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6 days
Test Coverage
import type { Locator, Page } from "@playwright/test";
import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";
import type { FASTTab } from "../tab/tab.js";
import { fixtureURL } from "../__test__/helpers.js";
import type { FASTTabs } from "./tabs.js";

// TODO: Need to add tests for keyboard handling, activeIndicator position, and focus management
test.describe("Tabs", () => {
    let page: Page;
    let element: Locator;
    let root: Locator;
    let tablist: Locator;
    let tabs: Locator;

    const template = /* html */ `
            <fast-tab>Tab one</fast-tab>
            <fast-tab>Tab two</fast-tab>
            <fast-tab>Tab three</fast-tab>
            <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel one</fast-tab-panel>
            <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel two</fast-tab-panel>
            <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel three</fast-tab-panel>

    test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => {
        page = await browser.newPage();

        element = page.locator("fast-tabs");

        root = page.locator("#storybook-root");

        tablist = element.locator(".tablist");

        tabs = element.locator("fast-tab");

        await page.goto(fixtureURL("tabs--tabs"));

        await element.waitFor({ state: "attached" });

    test.afterAll(async () => {
        await page.close();

    test("should have an internal element with a role of `tablist`", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `

        await expect(tablist).toHaveAttribute("role", "tablist");

    test("should set a default orientation value of `horizontal` when `orientation` is not provided", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `

        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("orientation", "horizontal");

    test("should set an `id` attribute on the active tab when an `id` is provided", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `

        const tabCount = await tabs.count();

        for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            const tab = tabs.nth(i);

            await tab.evaluate((node, i) => {
       = `custom-id-${i}`;
            }, i);

            await expect(tab).toHaveAttribute("id", `custom-id-${i}`);

    test("should set an `id` attribute on tab items with a unique ID when an `id` is NOT provided", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(
            (node, { template }) => {
                node.innerHTML = template;
            { template }

        const tabCount = await tabs.count();

        for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            const tab = tabs.nth(i);

            const id = await tab.getAttribute("id");

            // The ID function may not start at 0 so we need to check that the ID is unique

            const tabPanel = element.locator(`#${id}`);

            await expect(tabPanel).toHaveCount(1);
    /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
    test("should set `aria-labelledby` on the tab panel and `aria-controls` on the tab which corresponds to the matching ID when IDs are NOT provided", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(
            (node, { template }) => {
                node.innerHTML = template;
            { template }

        const tabCount = await tabs.count();

        for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            const tab = tabs.nth(i);

            const panelId = (await tab.getAttribute("aria-controls")) as string;


            const tabPanel = element.locator(`#${panelId}`);

            await expect(tabPanel).toHaveCount(1);

            const tabId = (await tab.getAttribute("id")) as string;


            await expect(tabPanel).toHaveAttribute("aria-labelledby", tabId);

            await expect(tab).toHaveAttribute("aria-controls", panelId);
    /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
    test("should set `aria-labelledby` on the tab panel and `aria-controls` on the tab which corresponds to the matching ID when IDs are NOT provided and additional tabs and panels are added", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(
            (node, { template }) => {
                node.innerHTML = template;
            { template }

        let tabCount = await tabs.count();

        for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            const tab = tabs.nth(i);

            const panelId = (await tab.getAttribute("aria-controls")) as string;


            const tabPanel = element.locator(`#${panelId}`);

            await expect(tabPanel).toHaveCount(1);

            const tabId = (await tab.getAttribute("id")) as string;


            await expect(tabPanel).toHaveAttribute("aria-labelledby", tabId);

            await expect(tab).toHaveAttribute("aria-controls", panelId);

        await element.evaluate<void, FASTTabs>(node => {
            const tabs = Array.from(node.querySelectorAll("fast-tab"));

            const newTab = document.createElement("fast-tab");
            newTab.textContent = "New Tab";
            node.insertBefore(newTab, tabs[1]);

            const newPanel = document.createElement("fast-tab-panel");
            newPanel.textContent = "New Panel";
            node.insertBefore(newPanel, tabs[1]);

        tabCount = await tabs.count();

        for (let i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
            const tab = tabs.nth(i);

            const panelId = (await tab.getAttribute("aria-controls")) as string;


            const tabPanel = element.locator(`#${panelId}`);

            await expect(tabPanel).toHaveCount(1);

            const tabId = (await tab.getAttribute("id")) as string;


            await expect(tabPanel).toHaveAttribute("aria-labelledby", tabId);

            await expect(tab).toHaveAttribute("aria-controls", panelId);

    test.describe("active tab", () => {
        test("should set an `aria-selected` attribute on the active tab when `activeid` is provided", async () => {
            await root.evaluate(
                (node, { template }) => {
                    node.innerHTML = template;
                { template }

            const secondTab = tabs.nth(1);

            const secondTabId = (await secondTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

            await element.evaluate((node: FASTTabs, secondTabId) => {
                node.activeid = secondTabId;
            }, secondTabId);

