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# Copyright (C) 2024 object-sync-for-salesforce
# This file is distributed under the same license as the object-sync-for-salesforce package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: object-sync-for-salesforce\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
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"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:333, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:547, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:608
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:487
msgid "These are the scheduled tasks that were updated: "
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the schedule name.
#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the schedule name.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:491, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:501
msgid "Schedule name: %1$s."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:497
msgid "These are the scheduled tasks that have the same frequency as they had pre-migration: "
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:507
msgid "If any tasks were not updated, or were not able to keep the same frequency they had before, go to the Scheduling tab to update them."
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the schedule settings URL.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:511, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:550
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the log status, %2$s is the name of a WordPress object. %3$s is the id of that object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:517
msgid "%1$s ActionScheduler: the ActionScheduler library has completed its migration. See the log entry content for status on each recurring task."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:531, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-change.php:11, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-delete.php:12, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-map.php:10, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:14
msgid "Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:548, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2449
msgid "Authorize"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:549, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:10
msgid "Fieldmaps"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:551
msgid "Import & Export"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:556
msgid "Log Settings"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:561, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:10
msgid "Mapping Errors"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:577
msgid "Authorize tab"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:584
msgid "Fieldmaps tab"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are for the settings tab link: 1) the url, and 2) the anchor text.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:610
msgid "Salesforce needs to be authorized to connect to this website but the credentials are missing. Use the <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> tab to add them."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:604
msgid "Connect to Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:801
msgid "Consumer Key"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:814
msgid "Consumer Secret"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:826
msgid "Callback URL"
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the admin URL for the Authorize tab.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:835
msgid "In most cases, you will want to use %1$s for this value."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:842
msgid "Login Base URL"
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) production salesforce login, 2) sandbox salesforce login.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:851
msgid "For most Salesforce setups, you should use %1$s for production and %2$s for sandbox. If you try to use an instance name as the URL, you may encounter Salesforce errors."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:859
msgid "Authorize URL Path"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:866, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:879
msgid "For most Salesforce installs, this should not be changed."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:872
msgid "Token URL Path"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:885
msgid "Limit Salesforce Objects"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:892
msgid "Allows you to limit which Salesforce objects can be mapped"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:895
msgid "Only Triggerable objects"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:901
msgid "Only Updateable objects"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:910
msgid "Salesforce Field Display Value"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:917
msgid "When choosing Salesforce fields to map, this value determines how the dropdown will identify Salesforce fields."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:921
msgid "Field Label"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:925
msgid "API Name"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:932
msgid "Prevent Duplicate Field Mapping?"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:939
msgid "If checked, any WordPress or Salesforce field that has already been mapped, or that is selected while creating or editing a fieldmap, cannot be mapped again."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:944
msgid "Pull Query Record Limit"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:951
msgid "Limit the number of records that can be pulled from Salesforce in a single query."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:957
msgid "Pull Throttle (In Seconds)"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:964
msgid "Number of seconds to wait between repeated salesforce pulls. Prevents the webserver from becoming overloaded in case of too many cron runs, or webhook usage."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:974
msgid "Enable the Salesforce SOAP API?"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:982
msgid "Check this to enable the SOAP API and use it instead of the REST API when the plugin supports it. https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/tech-pubs/2011/10/salesforce-apis-what-they-are-when-to-use-them.html to compare the two. Note: if you need to detect Salesforce merges in this plugin, you will need to enable SOAP."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:987
msgid "Path to SOAP WSDL File"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:995
msgid "Optionally add a path to your own WSDL file. If you do not, the plugin will use the default partner.wsdl.xml from the Force.com toolkit."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1002
msgid "Debug Mode?"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1009
msgid "Debug mode activates logging for plugin events like Salesforce API requests and WordPress data operations. This can create a lot of log entries; it is not recommended to use it long-term in a production environment."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1014
msgid "Delete Plugin Data on Uninstall?"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1021
msgid "If checked, the plugin will delete the tables and other data it creates when you uninstall it. Unchecking this field can be useful if you need to reactivate the plugin for any reason without losing data."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1078
msgid "Batch Settings"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1082
msgid "Batch Size"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1090
msgid "Set how many actions (checking for data changes, syncing a record, etc. all count as individual actions) can be run in a batch. Start with a low number here, like 5, if you are unsure."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1096
msgid "Concurrent Batches"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1104
msgid "Set how many batches of actions can be run at once. Start with a low number here, like 3, if you are unsure."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1114
msgid "Run Schedule Every"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1126, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1276
msgid "Time Unit"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1136, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1286
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1140, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1290
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1144, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1294
msgid "Days"
msgstr ""

