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package profaneword

import (


// Formatter is a formatter, that formats the entire input text(string) and outputs the formatted text
type Formatter interface {
    Format(string) string

// CharFormatter is a formatter that emits a slice of runes given a single rune.
type CharFormatter interface {
    FormatRune(rune) []rune

// WrappingCharFormatter is an interface of a CharFormatter that wraps another CharFormatter
type WrappingCharFormatter interface {
    GetCharFormatter() CharFormatter

// WrappingFormatter is an interface of a Formatter that wraps another Formatter
type WrappingFormatter interface {
    GetFormatter() Formatter

// MultiFormatter is a wrapper to handle formatting with multiple Formatters
type MultiFormatter struct {
    Formatters []Formatter

// With appends a given Formatter to the Formatters in MultiFormatter
func (m *MultiFormatter) With(f Formatter) {
    if f != nil {
        m.Formatters = append(m.Formatters, f)

// Format delegates/reassigns the input string sequentially for all formatters
func (m *MultiFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    for _, f := range m.Formatters {
        word = f.Format(word)
    return word

// UnitFormatter is a Noop Formatter and CharFormatter implementation
type UnitFormatter struct{}

var _ Formatter = UnitFormatter{}
var _ CharFormatter = UnitFormatter{}

// Format returns the input
func (UnitFormatter) Format(words string) string {
    return words

// FormatRune return the rune wrapped in a slice
func (UnitFormatter) FormatRune(r rune) []rune {
    return []rune{r}

// CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter is a Formatter that delegates each letter in the input to a CharFormatter
type CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter struct {

var _ Formatter = &CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter{}

// Format calls the wrapped CharFormatter's FormatRune-method
func (c *CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    var out []rune
    for _, r := range word {
        out = append(out, c.FormatRune(r)...)
    return string(out)

// SetCharFormatter sets the CharFormatter to be wrapped by CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter
func (c *CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter) SetCharFormatter(formatter CharFormatter) {
    c.CharFormatter = formatter

// GetCharFormatter returns the wrapped CharFormatter, which is delegated to
func (c *CharFormatterDelegatingFormatter) GetCharFormatter() CharFormatter {
    return c.CharFormatter

// PerWordFormattingFormatter delegates to another Formatter, but calls the Format method for each word
type PerWordFormattingFormatter struct {
    Other Formatter

// SetFormatter sets the Formatter that PerWordFormattingFormatter should wrap
func (p *PerWordFormattingFormatter) SetFormatter(formatter Formatter) {
    p.Other = formatter

// GetFormatter returns the wrapped formatter of PerWordFormattingFormatter
func (p *PerWordFormattingFormatter) GetFormatter() Formatter {
    return p.Other

// Format splits the text on space, and calls Other > Format for each word, then joining the text again.
func (p *PerWordFormattingFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    words := strings.Split(word, ` `)
    ws := make([]string, len(words))
    for i, word := range words {
        ws[i] = p.Other.Format(word)
    return strings.Join(ws, ` `)

// RandomlyFormattingFormatter is a formatter that formats at a rate of 50%
type RandomlyFormattingFormatter struct {
    Other Formatter

var _ Formatter = &RandomlyFormattingFormatter{}

// Format calls the Other > Format at a rate of 50%
func (rff *RandomlyFormattingFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    if rff.Rand.Rand().Cmp(rff.Threshold) > 0 {
        return rff.Other.Format(word)
    return word

// SetFormatter sets the wrapped Formatter of RandomlyFormattingFormatter
func (rff *RandomlyFormattingFormatter) SetFormatter(wrap Formatter) {
    rff.Other = wrap

// GetFormatter returns the Formatter that RandomlyFormattingFormatter wraps
func (rff *RandomlyFormattingFormatter) GetFormatter() Formatter {
    return rff.Other

// NewRandomlyFormatter is a method that wraps a given Formatter,
// with the RandomlyFormattingFormatter that is wrapped with a PerWordFormattingFormatter
func NewRandomlyFormatter(wrap Formatter) Formatter {
    random := &RandomlyFormattingFormatter{thresholdRandom: newFiftyFifty()}
    return &PerWordFormattingFormatter{random}

// TitleFormatter is a Formatter that Titles the given text
type TitleFormatter struct{}

var _ Formatter = TitleFormatter{}

var titler = cases.Title(language.Und)

// Format calls strings.Title on the given text
func (TitleFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    return titler.String(word)

