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 * Store all theme/plugin transients as an array in one WordPress transient
 * @class   Object_Sync_Sf_WordPress_Transient
 * @package Object_Sync_Salesforce

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 * Object_Sync_Sf_WordPress_Transient class.
class Object_Sync_Sf_WordPress_Transient {

     * Name of the field that lists the cache keys
     * @var string
    public $name;

     * Prefix for plugin cache keys
     * @var string
    public $cache_prefix;

     * Constructor which sets cache options and the name of the field that lists this plugin's cache keys.
     * @param string $name The name of the field that lists all cache keys.
    public function __construct( $name ) {
        $this->name         = $name;
        $this->cache_prefix = esc_sql( 'sfwp_' );

     * Get the transient that lists all the other transients for this plugin.
     * @return array value of transient. Sets an empty array if the transient returns false.
    public function all_keys() {
        $result = get_transient( $this->name );
        if ( false === $result ) {
            $result = array();
        return $result;

     * Set individual transient, and add its key to the list of this plugin's transients.
     * @param string $cachekey the key for this cache item.
     * @param mixed  $value the value of the cache item.
     * @param int    $cache_expiration How long the plugin key cache, and this individual item cache, should last before expiring.
     * @return mixed value of transient. False of empty, otherwise array.
    public function set( $cachekey, $value, $cache_expiration = 0 ) {

        $prefix   = $this->cache_prefix;
        $cachekey = $prefix . $cachekey;

        $keys   = $this->all_keys();
        $keys[] = $cachekey;
        set_transient( $this->name, $keys, $cache_expiration );

        return set_transient( $cachekey, $value, $cache_expiration );

     * Get the individual cache value
     * @param string $cachekey the key for this cache item.
     * @return mixed value of transient. False of empty, otherwise array.
    public function get( $cachekey ) {
        $prefix   = $this->cache_prefix;
        $cachekey = $prefix . $cachekey;
        return get_transient( $cachekey );

     * Delete the individual cache value
     * @param string $cachekey the key for this cache item.
     * @return bool True if successful, false otherwise.
    public function delete( $cachekey ) {
        $prefix   = $this->cache_prefix;
        $cachekey = $prefix . $cachekey;
        return delete_transient( $cachekey );

     * Delete the entire cache for this plugin
     * @return array $result has the success result and how many entries were cleared.
    public function flush() {
        $keys    = $this->all_keys();
        $success = true;
        $count   = 0;
        if ( ! empty( $keys ) ) {
            foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
                $success = delete_transient( $key );
        $success = delete_transient( $this->name );
        if ( true === $success ) {
        $result            = array();
        $result['success'] = $success;
        $result['count']   = $count;
        return $result;
