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Test Coverage
 * Create default WordPress admin functionality to configure the plugin.
 * @class   Object_Sync_Sf_Admin
 * @package Object_Sync_Salesforce

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * Object_Sync_Sf_Admin class.
class Object_Sync_Sf_Admin {

     * Current version of the plugin
     * @var string
    public $version;

     * The main plugin file
     * @var string
    public $file;

     * Global object of `$wpdb`, the WordPress database
     * @var object
    public $wpdb;

     * The plugin's slug so we can include it when necessary
     * @var string
    public $slug;

     * The plugin's prefix when saving options to the database
     * @var string
    public $option_prefix;

     * Suffix for group name in ActionScheduler
     * @var string
    public $action_group_suffix;

     * Login credentials for the Salesforce API; comes from wp-config or from the plugin settings
     * @var array
    public $login_credentials;

     * Array of what classes in the plugin can be scheduled to occur with `wp_cron` events
     * @var array
    public $schedulable_classes;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_Queue class
     * @var object
    public $queue;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_Logging class
     * @var object
    public $logging;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_Mapping class
     * @var object
    public $mappings;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_WordPress class
     * @var object
    public $wordpress;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_Salesforce class
     * This contains Salesforce API methods
     * @var array
    public $salesforce;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_Salesforce_Push class
     * @var object
    public $push;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_Salesforce_Pull class
     * @var object
    public $pull;

     * Object_Sync_Sf_WordPress_Transient class
     * @var object
    private $sfwp_transients;

     * URL fragment for the plugin's settings page
     * @var string
    private $admin_settings_url_param;

     * Data for admin notices
     * @var array
    public $notices_data;

     * Salesforce access token
     * @var string
    private $access_token;

     * Salesforce instance URL
     * @var string
    private $instance_url;

     * Salesforce refresh token
     * @var string
    private $refresh_token;

     * Default path for the Salesforce authorize URL
     * @var string
    public $default_authorize_url_path;

     * Default path for the Salesforce token URL
     * @var string
    public $default_token_url_path;

     * What version of the Salesforce API should be the default on the settings screen.
     * Users can edit what version is used, but they won't see a correct list of all their available versions until WordPress has
     * been authenticated with Salesforce.
     * @var string
     * @deprecated as of 2.2.0; will be removed in version 3.0. This property will stay until 3.0.0 because it is a public value and it could be accessed by other code.
    public $default_api_version;

     * Default max number of pull records. Users can edit this.
     * @var int
    public $default_pull_limit;

     * Default throttle for how often to pull from Salesforce. Users can edit this.
     * @var int
    public $default_pull_throttle;

     * Default for whether to limit to triggerable items. Users can edit this.
     * @var bool
    public $default_triggerable;

     * Default for whether to limit to items that can be updated. Users can edit this.
     * @var bool
    public $default_updateable;

     * Constructor for admin class
    public function __construct() {
        $this->version             = object_sync_for_salesforce()->version;
        $this->file                = object_sync_for_salesforce()->file;
        $this->wpdb                = object_sync_for_salesforce()->wpdb;
        $this->slug                = object_sync_for_salesforce()->slug;
        $this->option_prefix       = object_sync_for_salesforce()->option_prefix;
        $this->action_group_suffix = object_sync_for_salesforce()->action_group_suffix;

        $this->login_credentials   = object_sync_for_salesforce()->login_credentials;
        $this->wordpress           = object_sync_for_salesforce()->wordpress;
        $this->salesforce          = object_sync_for_salesforce()->salesforce;
        $this->mappings            = object_sync_for_salesforce()->mappings;
        $this->push                = object_sync_for_salesforce()->push;
        $this->pull                = object_sync_for_salesforce()->pull;
        $this->logging             = object_sync_for_salesforce()->logging;
        $this->schedulable_classes = object_sync_for_salesforce()->schedulable_classes;
        $this->queue               = object_sync_for_salesforce()->queue;

        // set the Salesforce API version.
        // as of version 2.2.0, this is set by the plugin and is not configurable in the interface.
        // this class variable will be removed in 3.0.0.
        $this->default_api_version = $this->login_credentials['rest_api_version'];

        $this->sfwp_transients          = object_sync_for_salesforce()->wordpress->sfwp_transients;
        $this->admin_settings_url_param = 'object-sync-salesforce-admin';
        $this->notices_data             = $this->notices_data();

        // default authorize url path.
        $this->default_authorize_url_path = '/services/oauth2/authorize';
        // default token url path.
        $this->default_token_url_path = '/services/oauth2/token';
        // default pull record limit.
        $this->default_pull_limit = 25;
        // default pull throttle for avoiding going over api limits.
        $this->default_pull_throttle = 5;
        // default setting for triggerable items.
        $this->default_triggerable = true;
        // default setting for updateable items.
        $this->default_updateable = true;


     * Create the action hooks to create the admin pages.
    public function add_actions() {

        // settings link.
        add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', array( $this, 'plugin_action_links' ), 10, 5 );

        // CSS and Javascript.
        add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_scripts_and_styles' ) );

        // Settings API forms and notices.
        add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'create_admin_menu' ) );
        add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'salesforce_settings_forms' ) );
        add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'display_notices' ) );
        add_action( 'admin_post_post_fieldmap', array( $this, 'prepare_fieldmap_data' ) );
        add_action( 'admin_post_delete_fieldmap', array( $this, 'delete_fieldmap' ) );

        // Ajax for fieldmap forms.
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_salesforce_object_description', array( $this, 'get_salesforce_object_description' ), 10, 1 );
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_salesforce_object_fields', array( $this, 'get_salesforce_object_fields' ), 10, 1 );
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_wordpress_object_fields', array( $this, 'get_wordpress_object_fields' ), 10, 1 );

        // Ajax events that can be manually called.
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_push_to_salesforce', array( $this, 'push_to_salesforce' ), 10, 3 );
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_pull_from_salesforce', array( $this, 'pull_from_salesforce' ), 10, 2 );
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_refresh_mapped_data', array( $this, 'refresh_mapped_data' ), 10, 1 );
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_clear_sfwp_cache', array( $this, 'clear_sfwp_cache' ) );
        add_action( 'wp_ajax_delete_salesforce_api_version', array( $this, 'delete_salesforce_api_version' ) );

        // we add a Salesforce box on user profiles.
        add_action( 'edit_user_profile', array( $this, 'show_salesforce_user_fields' ), 10, 1 );
        add_action( 'show_user_profile', array( $this, 'show_salesforce_user_fields' ), 10, 1 );

        // and we can update Salesforce fields on the user profile box.
        add_action( 'personal_options_update', array( $this, 'save_salesforce_user_fields' ), 10, 1 );
        add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', array( $this, 'save_salesforce_user_fields' ), 10, 1 );

        // when either field for schedule settings changes.
        foreach ( $this->schedulable_classes as $key => $value ) {
            // if the user doesn't have any action schedule tasks, let's not leave them empty.
            add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . $this->option_prefix . $key . '_schedule_number', array( $this, 'initial_action_schedule' ), 10, 3 );
            add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . $this->option_prefix . $key . '_schedule_unit', array( $this, 'initial_action_schedule' ), 10, 3 );

            // this is if the user is changing their tasks.
            add_filter( 'update_option_' . $this->option_prefix . $key . '_schedule_number', array( $this, 'change_action_schedule' ), 10, 3 );
            add_filter( 'update_option_' . $this->option_prefix . $key . '_schedule_unit', array( $this, 'change_action_schedule' ), 10, 3 );

        // when ActionScheduler runs its migration, resave the schedule options.
        add_action( 'action_scheduler/migration_complete', array( $this, 'resave_action_schedules' ) );

        // handle post requests for object maps.
        add_action( 'admin_post_delete_object_map', array( $this, 'delete_object_map' ) );
        add_action( 'admin_post_post_object_map', array( $this, 'prepare_object_map_data' ) );

        // import and export plugin data.
        add_action( 'admin_post_object_sync_for_salesforce_import', array( $this, 'import_json_file' ) );
        add_action( 'admin_post_object_sync_for_salesforce_export', array( $this, 'export_json_file' ) );


     * Display a Settings link on the main Plugins page
     * @param array  $links the array of links for the main plugins page.
     * @param string $file the filename.
     * @return array $links the array of links for the main plugins page
    public function plugin_action_links( $links, $file ) {
        if ( plugin_basename( $this->file ) === $file ) {
            $settings = '<a href="' . get_admin_url() . 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '">' . __( 'Settings', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '</a>';
            array_unshift( $links, $settings );
        return $links;

     * Admin styles. Load the CSS and JavaScript for the plugin's settings
    public function admin_scripts_and_styles() {

        // Developers might not want to bother with select2 or selectwoo, so we allow that to be changeable.
        $select_library = apply_filters( $this->option_prefix . 'select_library', 'selectwoo' );

         * example to modify the select library
         * add_filter( 'object_sync_for_salesforce_select_library', 'select_library', 10, 1 );
         * function select_library( $select_library ) {
         *     $select_library = 'select2';
         *  // this could also be empty; in that case we would just use default browser select
         *     return $select_library;
         * }

        $javascript_dependencies = array( 'jquery' );
        $css_dependencies        = array();
        if ( '' !== $select_library ) {
            wp_enqueue_script( $select_library . 'js', plugins_url( 'assets/js/vendor/' . $select_library . '.min.js', $this->file ), array( 'jquery' ), filemtime( plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . 'assets/js/vendor/' . $select_library . '.min.js' ), true );
            $javascript_dependencies[] = $select_library . 'js';
            wp_enqueue_style( $select_library . 'css', plugins_url( 'assets/css/vendor/' . $select_library . '.min.css', $this->file ), array(), filemtime( plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . 'assets/css/vendor/' . $select_library . '.min.css' ), 'all' );
            $css_dependencies[] = $select_library . 'css';

        wp_enqueue_script( $this->slug . '-admin', plugins_url( 'assets/js/object-sync-for-salesforce-admin.min.js', $this->file ), $javascript_dependencies, filemtime( plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . 'assets/js/object-sync-for-salesforce-admin.min.js' ), true );
        wp_enqueue_style( $this->slug . '-admin', plugins_url( 'assets/css/object-sync-for-salesforce-admin.css', $this->file ), $css_dependencies, filemtime( plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . 'assets/css/object-sync-for-salesforce-admin.css' ), 'all' );

     * Initial recurring tasks for ActionScheduler
     * @param string $new_schedule the new, unserialized option value.
     * @param string $old_schedule the old option value.
     * @param string $option_name option name.
     * @return string $new_schedule
    public function initial_action_schedule( $new_schedule, $old_schedule, $option_name ) {

        // get the current schedule name from the task, based on pattern in the foreach.
        preg_match( '/' . $this->option_prefix . '(.*)_schedule/', $option_name, $matches );
        $schedule_name     = $matches[1];
        $action_group_name = $schedule_name . $this->action_group_suffix;

        // make sure there are no tasks already.
        $current_tasks = as_get_scheduled_actions(
                'hook'  => $this->schedulable_classes[ $schedule_name ]['initializer'],
                'group' => $action_group_name,

        // exit if there are already tasks; they'll be saved if the option data changed.
        if ( ! empty( $current_tasks ) ) {
            return $new_schedule;

        $this->set_action_schedule( $schedule_name, $action_group_name );

        return $new_schedule;


     * Update recurring tasks for ActionScheduler if options change
     * @param string $old_schedule the old option value.
     * @param string $new_schedule the new, unserialized option value.
     * @param string $option_name option name.
    public function change_action_schedule( $old_schedule, $new_schedule, $option_name ) {

        // this method does not run if the option's data is unchanged.

