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package ore

import shapeless.tag._

package object permission {

  private object SharedTagger extends Tagger[Nothing]
  private def tagS[U]: Tagger[U] = SharedTagger.asInstanceOf[Tagger[U]]

  type Permission = Long @@ Permission.type
  //noinspection TypeAnnotation
  object Permission {

    private[permission] def apply(long: Long): Long @@ Permission.type = tagS[Permission.type](long)

      * Create a permission that has all the permissions passed in.
    def apply(permissions: Permission*): Permission = permissions.fold(None)(_ ++ _)

      * Create a permission from an int.
    def fromLong(long: Long): Long @@ Permission.type = apply(long)

    def fromBinString(str: String): Option[Long @@ Permission.type] =
      scodec.bits.BitVector.fromBin(str).map(_.toLong(signed = false)).map(fromLong)

    val None = Permission(0)
    val All  = Permission(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL)

    val ViewPublicInfo      = Permission(1L << 0)
    val EditOwnUserSettings = Permission(1L << 1)
    val EditApiKeys         = Permission(1L << 2)

    val EditSubjectSettings  = Permission(1L << 4)
    val ManageSubjectMembers = Permission(1L << 5)
    val IsSubjectOwner       = Permission(1L << 6)

    val CreateProject        = Permission(1L << 8)
    val EditPage             = Permission(1L << 9)
    val DeleteProject        = Permission(1L << 10)
    val EditProjectSettings  = EditSubjectSettings
    val ManageProjectMembers = ManageSubjectMembers
    val IsProjectOwner       = IsSubjectOwner ++ EditProjectSettings ++ ManageProjectMembers

    val CreateVersion = Permission(1L << 12)
    val EditVersion   = Permission(1L << 13)
    val DeleteVersion = Permission(1L << 14)
    val EditChannel   = Permission(1L << 15) //To become edit tags later

    val CreateOrganization        = Permission(1L << 20)
    val PostAsOrganization        = Permission(1L << 21)
    val EditOrganizationSettings  = EditSubjectSettings
    val ManageOrganizationMembers = ManageSubjectMembers
    val IsOrganizationOwner       = IsProjectOwner

    val ModNotesAndFlags = Permission(1L << 24)
    val SeeHidden        = Permission(1L << 25)
    val IsStaff          = Permission(1L << 26)
    val Reviewer         = Permission(1L << 27)

    val ViewHealth = Permission(1L << 32)
    val ViewIp     = Permission(1L << 33)
    val ViewStats  = Permission(1L << 34)
    val ViewLogs   = Permission(1L << 35)

    val ManualValueChanges  = Permission(1L << 40)
    val HardDeleteProject   = Permission(1L << 41)
    val HardDeleteVersion   = Permission(1L << 42)
    val EditAllUserSettings = Permission(1L << 43)

  implicit class PermissionSyntax(private val permission: Permission) extends AnyVal {

      * Add a permission to this permission.
      * @param other The other permission.
    def add(other: Permission): Permission = Permission(permission | other)

      * Add a permission to this permission.
      * @param other The other permission.
    def ++(other: Permission): Permission = add(other)

      * Remove a permission from this permission.
      * @param other The permission to remove.
    def remove(other: Permission): Permission = Permission(permission & ~other)

      * Remove a permission from this permission.
      * @param other The permission to remove.
    def --(other: Permission): Permission = remove(other)

      * Toggle a permission in this permission.
      * @param other The permission to toggle.
    def toggle(other: Permission): Permission = Permission(permission ^ other)

      * Check if this permission has a permission.
      * @param other The permission to check against.
    def has(other: Permission): Boolean = (permission & other) == other

      * Check if this permission grants any permissions.
    def isNone: Boolean = permission == 0

    def toBinString: String = scodec.bits.BitVector.fromLong(permission).toBin

    def toNamedSeq: Seq[NamedPermission] = NamedPermission.values.filter(perm => has(perm.permission))