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Test Coverage
  unless defined?(form_pos)
    form_pos = :top

  if form_pos == :top
    cols_book = Manifestation.book_output_columns
    cols_series = Manifestation.series_output_columns
    cols_article = Manifestation.article_output_columns
    cols_all = Manifestation.all_output_columns

  form_sub_header = nil
  need_to_render_add_mode_tags = false
  when @index_agent[:creator]
    form_type = :creator
    form_opts = {:url => creator_manifestations_path(@index_agent[:creator]), :method => :get}
    form_opts_ex = {:url => output_excelx_creator_manifestations_path(@index_agent[:creator])}
    need_to_render_add_mode_tags = true if can?(:create, Create)
  when @index_agent[:contributor]
    form_type = :contributor
    form_opts = {:url => contributor_manifestations_path(@index_agent[:contributor]), :method => :get}
    form_opts_ex = {:url => output_excelx_contributor_manifestations_path(@index_agent[:contributor])}
    need_to_render_add_mode_tags = true if can?(:create, Realize)
  when @index_agent[:publisher]
    form_type = :publisher
    form_opts = {:url => publisher_manifestations_path(@index_agent[:publisher]), :method => :get}
    form_opts_ex = {:url => output_excelx_publisher_manifestations_path(@index_agent[:publisher])}
    need_to_render_add_mode_tags = true if can?(:create, Produce)
  when @manifestation
    form_type = :manifestation
    form_opts = {:url => manifestation_manifestations_path(@manifestation), :method => :get}
    form_opts_ex = {:url => output_excelx_manifestation_manifestations_path(@manifestation)}
    need_to_render_add_mode_tags = true if can?(:create, ManifestationRelationship)
  when @series_statement
    form_type = :series_statement
    form_opts = {:url => series_statement_manifestations_path(@series_statement), :method => :get}
    form_opts_ex = {:url => output_excelx_series_statement_manifestations_path(@series_statement)}
    form_sub_header = "index_form_#{form_type}_header"
    need_to_render_add_mode_tags = true if can?(:update, Manifestation)
  when @binder
    form_type = :bookbinding
    form_opts = {:url => {:controller => 'manifestations', :action => 'index', :bookbinder_id => @binder.id}, :method => :get}
    form_opts_ex = {:url => {:controller => 'manifestations', :action => 'output_excelx', :bookbinder_id => @binder.id}}
    form_sub_header = "index_form_#{form_type}_header"
    need_to_render_add_mode_tags = true if can?(:update, Manifestation)
    form_type = :basic
    form_opts = {:method => :get}
    form_opts_ex = {:url => {:action => 'output_excelx'}, :method => :post}

  methods = [:get, :post]

<%- if form_pos == :top && form_sub_header -%>
  <%= render form_sub_header %>
<%- end -%>