        // get the current schedule name from the task, based on pattern in the foreach.
        preg_match( '/' . $this->option_prefix . '(.*)_schedule/', $option_name, $matches );
        $schedule_name     = $matches[1];
        $action_group_name = $schedule_name . $this->action_group_suffix;

        $this->set_action_schedule( $schedule_name, $action_group_name );


     * Set up recurring tasks for ActionScheduler
     * @param string $schedule_name the name of the schedule.
     * @param string $action_group_name the group's name.
    private function set_action_schedule( $schedule_name, $action_group_name ) {
        // exit if there is no initializer property on this schedule.
        if ( ! isset( $this->schedulable_classes[ $schedule_name ]['initializer'] ) ) {

        // cancel previous task.
            $this->schedulable_classes[ $schedule_name ]['initializer'],

        // create new recurring task for ActionScheduler to check for data to pull from Salesforce.
            time(), // plugin seems to expect UTC.
            $this->queue->get_frequency( $schedule_name, 'seconds' ),
            $this->schedulable_classes[ $schedule_name ]['initializer'],

     * When it finishes its migration, resave the scheduled tasks for ActionScheduler.
    public function resave_action_schedules() {
        // for each schedulable action, go ahead and resave it.
        $schedules_updated  = array();
        $schedules_restored = array();
        foreach ( $this->schedulable_classes as $key => $value ) {
            // make sure it has an initializer property; this is used on recurring tasks.
            if ( isset( $value['initializer'] ) ) {
                // toggle the schedule number setting.
                $schedule_option_name  = $this->option_prefix . $key . '_schedule_number';
                $previous_option_value = get_option( $schedule_option_name, 0 );
                $previous_option_value = filter_var( $previous_option_value, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );
                $new_option_value      = $previous_option_value + 1;
                $schedule_updated      = update_option( $schedule_option_name, $new_option_value );
                if ( true === $schedule_updated ) {
                    $schedules_updated[] = $key;
                    $schedule_restored   = update_option( $schedule_option_name, $previous_option_value );
                    if ( true === $schedule_restored ) {
                        $schedules_restored[] = $key;

        // create a log entry from the updated scheduled tasks.
        if ( ! empty( $schedules_updated ) || ! empty( $schedules_restored ) ) {
            $status = 'success';
        } else {
            $status = 'error';

        $body = sprintf( esc_html__( 'These are the scheduled tasks that were updated: ', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '<ul>' );
        foreach ( $schedules_updated as $schedule_updated ) {
            $body .= sprintf(
                // translators: placeholders are: 1) the schedule name.
                '<li>' . esc_html__( 'Schedule name: %1$s.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '</li>',
                esc_attr( $schedule_updated )
        $body .= '</ul>';

        $body .= sprintf( esc_html__( 'These are the scheduled tasks that have the same frequency as they had pre-migration: ', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '<ul>' );
        foreach ( $schedules_restored as $schedule_restored ) {
            $body .= sprintf(
                // translators: placeholders are: 1) the schedule name.
                '<li>' . esc_html__( 'Schedule name: %1$s.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '</li>',
                esc_attr( $schedule_restored )
        $body .= '</ul>';

        $body .= sprintf( esc_html__( 'If any tasks were not updated, or were not able to keep the same frequency they had before, go to the Scheduling tab to update them.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) );
        $body .= sprintf(
            // translators: %1$s is the schedule settings URL.
            wp_kses_post( 'If any tasks were not updated, or were not able to keep the same frequency they had before, go to the <a href="' . admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=object-sync-salesforce-admin&tab=schedule' ) . '">%1$s</a> tab to update them.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
            esc_html__( 'Scheduling', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' )

                // translators: %1$s is the log status, %2$s is the name of a WordPress object. %3$s is the id of that object.
                esc_html__( '%1$s ActionScheduler: the ActionScheduler library has completed its migration. See the log entry content for status on each recurring task.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                ucfirst( esc_attr( $status ) )

     * Create the WordPress admin options page
    public function create_admin_menu() {
        $title = __( 'Salesforce', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
        add_options_page( $title, $title, 'configure_salesforce', $this->admin_settings_url_param, array( $this, 'show_admin_page' ) );

     * Render the admin pages in WordPress. This also allows other plugins to add tabs to this plugin's settings screen
    public function show_admin_page() {
        $get_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        echo '<div class="wrap">';
        echo '<h1>' . esc_html( get_admin_page_title() ) . '</h1>';
        $allowed = $this->check_wordpress_admin_permissions();
        if ( false === $allowed ) {
        $tabs = array(
            'settings'      => __( 'Settings', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
            'authorize'     => __( 'Authorize', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
            'fieldmaps'     => __( 'Fieldmaps', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
            'schedule'      => __( 'Scheduling', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
            'import-export' => __( 'Import &amp; Export', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
        ); // this creates the tabs for the admin.

        // optionally make tab(s) for logging and log settings.
        $logging_enabled      = get_option( $this->option_prefix . 'enable_logging', false );
        $tabs['log_settings'] = __( 'Log Settings', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );

        $mapping_errors       = $this->mappings->get_failed_object_maps();
        $mapping_errors_total = isset( $mapping_errors['total'] ) ? $mapping_errors['total'] : 0;
        if ( 0 < $mapping_errors_total ) {
            $tabs['mapping_errors'] = __( 'Mapping Errors', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );

        // filter for extending the tabs available on the page
        // currently it will go into the default switch case for $tab.
        $tabs = apply_filters( $this->option_prefix . 'settings_tabs', $tabs );

        $tab = isset( $get_data['tab'] ) ? sanitize_key( $get_data['tab'] ) : 'settings';
        $this->tabs( $tabs, $tab );

        $consumer_key    = $this->login_credentials['consumer_key'];
        $consumer_secret = $this->login_credentials['consumer_secret'];
        $callback_url    = $this->login_credentials['callback_url'];

        if ( true !== $this->salesforce['is_authorized'] ) {
            $url     = esc_url( $callback_url );
            $anchor  = esc_html__( 'Authorize tab', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
            $message = sprintf( 'Salesforce needs to be authorized to connect to this website. Use the <a href="%s">%s</a> to connect.', $url, $anchor );
            require plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/error.php';

        if ( 0 === count( $this->mappings->get_fieldmaps() ) ) {
            $url     = esc_url( get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=fieldmaps' ) );
            $anchor  = esc_html__( 'Fieldmaps tab', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
            $message = sprintf( 'No fieldmaps exist yet. Use the <a href="%s">%s</a> to map WordPress and Salesforce objects to each other.', $url, $anchor );
            require plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/error.php';

        try {
            switch ( $tab ) {
                case 'authorize':
                    if ( isset( $get_data['code'] ) ) {
                        // this string is an oauth token.
                        $data          = esc_html( wp_unslash( $get_data['code'] ) );
                        $is_authorized = $this->salesforce['sfapi']->request_token( $data );
                        <script>window.location = '<?php echo esc_url_raw( $callback_url ); ?>'</script>
                    } elseif ( true === $this->salesforce['is_authorized'] ) {
                            require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/authorized.php';
                            $this->status( $this->salesforce['sfapi'] );
                    } elseif ( true === is_object( $this->salesforce['sfapi'] ) && isset( $consumer_key ) && isset( $consumer_secret ) ) {
                        <p><a class="button button-primary" href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->salesforce['sfapi']->get_authorization_code() ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Connect to Salesforce', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ); ?></a></p>
                    } else {
                        $url    = esc_url( get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=settings' ) );
                        $anchor = esc_html__( 'Settings', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
                        // translators: placeholders are for the settings tab link: 1) the url, and 2) the anchor text.
                        $message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Salesforce needs to be authorized to connect to this website but the credentials are missing. Use the <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> tab to add them.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ), $url, $anchor );
                        require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/error.php';
                case 'fieldmaps':
                    if ( isset( $get_data['method'] ) ) {

                        $method      = sanitize_key( $get_data['method'] );
                        $error_url   = get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=fieldmaps&method=' . $method );
                        $success_url = get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=fieldmaps' );

                        $disable_mapped_fields = get_option( $this->option_prefix . 'disable_mapped_fields', false );
                        $disable_mapped_fields = filter_var( $disable_mapped_fields, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
                        $fieldmap_class        = 'fieldmap';
                        if ( true === $disable_mapped_fields ) {
                            $fieldmap_class .= ' fieldmap-disable-mapped-fields';

                        if ( isset( $get_data['transient'] ) ) {
                            $transient = sanitize_key( $get_data['transient'] );
                            $posted    = $this->sfwp_transients->get( $transient );

                        if ( isset( $posted ) && is_array( $posted ) ) {
                            $map = $posted;
                        } elseif ( 'edit' === $method || 'clone' === $method || 'delete' === $method ) {
                            $map = $this->mappings->get_fieldmaps( isset( $get_data['id'] ) ? sanitize_key( $get_data['id'] ) : '' );

                        if ( 'add' === $method || ( isset( $map ) && is_array( $map ) && isset( $map['id'] ) ) ) {
                            if ( isset( $map ) && is_array( $map ) && isset( $map['id'] ) ) {
                                $label                               = $map['label'];
                                $fieldmap_status                     = $map['fieldmap_status'];
                                $salesforce_object                   = $map['salesforce_object'];
                                $salesforce_record_types_allowed     = maybe_unserialize( $map['salesforce_record_types_allowed'] );
                                $salesforce_record_type_default      = $map['salesforce_record_type_default'];
                                $wordpress_object                    = $map['wordpress_object'];
                                $pull_trigger_field                  = $map['pull_trigger_field'];
                                $fieldmap_fields                     = $map['fields'];
                                $sync_triggers                       = $map['sync_triggers'];
                                $always_delete_object_maps_on_delete = $map['always_delete_object_maps_on_delete'];
                                $push_async                          = $map['push_async'];
                                $push_drafts                         = $map['push_drafts'];
                                $pull_to_drafts                      = $map['pull_to_drafts'];
                                $weight                              = $map['weight'];
                            if ( 'add' === $method || 'edit' === $method || 'clone' === $method ) {
                                require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php';
                            } elseif ( 'delete' === $method ) {
                                require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/fieldmaps-delete.php';
                        } else {
                            $no_fieldmap_url = get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=fieldmaps&missing_fieldmap=true' );
                            wp_safe_redirect( $no_fieldmap_url );
                    } else {
                        $fieldmaps = $this->mappings->get_fieldmaps();
                        require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php';
                    } // End if statement.
                case 'logout':
                case 'clear_cache':
                case 'clear_schedule':
                    if ( isset( $get_data['schedule_name'] ) ) {
                        $schedule_name = sanitize_key( $get_data['schedule_name'] );
                    $this->clear_schedule( $schedule_name );
                case 'settings':
                    require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/settings.php';
                case 'mapping_errors':
                    if ( isset( $get_data['method'] ) ) {

