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# Routes
# This file defines all API V2 routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~

#  summary: Creates an API session
#  description: >-
#    Creates a new API session. Pass an API key to create an authenticated
#    session, pass an API key in the Authorization header, to create a public session,
#    don't pass an Authorization header.
#  tags:
#    - Authentification
#  security:
#    - Key: []
#    - {}
#  parameters:
#    - name: fake
#      description: Used in testing. Can normally be ignored.
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.ReturnedApiSession'
#    401:
#      description: Api key missing or invalid
#      headers:
#        WWW_Authenticate:
#          schema:
#            type: string
POST    /authenticate                                        @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.authenticate(fake: Boolean ?= false)

### NoDocs ###
POST    /authenticate/user                                   @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.authenticateUser()

#  summary: Creates an API key
#  description: Creates an API key. Requires the `edit_api_keys` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Keys
#  requestBody:
#    required: true
#    content:
#      application/json:
#        schema:
#          $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.KeyToCreate'
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.CreatedApiKey'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
POST    /keys                                                @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.createKey()

#  summary: Delete an API key
#  description: Delete an API key. Requires the `edit_api_keys` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Keys
#  parameters:
#    - name: name
#      description: The name of the key to delete
#  responses:
#    204:
#      description: Key deleted
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
DELETE  /keys                                                @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.deleteKey(name)

#  summary: Checks your permissions
#  description: Checks your permissions with a given session in a given context
#  tags:
#    - Permissions
#  parameters:
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin to check permissions in. Must not be used together with `organizationName`
#    - name: organizationName
#      description: The organization to check permissions in. Must not be used together with `pluginId`
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.KeyPermissions'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
GET     /permissions                                         @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.showPermissions(pluginId: Option[String], organizationName: Option[String])

#  summary: Do an AND permission check
#  description: Checks that you have all the permissions passed in with a given session in a given context
#  tags:
#    - Permissions
#  parameters:
#    - name: permissions
#      description: The permissions to check
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin to check permissions in. Must not be used together with `organizationName`
#    - name: organizationName
#      description: The organization to check permissions in. Must not be used together with `pluginId`
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.PermissionCheck'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
GET     /permissions/hasAll                                  @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.hasAll(permissions: Seq[NamedPermission], pluginId: Option[String], organizationName: Option[String])

#  summary: Do an OR permission check
#  description: Checks that you have any of the permissions passed in with a given session in a given context
#  tags:
#    - Permissions
#  parameters:
#    - name: permissions
#      description: The permissions to check
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin to check permissions in. Must not be used together with `organizationName`
#    - name: organizationName
#      description: The organization to check permissions in. Must not be used together with `pluginId`
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.PermissionCheck'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
GET     /permissions/hasAny                                  @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.hasAny(permissions: Seq[NamedPermission], pluginId: Option[String], organizationName: Option[String])

#  summary: Searches the projects on Ore
#  description: Searches all the projects on ore, or for a single user. Requires the `view_public_info` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Projects
#  parameters:
#    - name: q
#      description: The query to use when searching
#    - name: categories
#      description: Restrict your search to a list of categories
#      required: false
#    - name: tags
#      required: false
#      description: A list of tags all the returned projects should have. Should be formated either as `tagname` or `tagname:tagdata`.
#    - name: owner
#      description: Limit the search to a specific user
#    - name: sort
#      description: How to sort the projects
#    - name: relevance
#      description: If how relevant the project is to the given query should be used when sorting the projects
#    - name: limit
#      description: The maximum amount of projects to return
#    - name: offset
#      description: Where to start searching
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.PaginatedProjectResult'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /projects                                            @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.listProjects(q: Option[String], categories: Seq[Category], tags: Seq[String], owner: Option[String], sort: Option[ProjectSortingStrategy], relevance: Option[Boolean], limit: Option[Long], offset: Long ?= 0)

#  summary: Returns info on a specific project
#  description: Returns info on a specific project. Requires the `view_public_info` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Projects
#  parameters:
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin id of the project to return
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.protocols.APIV2.Project'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /projects/:pluginId                                  @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.showProject(pluginId)