#. translators: $this->get_schedule_count is an integer showing how many items are in the current queue.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1153
msgid "%s Item"
msgid_plural "%s Items"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1158
msgid "Clear this queue"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1198
msgid "Enable Logging?"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1205
msgid "This determines whether to create plugin log events in standard operation. If Debug Mode is enabled in the plugin settings, logging will occur regardless of this setting."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1210
msgid "Statuses to Log"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1220
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1225
msgid "Success"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1230
msgid "Notice"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1238
msgid "Automatically Delete Old Log Entries?"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1250
msgid "Age to Delete Log Entries"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1257
msgid "If automatic deleting is enabled, it will affect logs this old."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1263
msgid "Check For Old Logs Every"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1283
msgid "These two fields are how often the site will check for logs to delete."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1301
msgid "Clear This Many Log Entries"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1308
msgid "This number is how many log entries the plugin will try to clear at a time. If you do not enter a number, the default is 100."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1314
msgid "Triggers to Log"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1321
msgid "These are the triggers to log. When the plugin is in debug mode (see the settings tab), all triggers will be considered to be triggers to log, even if they are not checked here."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1324, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:558
msgid "WordPress Create"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1329, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:559
msgid "WordPress Update"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1334, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:560
msgid "WordPress Delete"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1339, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:561
msgid "Salesforce Create"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1344, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:562
msgid "Salesforce Update"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1349, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:563
msgid "Salesforce Delete"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1388
msgid "Mapping Error Settings"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1391
msgid "Errors per page"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1399
msgid "Set how many mapping errors to show on a single page."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1435
msgid "Your account does not have permission to edit the Object Sync for Salesforce plugin's settings."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1441
msgid "At least the admin area of your website must use HTTPS to connect with Salesforce. WordPress reports that your site environment does not, and cannot, use HTTPS. You may need to work with your hosting company to make the switch before you can use this plugin."
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) is the site health URL, and 2) is the text for the site health page title.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1449
msgid "Your website is not currently using HTTPS, but your environment does support it. Visit your website's <a href=\"%1$s\">%2$s</a> for more information. If you have just migrated to HTTPS, WordPress may take some time to update this detection."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1451
msgid "Site Health screen"
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) is the version number of the Salesforce REST API, 2) is the option key for where the deprecated version is stored, 3) is the prefixed options table name, 4) is the link to delete the option, 5) is the default API version to use, and 6) is the name of the wp-config value.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1460
msgid "Object Sync for Salesforce is using version %1$s of the Salesforce REST API, which is configured from a previous version. This value is no longer configurable in the plugin settings, and in version 3.0.0, previously saved values will be removed. You can delete the %2$s field from the %3$s table on your own, use %4$s, set it to %5$s so the plugin can delete it, or wait until that release. If the %6$s value is in your wp-config.php file instead, you should delete it from there as well."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1473
msgid "Errors kept this fieldmap from being saved."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1479
msgid "There is no fieldmap with the supplied ID. Instead, the list of all available fieldmaps is displayed."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1485
msgid "Errors kept this object map from being saved."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1491
msgid "This data was successfully saved."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1497
msgid "This data was partially successfully saved. This means some of the data was unable to save. If you have enabled logging or debug mode in the plugin settings, there should be a log entry with further details."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1503
msgid "This data was not successfully saved. Try again."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1509
msgid "Errors kept these mapping errors from being deleted."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:1996
msgid "Please upload a valid .json file"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2001
msgid "Please upload a file to import"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2086
msgid "These are the import items that were not able to save: "
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the fieldmap row ID, 2) the Salesforce object type, 3) the WordPress object type.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2090
msgid "Fieldmap id (if it exists): %1$s. Salesforce object type: %2$s. WordPress object type: %3$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the mapping object row ID, 2) the ID of the Salesforce object, 3) the WordPress object type.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2099
msgid "Mapping object id (if it exists): %1$s. Salesforce Id: %2$s. WordPress object type: %3$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2110
msgid "%1$s on import: some of the rows were unable to save. Read this post for details."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2222, classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2320
msgid "Defined in wp-config.php"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2288
msgid "Select one"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2393
msgid "They are not cached, but"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2391
msgid "They are cached, and"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2399
msgid "they were not loaded from the cache"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2397
msgid "they were loaded from the cache"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2405
msgid "This request did not require refreshing the Salesforce token"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2403
msgid "This request did require refreshing the Salesforce token"
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) $contacts['data']['totalSize'] is the number of items loaded, 2) $contacts['data']['records'][0]['attributes']['type'] is the name of the Salesforce object, 3) $contacts_is_cached is the "They are/are not cached, and/but" line, 4) $contacts_from_cache is the "they were/were not loaded from the cache" line, 5) is the "this request did/did not require refreshing the Salesforce token" line.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2412
msgid "Salesforce successfully returned %1$s %2$s records. %3$s %4$s. %5$s."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2386
msgid "The plugin was unable to load a sample of Contacts from Salesforce. This may mean that there are connection issues, or that the authorization has expired."
msgstr ""