<%- methods.each do |method| %>
  <% if method == :post %><% opts = form_opts_ex %><% else %><% opts = form_opts %><% end %>
  <%= form_for :manifestations, opts do -%>
    <p <% if method == :post %>style='display:none;'<% end %>>
      <%= t('page.search_term') -%>:
      <%= search_field_tag 'query', h(@query), {:id => "search_form_#{form_pos}", :class => 'search_form', :placeholder => t('page.search_term')} -%>
      <%- if form_type == :basic %>
        <%= hidden_field_tag 'user_id', params[:user_id] if params[:user_id] -%>
        <%= hidden_field_tag 'removed', true if @removed %>
        <%= hidden_field_tag 'basket_id', params[:basket_id] if params[:basket_id] %>
      <%- end -%>
      <%= hidden_advanced_search_field_tags -%>
      <%- if need_to_render_add_mode_tags -%>
        <%= render 'page/add' %>
      <%- end -%>
      <%= submit_tag t('page.search') -%>
      <% if @query.present? %>
        <input type="button" value="<%= t('page.search_clear') -%>" onclick='<%= "$(" + "'#search_form_#{form_pos}" + "').val('')" %>' >
      <% end %>
      <br />
      <%- if SystemConfiguration.get('nacsis.use_cat') && !@series_statement -%>
        <%= radio_button_tag 'index', 'local', params[:index] == "local" ? true : false, {:checked => true} -%><%= t('page.search_local', :library => "#{LibraryGroup.first.display_name}") -%>
        <%= radio_button_tag 'index', 'nacsis', params[:index] == "nacsis" ? true : false -%><%= t('page.search_nacsis') -%>
        <br />
      <%- end -%>
      <% unless SystemConfiguration.get("manifestation.show_all") %>
        <% if user_signed_in? and current_user.has_role?('Librarian') %>
          <%- if @all_manifestations %>
            <%= check_box_tag 'all_manifestations', true, true %>
          <%- else -%>
            <%= check_box_tag 'all_manifestations', true %>
          <%- end -%>
          <%= t('advanced_search.all_manifestations') %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
      <br />
      <%= link_to_advanced_search -%> <%= link_to_normal_search -%> <%= advanced_search_condition_summary -%>
      <br />
      <%= hidden_field_tag 'reservable', params[:reservable] if params[:reservable] -%>
      <%= hidden_field_tag 'carrier_type', params[:carrier_type] if params[:carrier_type] -%>
      <%= hidden_field_tag 'library', params[:library] if params[:library] -%>
      <%- if params[:language].present? && params[:language].kind_of?(Array) -%>
        <%- params[:language].each do |language| -%>
          <%= hidden_field_tag 'language[]', language -%>
        <%- end -%>
      <%- end -%>
      <%- if form_type != :series_statement -%>
        <%= hidden_field_tag 'in_process', params[:in_process] if params[:in_process] -%>
        <%#= hidden_field_tag 'manifestation_type', params[:manifestation_type] if params[:manifestation_type] -%>
        <%= hidden_field_tag 'missing_issue', params[:missing_issue] if params[:missing_issue] -%>
        <%= hidden_field_tag 'circulation_status_in_process', params[:circulation_status_in_process] if params[:circulation_status_in_process] -%>
        <%= hidden_field_tag 'circulation_status_in_factory', params[:circulation_status_in_factory] if params[:circulation_status_in_factory] -%>
      <%- end -%>
      <%= hidden_field_tag 'sort_by', params[:sort_by] if params[:sort_by] -%>
      <%= hidden_field_tag 'solr_query', params[:solr_query] if params[:solr_query] -%>
      <%= hidden_field_tag 'mode', params[:mode] if params[:mode] -%>

  <%- if form_pos == :top -%>
      <%- if SystemConfiguration.get("manifestations.users_show_output_button") or (user_signed_in? and current_user.has_role?('Librarian')) -%>
        <% if method == :post %>
          <!-- start hidden checkboxes for selecting excel columns -->
          <%- cols_all.each do |x| -%>
            <%= check_box_tag 'cols[]', x, false, :id => "chkbox_#{x.gsub('.','_')}", :style => "display: none;" -%>
          <%- end -%>
          <!-- end hidden checkboxes for selecting excel columns -->
          <%= hidden_field_tag :format_type, nil %>
          <%= submit_tag t('page.output', :model => t('page.search_result')), :name => 'output', :id => 'output', :style => "display: none;" %>
        <% end %>
    // set the dialog box default properties
        autoOpen: false,
        modal: true,
        width: Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.60),
        autoOpen: false,
        modal: true,
        width: Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.5),

    // make sure to set all the checkboxes to checked by default
    <%- cols_all.each do |x| -%>
      $('#chkbox_<%= x.gsub('.','_') -%>').attr('checked', false);
      $('#chkbox2_<%= x.gsub('.','_') -%>').attr('checked', true);
      $('#chkbox2_<%= x.gsub('.','_') -%>').removeAttr('disabled');
    <%- end -%>