                        $method      = sanitize_key( $get_data['method'] );
                        $error_url   = get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=mapping_errors&method=' . $method );
                        $success_url = get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=mapping_errors' );

                        if ( isset( $get_data['map_transient'] ) ) {
                            $transient = sanitize_key( $get_data['map_transient'] );
                            $posted    = $this->sfwp_transients->get( $transient );

                        if ( isset( $posted ) && is_array( $posted ) ) {
                            $map_row = $posted;
                        } elseif ( 'edit' === $method || 'delete' === $method ) {
                            $map_row = $this->mappings->get_failed_object_map( isset( $get_data['id'] ) ? sanitize_key( $get_data['id'] ) : '' );

                        if ( isset( $map_row ) && is_array( $map_row ) ) {
                            $salesforce_id    = $map_row['salesforce_id'];
                            $wordpress_id     = $map_row['wordpress_id'];
                            $wordpress_object = $map_row['wordpress_object'];

                        if ( 'edit' === $method ) {
                            require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php';
                        } elseif ( 'delete' === $method ) {
                            require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/mapping-errors-delete.php';
                    } else {

                        if ( isset( $get_data['mapping_error_transient'] ) ) {
                            $transient = sanitize_key( $get_data['mapping_error_transient'] );
                            $posted    = $this->sfwp_transients->get( $transient );

                        $ids_string = '';
                        $ids        = array();
                        if ( isset( $posted['delete'] ) ) {
                            $ids_string = maybe_serialize( $posted['delete'] );
                            $ids        = $posted['delete'];

                        $error_url   = get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=mapping_errors&ids=' . $ids_string );
                        $success_url = get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=mapping_errors' );
                        require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/mapping-errors.php';
                case 'import-export':
                    require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/import-export.php';
                    $include_settings = apply_filters( $this->option_prefix . 'settings_tab_include_settings', true, $tab );
                    $content_before   = apply_filters( $this->option_prefix . 'settings_tab_content_before', null, $tab );
                    $content_after    = apply_filters( $this->option_prefix . 'settings_tab_content_after', null, $tab );
                    if ( null !== $content_before ) {
                        echo esc_html( $content_before );
                    if ( true === $include_settings ) {
                        require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/settings.php';
                    if ( null !== $content_after ) {
                        echo esc_html( $content_after );
            } // End switch statement.
        } catch ( Object_Sync_Sf_Exception $ex ) {
            echo sprintf(
                '<p>Error <strong>%1$s</strong>: %2$s</p>',
                absint( $ex->getCode() ),
                esc_html( $ex->getMessage() )
        } // End try for menu/page setup.
        echo '</div>';

     * Create default WordPress admin settings form. This runs the Settings page.
    public function salesforce_settings_forms() {
        $get_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $page     = isset( $get_data['tab'] ) ? sanitize_key( $get_data['tab'] ) : 'settings';
        $section  = isset( $get_data['tab'] ) ? sanitize_key( $get_data['tab'] ) : 'settings';

        $input_callback_default   = array( $this, 'display_input_field' );
        $input_checkboxes_default = array( $this, 'display_checkboxes' );
        $input_select_default     = array( $this, 'display_select' );
        $link_default             = array( $this, 'display_link' );

        $all_field_callbacks = array(
            'text'       => $input_callback_default,
            'checkboxes' => $input_checkboxes_default,
            'select'     => $input_select_default,
            'link'       => $link_default,

        $this->fields_settings( 'settings', 'settings', $all_field_callbacks );
        $this->fields_fieldmaps( 'fieldmaps', 'objects' );
        $this->fields_scheduling( 'schedule', 'schedule', $all_field_callbacks );
        $this->fields_log_settings( 'log_settings', 'log_settings', $all_field_callbacks );
        $this->fields_errors( 'mapping_errors', 'mapping_errors', $all_field_callbacks );

     * Fields for the Settings tab
     * This runs add_settings_section once, as well as add_settings_field and register_setting methods for each option
     * @param string $page what page we're on.
     * @param string $section what section of the page.
     * @param array  $callbacks method to call.
    private function fields_settings( $page, $section, $callbacks ) {
        add_settings_section( $page, ucwords( $page ), null, $page );
        $salesforce_settings = array(
            'consumer_key'                   => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Consumer Key', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'text',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => '',
                    'constant' => 'OBJECT_SYNC_SF_SALESFORCE_CONSUMER_KEY',

            'consumer_secret'                => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Consumer Secret', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'text',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => '',
                    'constant' => 'OBJECT_SYNC_SF_SALESFORCE_CONSUMER_SECRET',
            'callback_url'                   => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Callback URL', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'url',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => sprintf(
                        // translators: %1$s is the admin URL for the Authorize tab.
                        __( 'In most cases, you will want to use %1$s for this value.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                        get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=authorize' )
                    'constant' => 'OBJECT_SYNC_SF_SALESFORCE_CALLBACK_URL',
            'login_base_url'                 => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Login Base URL', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'url',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => sprintf(
                        // translators: 1) production salesforce login, 2) sandbox salesforce login.
                        __( 'For most Salesforce setups, you should use %1$s for production and %2$s for sandbox. If you try to use an instance name as the URL, you may encounter Salesforce errors.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                        esc_url( 'https://login.salesforce.com' ),
                        esc_url( 'https://test.salesforce.com' )
                    'constant' => 'OBJECT_SYNC_SF_SALESFORCE_LOGIN_BASE_URL',
            'authorize_url_path'             => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Authorize URL Path', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'text',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'For most Salesforce installs, this should not be changed.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => 'OBJECT_SYNC_SF_SALESFORCE_AUTHORIZE_URL_PATH',
                    'default'  => $this->default_authorize_url_path,
            'token_url_path'                 => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Token URL Path', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'text',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'For most Salesforce installs, this should not be changed.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => 'OBJECT_SYNC_SF_SALESFORCE_TOKEN_URL_PATH',
                    'default'  => $this->default_token_url_path,
            'object_filters'                 => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Limit Salesforce Objects', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['checkboxes'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'checkboxes',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'Allows you to limit which Salesforce objects can be mapped', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'items'    => array(
                        'triggerable' => array(
                            'text'    => __( 'Only Triggerable objects', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'      => 'triggerable',
                            'desc'    => '',
                            'default' => $this->default_triggerable,
                        'updateable'  => array(
                            'text'    => __( 'Only Updateable objects', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'      => 'updateable',
                            'desc'    => '',
                            'default' => $this->default_updateable,
            'salesforce_field_display_value' => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Salesforce Field Display Value', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['select'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'select',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'When choosing Salesforce fields to map, this value determines how the dropdown will identify Salesforce fields.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',
                    'items'    => array(
                        'field_label' => array(
                            'text'  => __( 'Field Label', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'value' => 'field_label',
                        'api_name'    => array(
                            'text'  => __( 'API Name', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'value' => 'api_name',
            'disable_mapped_fields'          => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Prevent Duplicate Field Mapping?', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'checkbox',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_text_field',
                    'desc'     => __( 'If checked, any WordPress or Salesforce field that has already been mapped, or that is selected while creating or editing a fieldmap, cannot be mapped again.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',
            'pull_query_limit'               => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Pull Query Record Limit', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'number',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'desc'     => __( 'Limit the number of records that can be pulled from Salesforce in a single query.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',
                    'default'  => $this->default_pull_limit,
            'pull_throttle'                  => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Pull Throttle (In Seconds)', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'number',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'Number of seconds to wait between repeated salesforce pulls. Prevents the webserver from becoming overloaded in case of too many cron runs, or webhook usage.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',
                    'default'  => $this->default_pull_throttle,

        // only show soap settings if the soap extension is enabled on the server.
        if ( true === $this->salesforce['soap_available'] ) {
            $salesforce_settings['use_soap']       = array(
                'title'    => __( 'Enable the Salesforce SOAP API?', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'class'    => 'object-sync-for-salesforce-enable-soap',
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'checkbox',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_text_field',
                    'desc'     => __( 'Check this to enable the SOAP API and use it instead of the REST API when the plugin supports it. https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/tech-pubs/2011/10/salesforce-apis-what-they-are-when-to-use-them.html to compare the two. Note: if you need to detect Salesforce merges in this plugin, you will need to enable SOAP.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',
            $salesforce_settings['soap_wsdl_path'] = array(
                'title'    => __( 'Path to SOAP WSDL File', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'class'    => 'object-sync-for-salesforce-soap-wsdl-path',
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'text',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_text_field',
                    'desc'     => __( 'Optionally add a path to your own WSDL file. If you do not, the plugin will use the default partner.wsdl.xml from the Force.com toolkit.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',

        $salesforce_settings['debug_mode']               = array(
            'title'    => __( 'Debug Mode?', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
            'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
            'page'     => $page,
            'section'  => $section,
            'args'     => array(
                'type'     => 'checkbox',
                'validate' => 'sanitize_text_field',
                'desc'     => __( 'Debug mode activates logging for plugin events like Salesforce API requests and WordPress data operations. This can create a lot of log entries; it is not recommended to use it long-term in a production environment.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'constant' => '',
        $salesforce_settings['delete_data_on_uninstall'] = array(
            'title'    => __( 'Delete Plugin Data on Uninstall?', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
            'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
            'page'     => $page,
            'section'  => $section,
            'args'     => array(
                'type'     => 'checkbox',
                'validate' => 'sanitize_text_field',
                'desc'     => __( 'If checked, the plugin will delete the tables and other data it creates when you uninstall it. Unchecking this field can be useful if you need to reactivate the plugin for any reason without losing data.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'constant' => '',

        foreach ( $salesforce_settings as $key => $attributes ) {
            $id       = $this->option_prefix . $key;
            $name     = $this->option_prefix . $key;
            $title    = $attributes['title'];
            $callback = $attributes['callback'];
            $validate = $attributes['args']['validate'];
            $page     = $attributes['page'];
            $section  = $attributes['section'];
            $class    = isset( $attributes['class'] ) ? $attributes['class'] : '';
            $args     = array_merge(
                    'title'     => $title,
                    'id'        => $id,
                    'label_for' => $id,
                    'name'      => $name,
                    'class'     => $class,

