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package profaneword

import (

// NewRandomFormatter is a Returns a RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter that delegates to another CharFormatter at a rate of 50%
func NewRandomFormatter() *RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter {
    return &RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter{
        thresholdRandom: newFiftyFifty(),

// RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter is a CharFormatter that delegates randomly to the embedded CharFormatter: Other
type RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter struct {
    Other CharFormatter

func (rff *RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter) SetCharFormatter(wrap CharFormatter) {
    rff.Other = wrap

func (rff *RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter) GetCharFormatter() CharFormatter {
    return rff.Other

var _ WrappingCharFormatter = &RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter{}

// FormatRune formats a single rune or not given the Random with threshold
func (rff *RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    if rff.Rand.Rand().Cmp(rff.Threshold) > 0 {
        return rff.Other.FormatRune(r)
    return []rune{r}

// small subset of 1337 alphabet
var l337Map = map[rune][]rune{
    'A': {'4'},
    'B': {'8'},
    'E': {'3'},
    'G': {'6'},
    'I': {'1'},
    'L': {'1'},
    'O': {'0'},
    'S': {'5'},
    'T': {'7'},
    'Z': {'2'},

// curated list values from https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leetspeak
var uberl337Map = map[rune][][]rune{
    'A': {{'4'}, {'/', '\\'}, {'@'}, {'/', '-', '\\'}},
    'B': {{'8'}, {'1', '3'}, {'|', '3'}, {'!', '3'}},
    'C': {{'['}, {'('}, {'<'}},
    'D': {{')'}, {'[', ')'}},
    'E': {{'3'}},
    'F': {{'|', '='}, {'|', '#'}},
    'G': {{'6'}, {'(', '_', '+'}},
    'H': {{'#'}, {']', '-', '['}, {'|', '-', '|'}},
    'I': {{'1'}, {'!'}, {'|'}},
    'J': {{'_', '|'}},
    'K': {{'|', '<'}},
    'L': {{'1'}, {'|', '_'}, {'|'}},
    'M': {{'|', 'v', '|'}, {'|', '\\', '/', '|'}},
    'N': {{'|', '\\', '|'}, {'|', 'V'}},
    'O': {{'0'}, {'(', ')'}},
    'P': {{'|', '>'}},
    'Q': {{'(', ')', '_'}},
    'R': {{'2'}, {'1', '2'}, {'|', '?'}},
    'S': {{'5'}, {'$'}, {'ยง'}, {'z'}, {'Z'}},
    'T': {{'7'}, {'+'}},
    'U': {{'(', '_', ')'}, {'|', '_', '|'}},
    'V': {{'\\', '/'}},
    'W': {{'\\', '/', '\\', '/'}, {'v', 'v'}, {'\'', '/', '/'}, {'\\', '\\', '\''}},
    'X': {{'>', '<'}, {'}', '{'}},
    'Y': {{'`', '/'}},
    'Z': {{'2'}, {'~', '/', '_'}},

// L337CharFormatter is a CharFormatter that formats by replacing
// the given rune by a slice if runes as stated in the internal map
type L337CharFormatter struct {
    uber1337 map[rune][]rune

var _ CharFormatter = L337CharFormatter{}

// FormatRune returns the rune-slice given in the internal map, or returns the input value
func (u L337CharFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    rKey := unicode.ToUpper(r)
    if leetVal, ok := u.uber1337[rKey]; ok {
        return leetVal
    return []rune{r}

// Uber1337Formatter returns an initiated randomly chosen L337CharFormatter with the special uber1337-map
func Uber1337Formatter() Formatter {
    uber133Map := buildRandomMap(uberl337Map)
    return &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{

func buildRandomMap(m map[rune][][]rune) map[rune][]rune {
    randDev := CryptoRand{}
    var randomMap = make(map[rune][]rune, len(m))
    for k, v := range m {
        idx := randDev.RandMax(len(v))
        randomMap[k] = v[idx]
    return randomMap