#. translators: the parameter is the option key where the API version was stored.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2482
msgid "There was an error in deleting the %1$s value. This may mean you have stored the value in a wp-config.php file instaed of in the options table. If this is not the case, you may want to reload the page and try again."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2476
msgid "The %1$s value was successfully deleted."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2511
msgid "The cache was not cleared because it is empty. You can try again later."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2507
msgid "There was an error clearing the plugin cache. Try refreshing this page."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2505
msgid "The plugin cache has been cleared."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2724
msgid "You need to specify the name of the schedule you want to clear."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2722
msgid "You have cleared the %s schedule."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-admin.php:2779, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1823, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1973, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1388, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1272
msgid "Mapping object updated via function: "
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-logging.php:224
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-logging.php:310
msgid "All log types "
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php:326
msgid "Active"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php:327
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the log status, %2$s is the name of a WordPress object. %3$s is the id of that object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php:733
msgid "%1$s Mapping: error caused by trying to map the WordPress %2$s with ID of %3$s to Salesforce ID starting with \"tmp_sf_\", which is invalid."
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the status word "Error". %2$s is the Id of a Salesforce object. %3$s is the ID of a mapping object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php:755
msgid "%1$s: Mapping: there is already a WordPress object mapped to the Salesforce object %2$s and the mapping object ID is %3$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php:1339
msgid "&laquo;"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php:1340
msgid "&raquo;"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-rest.php:205, classes/class-object-sync-sf-rest.php:213, classes/class-object-sync-sf-rest.php:221, classes/class-object-sync-sf-rest.php:226
msgid "This kind of request is not allowed."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-rest.php:208, classes/class-object-sync-sf-rest.php:216, classes/class-object-sync-sf-rest.php:231
msgid "You do not have permissions to view this data."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) the server error code, and 3) the name of the Salesforce object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:606
msgid "%1$s: %2$s when pulling %3$s data from Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:573
msgid "%1$s: %2$s when pulling %3$s data from Salesforce. Check and resave the fieldmap."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:578
msgid "A field may have been deleted from Salesforce, or it has otherwise become invalid. You may need to check and resave your fieldmap."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:584
msgid " The stored query has been cleared."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:585
msgid "The currently stored query for this object type has been deleted."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:590
msgid "Salesforce API Response: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:418
msgid "%1$s: Salesforce ID %2$s has already been attempted."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:424
msgid "This ID has already been attempted so it was not pulled again."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:461
msgid "%1$s: Salesforce ID %2$s is not allowed."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:467
msgid "This ID is not pullable so it was skipped."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:482
msgid "%1$s: Start to add Salesforce ID %2$s to the queue"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:488
msgid "This record is being sent to the queue. The hook name is %1$s. The arguments for the hook are: object type %2$s, object map ID %3$s, sync trigger %4$s. The schedule name is %5$s."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:522
msgid "%1$s: Salesforce ID %2$s has been successfully pulled into the queue."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:528
msgid "This ID has been successfully pulled and added to the queue for processing. It cannot be pulled again without being modified again."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) what operation is happening, 3) the name of the Salesforce object type, 4) the previous Salesforce Id value, 5) the new Salesforce Id value, 6) the name of the WordPress object, 7) the WordPress id value.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1020
