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Test Coverage
# Complete the following or your issue will be deleted (delete me after)

**Please complete these steps and check these boxes (by putting an `x` inside
the brackets) _before_ filing your issue:**

- [ ] I have read and understood this plugin's README
- [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included my version of node and s3-plugin-webpack
- [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included which OS (including specific OS
  version) I am using.
- [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included a minimal test case that reproduces
  my issue.
- [ ] **I understand this is an open-source project staffed by someone with a job and
  that any help I receive is done on free time. I know I am not entitled to anything and will be polite and courteous.**
- [ ] **I understand my issue may be closed if it becomes obvious I didn't
  actually perform all of these steps or the issue is not with the library itself**

Thank you for adhering to this process! This ensures that I can pay attention to issues that are relevant and answer questions faster.

# Issue Details

If filing a bug report, please include **a list of steps** that describe how to
reproduce the bug you are experiencing. Include your config being passed to the `S3Plugin`.