

            if (this.proxy instanceof HTMLElement) {
                this.proxy.value = this.value;

            this.currentValue = this.value;


         * The current value of the element. This property serves as a mechanism
         * to set the `value` property through both property assignment and the
         * .setAttribute() method. This is useful for setting the field's value
         * in UI libraries that bind data through the .setAttribute() API
         * and don't support IDL attribute binding.
        public currentValue: string;
        public currentValueChanged() {
            this.value = this.currentValue;

         * The initial value of the form. This value sets the `value` property
         * only when the `value` property has not been explicitly set.
         * @remarks
         * HTML Attribute: value
        public initialValue: string;

         * Invoked when the `initialValue` property changes
         * @param previous - the previous value
         * @param next - the new value
         * @remarks
         * If elements extending `FormAssociated` implement a `initialValueChanged` method
         * They must be sure to invoke `super.initialValueChanged(previous, next)` to ensure
         * proper functioning of `FormAssociated`
        public initialValueChanged(previous: string, next: string): void {
            // If the value is clean and the component is connected to the DOM
            // then set value equal to the attribute value.
            if (!this.dirtyValue) {
                this.value = this.initialValue;
                this.dirtyValue = false;

         * Sets the element's disabled state. A disabled element will not be included during form submission.
         * @remarks
         * HTML Attribute: disabled
        public disabled: boolean = false;

         * Invoked when the `disabled` property changes
         * @param previous - the previous value
         * @param next - the new value
         * @remarks
         * If elements extending `FormAssociated` implement a `disabledChanged` method
         * They must be sure to invoke `super.disabledChanged(previous, next)` to ensure
         * proper functioning of `FormAssociated`
        public disabledChanged(previous: boolean, next: boolean): void {
            if (this.proxy instanceof HTMLElement) {
                this.proxy.disabled = this.disabled;

            Updates.enqueue(() => this.classList.toggle("disabled", this.disabled));

         * The name of the element. This element's value will be surfaced during form submission under the provided name.
         * @remarks
         * HTML Attribute: name
        public name: string;

         * Invoked when the `name` property changes
         * @param previous - the previous value
         * @param next - the new value
         * @remarks
         * If elements extending `FormAssociated` implement a `nameChanged` method
         * They must be sure to invoke `super.nameChanged(previous, next)` to ensure
         * proper functioning of `FormAssociated`
        public nameChanged(previous: string, next: string): void {
            if (this.proxy instanceof HTMLElement) {

         * Require the field to be completed prior to form submission.
         * @remarks
         * HTML Attribute: required
        public required: boolean;

         * Invoked when the `required` property changes
         * @param previous - the previous value
         * @param next - the new value
         * @remarks
         * If elements extending `FormAssociated` implement a `requiredChanged` method
         * They must be sure to invoke `super.requiredChanged(previous, next)` to ensure
         * proper functioning of `FormAssociated`
        public requiredChanged(prev: boolean, next: boolean): void {
            if (this.proxy instanceof HTMLElement) {
                this.proxy.required = this.required;

            Updates.enqueue(() => this.classList.toggle("required", this.required));

         * The element internals object. Will only exist
         * in browsers supporting the attachInternals API
        private get elementInternals(): ElementInternals | null {
            if (!supportsElementInternals) {
                return null;

            let internals = InternalsMap.get(this);

            if (!internals) {
                internals = (this as any).attachInternals();
                InternalsMap.set(this, internals);

            return internals;

         * These are events that are still fired by the proxy
         * element based on user / programmatic interaction.
         * The proxy implementation should be transparent to
         * the app author, so block these events from emitting.
        protected proxyEventsToBlock = ["change", "click"];

        constructor(...args: any[]) {

            this.required = false;
            this.initialValue = this.initialValue || "";

            if (!this.elementInternals) {
                // When elementInternals is not supported, formResetCallback is
                // bound to an event listener, so ensure the handler's `this`
                // context is correct.
                this.formResetCallback = this.formResetCallback.bind(this);

         * @internal
        public connectedCallback(): void {

            this.addEventListener("keypress", this._keypressHandler);

            if (!this.value) {
                this.value = this.initialValue;
                this.dirtyValue = false;

            if (!this.elementInternals) {

                if (this.form) {
                    this.form.addEventListener("reset", this.formResetCallback);

         * @internal
        public disconnectedCallback(): void {
            this.proxyEventsToBlock.forEach(name =>
                this.proxy.removeEventListener(name, this.stopPropagation)

            if (!this.elementInternals && this.form) {
                this.form.removeEventListener("reset", this.formResetCallback);

         * Return the current validity of the element.
        public checkValidity(): boolean {
            return this.elementInternals
                ? this.elementInternals.checkValidity()
                : this.proxy.checkValidity();

         * Return the current validity of the element.
         * If false, fires an invalid event at the element.
        public reportValidity(): boolean {
            return this.elementInternals
                ? this.elementInternals.reportValidity()
                : this.proxy.reportValidity();

         * Set the validity of the control. In cases when the elementInternals object is not
         * available (and the proxy element is used to report validity), this function will
         * do nothing unless a message is provided, at which point the setCustomValidity method
         * of the proxy element will be invoked with the provided message.
         * @param flags - Validity flags
         * @param message - Optional message to supply
         * @param anchor - Optional element used by UA to display an interactive validation UI
        public setValidity(
            flags: ValidityStateFlags,
            message?: string,
            anchor?: HTMLElement
        ): void {
            if (this.elementInternals) {
                this.elementInternals.setValidity(flags, message, anchor);
            } else if (typeof message === "string") {