msgid "%1$s: %2$s Salesforce %3$s objects with Ids %4$s and %5$s were merged (%5$s is the remaining ID. It is mapped to WordPress %6$s with %7$s.)"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1250
msgid "%1$s: we are missing a deletedDate attribute here, but are expected to delete an item."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1310
msgid "%1$s: Salesforce Pull: unable to process queue item because it has no Salesforce Id."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1327
msgid "unable to process queue item because it has no Salesforce Id."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) the mapping object ID transient.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1386
msgid "%1$s: mapping object transient ID %2$s is currently pushing, so we do not pull it."
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1444
msgid "%1$s Mapping: according to the current plugin settings, there are no parameters in the current dataset that can be pulled from Salesforce."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the fieldmap row ID, 2) the name of the WordPress object, 3) the name of the Salesforce object.
#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the fieldmap row ID, 2) the name of the WordPress object, 3) the name of the Salesforce object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1449, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1006
msgid "There is a fieldmap with ID of %1$s and it maps the WordPress %2$s object to the Salesforce %3$s object."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the ID of the Salesforce object, 2) the WordPress object type.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1471
msgid "The plugin was trying to pull the Salesforce object with ID of %1$s to the WordPress %2$s object type."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1460, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1016
msgid "There is an existing object map with ID of %1$s and it is mapped to the WordPress %2$s with ID of %3$s and the Salesforce object with ID of %4$s."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are 1) the object's data that was attempted.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1479
msgid "The Salesforce object data that was attempted: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1673
msgid "%1$s: There is at least one object map with a WordPress ID of 0."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1685
msgid "There are multiple object maps with WordPress ID of 0. Their IDs are: "
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the mapping object row ID, 2) the ID of the Salesforce object, 3) the WordPress object type.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1689
msgid "Mapping object id: %1$s. Salesforce Id: %2$s. WordPress object type: %3$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1679
msgid "There is an object map with ID of %1$s and it is mapped to the WordPress %2$s with ID of 0 and the Salesforce object with ID of %3$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) log status, 2) mapping object row id, 3) WordPress object tyoe, 4) individual WordPress item ID, 5) individual Salesforce item ID.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1719
msgid "%1$s: Because object map %2$s already exists, WordPress %3$s %4$s was not mapped to Salesforce Id %5$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are 1) WordPress object type, 2) field name for the WordPress id, 3) the WordPress id value, 4) the Salesforce object type, 5) the Salesforce object Id that was modified, 6) the mapping object row id.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1728
msgid "The WordPress %1$s with %2$s of %3$s is already mapped to the Salesforce %4$s with Id of %5$s in the mapping object with id of %6$s. The Salesforce %4$s with Id of %5$s was created or modified in Salesforce, and would otherwise have been mapped to this WordPress record. No WordPress data has been changed to prevent changing data unintentionally."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) what operation is happening, and 3) the name of the WordPress object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1832
msgid "%1$s: %2$s WordPress %3$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the name of the Salesforce object, and 2) Id of the Salesforce object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1842
msgid " (Salesforce %1$s with Id of %2$s)"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1854, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1994, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:2104
msgid "An error occurred pulling this data from Salesforce. See the plugin logs."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1804, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1954
msgid "%1$s: %2$s WordPress %3$s with %4$s of %5$s (Salesforce %6$s Id of %7$s)"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) what operation is happening, 3) the name of the WordPress object, 4) the WordPress id field name, 5) the WordPress object id value, 6) the name of the Salesforce object, 7) the Salesforce Id value.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:1983
msgid "%1$s: %2$s WordPress %3$s with %4$s of %5$s (Salesforce %6$s with Id of %7$s)"
msgstr ""

