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 * This file was heavily inspired by {@link} with some adjustments made.
 * Please see {@link ../}

import { shouldBubble } from "./event-utilities.js";

 * @beta
export class Node extends EventTarget {}

 * @beta
export class Element extends Node {}

function checkTokenAndGetIndex(classList: DOMTokenList, token: string) {
    if (token === "") {
        throw new Error("The token must not be empty.");

    if (/\s/.test(token)) {
        throw new Error("The token must not contain space characters.");

    return classList.indexOf(token);

 * Based on classList.js: Cross-browser full element.classList implementation.
 * 1.2.20171210
 * Credit to Eli Grey,
 * License: Dedicated to the public domain.
 *   See

 * @beta
export class DOMTokenList {
    private tokens: string[] = [];

    public constructor(private element: HTMLElement, private attributeName: string) {
        const trimmedClasses = (element.getAttribute(attributeName) || "").trim();
        const classes = trimmedClasses ? trimmedClasses.split(/\s+/) : [];

        for (let i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {

    public item(i: number) {
        return this.tokens[i] || null;

    public contains(token: string) {
        return ~checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token + "");

    public indexOf(token: string) {
        return this.tokens.indexOf(token);

    public add(...tokens: string[]) {
        const length = tokens.length;
        let index = 0;
        let updated = false;

        do {
            const token = tokens[index] + "";

            if (!~checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token)) {
                updated = true;
        } while (++index < length);

        if (updated) {

    public remove(...tokens: string[]) {
        const length = tokens.length;
        let index = 0;
        let updated = false;

        do {
            const token = tokens[index] + "";
            let result = checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token);

            while (~result) {
                this.tokens.splice(result, 1);
                updated = true;
                result = checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token);
        } while (++index < length);

        if (updated) {

    public toggle(token: string, force: boolean): boolean {
        const result = this.contains(token);
        const method = result ? force !== true && "remove" : force !== false && "add";

        if (method) {

        if (force === true || force === false) {
            return force;
        } else {
            return !result;

    public replace(token: string, replacement: string) {
        const index = checkTokenAndGetIndex(this, token + "");

        if (~index) {
            this.tokens.splice(index, 1, replacement);

    public toString(): string {
        return this.tokens.join(" ");

    private updateClassName() {
        this.element.setAttribute(this.attributeName, this.toString());

 * @beta
export abstract class HTMLElement extends Element {
    private static elementAttributes: WeakMap<HTMLElement, Map<string, string>> =
        new WeakMap();
    private static getOrCreateAttributesForElement(element: HTMLElement) {
        let attrs = HTMLElement.elementAttributes.get(element);
        if (!attrs) {
            HTMLElement.elementAttributes.set(element, (attrs = new Map()));
        return attrs;

    private _shadowRoot: null | ShadowRoot = null;

    get attributes() {
        return Array.from(HTMLElement.getOrCreateAttributesForElement(this)).map(
            ([name, value]) => ({

    get shadowRoot() {
        return this._shadowRoot;

    get part(): DOMTokenList {
        return new DOMTokenList(this, "part");

    get classList(): DOMTokenList {
        return new DOMTokenList(this, "class");

    get className(): string | null {
        return this.getAttribute("class");

    set className(value: string | null) {
        if (value === null) {
        } else {
            this.setAttribute("class", value);

    abstract attributeChangedCallback?(
        name: string,
        old: string | null,
        value: string | null
    ): void;

    setAttribute(name: string, value: string) {
        HTMLElement.getOrCreateAttributesForElement(this).set(name, value);

    removeAttribute(name: string) {

    hasAttribute(name: string) {
        return HTMLElement.getOrCreateAttributesForElement(this).has(name);

    attachShadow(init: ShadowRootInit): ShadowRoot {
        const shadowRoot = { host: this };
        if (init && init.mode === "open") {
            this._shadowRoot = shadowRoot;
        return shadowRoot;

    getAttribute(name: string) {
        const value = HTMLElement.getOrCreateAttributesForElement(this).get(name);
        return value === undefined ? null : value;

 * @beta
export interface CustomHTMLElement {
    new (): HTMLElement;
    observedAttributes?: string[];