    // hide default columns (i.e. always enabled)
    $('#chkbox2_book_original_title').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_book_manifestation_type').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_book_creator').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_book_pub_date').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_book_publisher').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_article_creator').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_article_original_title').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_article_title').attr('disabled', 'disabled')
    $('#chkbox2_series_original_title').attr('disabled', 'disabled')

    // check columns layout
    $("input:radio[name='layout_type']").click(function() {
      var layout_type = $("input:radio[name='layout_type']:checked").val();
      // clean
      $('#format_type_book2_pdf').attr('disabled', false);
      $('#format_type_book2_tsv').attr('disabled', false);
      $('#format_type_book2_excelx').attr('disabled', false);
      // set
      switch (layout_type) {
        case 'request':
          $('#format_type_book2_tsv').prop('checked', false);
          $('#format_type_book2_excelx').prop('checked', false);
          $('#format_type_book2_pdf').prop('checked', true);
          $('#format_type_book2_tsv').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
          $('#format_type_book2_excelx').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        case 'label':
          $('#format_type_book2_pdf').prop('checked', false);
          $('#format_type_book2_excelx').prop('checked', false);
          $('#format_type_book2_tsv').prop('checked', true);
          $('#format_type_book2_pdf').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
          $('#format_type_book2_excelx').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        case 'search':
          $('#format_type_book2_tsv').attr('disabled', false);
          $('#format_type_book2_excelx').attr('disabled', false);
          var format_type = $("input:radio[name='format_type_book2']:checked").val();
          if(format_type == 'excelx' || format_type == 'tsv')

    <%- ['book','article'].each do |t| -%>
      // check columns layout
      $("input:radio[name='format_type_<%= t %>2']").click( function() {
        var format_type = $("input:radio[name='format_type_<%= t %>2']:checked").val();
        if(format_type == 'excelx' || format_type == 'tsv')
          $("#check_cols_<%= t %>").show();
          $("#check_cols_<%= t %>").hide();

      // function to open the dialog
      $('#excelx_<%= t -%>_dialog_opener').click( function() {
        $('#excelx_<%= t -%>_dialog').dialog('open');
        return false;

      // trigger function to submit the form itself
      $('#excelx_<%= t -%>_trigger').click( function() {
        // make sure the statuses of all the hidden checkboxes
        <%- eval("cols_#{t}").each do |x| -%>
          $('#chkbox_<%= x.gsub('.','_') -%>').prop('checked', $('#chkbox2_<%= x.gsub('.','_') -%>').is(':checked'));
        <%- end -%>
        <% if t == 'book' %>
          <% eval("cols_series").each do |x| %>
            $('#chkbox_<%= x.gsub('.','_') %>').prop('checked', $('#chkbox2_<%= x.gsub('.','_') -%>').is(':checked'));
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
        // format type
        var layout_type = $("input:radio[name='layout_type']:checked").val();
        if (layout_type == 'request' || layout_type == 'label')
          $('#format_type').val($("input:radio[name='format_type_<%= t %>2']:checked").val());
        // close the dialog before we go
        $('#excelx_<%= t -%>_dialog').dialog('close');
        // submit the form itself
        // make sure all the checkboxes are unchecked again
        <%- cols_all.each do |x| -%>
          $('#chkbox_<%= x.gsub('.','_') -%>').prop('checked', false);
        <%- end -%>
        return false;
    <%- end -%>
function change_layout() {

// -->

function BoxChecked(check){
  column = $('#column [name=col_check]')
  for (var i=0; i<column.length; i++){
    if ( column[i].disabled == false ){
      column[i].checked = check;

<% if output_column_lists = OutputColumnList.find(:all) %>
  function TemplateChecked(index){
    colList = new Array();
  <% output_column_lists.each_with_index do |column_list, count| %>
    colList[<%= count %>] = ("<%= column_list.column_list.to_s %>").split( ',' );
  <% end %>
    for (var i=0; i<colList[index].length; i++){
      document.getElementById(colList[index][i]).checked = true;
<% end %>