#. translators: parameter is the name of the WordPress id field name.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:2126
msgid "The WordPress record was not deleted because there are multiple Salesforce IDs that match this WordPress %1$s.) They are:"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:2136
msgid "The map row between this Salesforce object and the WordPress object, as stored in the WordPress database, will be deleted, and this Salesforce object has been deleted, but WordPress object data will remain untouched."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the operation that is happening, 2) the name of the WordPress object type, 3) the WordPress id field name, 4) the WordPress object id value, 5) the name of the Salesforce object type, 6) the Salesforce Id.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:2141
msgid "%1$s: %2$s on WordPress %3$s with %4$s of %5$s was stopped because there are other WordPress records mapped to Salesforce %6$s of %7$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:2093, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:2069
msgid "%1$s: %2$s WordPress %3$s with %4$s of %5$s (%6$s %7$s)"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-pull.php:2244
msgid "Mapping object created via function: "
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) the name of the WordPress id field.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:603
msgid "%1$s: Salesforce Push: unable to process queue item because it has no WordPress %2$s."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:582
msgid "%1$s: mapping object transient ID %2$s is currently pulling, so we do not push it."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, capitalized, 2) the name of the current operation, 3) the name of the WordPress object type, 4) the name of the WordPress ID field, 5) the value of the object's ID in WordPress, 6) the name of the Salesforce object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:668
msgid "%1$s: %2$s Salesforce %3$s with WordPress %4$s with %5$s of %6$s was not allowed by this fieldmap."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) the name of the WordPress object type, 3) the name of the WordPress ID field, 4) the value of the object's ID in WordPress, 5) the name of the Salesforce object.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:723
msgid "%1$s: Add to queue: Push WordPress %2$s with %3$s of %4$s to Salesforce %5$s."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) the name of the Salesforce object, 3) the name of the WordPress object type, 4) the WordPress id field name.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:808
msgid "%1$s: Pushing to Salesforce %2$s. The WordPress %3$s %4$s value is missing from the request. It may have been deleted."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are 1) the object's data that was attempted.
#. translators: placeholders are 1) the object's data that was attempted.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:816, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1034
msgid "The WordPress object data that was attempted: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:929
msgid "The Salesforce record was not deleted because there are multiple WordPress IDs that match this Salesforce ID. They are:"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:937
msgid "The map row between this WordPress object and the Salesforce object, as stored in the WordPress database, will be deleted, and this WordPress object has been deleted, but Salesforce will remain untouched."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) what operation is happening, 3) the name of the Salesforce object, 4) the Salesforce Id value, 5) the name of the WordPress object type, 6) the WordPress id field name, 7) the WordPress object id value.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:942
msgid "%1$s: %2$s on Salesforce %3$s with Id of %4$s was stopped because there are other Salesforce records mapped to WordPress %5$s with %6$s of %7$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) what operation is happening, 3) the name of the Salesforce object, 4) the Salesforce Id value, 5) the name of the WordPress object type, 6) the WordPress id field name, 7) the WordPress object id value.
#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) what operation is happening, 3) the name of the Salesforce object, 4) the Salesforce Id value, 5) the name of the WordPress object type, 6) the WordPress id field name, 7) the WordPress object id value.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:874, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:907, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1393, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1419, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1186, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1245
msgid "%1$s: %2$s Salesforce %3$s %4$s (WordPress %5$s with %6$s of %7$s)"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:885, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1430, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1197, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1320
msgid "An error occurred pushing this data to Salesforce. See the plugin logs."
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1001
msgid "%1$s Mapping: according to the current plugin settings, there are no parameters in the current dataset that can be pushed to Salesforce."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the name of the WordPress object, 2) the ID of the WordPress object, 3) the Salesforce object type.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1026
msgid "The plugin was trying to push the WordPress %1$s with ID of %2$s to the Salesforce %3$s object type."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) what operation is happening, 3) the name of the WordPress object type, 4) the WordPress id field name, 5) the WordPress object id value, 6) the Salesforce Id value.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1347
msgid "%1$s: %2$s: Did not sync WordPress %3$s with %4$s of %5$s with Salesforce Id %6$s because the last sync timestamp was greater than the object updated timestamp."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are 1) when a sync on this mapping last occured, 2) when the object was last updated.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1357
msgid "Last sync time: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1357
msgid "Object updated time: %2$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1288
msgid "%1$s error syncing: %2$s to Salesforce (WordPress %3$s with %4$s of %5$s)"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1297
msgid "Object: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1297, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:599
msgid "Message: %2$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1297
msgid "Params: %3$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1305
msgid "Upsert key: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1305
msgid "Upsert value: %2$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is for the action that occurred on the mapping object (pending or created).
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce-push.php:1529
msgid "Mapping object %1$s via function: "
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) a sentence about whether there is an SOQL query included.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:427
msgid "%1$s Salesforce API call: read the full log entry for request and response details. %2$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:429
msgid "There is not an SOQL query included in this request."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:429
msgid "There is an SOQL query included in this request."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is: 1) the API call's HTTP method.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:433
msgid "HTTP method:"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is: 1) the API call's URL.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:438
msgid "URL of API call to Salesforce:"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is: 1) the SOQL query that was run.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:446
msgid "SOQL query that was sent to Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is: 1) the params sent to Salesforce.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:453
msgid "Parameters sent to the Salesforce API"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is: 1) the API call's result.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:459
msgid "API result from Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status, 2) the HTTP status code returned by the Salesforce API request.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:616, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:593, classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:577
msgid "%1$s: %2$s: on Salesforce HTTP request"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:599
msgid "URL: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:599
msgid "Code: %3$s"
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:736
msgid "There is no refresh token."
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:760
msgid "Unable to get a Salesforce access token. Salesforce returned the following errorCode: "
msgstr ""