// RandomTitleFormatter returns a formatter that titles only every other time
func RandomTitleFormatter() Formatter {
    return NewRandomlyFormatter(TitleFormatter{})

var _ Formatter = &RandomlyFormattingFormatter{}

// RegexReplacingFormatter is a Formatter that performs a regex replace functionality on the given text
type RegexReplacingFormatter struct {
    // PatternMatcher is a regexp.Regexp, to match against the text
    PatternMatcher *regexp.Regexp
    // Replacement is whatever is to be replaced by the given PatternMatcher
    Replacement string

// Format replaces all instances of the given regex PatternMatcher with the Replacement
func (rr *RegexReplacingFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    return rr.PatternMatcher.ReplaceAllString(word, rr.Replacement)

// DelimiterFormatterWith replaces all spaces with the given string
func DelimiterFormatterWith(repl string) Formatter {
    return &RegexReplacingFormatter{
        regexp.MustCompile(` `),

// ReversingFormatter reverses the string
type ReversingFormatter struct{}

// Format reverses the input text
func (ReversingFormatter) Format(text string) string {
    l := len(text)
    reversed := make([]rune, l)
    for i, t := range text {
        reversed[l-i-1] = t
    return string(reversed)

// NewWordReversingFormatter returns a ReversingFormatter that reverses each words in a group,
// and not the entire text as one
func NewWordReversingFormatter() Formatter {
    return &PerWordFormattingFormatter{ReversingFormatter{}}

type swearFormatter struct {

// SetCharFormatter sets the formatter to be used by swearFormatter
func (s *swearFormatter) SetCharFormatter(wrap CharFormatter) {
    s.CharFormatter = wrap

// GetCharFormatter return the swearFormatter CharFormatter
func (s *swearFormatter) GetCharFormatter() CharFormatter {
    return s.CharFormatter

var _ Formatter = &swearFormatter{swearCharFormatter{}}
var _ WrappingCharFormatter = &swearFormatter{swearCharFormatter{}}

// Format of swearFormatter will return the input string if the input does not start with a letter,
// for all other cases it replaces using the wrapped CharFormatter until it meets a non-letter character
func (s *swearFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    if !unicode.IsLetter(rune(word[0])) {
        return word
    var runes []rune
    var i int
    var c rune
    for i, c = range word {
        if unicode.IsLetter(c) {
            runes = append(runes, s.FormatRune(c)...)
        } else {
    suffix := ""
    if i < len(word)-1 {
        suffix = word[i:]
    return string(runes) + `!` + suffix

// NewSwearFormatter reuturns a Formatter that replaces each character in a word with cartoonish swear
func NewSwearFormatter() Formatter {
    return &PerWordFormattingFormatter{&swearFormatter{&swearCharFormatter{

// StudderFormatter is a formatter that writes text that appear like it's studdering
type StudderFormatter struct {

// Format will return the first character of a word plus '-' up to 4 times, and the word
func (s StudderFormatter) Format(word string) string {
    if !unicode.IsLetter(rune(word[0])) {
        return word
    numStudder := s.RandMax(4)
    sb := strings.Builder{}
    for i := 0; i < numStudder; i++ {
        sb.WriteString(word[:1] + "-")
    return sb.String() + word

var _ Formatter = StudderFormatter{}

// NewStudderFormatter returns a PerWordFormattingFormatter that wraps a StudderFormatter
func NewStudderFormatter() Formatter {
    return &PerWordFormattingFormatter{StudderFormatter{CryptoRand{}}}

// HorseFormatter returns horse-related banter for each call
type HorseFormatter struct {

var horsewords = []string{

// Format returns a random horse-related word
func (s HorseFormatter) Format(_ string) string {
    idx := s.RandMax(len(horsewords))
    return horsewords[idx]

var _ Formatter = HorseFormatter{}

// NewHorseFormatter returns a PerWordFormattingFormatter wrapping a HorseFormatter
func NewHorseFormatter() Formatter {
    return &PerWordFormattingFormatter{HorseFormatter{CryptoRand{}}}

// ShuffleFormatter shuffles the given string
type ShuffleFormatter struct {

// Format shuffles the characters of an input string and returns a new shuffled string
func (s ShuffleFormatter) Format(text string) string {
    word := []byte(text)
    wlen := len(word)
    shuffledWord := make([]byte, wlen)
    for i := 0; i < wlen; i++ {
        idx := s.RandMax(wlen - i)
        shuffledWord[i] = word[idx]
        word[idx] = word[wlen-1-i]
    return string(shuffledWord)

var _ Formatter = ShuffleFormatter{}

// NewShuffleFormatter returns a PerWordFormattingFormatter wrapping a ShuffleFormatter
func NewShuffleFormatter() Formatter {
    return &PerWordFormattingFormatter{ShuffleFormatter{CryptoRand{}}}