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import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "async_hooks";
import { DI, DOMContainer } from "@microsoft/fast-element/di.js";
import { createWindow } from "./dom-shim.js";

let asyncLocalStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();
const defaultOptions = {};

function getStore() {
    const store = asyncLocalStorage.getStore();

    if (!store) {
        throw new Error("Storage must be accessed from within a request.");

    return store as Map<any, any>;

function getItem<T = any>(key: any, fallback: () => T): T;
function getItem<T = any>(key: any): T | undefined;
function getItem<T = any>(key: any, fallback?: () => T): T | undefined {
    const store = getStore();
    let found = store.get(key);

    if (found === void 0 && fallback) {
        found = fallback();
        store.set(key, found);

    return found;

 * Get and set values that are local to the current
 * HTTP request.
 * @remarks
 * Also, provides access to a request-scoped DI container.
 * @beta
export const RequestStorage = Object.freeze({
     * The request-scoped DI container.
    get container(): DOMContainer {
        return RequestStorage.get("$$container$$", () =>

     * Stores a value in request-scoped storage.
     * @param key - The key to store the value under.
     * @param value - The value to store.
     * @returns This RequestStorage instance.
    set(key: any, value: any) {
        getStore().set(key, value);
        return this;

     * Gets a value from request-scoped storage.
     * @param key - The key to get the value for.
     * @param fallback - A function that provides a value if there is nothing stored under the key.
     * @returns The value stored under the key.
     * @remarks
     * The return result of the fallback function will be stored under the key for later access.
    get: getItem,

     * Clears all request-scoped values.
    clear(): void {

     * @param key - The request-scoped key to delete.
     * @returns true if the value was deleted; false otherwise.
    delete(key: any): boolean {
        return getStore().delete(key);

     * Determines whether there's a request-scoped value for the given key.
     * @param key - The key to check.
     * @returns true if the key exists; false otherwise
    has(key: any): boolean {
        return getStore().has(key);

 * Options used in creating the backing storage for RequestStorage.
 * @beta
export type StorageOptions = {
     * A custom window creation function.
    createWindow?: () => { [key: string]: unknown };

     * Initial values to setup in the backing store.
    storage?: Map<any, any>;

 * An Express-compatible middleware function.
 * @beta
export type Middleware = (req: any, res: any, next: () => any) => void;

const perRequestGlobals = [

const perRequestGetters = perRequestGlobals.reduce((accum, key) => {
    accum[key] = function get() {
        // Return original global variable if currently not in the storage scope
        const store = asyncLocalStorage.getStore() as Map<string, any>;
        return store ? store.get("window")[key] : preShimGlobals.get(key);
    return accum;
}, {} as Record<string, () => unknown>);

 * Tests whether the {@link RequestStorageManager} has an installed
 * DOM shim for a provided key. Determination is performed by checking
 * the getter instance of the globalThis's property descriptor against the preRequestDescriptors
 * of the same key.
 * @param key - The key of the global check for installation
function shimIsInstalledFor(key: string): boolean {
    return (
        Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalThis, key)?.get === perRequestGetters[key]

 * Store the global objects being shimmed so that they be accessed as backup values
 * and restored during uninstall.
const preShimGlobals = new Map<string, any>();
const preShimDescriptors = new Map<string, PropertyDescriptor>();

 * APIs used in configuring and managing RequestStorage.
 * @beta
export const RequestStorageManager = Object.freeze({
     * Gets the current AsyncLocalStorage instance that provides
     * the backend for the RequestStorageManager.
    get backend(): AsyncLocalStorage<unknown> {
        return asyncLocalStorage;

     * Sets an AsyncLocalStorage instance to provide
     * a pre-existing backend for the RequestStorageManager.
     * @remarks
     * Replacing the default AsyncLocalStorage backend should not be
     * done under normal circumstances. This capability is intended for
     * advanced integration scenarios only.
     * Avoid setting this property after middleware is installed or in the
     * middle of a RequestStorageManager#run operation. In the event that
     * this timing is necessary, then you must provide a window instance
     * available through the "window" key of your storage, otherwise the
     * necessary requirements for RequestStorage to function will not be met.
    set backend(localStorage: AsyncLocalStorage<unknown>) {
        asyncLocalStorage = localStorage;

     * Installs a DOM shim that ensures that window, document,
     * and other globals are scoped per-request. Calling this function
     * will have no effect if the shim has already been installed.
     * @throws TypeError when properties cannot be defined on the globalThis.
    installDOMShim(): void {
        for (const key of perRequestGlobals) {
            if (!shimIsInstalledFor(key)) {
                const preShimValue = (globalThis as any)[key];
                preShimGlobals.set(key, (globalThis as any)[key]);
                const preShimDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(

                // This will throw if the globalThis already contains a value for the key that is not configurable. Do this work
                // prior to caching value and descriptor so if it does throw, the caches aren't polluted
                Object.defineProperty(globalThis, key, {
                    get: perRequestGetters[key],
                    enumerable: true,
                    configurable: true,

                if (preShimDescriptor) {
                    preShimDescriptors.set(key, preShimDescriptor);

                preShimGlobals.set(key, preShimValue);

     * Uninstalls the DOM shim installed by {@link RequestStorageManager.installDOMShim}.
     * Calling this function will have no effect if there is no shim installed.
    uninstallDOMShim(): void {
        for (const key of perRequestGlobals) {
            if (shimIsInstalledFor(key)) {
                if (preShimDescriptors.has(key)) {
                    Object.defineProperty(globalThis, key, preShimDescriptors.get(key)!);
                } else {
                    delete (globalThis as any)[key];


     * Installs the dependency injection system as the strategy for
     * handling Context requests. The installed behavior will use
     * RequestStorage.container as the root DI container.
    installDIContextRequestStrategy(): void {
        DI.installAsContextRequestStrategy(() => RequestStorage.container);

     * Creates a backing store for RequestStorage.
     * @param options - The options used when creating the backing store for RequestStorage.
     * @returns A Map suitable as a backing store for RequestStorage.
    createStorage(options: StorageOptions = defaultOptions): Map<any, any> {
        const storage = new Map();
        const window = options.createWindow ? options.createWindow() : createWindow();

        storage.set("window", window);

        if ( {
            for (const [key, value] of {
                storage.set(key, value);

        return storage;

     * Runs a function with the provided storage available through RequestStorage.
     * @param storage - The storage to scope to the callback.
     * @param callback - The function to execute with the storage context.
     * @returns The result of the invoked function.
    run<T = unknown>(storage: Map<any, any>, callback: () => T): T {
        return, callback);

     * Creates an Express-compatible middleware function.
     * @param options - The options used when creating the backing store for RequestStorage.
     * @returns A middleware function.
     * @remarks
     * Invoking this function installs the RequestStorageManager DOM shim and then returns
     * an Express-compatible middleware function. The middleware ensures that a unique
     * storage instance is created for every request and that the following middleware
     * functions in the pipeline are processed in the context of this storage.
    middleware(options: StorageOptions = defaultOptions): Middleware {

        return (req: any, res: any, next: () => any): void => {
            const storage = RequestStorageManager.createStorage(options);
  , next);