            // if there is a constant and it is defined, don't run a validate function.
            if ( isset( $attributes['args']['constant'] ) && defined( $attributes['args']['constant'] ) ) {
                $validate = '';

            add_settings_field( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args );
            register_setting( $page, $id, array( $this, $validate ) );

     * Fields for the Fieldmaps tab
     * This runs add_settings_section once, as well as add_settings_field and register_setting methods for each option
     * @param string $page what page we're on.
     * @param string $section what section of the page.
     * @param string $input_callback method to call.
    private function fields_fieldmaps( $page, $section, $input_callback = '' ) {
        add_settings_section( $page, ucwords( $page ), null, $page );

     * Fields for the Scheduling tab
     * This runs add_settings_section once, as well as add_settings_field and register_setting methods for each option
     * @param string $page what page we're on.
     * @param string $section what section of the page.
     * @param array  $callbacks method to call.
    private function fields_scheduling( $page, $section, $callbacks ) {

        add_settings_section( 'batch', __( 'Batch Settings', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ), null, $page );
        $section           = 'batch';
        $schedule_settings = array(
            'action_scheduler_batch_size'         => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Batch Size', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'number',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'default'  => 5,
                    'desc'     => __( 'Set how many actions (checking for data changes, syncing a record, etc. all count as individual actions) can be run in a batch. Start with a low number here, like 5, if you are unsure.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',

            'action_scheduler_concurrent_batches' => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Concurrent Batches', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'number',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'default'  => 3,
                    'desc'     => __( 'Set how many batches of actions can be run at once. Start with a low number here, like 3, if you are unsure.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',

        foreach ( $this->schedulable_classes as $key => $value ) {
            add_settings_section( $key, $value['label'], null, $page );
            if ( isset( $value['initializer'] ) ) {
                $schedule_settings[ $key . '_schedule_number' ] = array(
                    'title'    => __( 'Run Schedule Every', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                    'page'     => $page,
                    'section'  => $key,
                    'args'     => array(
                        'type'     => 'number',
                        'validate' => 'absint',
                        'desc'     => '',
                        'constant' => '',
                $schedule_settings[ $key . '_schedule_unit' ]   = array(
                    'title'    => __( 'Time Unit', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'callback' => $callbacks['select'],
                    'page'     => $page,
                    'section'  => $key,
                    'args'     => array(
                        'type'     => 'select',
                        'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                        'desc'     => '',
                        'items'    => array(
                            'minutes' => array(
                                'text'  => __( 'Minutes', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                                'value' => 'minutes',
                            'hours'   => array(
                                'text'  => __( 'Hours', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                                'value' => 'hours',
                            'days'    => array(
                                'text'  => __( 'Days', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                                'value' => 'days',
            $schedule_settings[ $key . '_clear_button' ] = array(
                // translators: $this->get_schedule_count is an integer showing how many items are in the current queue.
                'title'    => sprintf( 'This Queue Has ' . _n( '%s Item', '%s Items', $this->get_schedule_count( $key ), 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ), $this->get_schedule_count( $key ) ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['link'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $key,
                'args'     => array(
                    'label'      => __( 'Clear this queue', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'desc'       => '',
                    'url'        => esc_url( '?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&amp;tab=clear_schedule&amp;schedule_name=' . $key ),
                    'link_class' => 'button button-secondary',
            foreach ( $schedule_settings as $key => $attributes ) {
                $id       = $this->option_prefix . $key;
                $name     = $this->option_prefix . $key;
                $title    = $attributes['title'];
                $callback = $attributes['callback'];
                $page     = $attributes['page'];
                $section  = $attributes['section'];
                $args     = array_merge(
                        'title'     => $title,
                        'id'        => $id,
                        'label_for' => $id,
                        'name'      => $name,
                add_settings_field( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args );
                register_setting( $page, $id );
        } // End foreach statement.

     * Fields for the Log Settings tab
     * This runs add_settings_section once, as well as add_settings_field and register_setting methods for each option
     * @param string $page what page we're on.
     * @param string $section what section of the page.
     * @param array  $callbacks method to call.
    private function fields_log_settings( $page, $section, $callbacks ) {
        add_settings_section( $page, ucwords( str_replace( '_', ' ', $page ) ), null, $page );
        $log_settings = array(
            'enable_logging'        => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Enable Logging?', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'checkbox',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'desc'     => __( 'This determines whether to create plugin log events in standard operation. If Debug Mode is enabled in the plugin settings, logging will occur regardless of this setting.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',
            'statuses_to_log'       => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Statuses to Log', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['checkboxes'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'checkboxes',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => '',
                    'items'    => array(
                        'error'   => array(
                            'text' => __( 'Error', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'error',
                            'desc' => '',
                        'success' => array(
                            'text' => __( 'Success', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'success',
                            'desc' => '',
                        'notice'  => array(
                            'text' => __( 'Notice', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'notice',
                            'desc' => '',
            'prune_logs'            => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Automatically Delete Old Log Entries?', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'checkbox',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'desc'     => '',
                    'constant' => '',
            'logs_how_old'          => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Age to Delete Log Entries', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'text',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'If automatic deleting is enabled, it will affect logs this old.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'default'  => '2 weeks',
                    'constant' => '',
            'logs_how_often_number' => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Check For Old Logs Every', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'number',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'desc'     => '',
                    'default'  => '1',
                    'constant' => '',
            'logs_how_often_unit'   => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Time Unit', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['select'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'select',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'These two fields are how often the site will check for logs to delete.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'items'    => array(
                        'minutes' => array(
                            'text'  => __( 'Minutes', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'value' => 'minutes',
                        'hours'   => array(
                            'text'  => __( 'Hours', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'value' => 'hours',
                        'days'    => array(
                            'text'  => __( 'Days', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'value' => 'days',
            'logs_how_many_number'  => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Clear This Many Log Entries', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'number',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'desc'     => __( 'This number is how many log entries the plugin will try to clear at a time. If you do not enter a number, the default is 100.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'default'  => '100',
                    'constant' => '',
            'triggers_to_log'       => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Triggers to Log', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['checkboxes'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'checkboxes',
                    'validate' => 'sanitize_validate_text',
                    'desc'     => __( 'These are the triggers to log. When the plugin is in debug mode (see the settings tab), all triggers will be considered to be triggers to log, even if they are not checked here.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'items'    => array(
                        $this->mappings->sync_wordpress_create => array(
                            'text' => __( 'WordPress Create', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'wordpress_create',
                            'desc' => '',
                        $this->mappings->sync_wordpress_update => array(
                            'text' => __( 'WordPress Update', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'wordpress_update',
                            'desc' => '',
                        $this->mappings->sync_wordpress_delete => array(
                            'text' => __( 'WordPress Delete', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'wordpress_delete',
                            'desc' => '',
                        $this->mappings->sync_sf_create => array(
                            'text' => __( 'Salesforce Create', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'sf_create',
                            'desc' => '',
                        $this->mappings->sync_sf_update => array(
                            'text' => __( 'Salesforce Update', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'sf_update',
                            'desc' => '',
                        $this->mappings->sync_sf_delete => array(
                            'text' => __( 'Salesforce Delete', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                            'id'   => 'sf_delete',
                            'desc' => '',
        foreach ( $log_settings as $key => $attributes ) {
            $id       = $this->option_prefix . $key;
            $name     = $this->option_prefix . $key;
            $title    = $attributes['title'];
            $callback = $attributes['callback'];
            $page     = $attributes['page'];
            $section  = $attributes['section'];
            $args     = array_merge(
                    'title'     => $title,
                    'id'        => $id,
                    'label_for' => $id,
                    'name'      => $name,
            add_settings_field( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args );
            register_setting( $page, $id );

     * Fields for the Mapping Errors tab
     * This runs add_settings_section once, as well as add_settings_field and register_setting methods for each option
     * @param string $page what page we're on.
     * @param string $section what section of the page.
     * @param array  $callbacks method to call.
    private function fields_errors( $page, $section, $callbacks ) {

        add_settings_section( $section, __( 'Mapping Error Settings', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ), null, $page );
        $error_settings = array(
            'errors_per_page' => array(
                'title'    => __( 'Errors per page', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'callback' => $callbacks['text'],
                'page'     => $page,
                'section'  => $section,
                'args'     => array(
                    'type'     => 'number',
                    'validate' => 'absint',
                    'default'  => 50,
                    'desc'     => __( 'Set how many mapping errors to show on a single page.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    'constant' => '',

        foreach ( $error_settings as $key => $attributes ) {
            $id       = $this->option_prefix . $key;
            $name     = $this->option_prefix . $key;
            $title    = $attributes['title'];
            $callback = $attributes['callback'];
            $page     = $attributes['page'];
            $section  = $attributes['section'];
            $args     = array_merge(
                    'title'     => $title,
                    'id'        => $id,
                    'label_for' => $id,
                    'name'      => $name,
            add_settings_field( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args );
            register_setting( $page, $id );
        } // End foreach() method.