         * Invoked when a connected component's form or fieldset has its disabled
         * state changed.
         * @param disabled - the disabled value of the form / fieldset
        public formDisabledCallback(disabled: boolean): void {
            this.disabled = disabled;

        public formResetCallback(): void {
            this.value = this.initialValue;
            this.dirtyValue = false;

        protected proxyInitialized: boolean = false;

         * Attach the proxy element to the DOM
        public attachProxy(): void {
            if (!this.proxyInitialized) {
                this.proxyInitialized = true;
       = "none";
                this.proxyEventsToBlock.forEach(name =>
                    this.proxy.addEventListener(name, this.stopPropagation)

                // These are typically mapped to the proxy during
                // property change callbacks, but during initialization
                // on the initial call of the callback, the proxy is
                // still undefined. We should find a better way to address this.
                this.proxy.disabled = this.disabled;
                this.proxy.required = this.required;
                if (typeof === "string") {

                if (typeof this.value === "string") {
                    this.proxy.value = this.value;

                this.proxy.setAttribute("slot", proxySlotName);

                this.proxySlot = document.createElement("slot");
                this.proxySlot.setAttribute("name", proxySlotName);

            this.shadowRoot?.appendChild(this.proxySlot as HTMLSlotElement);

         * Detach the proxy element from the DOM
        public detachProxy(): void {
            this.shadowRoot?.removeChild(this.proxySlot as HTMLSlotElement);

        /** {@inheritDoc (FormAssociated:interface).validate} */
        public validate(anchor?: HTMLElement): void {
            if (this.proxy instanceof HTMLElement) {

         * Associates the provided value (and optional state) with the parent form.
         * @param value - The value to set
         * @param state - The state object provided to during session restores and when autofilling.
        public setFormValue(
            value: File | string | FormData | null,
            state?: File | string | FormData | null
        ): void {
            if (this.elementInternals) {
                this.elementInternals.setFormValue(value, state || value);

        private _keypressHandler(e: KeyboardEvent): void {
            switch (e.key) {
                case keyEnter:
                    if (this.form instanceof HTMLFormElement) {
                        // Implicit submission
                        const defaultButton = this.form.querySelector(
                        ) as HTMLElement | null;

         * Used to stop propagation of proxy element events
         * @param e - Event object
        public stopPropagation(e: Event): void {

    attr({ mode: "boolean" })(C.prototype, "disabled");
    attr({ mode: "fromView", attribute: "value" })(C.prototype, "initialValue");
    attr({ attribute: "current-value" })(C.prototype, "currentValue");
    attr(C.prototype, "name");
    attr({ mode: "boolean" })(C.prototype, "required");
    observable(C.prototype, "value");

    return C;

 * Creates a checkable form associated component.
 * @beta
export function CheckableFormAssociated<T extends ConstructableFormAssociated>(
    BaseCtor: T
): T {
    interface C extends FormAssociatedElement {}
    class C extends FormAssociated(BaseCtor) {}
    class D extends C {
         * Tracks whether the "checked" property has been changed.
         * This is necessary to provide consistent behavior with
         * normal input checkboxes
        protected dirtyChecked: boolean = false;

         * Provides the default checkedness of the input element
         * Passed down to proxy
         * @public
         * @remarks
         * HTML Attribute: checked
        public checkedAttribute: boolean = false;
        private checkedAttributeChanged(): void {
            this.defaultChecked = this.checkedAttribute;

        public defaultChecked: boolean;

         * @internal
        public defaultCheckedChanged(): void {
            if (!this.dirtyChecked) {
                // Setting this.checked will cause us to enter a dirty state,
                // but if we are clean when defaultChecked is changed, we want to stay
                // in a clean state, so reset this.dirtyChecked
                this.checked = this.defaultChecked;
                this.dirtyChecked = false;

         * The checked state of the control.
         * @public
        public checked: boolean = false;
        public checkedChanged(prev: boolean | undefined, next: boolean): void {
            if (!this.dirtyChecked) {
                this.dirtyChecked = true;

            this.currentChecked = this.checked;

            if (this.proxy instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
                this.proxy.checked = this.checked;

            if (prev !== undefined) {


         * The current checkedness of the element. This property serves as a mechanism
         * to set the `checked` property through both property assignment and the
         * .setAttribute() method. This is useful for setting the field's checkedness
         * in UI libraries that bind data through the .setAttribute() API
         * and don't support IDL attribute binding.
        public currentChecked: boolean;
        public currentCheckedChanged(prev: boolean | undefined, next: boolean) {
            this.checked = this.currentChecked;

        constructor(...args: any[]) {

            // Re-initialize dirtyChecked because initialization of other values
            // causes it to become true
            this.dirtyChecked = false;

        private updateForm(): void {
            const value = this.checked ? this.value : null;
            this.setFormValue(value, value);

        public connectedCallback() {

        public formResetCallback() {
            this.checked = !!this.checkedAttribute;
            this.dirtyChecked = false;

    attr({ attribute: "checked", mode: "boolean" })(D.prototype, "checkedAttribute");
    attr({ attribute: "current-checked", converter: booleanConverter })(
    observable(D.prototype, "defaultChecked");
    observable(D.prototype, "checked");

    return D;