#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-salesforce.php:793
msgid "Unable to access identity service."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:1155
msgid "%1$s: Users: Tried to run user_upsert, and ended up without a user id"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:1486
msgid "%1$s: Posts: Tried to run post_upsert, and ended up without a post id"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:1794
msgid "%1$s: Attachments: Tried to run attachment_upsert, and ended up without an attachment id"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:2114
msgid "%1$s: Terms: Tried to run term_upsert, and ended up without a term id"
msgstr ""

#. translators: %1$s is the log status. %2$s is a number. %3$s is a key. %4$s is the value of that key. %5$s is a var_export'd array of comments.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:2353
msgid "%1$s: Comments: there are %2$s comment matches for the Salesforce key %3$s with the value of %4$s. Here they are: %5$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are: 1) the log status.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:2433
msgid "%1$s: Comments: Tried to run comment_upsert, and ended up without a comment id"
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) is the WordPress object type, 2) is the method that should be used to save the value.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:2543
msgid "Tried to add %1$s meta with method %2$s."
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) is the WordPress object type, 2) is the key of the meta field, 3) is the method that should be used to update the value, 4) is the already stored value, 5) is the new value the plugin tried to save.
#: classes/class-object-sync-sf-wordpress.php:2608
msgid "Unable to update %1$s meta key %2$s with method %3$s. The stored value is %4$s and the new value should be %5$s."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/authorized.php:9
msgid "Salesforce is successfully authenticated."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/authorized.php:10
msgid "Disconnect from Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:21, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:14, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:39, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:29, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:42
msgid "Label"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:26, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:15, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:59
msgid "WordPress Object"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:29, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:54, templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:30
msgid "Select Object Type"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:51, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:16, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:60
msgid "Salesforce Object"
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) is the link to troubleshooting object maps in the plugin documentation.
#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:93
msgid "The plugin is unable to access any Salesforce objects for object mapping."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:93
msgid " This is most likely a permissions issue. See %1$s in the plugin documentation for more information and possible solutions."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:111
msgid "Allowed Record Types"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:145
msgid "Default Record Type"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:146
msgid "Select record type"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:172
msgid "Date Field to Trigger Pull"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:202
msgid "When the plugin checks for data to bring from Salesforce into WordPress, it will use the selected field to determine what relevant changes have occurred in Salesforce."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:207
msgid "Fieldmap"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:211
msgid "WordPress Field"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:212
msgid "Salesforce Field"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:213
msgid "Prematch"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:214
msgid "Salesforce Key"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:215
msgid "Direction"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:216, templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:54, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:23
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:227, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:235, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:240
msgid "Note:"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:227
msgid " to map a custom meta field (such as wp_postmeta, wp_usermeta, wp_termmeta, etc.), WordPress must have at least one value for that field. If you add a new meta field and want to map it, make sure to add a value for it and "
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:227
msgid " to see the field listed here."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:229
msgid "clear the plugin cache"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:235
msgid " when mapping Salesforce fields, a * in the field name designates a required field for this object type."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:240
msgid " when mapping WordPress fields, a 🔒 in the field name designates a field that the plugin is not able to edit. By default, this is only autogenerated ID fields, though developers can modify which fields are editable with additional code. A WordPress field that cannot be edited means you can push data from that field but you cannot pull data to it. When mapping Salesforce fields, a 🔒 in the field name designates a locked Salesforce field. This means you can pull data from that field but you cannot push data to it."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:255, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:387
msgid "Select WordPress Field"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:283, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:433
msgid "Select Salesforce Field"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:336
msgid "This pair should be checked for existing matches in Salesforce before adding"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:346
msgid "This Salesforce field is an External ID in Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:371, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:499
msgid "Salesforce to WordPress"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:372, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:500
msgid "WordPress to Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:373, templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:501
msgid "Sync"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:512
msgid "Add another field mapping"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:513
msgid "Add field mapping"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:520
msgid "You have to pick a WordPress object and a Salesforce object to add field mapping."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:521
msgid "A checked Prematch (when saving data in either WordPress or Salesforce) or Salesforce Key (only when saving data from WordPress to Salesforce) field will cause the plugin to check for a match on that value before creating new records."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:524
msgid "Action Triggers"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:565
msgid "Select which actions on WordPress objects and Salesforce objects should trigger a synchronization. The WordPress Create, WordPress Update, and WordPress Delete actions push data from WordPress to Salesforce. The Salesforce Create, Salesforce Update, and Salesforce Delete actions pull data from Salesforce to WordPress."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:568
msgid "If you select both WordPress Create and Salesforce Create trigger on a fieldmap, you should almost always also select Process Asynchronously on that fieldmap."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:569
msgid "If you do not do this, you will likely run into problems with duplicate records because the two methods run closely together without the structure of the queue."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:573
msgid "Process Asynchronously"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:575
msgid "If selected, push data will be added to the queue, rather than being sent to Salesforce immediately. Usually a pushed record that is added to the queue runs within a few seconds, but it is not instantaneous. Having these tasks run in a queue can benefit site performance."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:579
msgid "Always Delete Object Maps When Fieldmap Records Are Deleted"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:580
msgid "If selected, when a record in either the WordPress or Salesforce object type of this fieldmap is deleted, the plugin will check for object maps connected to the record that was deleted even if the delete action trigger is not checked. If it finds those object maps, they will be deleted."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:584
msgid "Fieldmap Settings"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:586
msgid "Push Drafts"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:587
msgid "If selected, WordPress will send drafts of this object type (if it creates drafts for it) to Salesforce."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:590
msgid "Pull to Drafts"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:591
msgid "If selected, WordPress will check for matches against existing drafts of this object type, and will also update existing drafts."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:594
msgid "Fieldmap Status"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:614
msgid "By default, fieldmaps are saved as \"Active.\" If you would like to work with a fieldmap without it being used for sync operations, save it as \"Inactive.\""
msgstr ""

