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Test Coverage
package profanities

import (

type sentnc struct {
    format string
    word   Word

// Sentence is a linked-list of formattable structures, each with a format string,
// a word (type) that would fit there, and a pointer to the next part of the Sentence
type Sentence struct {
    next *Sentence

func (s *Sentence) getPart(word string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(s.format, word)

// Sentencer is any object that can return a string using a Sentence
type Sentencer interface {
    Sentence(*Sentence) string

// ProfanitySentencer is a type that implements Sentencer, while integrating the profanities database.
// ProfanitySentencer is configurable with dissallowed words.
type ProfanitySentencer struct {
    dissallowedWord Word

var _ Sentencer = &ProfanitySentencer{}
var _ SentenceFetcher = &ProfanitySentencer{}

// Sentence implements the Sentencer interface, using randomized text from the profanities database.
func (pw *ProfanitySentencer) Sentence(sentence *Sentence) string {
    builder := strings.Builder{}
    for s := sentence; s != nil; s = s.next {
        text := pw.getRandomText(s.word, pw.dissallowedWord)
    return builder.String()

func (pw *ProfanitySentencer) getRandomText(word, dissallowedWord Word) string {
    w := ""
    rLen := len(wordData)
    for w == "" {
        base := wordData[pw.RandMax(rLen)]
        wrds := base.GetOfSingle(word, dissallowedWord)
        if len(wrds) > 0 {
            w = wrds[pw.RandMax(len(wrds))]
    return w

// NewProfanitySentencer returns a ProfanitySentencer with the default configuration,
// passing a dissallowedWord to the Sentencer, and using a profaneword.CryptoRand
func NewProfanitySentencer(dissallowedWord Word) ProfanitySentencer {
    return ProfanitySentencer{profaneword.CryptoRand{}, dissallowedWord}

// SentenceFetcher is an interface for an object that returns a Sentence of a given length.
type SentenceFetcher interface {
    GetSentence(length int) *Sentence

// GetSentence implements SentenceFetcher for ProfanitySentencer.
// GetSentence builds a sentence of arbitrary length by using the internal
// flatSentence, recursively calling the internal map of flatSentence, and compiling a Sentence from it
func (pw *ProfanitySentencer) GetSentence(numWords int) *Sentence {

    randSent := func() (*Sentence, sent) {
        idx := pw.RandMax(len(sentences))
        s := sentences[idx]
        return &Sentence{sentnc: s.sentnc}, s
    var cur *Sentence
    var s sent
    pos := notLast
    for pos&notLast != 0 {
        cur, s = randSent()
        pos = s.sentPos
    cur.format = strings.TrimSuffix(cur.format, " ")
    for ; numWords > 0; numWords-- {
        prev := cur
        cur, s = randSent()
        cur.next = prev
    return cur

const efe = EXCL | FILLER | END
const all Word = 255

type sentPos uint8

const (
    notLast sentPos = 16

type sent struct {

var sentences = [...]sent{
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s `, word: all}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s `, word: all}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s-fucker `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s-fucker `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s-fucker! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s-fucker! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s-fucking! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s-fucking! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s-fucking! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the sex-%s `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `sex-%s `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the sex-%s! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `sex-%s! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s! `, word: all}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s? `, word: all}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s?! `, word: all}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s!? `, word: all}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s!! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s...NOT! `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s 8===D `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `8===D--%s `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s-`, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s-`, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s vs `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s vs. `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s, `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s: `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s; `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s - `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s -> `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s => `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s < `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s > `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s = `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s = `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s == `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s == `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s is `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s is `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s or `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the %s of `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s of `, word: all}, sentPos: notLast},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `%s `, word: efe}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `son-of-a-%s `, word: END}},
    {sentnc: sentnc{format: `the son-of-a-%s `, word: END}},