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// profanities is a package that collects a couple of lists of
// swear words name-calling things etc. for use elsewhere.
// I have focused on creating memorable words and include most words of negative connotations;
// While they may not be negative specifically, they are negatively laden.
// I have attempted to stay clear of racial slur and otherwise "offensive" stuff
// (anti-homosexual etc.) I have left in some fat shaming - it's all a balance
// The sentences created should rather be funny than low-effort profane
// thus "colorless flan" is alot funnier (and a lot cleverer) than "stupid fuck"; both are accessible
// some words are merely added for fun (as they would combine with others to produce funny outputs: "aggressive kitten")
// the lists are compiled from several places, and I brainstorm; at this point finding new words is a pastime:
//  https://www.noswearing.com/
//  https://github.com/zacanger/profane-words/blob/master/words.json

package profanities