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package discourse

import scala.language.higherKinds

import java.nio.file.Path

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

import ore.models.project.{Project, Version}
import ore.models.user.User
import ore.OreConfig
import ore.db.{Model, ModelService}
import ore.discourse.{DiscourseApi, DiscoursePost}
import ore.util.StringUtils._
import util.syntax._

import cats.{Applicative, Parallel}
import cats.effect.Effect
import cats.syntax.all._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging

  * Manages forum threads and posts for Ore models.
trait OreDiscourseApi[F[_]] {

    * Creates a new topic for the specified [[Project]].
    * @param project Project to create topic for.
    * @return        True if successful
  def createProjectTopic(project: Model[Project]): F[Model[Project]]

    * Updates a [[Project]]'s forum topic with the appropriate content.
    * @param project  Project to update topic for
    * @return         True if successful
  def updateProjectTopic(project: Model[Project]): F[Boolean]

    * Posts a new reply to a [[Project]]'s forum topic.
    * @param project  Project to post to
    * @param user     User who is posting
    * @param content  Post content
    * @return         List of errors Discourse returns
  def postDiscussionReply(project: Project, user: User, content: String): EitherT[F, String, DiscoursePost]

    * Posts a new "Version release" to a [[Project]]'s forum topic.
    * @param project Project to post release to
    * @param version Version of project
    * @return
  def createVersionPost(project: Model[Project], version: Model[Version]): F[Model[Version]]

    * Updates a [[Version]]s forum post with the appropriate content.
    * @param project The owner of the version
    * @param version The version to update post for
    * @return True if successful
  def updateVersionPost(project: Model[Project], version: Model[Version]): F[Boolean]

  def changeTopicVisibility(project: Project, isVisible: Boolean): F[Unit]

    * Delete's a [[Project]]'s forum topic.
    * @param project  Project to delete topic for
    * @return         True if deleted
  def deleteProjectTopic(project: Model[Project]): F[Model[Project]]

    * Returns true if the forum instance is available.
    * @return True if available
  def isAvailable: F[Boolean]