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# Strings localized for en-US locale

general.appName                 =   Ore
general.projectName             =   Sponge
general.organization            =   SpongePowered
general.terms                   =   Terms of Service                 =   Support Forum
general.about                   =   About
general.issues                  =   Issues
general.source                  =   Source
general.api                     =   API
general.sponsors                =   Sponsors
general.description             =   A Minecraft Package Repository
general.title                   =   Ore - A Minecraft Package Repository
general.openapi                 =   Ore OpenAPI specification
general.signout                 =   Sign out
general.signup                  =   Sign up
general.login                   =   Log in
general.toReply                 =   to reply to this discussion
general.home                    =   Homepage
general.forums                  =   Forums
general.code                    =   Code                    =   Docs
general.javadocs                =   Javadocs
general.plugins                 =   Plugins
general.getsponge               =   Downloads
general.irc                     =   Chat
general.edit                    =   Edit
general.cancel                  =   Cancel                    =   Save
general.preview                 =   Preview
general.delete                  =   Delete                    =   Name
general.close                   =   Close
general.continue                =   Continue                =   Download
general.upload                  =   Upload
general.more                    =   More
general.sponsoredBy             =   Sponsored By
general.featuredSponsor         =   Featured Sponsor
general.create                  =   Create
general.remove                  =   Remove
general.update                  =   Update
general.forumsUnavailable       =   Sponge Forums are currently unavailable, please try again later.
general.viewOnForums            =   View on Sponge Forums
general.learnMore               =   Learn more
general.optional                =   optional
general.spongeApi               =   SpongeAPI
general.minecraft               =   Minecraft
general.forge                   =   Forge
general.sponge                  =   Sponge
general.spongePlugin            =   Sponge Plugin
general.spongePlugin.tooltip    =   To mark your project as a Sponge plugin, add spongeapi as a dependency.
general.forgeMod                =   Forge Mod
general.forgeMod.tooltip        =   To mark your project as a Forge mod, add forge as a dependency.
general.any                     =   Any
general.platform                =   Platform
general.notice                  =   Notice
general.warning                 =   Warning
general.disclaimer              =   Disclaimer
general.linkout.title           =   External Link Warning
general.linkout.warning         =   You have clicked on an external link to "{0}". If you did not intend to visit this link, please go back. Otherwise, click continue.
general.restore                 =   Restore deleted
general.harddelete              =   Hard delete
general.stagingWarning          =   This is a staging server for testing purposes. Data could be deleted at any time. Please use our production server at for uploading your plugins! = Ore Health Report = Missing discussion topic = Hidden projects = Stale projects = Failed discussion topic updates = No platform detected = Missing File

editor.deleteConfirm    =   Are you sure you want to delete {0}? This cannot be undone.

error.minLength                 =   Content too short.
error.maxLength                 =   Content too long.
error.noFile                    =   No file submitted.
error.nameUnavailable           =   That name is not available.
error.noLogin                   =   Login is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.
error.loginFailed               =   Authentication failed.
error.project.categoryNotFound  =   No category with that name found.
error.project.invalidPluginFile =   Invalid plugin file.
error.project.tooManyKeywords   =   Too many keywords specified.              =   You cannot delete your only channel.      =   You cannot delete your only non-empty channel.      =   You cannot delete your only reviewed channel.    =   A channel with that color already exists.     =   A channel with that name already exists.    =   There must be at least one reviewed channel.
error.tagline.tooLong           =   Tagline is too long (max {0}).              =   Apologies, creation of Organizations is temporarily disabled.           =   You may only create up to {0} organizations!          =   Unable to create an organization at this time.    =   Unable to update avatar at this time.
error.version.invalidPluginId   =   The uploaded plugin ID must match your project's plugin ID.
error.version.illegalVersion    =   The name of this version is not allowed.
error.version.duplicate         =   Found a duplicate file in project. Plugin files may only be uploaded once.
error.version.noDependency.sponge = This project is marked as a Sponge plugin but your uploaded file contains no dependency to Sponge. Please add a dependency to spongeapi and re-upload.
error.version.noDependency.forge = This project is marked as a Forge mod but your uploaded file contains no dependency to Forge. Please add a dependency to forge and re-upload.
error.user.locked               =   Your account is locked.
error.ore.timeout               =   Timeout
error.ore.timeout.title         =   Ore took too long to respond.
error.ore.timeout.body          =   Whoops! We couldn't respond to your request in a timely manner, this could be because a service Ore uses is currently unavailable or the servers are just overloaded. Please try again later.
error.notFound.title            =   404 Not Found
error.notFound.message          =   The URI "{0}" could not be found
error.required.comment          =   A comment is required

