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title: Update all the things!
description: I updated a few of my Wordpress plugins, this is the summary.
I finally found a bit of time to update a few of my Wordpress plugins, here is a quick summary of the changes.

* [Socialize This](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/socialize-this/) - This is one of my oldest plugins, the update from 2.2.4 to 2.3.0 is mostly just a clean up of unnecessary UI linkage. Hopefully I should have version 3 finish by the summer (It'll mostly be a recode from top to bottom).
* [WP HTML5 Category Selector](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-html5-category-selector/) - I removed a load of unnecessary code from the plugin & the clear button. It now makes use of the search input type.
* [Gist Shortcode](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gist-shortcode/) - I've been using this on my site for a while now, I decided it was finally worth sharing you everyone.

One of the main changes for all the above plugins is that I'm going to try & use their GitHub repos as the main issue tracker & develop them a bit more often.