     * Create and return the data for notices.
     * @return array $notices is the array of notices.
    public function notices_data() {
        $notices = array(
            'permission'              => array(
                'condition'   => ( false === $this->check_wordpress_admin_permissions() ),
                'message'     => __( "Your account does not have permission to edit the Object Sync for Salesforce plugin's settings.", 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => false,
            'not_secure'              => array(
                'condition'   => ( false === $this->check_wordpress_ssl() && false === $this->check_wordpress_ssl_support() ),
                'message'     => esc_html__( 'At least the admin area of your website must use HTTPS to connect with Salesforce. WordPress reports that your site environment does not, and cannot, use HTTPS. You may need to work with your hosting company to make the switch before you can use this plugin.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => false,
            'secure_supported'        => array(
                'condition'   => ( false === $this->check_wordpress_ssl() && true === $this->check_wordpress_ssl_support() ),
                'message'     => sprintf(
                    // translators: 1) is the site health URL, and 2) is the text for the site health page title.
                    __( 'Your website is not currently using HTTPS, but your environment does support it. Visit your website\'s <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> for more information. If you have just migrated to HTTPS, WordPress may take some time to update this detection.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    esc_url( admin_url( 'site-health.php' ) ),
                    esc_html__( 'Site Health screen', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' )
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => false,
            'deprecated_api_version'  => array(
                'condition'   => ( isset( $this->login_credentials['using_deprecated_option'] ) && true === $this->login_credentials['using_deprecated_option'] ),
                'message'     => sprintf(
                    // translators: 1) is the version number of the Salesforce REST API, 2) is the option key for where the deprecated version is stored, 3) is the prefixed options table name, 4) is the link to delete the option, 5) is the default API version to use, and 6) is the name of the wp-config value.
                    esc_html__( 'Object Sync for Salesforce is using version %1$s of the Salesforce REST API, which is configured from a previous version. This value is no longer configurable in the plugin settings, and in version 3.0.0, previously saved values will be removed. You can delete the %2$s field from the %3$s table on your own, use %4$s, set it to %5$s so the plugin can delete it, or wait until that release. If the %6$s value is in your wp-config.php file instead, you should delete it from there as well.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    esc_attr( $this->login_credentials['rest_api_version'] ),
                    '<code>' . esc_attr( $this->option_prefix . 'api_version' ) . '</code>',
                    '<code>' . esc_attr( $this->wpdb->prefix . 'options' ) . '</code>',
                    '<a href="#" id="salesforce-delete-rest-api-version">this link that will attempt to delete it</a>',
                    '<code>' . esc_attr( OBJECT_SYNC_SF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION ) . '</code>',
                    '<code>' . esc_attr( 'OBJECT_SYNC_SF_DEFAULT_API_VERSION' ) . '</code>'
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => true,
            'fieldmap'                => array(
                'condition'   => isset( $get_data['transient'] ),
                'message'     => esc_html__( 'Errors kept this fieldmap from being saved.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => true,
            'fieldmap_missing'        => array(
                'condition'   => isset( $get_data['missing_fieldmap'] ),
                'message'     => __( 'There is no fieldmap with the supplied ID. Instead, the list of all available fieldmaps is displayed.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => true,
            'object_map'              => array(
                'condition'   => isset( $get_data['map_transient'] ),
                'message'     => esc_html__( 'Errors kept this object map from being saved.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => true,
            'data_saved'              => array(
                'condition'   => isset( $get_data['data_saved'] ) && 'true' === $get_data['data_saved'],
                'message'     => esc_html__( 'This data was successfully saved.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'success',
                'dismissible' => true,
            'data_save_partial'       => array(
                'condition'   => isset( $get_data['data_saved'] ) && 'partial' === $get_data['data_saved'],
                'message'     => __( 'This data was partially successfully saved. This means some of the data was unable to save. If you have enabled logging or debug mode in the plugin settings, there should be a log entry with further details.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => true,
            'data_save_error'         => array(
                'condition'   => isset( $get_data['data_saved'] ) && 'false' === $get_data['data_saved'],
                'message'     => esc_html__( 'This data was not successfully saved. Try again.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => true,
            'mapping_error_transient' => array(
                'condition'   => isset( $get_data['mapping_error_transient'] ),
                'message'     => esc_html__( 'Errors kept these mapping errors from being deleted.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                'type'        => 'error',
                'dismissible' => true,
        return $notices;

     * Create the notices, settings, and conditions by which admin notices should appear
    public function display_notices() {

        // before a notice is displayed, we should make sure we are on a page related to this plugin.
        if ( ! isset( $_GET['page'] ) || $this->admin_settings_url_param !== $_GET['page'] ) {

        $get_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $notices  = $this->notices_data();

        foreach ( $notices as $key => $value ) {

            $condition = (bool) $value['condition'];
            $message   = $value['message'];

            if ( isset( $value['dismissible'] ) ) {
                $dismissible = $value['dismissible'];
            } else {
                $dismissible = false;

            if ( isset( $value['type'] ) ) {
                $type = $value['type'];
            } else {
                $type = '';

            if ( ! isset( $value['template'] ) ) {
                $template = '';

            if ( $condition ) {
                new Object_Sync_Sf_Admin_Notice( $condition, $message, $dismissible, $type, $template );


     * Get all the Salesforce object settings for fieldmapping
     * This takes either the $_POST array via ajax, or can be directly called with a $data array
     * @param array $data must contain a Salesforce object, can optionally contain a type.
     * @return array $object_settings
    public function get_salesforce_object_description( $data = array() ) {
        $ajax = false;
        if ( empty( $data ) ) {
            $data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
            $ajax = true;

        $object_description = array();

        if ( ! empty( $data['salesforce_object'] ) ) {
            $object = $this->salesforce['sfapi']->object_describe( esc_attr( $data['salesforce_object'] ) );

            $object_fields        = array();
            $include_record_types = array();

            // these can come from ajax.
            $include = isset( $data['include'] ) ? (array) $data['include'] : array();
            $include = array_map( 'esc_attr', $include );

            if ( in_array( 'fields', $include, true ) || empty( $include ) ) {
                $type = isset( $data['field_type'] ) ? esc_attr( $data['field_type'] ) : ''; // can come from ajax.

                // here, we should respect the decision of whether to show the API name or the label.
                $display_value = get_option( $this->option_prefix . 'salesforce_field_display_value', 'field_label' );
                if ( 'api_name' === $display_value ) {
                    $visible_label_field = 'name';
                } else {
                    $visible_label_field = 'label';
                $attributes = array( 'name', $visible_label_field );

                foreach ( $object['data']['fields'] as $key => $value ) {
                    if ( '' === $type || $type === $value['type'] ) {
                        $object_fields[ $key ] = $value;
                        if ( isset( $attributes ) ) {
                            $object_fields[ $key ] = array_intersect_key( $value, array_flip( $attributes ) );
                $object_description['fields'] = $object_fields;

            if ( in_array( 'recordTypeInfos', $include, true ) ) {
                if ( isset( $object['data']['recordTypeInfos'] ) && count( $object['data']['recordTypeInfos'] ) > 1 ) {
                    foreach ( $object['data']['recordTypeInfos'] as $type ) {
                        $object_record_types[ $type['recordTypeId'] ] = $type['name'];
                    $object_description['recordTypeInfos'] = $object_record_types;

        if ( true === $ajax ) {
            wp_send_json_success( $object_description );
        } else {
            return $object_description;

     * Get all the Salesforce fields settings for fieldmapping
     * This takes either the $_POST array via ajax, or can be directly called with a $data array
     * @param array $data must contain a Salesforce object unless it is Ajax, can optionally contain a type.
     * @return array $object_fields
    public function get_salesforce_object_fields( $data = array() ) {
        $ajax      = false;
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW );
        if ( empty( $data ) ) {
            $salesforce_object = isset( $post_data['salesforce_object'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $post_data['salesforce_object'] ) ) : '';
            $ajax              = true;
            // here, we should respect the decision of whether to show the API name or the label.
            $display_value = get_option( $this->option_prefix . 'salesforce_field_display_value', 'field_label' );
            if ( 'api_name' === $display_value ) {
                $visible_label_field = 'name';
            } else {
                $visible_label_field = 'label';
            $attributes = array( 'name', $visible_label_field );
        } else {
            $salesforce_object = isset( $data['salesforce_object'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $data['salesforce_object'] ) ) : '';
        $object_fields = array();
        if ( ! empty( $salesforce_object ) ) {
            $object               = $this->salesforce['sfapi']->object_describe( esc_attr( $salesforce_object ) );
            $object_fields        = array();
            $type                 = isset( $data['type'] ) ? esc_attr( $data['type'] ) : '';
            $include_record_types = isset( $data['include_record_types'] ) ? esc_attr( $data['include_record_types'] ) : false;
            foreach ( $object['data']['fields'] as $key => $value ) {
                if ( '' === $type || $type === $value['type'] ) {
                    $object_fields[ $key ] = $value;
                    if ( isset( $attributes ) ) {
                        $object_fields[ $key ] = array_intersect_key( $value, array_flip( $attributes ) );
            if ( true === $include_record_types ) {
                $object_record_types = array();
                if ( isset( $object['data']['recordTypeInfos'] ) && count( $object['data']['recordTypeInfos'] ) > 1 ) {
                    foreach ( $object['data']['recordTypeInfos'] as $type ) {
                        $object_record_types[ $type['recordTypeId'] ] = $type['name'];

        if ( true === $ajax ) {
            $ajax_response = array(
                'fields' => $object_fields,
            wp_send_json_success( $ajax_response );
        } else {
            return $object_fields;


     * Get WordPress object fields for fieldmapping
     * This takes either the $_POST array via ajax, or can be directly called with a $wordpress_object field
     * @param string $wordpress_object is the name of the WordPress object.
     * @return array $object_fields
    public function get_wordpress_object_fields( $wordpress_object = '' ) {
        $ajax      = false;
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW );
        if ( empty( $wordpress_object ) ) {
            $wordpress_object = isset( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) ) : '';
            $ajax             = true;

        $object_fields = $this->wordpress->get_wordpress_object_fields( $wordpress_object );

        if ( true === $ajax ) {
            $ajax_response = array(
                'fields' => $object_fields,
            wp_send_json_success( $ajax_response );
        } else {
            return $object_fields;

     * Manually push the WordPress object to Salesforce
     * This takes either the $_POST array via ajax, or can be directly called with $wordpress_object and $wordpress_id fields
     * @param string $wordpress_object is the name of the WordPress object.
     * @param int    $wordpress_id is the ID of the WordPress record.
     * @param bool   $force_return Force the method to return json instead of outputting it.
    public function push_to_salesforce( $wordpress_object = '', $wordpress_id = '', $force_return = false ) {
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW );
        if ( empty( $wordpress_object ) && empty( $wordpress_id ) ) {
            $wordpress_object = isset( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) ) : '';
            $wordpress_id     = isset( $post_data['wordpress_id'] ) ? absint( $post_data['wordpress_id'] ) : '';

        // clarify what that variable is in this context.
        $object_type = $wordpress_object;

        // When objects are already mapped, there is a Salesforce id as well. Otherwise, it's blank.
        $salesforce_id = isset( $post_data['salesforce_id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $post_data['salesforce_id'] ) : '';
        if ( '' === $salesforce_id ) {
            $method = 'POST';
        } else {
            $method = 'PUT';

        $result = $this->push->manual_push( $object_type, $wordpress_id, $method );

        if ( false === $force_return && ! empty( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) && ! empty( $post_data['wordpress_id'] ) ) {
            wp_send_json_success( $result );
        } else {
            return $result;


     * Manually pull the Salesforce object into WordPress
     * This takes either the $_POST array via ajax, or can be directly called with $salesforce_id fields
     * @param string $salesforce_id is the ID of the Salesforce record.
     * @param string $wordpress_object is the name of the WordPress object.
    public function pull_from_salesforce( $salesforce_id = '', $wordpress_object = '' ) {
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW );
        if ( empty( $wordpress_object ) && empty( $salesforce_id ) ) {
            $wordpress_object = isset( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) ) : '';
            $salesforce_id    = isset( $post_data['salesforce_id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $post_data['salesforce_id'] ) ) : '';
        $type   = $this->salesforce['sfapi']->get_sobject_type( $salesforce_id );
        $result = $this->pull->manual_pull( $type, $salesforce_id, $wordpress_object ); // we want the wp object to make sure we get the right fieldmap.
        if ( ! empty( $post_data ) ) {
            wp_send_json_success( $result );
        } else {
            return $result;