error.plugin.fileExtension      =   Plugin file must be either a JAR or ZIP file.
error.plugin.metaNotFound       =   No plugin meta file found.
error.plugin.unexpected         =   An unexpected error occurred, please try again later.
error.plugin.jarNotFound        =   Could not find a JAR file in the top level of ZIP file.
error.plugin.invalidPluginId    =   Invalid plugin ID for new version.
error.plugin.versionExists      =   The version you tried to upload already exists.
error.plugin.noVersion          =   Plugin meta file missing version field.
error.plugin.incomplete         =   Plugin meta file missing required field "{0}".
error.plugin.notSponge          =   Project is marked as a Sponge Plugin and new version contains no dependency to Sponge.
error.plugin.notForge           =   Project is marked as a Forge Mod and new version contains no dependency to Forge.
error.plugin.fileName           =   Filename already in use. Please rename your file and try again.
error.plugin.owner              =   Uploading under the wrong owner.
error.plugin.stateChanged       =   Something changed when you tried to download the plugin. Please try again.
error.plugin.noConfirmDownload  =   Could not verify your confirmation. It might have timed out, already been used, or something might have changed on your end.
error.plugin.timeout            =   Version upload timed out, or you have not uploaded a plugin file.

error.spongeauth.auth           =   Couldn't connect to SpongeAuth.
error.spongeauth.parse          =   That name is invalid, please choose a name without spaces or symbols.

page.edit.cannotDeleteHomepage  =   Your project's homepage cannot be deleted
page.edit.maxPages              =   You have reached the maximum amount of allowed pages.                  =   Create a new page                  =   Error creating page
page.plural                     =   Pages                  =   Author
project.category                =   Category
project.category.plural         =   Categories
project.delete.title            =   Delete project             =   Are you sure you want to delete your Project? This action cannot be undone. Please explain why you want to delete it.    =   WARNING: You or anybody else will not be able to use the plugin ID "{0}" in the future if you continue. If you are deleting your project to recreate it, please do not delete your project and contact the Ore staff for help.      =   Download the latest recommended version =   This project's recommended version has not been reviewed by our moderation staff and may not be safe for download.           =   This version has not been reviewed by our moderation staff and may not be safe for download.
project.flag                    =   Flag
project.flag.plural             =   Flags
project.create                  =   New Project
project.owner                   =   Owner
project.rename                  =   Rename
project.rename.title            =   Rename project             =   Changing your projects name can have undesired consequences. We will not setup any redirects.
project.discuss                 =   Discuss
project.discuss.postAs          =   Posting as:                    =   Docs
project.settings                =   Settings
project.settings.members        =   Members
project.settings.license        =   License   =   What can people do (and not do) with your project?
project.settings.deployKey      =   Deployment key =   Generate a unique deployment key to enable build deployment from Gradle
project.settings.genKey         =   Generate key
project.settings.revokeKey      =   Revoke key
project.settings.forumSync      =   Create posts on the forums =   Sets if events like a new release should automatically create a post on the forums
project.versions                =   Versions
project.downloads               =   Downloads
project.starred                 =   Stars
project.watching                =   Watching
project.views                   =   Views                     =   Top                     =   Hot                     =   New
project.latest                  =   Latest
project.create.title            =   Create a new project
project.create.uid              =   Unique ID
project.create.selectFile       =   Select plugin file
project.create.destination      =   Project will be created at {0}
project.create.infoText.head    =   A project contains your downloads and the documentation for your plugin.
project.create.infoText.guidelines = Before continuing, please review the <a href="">Ore Submission Guidelines</a>.       =   Project name
project.create.input.pluginId   =   Plugin id
project.create.input.category   =   Project category
project.create.input.description =   Project description
project.create.issue-input      =   Issue tracker URL
project.create.source-input     =   Source code URL
project.icon                    =   Project icon             =   New Version
project.members.infoText.head   =   Project members are other users of Ore that have special access to your project. Different user "roles" define what a user can and cannot do to your project.
project.members.infoText.bottom =   Ore was able to find <strong>{0}</strong> users who are registered with Ore in your plugin file.                  =   Search for projects.
project.viewAuthors             =   View project creators.
project.viewStaff               =   View Sponge staff.
project.removeMember            =   Remove member
project.removeMember.confirm    =   Are you sure you want to remove this user?
project.deleted                 =   Project "{0}" deleted.            =   Licensed under           =   Category: {0}
project.publishDate             =   Published on {0}               =   Page name          =   Enter a title for your new page.             =   Parent page        =   Select a parent page (optional)
project.manager                 =   Project Manager

