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![profane gopher](./profane_gopher.png)
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profane password generator, as suggested by [u/gatestone](https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/r5hn12/comment/hmnyk9k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).
## how it works


go install github.com/MikkelHJuul/profaneword/profaneword@latest
❯ profaneword
shagg'n is mandatory!?

❯ while true; do profaneword;done
Nastile? Enslaving!?
nakedle = Prick-Fucking!
Unwant'N Vs anal-secreten!
Lick'N-Fucker! bollox...NOT!
jizz'n Of Rile 8===D
serial-killer chilly?
strangling < Nut-Sack 8===D
degenerate - satanicalli-fucking!
tediousness: overgrowth-fucking!
Brutalle < Dolefulness-Fucker!
baddie FU
Unforgiving = aggressively!
Excommunicaten > 8===D--pesky
Unjustifi'D Imp
sex-butt-sex Sinned!!
Degenerate!? Poop'N!?
Spooky > Sex-Rild!
drowsy!? Dung
Loner => sex-passivation!
Henchman?! angrile
Soggy 8===D Tripp'N 8===D

❯ profaneword --extend
Dix Ogre - Pit

❯ profaneword --EXTEND
Enviousle Homicidally Lustillee Fuck'D Vs. Jerkass

❯ profaneword 1337
5uccum81n'? p4551v4710n-fuck3r!

❯ profaneword uber1337
|V@~/_| -> |V(_))3

❯ profaneword --extend /s
dimwitted? stIcKy PIrATes

❯ profaneword --extend randomly 1337 /s
DarEdEvils -> aDUlteRaTED p17Y-fuckR5

❯ profaneword --extend randomly random uber1337 /s
hOR2!B|3 3|V§|@\/eN, sEX-DEaTh!

❯ profaneword --extend SCREAM fst

❯ profaneword fat
Infertiliry-Fucker! Haram

❯ profaneword random fst whisper
badmoth'd - poopig

❯ profaneword randomly esrever
Tired noitavissap

❯ profaneword -d "_?"

❯ profaneword -d RAND

❯ profaneword -d RAND

❯ profaneword --no MISSPELL
Awkwardly? sex-exacerbate!

❯ profaneword swear
*%"%$@$&+!e %"!s +@*%*+&$!?

❯ profaneword randomly horse
saddlebags sex-lowsy

❯ profaneword studder
v-v-v-vomittin' i-is torture!

❯ profaneword studder randomly shuffle
F-FU!? n-coiS-A-RSSO-fS-te-  #S-S-S-Son-Of-A-R*

❯ profaneword --help
profaneword is a program for generating obscene/profane passwords.

  profaneword [flags] [..args]
  profaneword [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  obscure     apply formatters on std in
  version     print the version and exit

      --EXTEND                lengthen the output further (extensiveness+3)
  -d, --delimiter string      a specific delimiter to use, or 'RAND' for a randomly chosen one from: '.-/_:$%^+=!@'`,|<>"~\?*&' (default " ")
      --extend                lengthen the output (extensiveness+1)
  -e, --extensiveness int16   how long (number of words) the password should be. Default is 2 (default 2)
  -h, --help                  help for profaneword
      --no string             exclude types of words: can be MISSPELL, POSITIVE or a '|' separated text of those

  1337            output formatted as 1337-speak
  uber1337        output formatted with an extended 1337 alphabet
  fat             output some t3xt wifth fat fringers
  fst             otput sme tet writen wit haste
  esrever         desrever tuptuo, per word [random does not apply]
  shuffle         tuoput si ffudlehs
  whisper         output is lowercased
  swear           output cartoonish #%$@!! 
  studder         o-o-output s-s-s-studdering t-text [random does not apply]
  horse           just output horse-related words in stead[very unsafe] [random does not apply]
  /s              sARcaSTiC OUtpUt
  randomly        the next formatter is applied only randomly (per word basis) threshold is 50:50
  random          the next formatter is applied only randomly (per character basis) threshold is 50:50
                  both "random" and "randomly" are chainable onto themselves, 
                  though "randomly" must be before "random"

Use "profaneword [command] --help" for more information about a command.


all formatters available with obscure, examples
❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure studder randomly shuffle
a -u-kciqqq wrnbo f-fx-ffo- mpusj -roove t-he-t-tt l-lazy d-d-dog

❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure studder
a-a-a-a q-q-quick brown f-f-f-fox j-j-jumps over t-t-the l-lazy d-d-d-dog

❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure fst
ic brown ox umpsove the lay dog

❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure fat
a quick berian fox jumps over the lazyt dog

❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure randomly 1337 randomly uber1337
a ()_|_|!<|< !312()'//|\| f0x jumps over 7]-[3 lazy dog

❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword obscure randomly 1337 /s
4 QuicK 8r0WN f0x JUMp5 oVEr the 142y D06

❯ echo 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' | profaneword -d RAND obscure


## Statistics
The file [`data_report_test.go`](profanities/data_report_test.go) computes the number of combinations:

* for 1 word there will be 58 thousand combinations and on average 8.16 letters in each word
* 2 words there will be 6.88 billion combinations and on average 8.21 letters in each word
* 3 words there will be 811.89 trillion combinations and on average 8.21 letters in each word

These numbers refer to the database level

- `Title` is always ON, and virtually doubles the number of combinations
- `whisper` removes the combinations added by title.
- `SCREAM` adds 1 more combination of each word.
- `/s` increase combinations by a lot (`2^(8*n)` - the length of the word times number of words) `whisper` and `SCREAM` are special (very rare) combinations of `/s`
- `random/randomly` for `/s` it simply makes the uncommon possibilities a lot more common,
- `fat` and `fst` both increase the combinations by a lot. Again `random/randomly` just changes the distribution of the possible outcomes.
- `1337` adds one combination, `random 1337` adds a lot of combinations (`2^(~3*n)`). 
- `uber1337` adds many combinations, `random uber1337` adds a lot of combinations onto those. 
- using `--no MISSPELL` reduces combinations significantly.
- using `--weird` adds a lot of combinations