     * Manually pull the Salesforce object into WordPress
     * This takes an id for a mapping object row
     * @param int $mapping_id is the ID of the mapping object record.
    public function refresh_mapped_data( $mapping_id = '' ) {
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW );
        if ( empty( $mapping_id ) ) {
            $mapping_id = isset( $post_data['mapping_id'] ) ? absint( $post_data['mapping_id'] ) : '';
        $result = $this->mappings->get_all_object_maps(
                'id' => $mapping_id,

        $object_map = array();

        // result is an array of arrays, not just one array.
        if ( 1 === count( $result ) ) {
            $object_map = $result[0];

        if ( ! empty( $post_data ) ) {
            wp_send_json_success( $object_map );
        } else {
            return $object_map;

     * Prepare fieldmap data and redirect after processing
     * This runs when the create or update forms are submitted
     * It is public because it depends on an admin hook
     * It then calls the Object_Sync_Sf_Mapping class and sends prepared data over to it, then redirects to the correct page
     * This method does include error handling, by loading the submission in a transient if there is an error, and then deleting it upon success
    public function prepare_fieldmap_data() {
        $error     = false;
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $cachekey  = wp_json_encode( $post_data );
        if ( false !== $cachekey ) {
            $cachekey = md5( $cachekey );

        if ( ! isset( $post_data['label'] ) || ! isset( $post_data['salesforce_object'] ) || ! isset( $post_data['wordpress_object'] ) ) {
            $error = true;
        if ( true === $error ) {
            $this->sfwp_transients->set( $cachekey, $post_data, $this->wordpress->options['cache_expiration'] );
            if ( '' !== $cachekey ) {
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] ) . '&transient=' . $cachekey;
        } else { // there are no errors
            // send the row to the fieldmap class
            // if it is add or clone, use the create method.
            $method            = esc_attr( $post_data['method'] );
            $salesforce_fields = $this->get_salesforce_object_fields(
                    'salesforce_object' => $post_data['salesforce_object'],
            $wordpress_fields  = $this->get_wordpress_object_fields( $post_data['wordpress_object'] );
            if ( 'add' === $method || 'clone' === $method ) {
                $result = $this->mappings->create_fieldmap( $post_data, $wordpress_fields, $salesforce_fields );
            } elseif ( 'edit' === $method ) { // if it is edit, use the update method.
                $id     = esc_attr( $post_data['id'] );
                $result = $this->mappings->update_fieldmap( $post_data, $wordpress_fields, $salesforce_fields, $id );
            if ( false === $result ) { // if the database didn't save, it's still an error.
                $this->sfwp_transients->set( $cachekey, $post_data, $this->wordpress->options['cache_expiration'] );
                if ( '' !== $cachekey ) {
                    $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] ) . '&transient=' . $cachekey;
            } else {
                // if the user has saved a fieldmap, clear the currently running query value if there is one.
                if ( '' !== get_option( $this->option_prefix . 'currently_pulling_query_' . $post_data['salesforce_object'], '' ) ) {
                    $this->pull->clear_current_type_query( $post_data['salesforce_object'] );
                if ( isset( $post_data['transient'] ) ) { // there was previously an error saved. can delete it now.
                    $this->sfwp_transients->delete( esc_attr( $post_data['map_transient'] ) );
                // then send the user to the list of fieldmaps.
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_success'] );
        wp_safe_redirect( $url );

     * Delete fieldmap data and redirect after processing
     * This runs when the delete link is clicked, after the user confirms
     * It is public because it depends on an admin hook
     * It then calls the Object_Sync_Sf_Mapping class and the delete method
    public function delete_fieldmap() {
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        if ( $post_data['id'] ) {
            $result = $this->mappings->delete_fieldmap( $post_data['id'] );
            if ( true === $result ) {
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_success'] );
            } else {
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] . '&id=' . $post_data['id'] );
            wp_safe_redirect( $url );

     * Prepare object data and redirect after processing
     * This runs when the update form is submitted
     * It is public because it depends on an admin hook
     * It then calls the Object_Sync_Sf_Mapping class and sends prepared data over to it, then redirects to the correct page
     * This method does include error handling, by loading the submission in a transient if there is an error, and then deleting it upon success
    public function prepare_object_map_data() {
        $error     = false;
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $cachekey  = wp_json_encode( $post_data );
        if ( false !== $cachekey ) {
            $cachekey = md5( $cachekey );

        if ( ! isset( $post_data['wordpress_id'] ) || ! isset( $post_data['salesforce_id'] ) ) {
            $error = true;
        if ( true === $error ) {
            $this->sfwp_transients->set( $cachekey, $post_data, $this->wordpress->options['cache_expiration'] );
            if ( '' !== $cachekey ) {
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] ) . '&map_transient=' . $cachekey;
        } else { // there are no errors
            // send the row to the object map class.
            $method = esc_attr( $post_data['method'] );
            if ( 'edit' === $method ) { // if it is edit, use the update method.
                $id     = esc_attr( $post_data['id'] );
                $result = $this->mappings->update_object_map( $post_data, $id );
            if ( false === $result ) { // if the database didn't save, it's still an error.
                $this->sfwp_transients->set( $cachekey, $post_data, $this->wordpress->options['cache_expiration'] );
                if ( '' !== $cachekey ) {
                    $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] ) . '&map_transient=' . $cachekey;
            } else {
                if ( isset( $post_data['map_transient'] ) ) { // there was previously an error saved. can delete it now.
                    $this->sfwp_transients->delete( esc_attr( $post_data['map_transient'] ) );
                // then send the user to the success redirect url.
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_success'] );
        wp_safe_redirect( $url );

     * Delete object map data and redirect after processing
     * This runs when the delete link is clicked on an error row, after the user confirms
     * It is public because it depends on an admin hook
     * It then calls the Object_Sync_Sf_Mapping class and the delete method
    public function delete_object_map() {
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        if ( isset( $post_data['id'] ) ) {
            $result = $this->mappings->delete_object_map( $post_data['id'] );
            if ( true === $result ) {
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_success'] );
            } else {
                $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] . '&id=' . $post_data['id'] );
            wp_safe_redirect( $url );
        } elseif ( $post_data['delete'] ) {
            $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
            $cachekey  = wp_json_encode( $post_data );
            if ( false !== $cachekey ) {
                $cachekey = md5( $cachekey );
            $error = false;
            if ( ! isset( $post_data['delete'] ) ) {
                $error = true;
            if ( true === $error ) {
                $this->sfwp_transients->set( $cachekey, $post_data, $this->wordpress->options['cache_expiration'] );
                if ( '' !== $cachekey ) {
                    $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] ) . '&mapping_error_transient=' . $cachekey;
            } else { // there are no errors.
                $result = $this->mappings->delete_object_map( array_keys( $post_data['delete'] ) );
                if ( true === $result ) {
                    $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_success'] );

                if ( false === $result ) { // if the database didn't save, it's still an error.
                    $this->sfwp_transients->set( $cachekey, $post_data, $this->wordpress->options['cache_expiration'] );
                    if ( '' !== $cachekey ) {
                        $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_error'] ) . '&mapping_error_transient=' . $cachekey;
                } else {
                    if ( isset( $post_data['mapping_error_transient'] ) ) { // there was previously an error saved. can delete it now.
                        $this->sfwp_transients->delete( esc_attr( $post_data['mapping_error_transient'] ) );
                    // then send the user to the list of fieldmaps.
                    $url = esc_url_raw( $post_data['redirect_url_success'] );
            wp_safe_redirect( $url );

     * Import a json file and use it for plugin data
    public function import_json_file() {

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['object_sync_for_salesforce_nonce_import'], 'object_sync_for_salesforce_nonce_import' ) ) {
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
        $path      = $_FILES['import_file']['name'];
        $extension = pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
        if ( 'json' !== $extension ) {
            wp_die( esc_html__( 'Please upload a valid .json file', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) );

        $import_file = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name'];
        if ( empty( $import_file ) ) {
            wp_die( esc_html__( 'Please upload a file to import', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) );

        // Retrieve the data from the file and convert the json object to an array.
        $data = (array) json_decode( file_get_contents( $import_file ), true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents

        $overwrite = isset( $_POST['overwrite'] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST['overwrite'] ) : '';
        if ( true === filter_var( $overwrite, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
            if ( isset( $data['fieldmaps'] ) ) {
                $fieldmaps = $this->mappings->get_fieldmaps();
                foreach ( $fieldmaps as $fieldmap ) {
                    $id     = $fieldmap['id'];
                    $delete = $this->mappings->delete_fieldmap( $id );
            if ( isset( $data['object_maps'] ) ) {
                $object_maps = $this->mappings->get_all_object_maps();
                foreach ( $object_maps as $object_map ) {
                    $id     = $object_map['id'];
                    $delete = $this->mappings->delete_object_map( $id );
            if ( isset( $data['plugin_settings'] ) ) {
                foreach ( $data['plugin_settings'] as $key => $value ) {
                    delete_option( $value['option_name'] );

        // if the option says to, set all the imported fieldmaps to inactive.
        $import_fieldmaps_inactive = isset( $_POST['import_fieldmaps_inactive'] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST['import_fieldmaps_inactive'] ) : '';
        if ( true === filter_var( $import_fieldmaps_inactive, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
            if ( isset( $data['fieldmaps'] ) ) {
                foreach ( $data['fieldmaps'] as $key => $fieldmap ) {
                    $data['fieldmaps'][ $key ]['fieldmap_status'] = 'inactive';

        $success = true;

        if ( isset( $data['fieldmaps'] ) ) {
            $successful_fieldmaps = array();
            $error_fieldmaps      = array();
            foreach ( $data['fieldmaps'] as $fieldmap ) {
                unset( $fieldmap['id'] );
                $create = $this->mappings->create_fieldmap( $fieldmap );
                if ( false === $create ) {
                    $success = false;
                if ( false === $create ) {
                    $error_fieldmaps[] = $fieldmap;
                } else {
                    $successful_fieldmaps[] = $create;

        if ( isset( $data['object_maps'] ) ) {
            $successful_object_maps = array();
            $error_object_maps      = array();
            foreach ( $data['object_maps'] as $object_map ) {
                unset( $object_map['id'] );
                if ( isset( $object_map['object_type'] ) ) {
                    $sf_sync_trigger = $this->mappings->sync_sf_create;
                    $create          = $this->pull->salesforce_pull_process_records( $object_map['object_type'], $object_map['salesforce_id'], $sf_sync_trigger );
                } else {
                    $create = $this->mappings->create_object_map( $object_map );
                if ( false === $create ) {
                    $error_object_maps[] = $object_map;
                } else {
                    $successful_object_maps[] = $create;

        if ( isset( $data['plugin_settings'] ) ) {
            foreach ( $data['plugin_settings'] as $key => $value ) {
                update_option( $value['option_name'], maybe_unserialize( $value['option_value'] ), $value['autoload'] );

        if ( ! empty( $error_fieldmaps ) && ! empty( $error_object_maps ) ) {
            $status = 'error';
            $body   = sprintf( esc_html__( 'These are the import items that were not able to save: ', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '<ul>' );
            foreach ( $error_fieldmaps as $fieldmap ) {
                $body .= sprintf(
                    // translators: placeholders are: 1) the fieldmap row ID, 2) the Salesforce object type, 3) the WordPress object type.
                    '<li>' . esc_html__( 'Fieldmap id (if it exists): %1$s. Salesforce object type: %2$s. WordPress object type: %3$s', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '</li>',
                    isset( $fieldmap['id'] ) ? absint( $fieldmap['id'] ) : '',
                    esc_attr( $fieldmap['salesforce_object'] ),
                    esc_attr( $fieldmap['wordpress_object'] )
            foreach ( $error_object_maps as $mapping_object ) {
                $body .= sprintf(
                    // translators: placeholders are: 1) the mapping object row ID, 2) the ID of the Salesforce object, 3) the WordPress object type.
                    '<li>' . esc_html__( 'Mapping object id (if it exists): %1$s. Salesforce Id: %2$s. WordPress object type: %3$s', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . '</li>',
                    isset( $mapping_object['id'] ) ? absint( $mapping_object['id'] ) : '',
                    esc_attr( $mapping_object['salesforce_id'] ),
                    esc_attr( $mapping_object['wordpress_object'] )
            $body .= sprintf( '</ul>' );