 * @beta
export class ShadowRoot {}

 * @beta
export class Document extends Node {
    public adoptedStyleSheets: ReadonlyArray<CSSStyleSheet> = [];
    createTreeWalker() {
        return {};
    createTextNode() {
        return {};
    createElement() {
        return {};

    public dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean {
        let canceled = super.dispatchEvent(event);

        if (shouldBubble(event)) {
            canceled = window.dispatchEvent(event);

        return canceled;

 * @beta
export class CustomEvent<T = any> extends Event {
    public detail: T | null = null;
    constructor(type: string, init?: CustomEventInit<T>) {
        super(type, init);

        if (init && "detail" in init) {
            this.detail = init.detail as T;

 * @beta
export class CSSStyleRule {
    public selectorText: string | undefined;
    public readonly style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();

    public get cssText(): string {
        if (typeof this.selectorText !== "string") {
            throw new Error(
                "Cannot format cssText for CSSStyleRule. No selectorText property is assigned."

        return `${this.selectorText} { ${} }`;

 * @beta
export class CSSStyleDeclaration {
    private rules = new Map<string, string>();
    public setProperty(name: string, value: string = "") {
        this.rules.set(name, value);
    public removeProperty(name: string) {

    public get cssText() {
        let text = "";

        for (const [key, value] of this.rules) {
            text += `${key}: ${value};`;

        return text;

 * @beta
export class CSSStyleSheet {
    replace() {}
    public readonly cssRules: CSSRule[] = [];
    insertRule(rule: string, index: number = 0) {
        const selectorText = rule.split("{")[0];
        const styleRule = new window.CSSStyleRule();
        styleRule.selectorText = selectorText;
        this.cssRules.splice(index, 0, styleRule);

        return index;

 * @beta
export type CustomElementRegistration = {
    ctor: { new (): HTMLElement };
    observedAttributes: string[];

 * @beta
export class CustomElementRegistry {
    private __definitions = new Map<string, CustomElementRegistration>();

    define(name: string, ctor: CustomHTMLElement) {
        this.__definitions.set(name, {
            observedAttributes: (ctor as CustomHTMLElement).observedAttributes ?? [],

    get(name: string) {
        const definition = this.__definitions.get(name);
        return definition && definition.ctor;

 * @beta
export class MutationObserver {
    observe() {}

 * Shim of MediaQueryList.
 * {@link} */
export class MediaQueryList {
    /** No-op */
    addEventListener() {}

    /** Always false */
    matches = false;

 * @beta
export class Window extends EventTarget {
    public Node = Node;
    public Element = Element;
    public HTMLElement = HTMLElement;
    public Document = Document;
    public CustomEvent = CustomEvent;
    public CSSStyleSheet = CSSStyleSheet;
    public CSSStyleDeclaration = CSSStyleDeclaration;
    public CSSStyleRule = CSSStyleRule;
    public ShadowRoot = ShadowRoot;
    public CustomElementRegistry = CustomElementRegistry;
    public MutationObserver = MutationObserver;
    public MediaQueryList = MediaQueryList;
    public matchMedia = () => new this.MediaQueryList();

    // Defined in constructor
    public window: unknown;
    public document: unknown;
    public customElements: unknown;
    public dispatchEvent: any;
    public addEventListener: any;
    public removeEventListener: any;

    constructor(props?: Record<string, any>) {

         * Methods of EventTarget must be assigned explicitly, otherwise they get omitted
         * when the window is merged into the `globalThis` in {@link installWindowOnGlobal}.
        this.dispatchEvent = EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent.bind(this);
        this.addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener.bind(this);
        this.removeEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener.bind(this);

        Object.assign(this, props);
        this.window = this;
        this.document = new this.Document();
        this.customElements = new this.CustomElementRegistry();

 * Creates a window object.
 * @param props - Additional properties to expose on the window.
 * @beta
export function createWindow<T extends Record<string, any>>(props?: T): Window & T {
    return new Window(props) as Window & T;

 * Installs a window object on the global, exposing properties directly on globalThis and globalthis.window
 * @param window - The Window object to install
 * @beta
export function installWindowOnGlobal(window: Record<string, any>) {
    if (globalThis.window === undefined) {
        Object.assign(globalThis, window);
        globalThis.window = globalThis as any;