// L337Formatter returns a L337CharFormatter with a predefined mapping, the l337map
func L337Formatter() Formatter {
    return &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{

var keyboard = [5]string{
    "       ",

func getNeighbourgChars(r rune) string {
    for j, line := range keyboard[1:3] {
        jIdx := j + 1
        idx := strings.Index(line, string(r))
        if idx != -1 {
            idxlower := idx - 1
            if idxlower == -1 {
                idxlower = idx
            var lower string
            if r != 'z' && r != 'x' {
                lower = keyboard[jIdx+1][idxlower:idx]
            return keyboard[jIdx-1][idx:idx+1] + keyboard[jIdx][idxlower:idx+1] + lower
    return string(r)

// FatFingerCharFormatter formats the text/rune as if it was types with fat fingers
type FatFingerCharFormatter struct {

var _ CharFormatter = FatFingerCharFormatter{}

// FormatRune returns the slice of runes by finding the neighboring characters (keyboard) and
// returns a random set of characters from within that sequence. it may return the rune itself up to four times
func (ff FatFingerCharFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    if ff.Rand().Cmp(big.NewRat(1, 6)) < 0 {
        var outRunes []rune
        for len(outRunes) == 0 {
            if ff.Rand().Cmp(big.NewRat(1, 6)) < 0 {
                outRunes = append(outRunes, r)
            newChars := getNeighbourgChars(r)
            if ff.Rand().Cmp(big.NewRat(2, 5)) < 0 {
                outRunes = append(outRunes, rune(newChars[ff.RandMax(len(newChars))]))
            if ff.Rand().Cmp(big.NewRat(1, 12)) < 0 {
                outRunes = append(outRunes, rune(newChars[ff.RandMax(len(newChars))]))
            if ff.Rand().Cmp(big.NewRat(1, 7)) < 0 {
                outRunes = append(outRunes, r)
        return outRunes
    return []rune{r}

// NewFatFingerFormatter wraps the FatFingerCharFormatter in a CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter to produce a Formatter
func NewFatFingerFormatter() Formatter {
    return &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{CharFormatter: FatFingerCharFormatter{CryptoRand{}}}

// FastFingerCharFormatter formats as if written with haste, skipping characters at random
type FastFingerCharFormatter struct {

var _ CharFormatter = FastFingerCharFormatter{}

// FormatRune at a rate of 1/6 randomly skip a rune
func (ff FastFingerCharFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    if ff.Rand().Cmp(big.NewRat(1, 6)) < 0 {
        return []rune{}
    return []rune{r}

// NewFastFingerFormatter returns an initiated FastFingerCharFormatter wrapped in a CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter to produce a Formatter
func NewFastFingerFormatter() Formatter {
    return &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{CharFormatter: FastFingerCharFormatter{CryptoRand{}}}

// UppercaseCharFormatter formats uppercase
type UppercaseCharFormatter struct{}

var _ CharFormatter = UppercaseCharFormatter{}

// FormatRune uppercases the rune
func (UppercaseCharFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    return []rune{unicode.ToUpper(r)}

func NewUppercaseFormatter() Formatter {
    return &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{CharFormatter: UppercaseCharFormatter{}}

// LowercaseCharFormatter formats lowercase
type LowercaseCharFormatter struct{}

var _ CharFormatter = LowercaseCharFormatter{}

// FormatRune the rune, but lowercase
func (LowercaseCharFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    return []rune{unicode.ToLower(r)}

func NewLowercaseFormatter() Formatter {
    return &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{CharFormatter: LowercaseCharFormatter{}}

// SwitchCaseCharFormatter switch the case
type SwitchCaseCharFormatter struct{}

var _ CharFormatter = SwitchCaseCharFormatter{}

// FormatRune switches case of the rune
func (SwitchCaseCharFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
        return []rune{unicode.ToLower(r)}
    return []rune{unicode.ToUpper(r)}

// NewSarcasticFormatter returns a CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter that wraps a
// RandomlyFormattingCharFormatter that randomly delegates to SwitchCaseCharFormatter
func NewSarcasticFormatter() Formatter {
    randomFormatter := NewRandomFormatter()
    randomFormatter.Other = &SwitchCaseCharFormatter{}
    return &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{randomFormatter}

type swearCharFormatter struct {

var _ CharFormatter = swearCharFormatter{

func (s swearCharFormatter) FormatRune(_ rune) []rune {
    letters := `#&$@%+*"`
    idx := s.RandMax(len(letters))
    return []rune{rune(letters[idx])}