                    // translators: %1$s is the log status.
                    esc_html__( '%1$s on import: some of the rows were unable to save. Read this post for details.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    ucfirst( esc_attr( $status ) )

        if ( empty( $error_fieldmaps ) && empty( $error_object_maps ) && ( ! empty( $successful_fieldmaps ) || ! empty( $successful_object_maps ) ) ) {
            $this->clear_cache( false );
            wp_safe_redirect( get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=import-export&data_saved=true' ) );
        } elseif ( ! empty( $error_fieldmaps ) && ! empty( $successful_fieldmaps ) ) {
            $this->clear_cache( false );
            wp_safe_redirect( get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=import-export&data_saved=partial' ) );
        } elseif ( ! empty( $error_object_maps ) && ! empty( $successful_object_maps ) ) {
            $this->clear_cache( false );
            wp_safe_redirect( get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=import-export&data_saved=partial' ) );
        } else {
            wp_safe_redirect( get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=import-export&data_saved=false' ) );


     * Create a json file for exporting
    public function export_json_file() {

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['object_sync_for_salesforce_nonce_export'], 'object_sync_for_salesforce_nonce_export' ) ) {
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $export    = array();
        if ( in_array( 'fieldmaps', $post_data['export'], true ) ) {
            $export['fieldmaps'] = $this->mappings->get_fieldmaps();
        if ( in_array( 'object_maps', $post_data['export'], true ) ) {
            $export['object_maps'] = $this->mappings->get_all_object_maps();
        if ( in_array( 'plugin_settings', $post_data['export'], true ) ) {
            $wpdb                      = $this->wpdb;
            $export_results            = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->base_prefix}options` WHERE option_name LIKE %s;", $wpdb->esc_like( $this->option_prefix ) . '%' ), ARRAY_A );
            $export['plugin_settings'] = $export_results;
        header( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' );
        header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=object-sync-for-salesforce-data-export-' . gmdate( 'm-d-Y' ) . '.json' );
        header( 'Expires: 0' );
        echo wp_json_encode( $export );

     * Default display for <input> fields
     * @param array $args is the arguments to create the field.
    public function display_input_field( $args ) {
        $type    = $args['type'];
        $id      = $args['label_for'];
        $name    = $args['name'];
        $desc    = $args['desc'];
        $checked = '';

        $class = 'regular-text';

        if ( 'checkbox' === $type ) {
            $class = 'checkbox';

        if ( isset( $args['class'] ) ) {
            $class = $args['class'];

        if ( ! isset( $args['constant'] ) || ! defined( $args['constant'] ) ) {
            $value = esc_attr( get_option( $id, '' ) );
            if ( 'checkbox' === $type ) {
                $value = filter_var( get_option( $id, false ), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
                if ( true === $value ) {
                    $checked = 'checked ';
                $value = 1;
            if ( '' === $value && isset( $args['default'] ) && '' !== $args['default'] ) {
                $value = $args['default'];

            echo sprintf(
                '<input type="%1$s" value="%2$s" name="%3$s" id="%4$s" class="%5$s"%6$s>',
                esc_attr( $type ),
                esc_attr( $value ),
                esc_attr( $name ),
                esc_attr( $id ),
                sanitize_html_class( $class . esc_html( ' code' ) ),
                esc_html( $checked )
            if ( '' !== $desc ) {
                echo sprintf(
                    '<p class="description">%1$s</p>',
                    esc_html( $desc )
        } else {
            echo sprintf(
                esc_html__( 'Defined in wp-config.php', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' )

     * Display for multiple checkboxes
     * Above method can handle a single checkbox as it is
     * @param array $args is the arguments to create the checkboxes.
    public function display_checkboxes( $args ) {
        $type       = 'checkbox';
        $name       = $args['name'];
        $options    = get_option( $name, array() );
        $group_desc = $args['desc'];
        foreach ( $args['items'] as $key => $value ) {
            $text    = $value['text'];
            $id      = $value['id'];
            $desc    = $value['desc'];
            $checked = '';
            if ( is_array( $options ) && in_array( (string) $key, $options, true ) ) {
                $checked = 'checked';
            } elseif ( is_array( $options ) && empty( $options ) ) {
                if ( isset( $value['default'] ) && true === $value['default'] ) {
                    $checked = 'checked';
            echo sprintf(
                '<div class="checkbox"><label><input type="%1$s" value="%2$s" name="%3$s[]" id="%4$s"%5$s>%6$s</label></div>',
                esc_attr( $type ),
                esc_attr( $key ),
                esc_attr( $name ),
                esc_attr( $id ),
                esc_html( $checked ),
                esc_html( $text )
            if ( '' !== $desc ) {
                echo sprintf(
                    '<p class="description">%1$s</p>',
                    esc_html( $desc )
        if ( '' !== $group_desc ) {
            echo sprintf(
                '<p class="description">%1$s</p>',
                esc_html( $group_desc )

     * Display for a dropdown
     * @param array $args is the arguments needed to create the dropdown.
    public function display_select( $args ) {
        $type = $args['type'];
        $id   = $args['label_for'];
        $name = $args['name'];
        $desc = $args['desc'];
        if ( ! isset( $args['constant'] ) || ! defined( $args['constant'] ) ) {
            $current_value = get_option( $name );

            echo sprintf(
                '<div class="select"><select id="%1$s" name="%2$s"><option value="">- ' . esc_html__( 'Select one', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . ' -</option>',
                esc_attr( $id ),
                esc_attr( $name )

            foreach ( $args['items'] as $key => $value ) {
                $text     = $value['text'];
                $value    = $value['value'];
                $selected = '';
                if ( $key === $current_value || $value === $current_value ) {
                    $selected = ' selected';

                echo sprintf(
                    '<option value="%1$s"%2$s>%3$s</option>',
                    esc_attr( $value ),
                    esc_attr( $selected ),
                    esc_html( $text )

            echo '</select>';
            if ( '' !== $desc ) {
                echo sprintf(
                    '<p class="description">%1$s</p>',
                    esc_html( $desc )
            echo '</div>';
        } else {
            echo sprintf(
                esc_html__( 'Defined in wp-config.php', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' )

     * Default display for <a href> links
     * @param array $args is the arguments to make the link.
    public function display_link( $args ) {
        $label = $args['label'];
        $desc  = $args['desc'];
        $url   = $args['url'];
        if ( isset( $args['link_class'] ) ) {
            echo sprintf(
                '<p><a class="%1$s" href="%2$s">%3$s</a></p>',
                esc_attr( $args['link_class'] ),
                esc_url( $url ),
                esc_html( $label )
        } else {
            echo sprintf(
                '<p><a href="%1$s">%2$s</a></p>',
                esc_url( $url ),
                esc_html( $label )

        if ( '' !== $desc ) {
            echo sprintf(
                '<p class="description">%1$s</p>',
                esc_html( $desc )


     * Allow for a standard sanitize/validate method. We could use more specific ones if need be, but this one provides a baseline.
     * @param string $option is the option value.
     * @return string $option is the sanitized option value.
    public function sanitize_validate_text( $option ) {
        if ( is_array( $option ) ) {
            $options = array();
            foreach ( $option as $key => $value ) {
                $options[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value );
            return $options;
        $option = sanitize_text_field( $option );
        return $option;

     * Run a demo of Salesforce API call on the authenticate tab after WordPress has authenticated with it
     * @param object $sfapi this is the Salesforce API object.
    private function status( $sfapi ) {

        $contacts = $sfapi->query( 'SELECT Name, Id from Contact LIMIT 100' );

        if ( 200 !== $contacts['code'] ) {
            $contacts_apicall_summary = esc_html__( 'The plugin was unable to load a sample of Contacts from Salesforce. This may mean that there are connection issues, or that the authorization has expired.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
        } else {

            // format this array into html so users can see the contacts.
            if ( true === $contacts['cached'] ) {
                $contacts_is_cached = esc_html__( 'They are cached, and', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
            } else {
                $contacts_is_cached = esc_html__( 'They are not cached, but', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );

            if ( true === $contacts['from_cache'] ) {
                $contacts_from_cache = esc_html__( 'they were loaded from the cache', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
            } else {
                $contacts_from_cache = esc_html__( 'they were not loaded from the cache', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );

            if ( true === $contacts['is_redo'] ) {
                $contacts_refreshed_token = esc_html__( 'This request did require refreshing the Salesforce token', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
            } else {
                $contacts_refreshed_token = esc_html__( 'This request did not require refreshing the Salesforce token', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );

            // display contact summary if there are any contacts.
            if ( 0 < absint( $contacts['data']['totalSize'] ) ) {
                $contacts_apicall_summary = sprintf(
                    // translators: 1) $contacts['data']['totalSize'] is the number of items loaded, 2) $contacts['data']['records'][0]['attributes']['type'] is the name of the Salesforce object, 3) $contacts_is_cached is the "They are/are not cached, and/but" line, 4) $contacts_from_cache is the "they were/were not loaded from the cache" line, 5) is the "this request did/did not require refreshing the Salesforce token" line.
                    esc_html__( 'Salesforce successfully returned %1$s %2$s records. %3$s %4$s. %5$s.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                    absint( $contacts['data']['totalSize'] ),
                    esc_html( $contacts['data']['records'][0]['attributes']['type'] ),
            } else {
                $contacts_apicall_summary = '';

        require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/status.php';


