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title: My Resolutions for 2011
description: New years resolutions for 2011
Here are a few of my resolutions for 2011, hopefully if I remember I'll try to tick them off throughout the year.

* Learn Ruby on Rails. I've wanted to learn RoR for a while now, but I've had the need. However, RoR is gaining a lot of popularity among clients. Another need reason to learn it is [nanoc](http://nanoc.stoneship.org/), a really neat web publishing system which is much suitable for small business websites.
* Contribute more to GitHub and Google Code projects. I'm sure working on small projects semi regularly will benefit my coding skills and help with some cool stuff.
* Blog more. I'm hoping for about a post a week, maybe not entirely about programming but still geeky.
* Get an Android App into the market. I've been playing around with android for a while; it would be nice to make something which I feel is market worthy.
* Exercise more, without joining a gym.
* Use Linux more. I love Linux, but due to MS Word, Photoshop and games not running well under Wine I keep ending up back on Windows. I might also try and get a Mac at some point, but that's more of a "Could have" then a "Must have".
* Stop using YouTube & other websites which annoy me. A handful of websites are making small changes which are bugging me, in 2011 I'm going to stop using websites which appear to be trolling me.
* Design More. I suck at designing, and a little practise would go a long way.