project.back = Go back

project.log.logger.title        = Project Log
project.log.visibility.title    = Visibility Log

org.create          =   New Organization
org.create.title    =   Create a new Organization            =   Organizations allow you group users provide closer collaboration between them within your projects on Ore.            =   Organization name
org.welcome         =   Welcome to your new organization! Start by changing your avatar by clicking on it.
org.welcome.confirm =   Got it!
org.users.add       =   Add User      =   Save Users
org.plural          =   Organizations

version                         =   Version
version.description             =   Description
version.filename                =   File name
version.fileSize                =   File size
version.delete.cannotLast       =   Every project must have at least one version
version.delete.alreadyDeleted   =   This version has already been deleted
version.dependency.notOnOre     =   This plugin is not available for download on Ore           =   This release has no dependencies
version.create.pageTitle        =   Release a new version
version.create.title            =   New project release
version.create.noDescription    =   No description given.
version.create.upload           =   Upload
version.create.selectFile       =   Select file
version.create.publish          =   Publish
version.create.tos              =   By clicking "Publish" you are agreeing to Ore's <a href="">Terms of Service</a>.             =   Release a new version for <strong>{0}</strong> (pluginid: {1}).
version.create.unstable         =   Mark this version as unstable
version.recommended             =   Recommended version
version.approved                =   Approved
version.approvedPartial         =   Partially Approved           =   <strong>{0}</strong> approved this version on <strong>{1}</strong>
version.releaseBulletin         =   Release Bulletin    =   What''s new in this release?             =   Are you sure you want to delete this version? This action cannot be undone. Please explain why you want to delete it.
version.delete.title            =   Delete version                  =   Download Warning for                 =   {1} {2} by {0}             =   We disclaim all responsibility for any harm to your server or system should you choose not to heed this warning.        =   This version has not been reviewed by our moderation staff yet and may not be safe to use. =   \
  This version has only been partially reviewed by our moderation staff and may not be safe for use. \
  While the core plugin has been reviewed, other resources like shaded libraries have not.     =   This version will not be reviewed and may not be safe to use.               =   Download it at my own risk = \
  This version has not been reviewed by our moderation staff and may not be safe for download.\n\
  Disclaimer: We disclaim all responsibility for any harm to your server or system should you choose not to heed this \
  warning. = \
  This version has only been partially reviewed by our moderation staff and may not be safe for download.\
  While the core plugin has been reviewed, other resources like shaded libraries have not. \n\
  Disclaimer: We disclaim all responsibility for any harm to your server or system should you choose not to heed this \
  warning. = \
  Please POST to the attached link to acknowledge this disclaimer and continue to the download. \
  curl -O -J -L -d -X "{0}&csrfToken={1}" = Sorry, but Ore does not support the use of wget. \
  Please use the following curl instead:\n\
  curl -O -J -L "<url>"

version.log.logger.title        = Project Log
version.log.visibility.title    = Visibility Log                    =   Channel name
channel.edit.title              =   Edit channel
channel.edit.close              =   Close               =   Save changes
channel.edit.maxReached         =   You have reached the maximum amount of channels permitted.
channel.edit.cannotDeleteLast   =   You cannot delete your last channel.
channel.list.pageTitle          =   Channels | {0} / {1}
channel.list.title              =   Release channels
channel.list.description        =   Release channels represent the state of a plugin release. A project may have up to five release channels.
channel.delete                  =   Delete channel             =   Are you sure you want to delete this channel?    =   versions will be deleted.
channel.nonReviewed             =   Exclude versions in this channel from the staff approval queue        =   Certain restrictions may apply
channel.nameRequirements        =   Name must be: unique, alphanumerical, no spaces, max 15 characters              =   dropdownMenu{0}