     * Deauthorize WordPress from Salesforce.
     * This deletes the tokens from the database; it does not currently do anything in Salesforce
     * For this plugin at this time, that is the decision we are making: don't do any kind of authorization stuff inside Salesforce
    private function logout() {
        $delete_access_token = delete_option( $this->option_prefix . 'access_token' );
        if ( true === $delete_access_token ) {
            $this->access_token = '';
        $delete_instance_url = delete_option( $this->option_prefix . 'instance_url' );
        if ( true === $delete_instance_url ) {
            $this->instance_url = '';
        $delete_refresh_token = delete_option( $this->option_prefix . 'refresh_token' );
        if ( true === $delete_refresh_token ) {
            $this->refresh_token = '';
        echo sprintf(
            '<p>You have been logged out. You can use the <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> tab to log in again.</p>',
            esc_url( get_admin_url( null, 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=authorize' ) ),
            esc_html__( 'Authorize', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' )

     * Ajax call to clear the plugin cache.
    public function clear_sfwp_cache() {
        $result   = $this->clear_cache( true );
        $response = array(
            'message' => $result['message'],
            'success' => $result['success'],
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Ajax call to delete the object_sync_for_salesforce_api_version value from wp_options
     * @deprecated and will be removed in 3.0.0.
    public function delete_salesforce_api_version() {
        $deprecated_option_key = $this->option_prefix . 'api_version';
        $result                = delete_option( $deprecated_option_key );
        if ( true === $result ) {
            $message = sprintf(
                // translators: the parameter is the option key where the API version was stored.
                esc_html__( 'The %1$s value was successfully deleted.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                '<code>' . $deprecated_option_key . '</code>'
        } else {
            $message = sprintf(
                // translators: the parameter is the option key where the API version was stored.
                esc_html__( 'There was an error in deleting the %1$s value. This may mean you have stored the value in a wp-config.php file instaed of in the options table. If this is not the case, you may want to reload the page and try again.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ),
                '<code>' . $deprecated_option_key . '</code>'
        $response = array(
            'message' => $message,
            'success' => $result,
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Clear the plugin's cache.
     * This uses the flush method contained in the WordPress cache to clear all of this plugin's cached data.
     * @param bool $ajax Whether this is an Ajax request or not.
     * @return array
    private function clear_cache( $ajax = false ) {
        $result  = $this->wordpress->sfwp_transients->flush();
        $success = $result['success'];
        if ( 0 < $result['count'] ) {
            if ( true === $success ) {
                $message = __( 'The plugin cache has been cleared.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
            } else {
                $message = __( 'There was an error clearing the plugin cache. Try refreshing this page.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
        } else {
            $success = true;
            $message = __( 'The cache was not cleared because it is empty. You can try again later.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );
        if ( false === $ajax ) {
            echo '<p>' . esc_html( $message ) . '</p>';
        } else {
            return array(
                'message' => esc_html( $message ),
                'success' => $success,

     * Check WordPress Admin permissions
     * Check if the current user is allowed to access the Salesforce plugin options
    private function check_wordpress_admin_permissions() {

        // one programmatic way to give this capability to additional user roles is the
        // object_sync_for_salesforce_roles_configure_salesforce hook
        // it runs on activation of this plugin, and will assign the below capability to any role
        // coming from the hook.

        // alternatively, other roles can get this capability in whatever other way you like
        // point is: to administer this plugin, you need this capability.

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'configure_salesforce' ) ) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;


     * Check WordPress SSL status.
     * HTTPS is required to connect to Salesforce.
     * @return bool $secure_admin
    private function check_wordpress_ssl() {

        // the wp_is_using_https() function was added in WordPress 5.7.
        if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_is_using_https' ) ) {
            return true;

        // the whole site is already using SSL.
        if ( true === wp_is_using_https() ) {
            return true;

        $secure_admin = false;

        // the admin is already forced to use SSL.
        if ( true === FORCE_SSL_ADMIN ) {
            $secure_admin = true;

        // the server reports that the current URL is using HTTPS.
        if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && 'on' === $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) {
            $secure_admin = true;

        return $secure_admin;

     * Check WordPress SSL support.
     * This allows us to show a different message if SSL is supported, but is not in use.
     * @return bool $https_supported
    private function check_wordpress_ssl_support() {

        // the wp_is_https_supported() function was added in WordPress 5.7.
        if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_is_https_supported' ) ) {
            return true;

        if ( true === wp_is_https_supported() ) {
            return true;

        $https_supported = false;
        return $https_supported;


     * Show what we know about this user's relationship to a Salesforce object, if any
     * @param object $user this is the user object from WordPress.
    public function show_salesforce_user_fields( $user ) {
        $get_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        if ( true === $this->check_wordpress_admin_permissions() ) {
            $mappings = $this->mappings->load_all_by_wordpress( 'user', $user->ID );
            $fieldmap = $this->mappings->get_fieldmaps(
                null, // id field must be null for multiples.
                    'wordpress_object' => 'user',
            if ( count( $mappings ) > 0 ) {
                foreach ( $mappings as $mapping ) {
                    if ( isset( $mapping['id'] ) && ! isset( $get_data['edit_salesforce_mapping'] ) && ! isset( $get_data['delete_salesforce_mapping'] ) ) {
                        require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php';
                    } elseif ( ! empty( $fieldmap ) ) { // is the user mapped to something already?
                        if ( isset( $get_data['edit_salesforce_mapping'] ) && true === filter_var( $get_data['edit_salesforce_mapping'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
                            require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-change.php';
                        } elseif ( isset( $get_data['delete_salesforce_mapping'] ) && true === filter_var( $get_data['delete_salesforce_mapping'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
                            require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-delete.php';
                        } else {
                            require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-map.php';
            } else {
                require_once plugin_dir_path( $this->file ) . '/templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-map.php';

     * If the user profile has been mapped to Salesforce, do it
     * @param int $user_id the ID of the WordPress user.
    public function save_salesforce_user_fields( $user_id ) {
        $post_data = filter_input_array( INPUT_POST, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW );
        if ( isset( $post_data['salesforce_update_mapped_user'] ) && true === filter_var( $post_data['salesforce_update_mapped_user'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
            $mapping_objects = $this->mappings->get_all_object_maps(
                    'wordpress_id'     => $user_id,
                    'wordpress_object' => 'user',
            foreach ( $mapping_objects as $mapping_object ) {
                $mapping_object['salesforce_id'] = $post_data['salesforce_id'];
                $result                          = $this->mappings->update_object_map( $mapping_object, $mapping_object['id'] );
        } elseif ( isset( $post_data['salesforce_create_mapped_user'] ) && true === filter_var( $post_data['salesforce_create_mapped_user'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
            // if a Salesforce ID was entered.
            if ( isset( $post_data['salesforce_id'] ) && ! empty( $post_data['salesforce_id'] ) ) {
                $mapping_object = $this->create_object_map( $user_id, 'user', $post_data['salesforce_id'] );
            } elseif ( isset( $post_data['push_new_user_to_salesforce'] ) ) {
                // otherwise, create a new record in Salesforce.
                $result = $this->push_to_salesforce( 'user', $user_id );
        } elseif ( isset( $post_data['salesforce_delete_mapped_user'] ) && true === filter_var( $post_data['salesforce_delete_mapped_user'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) {
            // if a Salesforce ID was entered.
            if ( isset( $post_data['mapping_id'] ) && ! empty( $post_data['mapping_id'] ) ) {
                $delete = $this->mappings->delete_object_map( $post_data['mapping_id'] );

     * Render tabs for settings pages in admin
     * @param array  $tabs is the tabs for the settings menu.
     * @param string $tab is a single tab.
    private function tabs( $tabs, $tab = '' ) {

        $get_data        = filter_input_array( INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
        $consumer_key    = $this->login_credentials['consumer_key'];
        $consumer_secret = $this->login_credentials['consumer_secret'];
        $callback_url    = $this->login_credentials['callback_url'];

        $current_tab = $tab;
        echo '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">';
        foreach ( $tabs as $tab_key => $tab_caption ) {
            $active = $current_tab === $tab_key ? ' nav-tab-active' : '';

            if ( true === $this->salesforce['is_authorized'] ) {
                echo sprintf(
                    '<a class="nav-tab%1$s" href="%2$s">%3$s</a>',
                    esc_attr( $active ),
                    esc_url( '?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=' . $tab_key ),
                    esc_html( $tab_caption )
            } elseif ( 'settings' === $tab_key || ( 'authorize' === $tab_key && isset( $consumer_key ) && isset( $consumer_secret ) && ! empty( $consumer_key ) && ! empty( $consumer_secret ) ) ) {
                echo sprintf(
                    '<a class="nav-tab%1$s" href="%2$s">%3$s</a>',
                    esc_attr( $active ),
                    esc_url( '?page=' . $this->admin_settings_url_param . '&tab=' . $tab_key ),
                    esc_html( $tab_caption )
        echo '</h2>';

        if ( isset( $get_data['tab'] ) ) {
            $tab = sanitize_key( $get_data['tab'] );
        } else {
            $tab = '';

     * Clear schedule
     * This clears the schedule if the user clicks the button
     * @param string $schedule_name is the name of the schedule being cleared.
    private function clear_schedule( $schedule_name = '' ) {
        if ( '' !== $schedule_name ) {
            $this->queue->cancel( $schedule_name );
            // translators: $schedule_name is the name of the current queue. Defaults: salesforce_pull, salesforce_push, salesforce.
            echo sprintf( esc_html__( 'You have cleared the %s schedule.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ), esc_html( $schedule_name ) );
        } else {
            echo esc_html__( 'You need to specify the name of the schedule you want to clear.', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' );

     * Get count of schedule items
     * @param string $schedule_name is the name of the schedule.
     * @return int $count
    private function get_schedule_count( $schedule_name = '' ) {
        if ( '' !== $schedule_name ) {
            $count       = count(
                        'group'  => $schedule_name,
                        'status' => ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING,
            $group_count = count(
                        'group'  => $schedule_name . $this->action_group_suffix,
                        'status' => ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING,
            return $count + $group_count;
        } else {
            return 0;

     * Create an object map between a WordPress object and a Salesforce object
     * @param int    $wordpress_id Unique identifier for the WordPress object.
     * @param string $wordpress_object What kind of object is it.
     * @param string $salesforce_id Unique identifier for the Salesforce object.
     * @param string $action Did we push or pull.
     * @return int   $wpdb->insert_id This is the database row for the map object
    private function create_object_map( $wordpress_id, $wordpress_object, $salesforce_id, $action = '' ) {
        // Create object map and save it.
        $mapping_object = $this->mappings->create_object_map(
                'wordpress_id'      => $wordpress_id, // wordpress unique id.
                'salesforce_id'     => $salesforce_id, // salesforce unique id. we don't care what kind of object it is at this point.
                'wordpress_object'  => $wordpress_object, // keep track of what kind of wp object this is.
                'last_sync'         => current_time( 'mysql' ),
                'last_sync_action'  => $action,
                'last_sync_status'  => $this->mappings->status_success,
                'last_sync_message' => __( 'Mapping object updated via function: ', 'object-sync-for-salesforce' ) . __FUNCTION__,

        return $mapping_object;