            await expect(secondTab).toHaveAttribute("aria-selected", "true");

        test("should default the first tab as the active index if `activeid` is NOT provided", async () => {
            await root.evaluate(
                (node, { template }) => {
                    node.innerHTML = template;
                { template }

            await expect(tabs.nth(0)).toHaveAttribute("aria-selected", "true");

            await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeTabIndex", 0);

        test("should update `aria-selected` attribute on the active tab when `activeId` is updated", async () => {
            await root.evaluate(
                (node, { template }) => {
                    node.innerHTML = template;
                { template }

            await expect(tabs.nth(0)).toHaveAttribute("aria-selected", "true");

            const secondTab = tabs.nth(1);

            const secondTabId = (await secondTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

            await element.evaluate((node: FASTTabs, secondTabId) => {
                node.setAttribute("activeId", secondTabId);
            }, secondTabId);

            await expect(secondTab).toHaveAttribute("aria-selected", "true");

    test.describe("active tabpanel", () => {
        /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
        test("should set an `aria-labelledby` attribute on the tabpanel with a value of the tab id when `activeid` is provided", async () => {
            await root.evaluate(
                (node, { template }) => {
                    node.innerHTML = template;
                { template }

            const secondTab = tabs.nth(1);

            const secondTabId = (await secondTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

            const tabPanels = element.locator("fast-tab-panel");

            await element.evaluate((node: FASTTabs, secondTabId) => {
                node.activeid = secondTabId;
            }, secondTabId);

            await expect(tabPanels.nth(1)).toHaveAttribute(

        test("should set an attribute of hidden if the tabpanel is not active", async () => {
            await root.evaluate(
                (node, { template }) => {
                    node.innerHTML = template;
                { template }

            const tabPanels = element.locator("fast-tab-panel");

            await expect(tabPanels.nth(0)).not.toHaveAttribute("hidden");

            await expect(tabPanels.nth(1)).toHaveAttribute("hidden");

            await expect(tabPanels.nth(2)).toHaveAttribute("hidden");

    test("should not allow selecting a tab that has been disabled after it has been connected", async () => {
        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                    <fast-tab id="tab-1">Tab one</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab id="tab-2">Tab two</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab id="tab-3">Tab three</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel one</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel two</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel three</fast-tab-panel>

        await (await element.elementHandle())?.waitForElementState("stable");

        const firstTab = tabs.nth(0);

        const firstTabId = await firstTab.getAttribute("id");


        await element.evaluate((node: FASTTabs, firstTabId) => {
            node.activeid = `${firstTabId}`;
        }, firstTabId);

        await (await element.elementHandle())?.waitForElementState("stable");

        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeid", firstTabId);

        const secondTab = tabs.nth(1);

        await secondTab.evaluate((node: FASTTab) => {
            node.disabled = true;

        await (await element.elementHandle())?.waitForElementState("stable");

        await{ force: true });

        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeid", firstTabId);

    test("should allow selecting tab that has been enabled after it has been connected", async () => {

        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                    <fast-tab>Tab one</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab disabled>Tab two</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab>Tab three</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel one</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel two</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel three</fast-tab-panel>

        const firstTab = tabs.nth(0);

        const secondTab = tabs.nth(1);

        const firstTabId = (await firstTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

        const secondTabId = (await secondTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

        await element.evaluate((node: FASTTabs, firstTabId) => {
            node.activeid = firstTabId;
        }, firstTabId);

        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeid", firstTabId);

        await{ force: true });

        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeid", firstTabId);

        await secondTab.evaluate((node: FASTTab) => {
            node.disabled = false;

        await (await element.elementHandle())?.waitForElementState("stable");

        await{ force: true });

        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeid", secondTabId);

    test("should not allow selecting hidden tab using arrow keys", async () => {

        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                    <fast-tab>Tab one</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab hidden>Tab two</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab>Tab three</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel one</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel two</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel three</fast-tab-panel>

        const firstTab = tabs.nth(0);

        const thirdTab = tabs.nth(2);

        const firstTabId = (await firstTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

        const thirdTabId = (await thirdTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

        await element.evaluate((node: FASTTabs, firstTabId) => {
            node.activeid = firstTabId;
        }, firstTabId);


        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeid", thirdTabId);

    test("should not allow selecting hidden tab by pressing End", async () => {

        await root.evaluate(node => {
            node.innerHTML = /* html */ `
                    <fast-tab>Tab one</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab>Tab two</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab hidden>Tab three</fast-tab>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel one</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel two</fast-tab-panel>
                    <fast-tab-panel>Tab panel three</fast-tab-panel>

        const firstTab = tabs.nth(0);

        const secondTab = tabs.nth(1);

        const firstTabId = (await firstTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

        const secondTabId = (await secondTab.getAttribute("id")) ?? "";

        await element.evaluate((node: FASTTabs, firstTabId) => {
            node.activeid = firstTabId;
        }, firstTabId);


        await expect(element).toHaveJSProperty("activeid", secondTabId);