#. translators: the placeholder refers to the currently selected method (add, edit, or clone).
#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-add-edit-clone.php:620
msgid "%1$s fieldmap"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-delete.php:15
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this fieldmap?"
msgstr ""

#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the fieldmap label, 2) the saleforce object name, and 3) the WordPress object name.
#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-delete.php:20
msgid "This fieldmap is called %1$s and it maps the Salesforce %2$s object to the WordPress %3$s object."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-delete.php:27, templates/admin/mapping-errors-delete.php:27, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-delete.php:14
msgid "Confirm deletion"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:10
msgid "Add New"
msgstr ""

#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the cache clear link, 2) the cache clear link text.
#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the cache clear link, 2) the cache clear link text.
#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the cache clear link, 2) the cache clear link text.
#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the cache clear link, 2) the cache clear link text.
#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the cache clear link, 2) the cache clear link text.
#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:26, templates/admin/import-export.php:52, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:175, templates/admin/settings.php:21, templates/admin/status.php:63
msgid "Has your WordPress or Salesforce data structure changed? "
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:26, templates/admin/import-export.php:52, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:175, templates/admin/settings.php:21, templates/admin/status.php:63
msgid " to make sure you can map the most recent data structures."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:28, templates/admin/import-export.php:54, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:177, templates/admin/settings.php:23, templates/admin/status.php:65
msgid "Clear the plugin cache"
msgstr ""

#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the URL to add a fieldmap, 2) the link text for adding a fieldmap.
#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:70
msgid "No fieldmaps exist yet. You can "
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:72
msgid "add one"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:48, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:22
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/fieldmaps-list.php:51
msgid "Clone"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:10, templates/admin/import-export.php:26
msgid "Import"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:14
msgid "Import the plugin data from a .json file. You can use the Export options below to get this file."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:20
msgid "Overwrite Existing Data"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:24
msgid "Set Imported Fieldmaps to Inactive"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:29, templates/admin/import-export.php:45
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:35
msgid "Include Fieldmaps"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:39
msgid "Include Object Maps"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/import-export.php:43
msgid "Include Plugin Settings"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-delete.php:15
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this mapping object?"
msgstr ""

#. translators: the placeholders refer to: 1) the WordPress object name, 2) the WordPress object Id, and 3) the Salesforce object Id.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-delete.php:20
msgid "This object map maps the WordPress %1$s with an id value of %2$s to the Salesforce object with Id of %3$s."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:21
msgid "Edit Object Map"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:24
msgid "WordPress ID"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:28
msgid "WordPress Object Type"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:50, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:19
msgid "Salesforce Id"
msgstr ""