#  summary: Returns the members of a project
#  description: Returns the members of a project. Requires the `view_public_info` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Projects
#  parameters:
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin id of the project to return members for
#    - name: limit
#      description: The maximum amount of members to return
#    - name: offset
#      description: Where to start returning
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.protocols.APIV2.ProjectMember'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /projects/:pluginId/members                          @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.showMembers(pluginId, limit: Option[Long], offset: Long ?= 0)

#  summary: Returns the versions of a project
#  description: Returns the versions of a project. Requires the `view_public_info` permission in the project or owning organization.
#  tags:
#    - Versions
#  parameters:
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin id of the project to return versions for
#    - name: tags
#      required: false
#      description: A list of tags all the returned versions should have. Should be formated either as `tagname` or `tagname:tagdata`.
#    - name: limit
#      description: The maximum amount of versions to return
#    - name: offset
#      description: Where to start returning
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.PaginatedVersionResult'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /projects/:pluginId/versions                         @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.listVersions(pluginId, tags: Seq[String], limit: Option[Long], offset: Long ?= 0)

#  summary: Returns a specific version of a project
#  description: Returns a specific version of a project. Requires the `view_public_info` permission in the project or owning organization.
#  tags:
#    - Versions
#  parameters:
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin id of the project to return the version for
#    - name: name
#      description: The name of the version to return
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.protocols.APIV2.Version'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /projects/:pluginId/versions/:name                   @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.showVersion(pluginId, name)

#  summary: Creates a new version
#  description: Creates a new version for a project. Requires the `create_version` permission in the project or owning organization.
#  tags:
#    - Versions
#  parameters:
#    - name: pluginId
#      description: The plugin id of the project to create the version for
#  requestBody:
#    required: true
#    content:
#      multipart/form-data:
#        schema:
#          type: object
#          properties:
#            plugin-info:
#              $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeployVersionInfo'
#            plugin-file:
#              type: string
#              format: binary
#              description: The jar/zip file to upload
#        encoding:
#          plugin-info:
#            contentType: application/json, application/octet-stream
#  responses:
#    201:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.ReturnedApiSession'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
POST    /projects/:pluginId/versions                         @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.deployVersion(pluginId)

#GET     /projects/:pluginId/pages                            @controllers.ApiV2Controller.listPages(pluginId, parentId: Option[DbRef[Page]])

#  summary: Gets a specific user
#  description: Gets a specific user. Requires the `view_public_info` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Users
#  parameters:
#    - name: user
#      description: The user to return
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.protocols.APIV2.User'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /users/:user                                         @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.showUser(user)

#  summary: Gets the starred projects for a specific user
#  description: Gets the starred projects for a specific user. Requires the `view_public_info` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Users
#  parameters:
#    - name: user
#      description: The user to return for
#    - name: sort
#      description: How to sort the projects
#    - name: limit
#      description: The maximum amount of projects to return
#    - name: offset
#      description: Where to start searching
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.PaginatedCompactProjectResult'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /users/:user/starred                                 @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.showStarred(user, sort: Option[ProjectSortingStrategy], limit: Option[Long], offset: Long ?= 0)

#  summary: Gets the watched projects for a specific user
#  description: Gets the watched projects for a specific user. Requires the `view_public_info` permission.
#  tags:
#    - Users
#  parameters:
#    - name: user
#      description: The user to return for
#    - name: sort
#      description: How to sort the projects
#    - name: limit
#      description: The maximum amount of projects to return
#    - name: offset
#      description: Where to start searching
#  responses:
#    200:
#      description: Ok
#      content:
#        application/json:
#          schema:
#            $ref: '#/components/schemas/controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.PaginatedCompactProjectResult'
#    401:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedError'
#    403:
#      $ref: '#/components/responses/ForbiddenError'
GET     /users/:user/watching                                @controllers.apiv2.ApiV2Controller.showWatching(user, sort: Option[ProjectSortingStrategy], limit: Option[Long], offset: Long ?= 0)