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Test Coverage
# This is the main configuration file for the application.
# ~~~~~

# Application configuration
# Enable fakeUser to bypass standard authentication in a development environment
application {
    baseUrl             =   "http://localhost:9000"
    baseUrl             =   ${?BASE_URL}
    uploadsDir = "uploads"
    uploadsDir = ${?UPLOADS_DIR}

    # Add a dot at the start of the url to trust all subdomains
    trustedUrlHosts     =   [ "" ]

    fakeUser {
        enabled    =   false
        id         =   -1
        name       =   "Spongie"
        username   =   "Spongie"
        email      =   ""

# Play configuration
play {
    i18n.langs                         =   [ "en", "en-US" ]
    evolutions.autocommit              =   false
    evolutions.db.default.autoApply    =   true
    ws.timeout.connection              =   10000ms

    filters {
        enabled                +=  play.filters.csp.CSPFilter
        csrf.body.bufferSize   =   1000000

        csp {
            directives = {
                block-all-mixed-content = ""
                script-src = ${play.filters.csp.nonce.pattern} "'self'"
                style-src = "'self' 'unsafe-inline'"
                img-src = "'self' data: https: http:"
                font-src = "'self'"
                frame-src = ""
                frame-ancestors = "'none'"

        hosts {
            allowed = ["", "localhost:9000"]

    http {
        secret.key                       =   "changeme"
        secret.key                       =   ${?APPLICATION_SECRET}
        session.maxAge                   =   28d # 4 weeks
        parser.maxDiskBuffer             =   20MB
        parser.maxMemoryBuffer           =   1000000

security {
    secure = false
    secure = ${?SECURE}
    unsafeDownload.maxAge = 600000 # 10 minutes

    api {
        url = "http://localhost:8000"
        url = ${?SPONGE_AUTH_URL}
        avatarUrl = ${security.api.url}"/avatar/%s?size=120x120"
        key = "changeme"
        key = ${?SPONGE_AUTH_API_KEY}
        timeout = 10000ms

        breaker {
            max-failures =   5
            timeout      =   10s
            reset        =   5m

    sso {
        loginUrl = ${security.api.url}"/sso/"
        signupUrl = ${security.api.url}"/sso/signup/"
        verifyUrl = ${security.api.url}"/sso/sudo/"
        secret = "changeme"
        secret = ${?SPONGE_AUTH_SSO_SECRET}
        timeout = 2s
        reset = 10m
        apikey = "changeme"
        apikey = ${?SPONGE_AUTH_SSO_API_KEY}

# Ore configuration
ore {
    debug       =  false
    debug-level =  3
    staging     =  true

    homepage {
        update-interval = 10m

    channels {
        max-name-len = 15
        name-regex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
        color-default = 7
        name-default = "Release"

    pages { = "Home"
        home.message = "Welcome to your new project!"
        min-len = 15
        max-len = 32000
        page.max-len = 75000

    projects {
        max-name-len = 25
        max-pages = 50
        max-channels = 5
        init-load = 25
        init-version-load = 10
        max-desc-len = 120
        file-validate = true
        staleAge = 28d
        check-interval = 1h
        draft-expire = 1d
        user-grid-page-size = 30

    users {
        stars-per-page = 5
        max-tagline-len = 100
        author-page-size = 25
        project-page-size = 5

    orgs {
        enabled = true
        dummyEmailDomain = ""
        createLimit = 5

    queue {
        max-review-time = 1d

    api {
        session {
            public-expiration = 3h
            expiration = 14d

            check-interval = 5m

mail {
    username           =   "example"
    username           =   ${?ORE_EMAIL_USER}
    email              =   ""
    email              =   ${?ORE_EMAIL}
    password           =   "password"
    password           =   ${?ORE_EMAIL_PASSWORD}          =   ""          =   ${?ORE_SMTP_HOST}
    smtp.port          =   465
    smtp.port          =   ${?ORE_SMTP_PORT}
    transport.protocol =   "smtps"                     // The outgoing transport protocol
    interval           =   30s                      // 30 seconds (millis)

    // Custom properties to be added to the Properties object that is passed to
    // the JavaMail session. These might vary from SMTP server to server. This
    // configuration is set up for GMail with "allow less secure apps" enabled in
    // the user settings.
    properties = {

# Slick configuration
slick.dbs.default {
    profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
    db {
        driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
        url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/ore"
        url = ${?JDBC_DATABASE_URL}
        user = "root"
        user = ${?JDBC_DATABASE_USERNAME}
        password = ""
        password = ${?JDBC_DATABASE_PASSWORD}

# Discourse SSO
discourse {
    baseUrl            =   ""
    retryRate          =   60000ms
    categoryDefault    =   -1
    categoryDefault    =   ${?DISCOURSE_CATEGORY_OPEN}
    categoryDeleted    =   -1
    categoryDeleted    =   ${?DISCOURSE_CATEGORY_DELETED}

    api {
        enabled              =   true
        key                  =   "changeme"
        key                  =   ${?DISCOURSE_API_KEY}
        admin                =   system

        breaker {
            max-failures =   5
            timeout      =   10s
            reset        =   5m

# Sponge stuff
sponge {
    logo = ""
    icon = ""
    service = "Ore"

    # Sponsors from high to low donation amounts
    sponsors = [
          "name": "Enjin",
          "image": "images/sponsors/enjin.png",
          "link": ""
          "name": "MC Server Hosting",
          "image": "images/sponsors/mcserverhosting.png",
          "link": ""
          "name": "CreeperHost",
          "image": "images/sponsors/creeperhost.svg",
          "link": ""
          "name": "Triplequote",
          "image": "images/sponsors/triplequote_black.svg",
          "link": ""
          "name": "JetBrains",
          "image": "images/sponsors/jetbrains.svg",
          "link": ""
          "name": "YourKit",
          "image": "images/sponsors/yourkit.png",
          "link": ""
          "name": "GameServerKings",
          "image": "images/sponsors/gameserverkings.png",
          "link": ""