#. translators: the placeholder refers to the currently selected method (edit or delete).
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:57
msgid "%1$s object map"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:63
msgid "Object Map Details"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:64
msgid "To assist in debugging, this is the additional information the plugin has stored about this object map."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the object map's creation date.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:71
msgid "<span class=\"label\">Created Date:</span> %1$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the object map's last updated date.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:81
msgid "<span class=\"label\">Last Updated Date:</span> %1$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the object map's last sync date.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:91
msgid "<span class=\"label\">Last Sync Date:</span> %1$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the object map's last sync action.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:105
msgid "<span class=\"label\">Last Sync Action:</span> %1$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the object map's last sync status in error or success.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:119
msgid "<span class=\"label\">Last Sync Status:</span> %1$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the object map's last sync message.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:129
msgid "<span class=\"label\">Last Sync Message:</span> %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:138
msgid "Data Access Links"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:139
msgid "This section will change based on what data is available to the plugin. If it is able to detect a valid WordPress or Salesforce ID, it will link to that record. If the record does not exist, there will be no link."
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the WordPress object type.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:148
msgid "Edit WordPress %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors-edit.php:159
msgid "Edit Salesforce Object"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:26, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:39
msgid "Select All"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:30, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:43
msgid "Last Action"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:31, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:44, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:42
msgid "Last Sync"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:32, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:45
msgid "Object Map Created"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:33, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:46
msgid "Last Data Update"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:52
msgid "Delete selected rows"
msgstr ""

#. translators: %s: Number of items.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:61
msgid "%s item"
msgid_plural "%s items"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:93, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:86
msgid "Pull From Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:91, templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:88, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:49
msgid "Push to Salesforce"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:99
msgid "Select Error"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholders are 1) the WordPress object type, 2) the WordPress object ID, 3) the Salesforce object Id.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:107
msgid "WordPress %1$s ID %2$s to Salesforce Id %3$s"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the last sync message.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:118
msgid "Last Sync Message: %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:125
msgid "Edit Mapping Object"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the WordPress object type.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:133
msgid "Edit %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:141
msgid "Delete Mapping Object"
msgstr ""

#. translators: placeholder is the WordPress object type.
#: templates/admin/mapping-errors.php:150
msgid "Delete %1$s"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/settings.php:12
msgid "Save settings"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/status.php:10
msgid "Salesforce API Connection Status"
msgstr ""

#. translators: 1) is the version number of the Salesforce REST API.
#: templates/admin/status.php:27
msgid "Object Sync for Salesforce is using version %1$s of the Salesforce REST API, which is configured by developer hook. This value is no longer configurable in the plugin settings, but will continue to support this developer hook. However, use this at your own risk, as it is possible that the Salesforce REST API, or this plugin, will depend on different functionality than other versions."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/status.php:17
msgid "Object Sync for Salesforce is using version %1$s of the Salesforce REST API. This plugin works to keep up to date with the release cycle of API versions from Salesforce. When a new version is released, the plugin will upgrade to that version as soon as possible. If you upgrade the plugin when new releases come out, you will always be on the highest supported version of the Salesforce REST API. Object Sync for Salesforce will not include plugin functionality that depends on a version it does not support."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/status.php:34
msgid "Test Salesforce API Call"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/status.php:42
msgid "Contact ID"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/status.php:43
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-change.php:12
msgid "You can change the Salesforce object that this WordPress user maps to by changing the ID and updating this user."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-change.php:15, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-map.php:14
msgid "Salesforce ID"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-change.php:18, templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-map.php:17
msgid "Enter a Salesforce object ID."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-delete.php:13
msgid "Confirm that you want to delete the relationship between this WordPress user and the Salesforce object it is connected to. No other data in Salesforce or WordPress will be modified."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-map.php:11
msgid "This user is not mapped to an object in Salesforce. You can run a push to send this object to Salesforce, which will cause it to follow the plugin's normal mapping conventions, or you can create a manual link to a Salesforce object."
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce-map.php:19
msgid "Push to Salesforce as new record"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:16
msgid "This user is mapped to a Salesforce object"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:27
msgid "Last Sync Message"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:32
msgid "Last Sync Action"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:37
msgid "Last Sync Status"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:38
msgid "success"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:38
msgid "error"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:47
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""

#: templates/admin/user-profile-salesforce.php:50
msgid "Pull from Salesforce"
msgstr ""