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layout: video
title: An Introduction to Docker for Ruby Developers
youtube_id: JTQpEXKoLUg
published_at: '2021-03-20T16:11:05+00:00'
I'm a big fan of Docker, I think it can make getting starting using Ruby so much easier

In this video, I'm going to cover the basics of how to install & use Docker with Ruby.

# Sources

➡ Download Docker: https://www.docker.com/get-started
➡ Sample Dockerfile: https://github.com/Ruby-Starter-Kits/Docker-Rails-Template/blob/master/Dockerfile

# Chapters

0:00 - Setup Docker
1:14 - How to Run Ruby
2:20 - The Docker Run Flags
3:31 - Building a Dockerfile
6:02 - Adding a Gemfile
7:44  - Installing Extra Packages
8:21 - Thank You

# Follow Me Online

➡ Blog: https://mikerogers.io/
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#Docker #Ruby