user.tagline                =   Tagline           =   Add a short tagline to let people know what you're about!
user.tagline.edit           =   Edit tagline
user.noStars                =   {0} has not starred any projects. :(
user.noWatching             =   {0} is not watching any projects. :(
user.noOrganizations        =   {0} is not part of any organizations. :(
user.seeAll                 =   See all
user.editAvatar             =   Edit avatar
user.avatar.byUrl           =   Update by URL
user.avatar.byFile          =   Update by file
user.memberSince            =   A member since {0}
user.viewOnForums           =   View on forums
user.notFound               =   Could not find user
user.flags.none             =   There are no flags to review.
user.flags.markResolved     =   Mark resolved
user.flags.markAllResolved  =   Mark all resolved
user.flags.messageUser      =   Message user
user.flags.messageOwner     =   Message project owner
user.queue                  =   Version approvals
user.queue.none             =   There are no versions to review.
user.queue.approve          =   Approve
user.queue.approvePartial   =   Approve Partial             =   Approval queue
user.queue.progress         =   In Review
user.lock                   =   Lock account
user.lock.confirm           =   Are you sure you want to lock your account? You will not be able to upload files or modify any existing projects.
user.unlock                 =   Unlock account
user.unlock.confirm         =   Are you sure you want to unlock your account?
user.enterPassword          =   Enter your password to continue:
user.stats                  =   Stats

user.apiKeys.createNew             = Create new key
user.apiKeys.createKeyBtn          = Create key
user.apiKeys.existingKeys          = Existing keys
user.apiKeys.keyName               = Name
user.apiKeys.keyToken              = Key
user.apiKeys.keyIdentifier         = Key identifier
user.apiKeys.keyPermissions        = Permissions
user.apiKeys.keyDeleteColumn       = Delete
user.apiKeys.keyDeleteButton       = Delete key
user.apiKeys.error.noPermsSet      = No permissions specified
user.apiKeys.error.noNameSet       = No name specified
user.apiKeys.error.nameAlreadyUsed = Name already used

organization.avatarFailed   =   Failed to request token for changing the organization avatar.

notification.invite                 =   You have been invited to join the {0}
notification.invites                =   Invites
notification.invite.all             =   All
notification.invite.projects        =   Projects
notification.invite.organizations   =   Organizations
notification.invite.accept          =   Accept
notification.invite.decline         =   Decline
notification.invite.undo            =   Undo
notification.invite.visit           =   Visit now
notification.invite.joined          =   You have joined <strong>{0}</strong>!
notification.invite.declined        =   You have declined an invite from <strong>{0}</strong>.
notification.plural                 =   Notifications
notification.markAllRead            =   Mark all as read
notification.unread                 =   Unread                   =   Read
notification.all                    =   All
notification.project.invite         =   You have been invited to join the group {0} on the project {1}.
notification.project.newVersion     =   A new version has been released for {0}: {1}.
notification.organization.invite    =   You have been invited to join the group {0} in the organization {1}.
notification.empty.unread           =   You have no unread notifications.             =   You have no read notifications.
notification.empty.all              =   You have no notifications.
notification.project.reviewed       =   {0} {1} has been reviewed and is approved.

prompt.confirm = Got it!
prompt.changeAvatar.title = Change your avatar!
prompt.changeAvatar.message = Welcome to your new organization! Start by changing your avatar by clicking on it.

email.signature = Best regards,<br/>The team at SpongePowered
email.accountUnlock.subject = User account unlocked
email.accountUnlock.body = We have detected that you've recently unlocked your account with us on Ore. If you did not make this change, please change your password immediately and take the necessary precautions to secure your account, such as enabling two-factor authentication. Thank you. = MIT
licenses.apache2.0 = Apache 2.0
licenses.gpl = GNU General Public License (GPL)
licenses.lgpl = GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
licenses.custom = Custom

ph.comment = Comment

api.deploy.versionExists = A version of that name already exists.
api.deploy.invalidKey = Invalid API key.
api.deploy.channelNotFound = Channel not found.

review.title = Review - {0} {1}
review.start = Start review
review.stop = Stop review
review.takeover = Takeover review
review.log = Review logs
review.whystop = Please explain why you are stopping the review
review.whytakeover = Please explain why you are takingover
review.addmessage = Add message = There are no reviews in progress
activity.title = Activity: 
admin.log.title = User Action Log

notes = Notes
notes.addmessage = Add message          = Public             = New    = Needs changes   = Needs approval      = Soft deleted
visibility.notice.public        = None           = This project is new, and will not be shown to others until a version has been uploaded. If a version is not uploaded over a longer time the project will be deleted.    = Click ''Publish'' to publish. This project will automatically be moved from the new stage in 24 hours.
visibility.notice.needsChanges  = This project requires changes:
visibility.notice.needsApproval = You have send the project for review
visibility.notice.softDelete    = Project deleted by {0}