      <button id="excelx_book_dialog_opener"><%= t('page.output_excelx', :model => t('page.search_result')) -%></button>
      <button id="excelx_article_dialog_opener"><%= t('page.output_excelx', :model => t('page.search_result')) -%></button>
    <%- end -%><%# if SystemConfiguration.get("manifestations.users_show_output_button") or (user_signed_in? and current_user.has_role?('Librarian')) -%>
<%- end -%><%# if form_pos == :top -%>
<%- end -%><%# form_for :manifestations, :html => {:method => 'get'} do -%>
<%- end -%>

<%- if form_pos == :top -%>

<!-- start dialog for selecting excel columns -->
<% if SystemConfiguration.get("manifestations.users_show_output_button") or (user_signed_in? and current_user.has_role?('Librarian')) %>
  <div id="excelx_book_dialog" title="<%= t('page.output', :model => t('page.search_result')) %>" style="display:none;">
      <strong><%= t('page.output_layout') %></strong><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:layout_type, 'search', :checked => true) %><%= t('page.search_result') %><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:layout_type, 'label') %><%= t('page.output_label') %><br />
      <% if params[:missing_issue] %>
        <%= radio_button_tag(:layout_type, 'request') %><%= t('page.output_request') %><br />
      <% end %>
      <br />

      <strong><%= t('page.output_filetype') %></strong><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:format_type_book2, 'excelx', :checked => true) %><%= t('page.output_filetype_format.excelx') %><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:format_type_book2, 'tsv') %><%= t("page.output_filetype_format.#{ SystemConfiguration.get("set_output_format_type") ? 'tsv' : 'csv'}") %><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:format_type_book2, 'pdf') %><%= t('page.output_filetype_format.pdf') %><br />

    <div id='check_cols_book'>
      <form id = "column" name="column" method="GET">
      <br />
      <strong><%= t('page.output_excelx_dialog') %></strong><br />
      <% if output_column_lists = OutputColumnList.find(:all) %>
        <% output_column_lists.each_with_index do |column_list, i| %>
          <%= button_tag column_list.name, :onClick=>"TemplateChecked(#{i})" %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
      <%= button_tag t('page.output_select_all'), :onClick=>"BoxChecked(true);", :type=>'button' %>
      <%= button_tag t('page.output_cancel_all'), :onClick=>"BoxChecked(false);", :type=>'button' %>
      <%if false%><%= check_box_tag 'all_check','all_check', true, :onclick=>"AllChecked()" %>すべて選択<%end%><br />
      <div style="width: 33%; float: left;">
        <% cols_book[0, cols_book.length / 2].each do |x| %>
          <%= check_box_tag '', '', true, :id => "chkbox2_#{x.gsub('.','_')}", :name => "col_check" %>
          <%= ResourceImport::Sheet.field_name(x) %><br />
        <% end %>
      <div style="width: 34%; float: left;">
        <% cols_book[cols_book.length / 2, cols_book.length - (cols_book.length / 2)].each do |x| %>
          <%= check_box_tag '', '', true, :id => "chkbox2_#{x.gsub('.','_')}", :name => "col_check" %>
          <%= ResourceImport::Sheet.field_name(x) %><br />
        <% end %>
      <div style="width: 33%; float: left;">
        <% cols_series.each do |x| %>
          <%= check_box_tag '', '', true, :id => "chkbox2_#{x.gsub('.','_')}", :name => "col_check" %>
          <%= ResourceImport::Sheet.field_name(x) %><br />
        <% end %>
    <br style='clear: both' />
      <br /><button id="excelx_book_trigger"><%= t('page.output_excelx_detail') %></button>

  <div id="excelx_article_dialog" title="<%= t('page.output', :model => t('page.search_result')) %>" style="display:none;">
      <strong><%= t('page.output_filetype') %></strong><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:format_type_article2, 'excelx', :checked => true) %><%= t('page.output_filetype_format.excelx') %><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:format_type_article2, 'tsv') %><%= t("page.output_filetype_format.#{ SystemConfiguration.get("set_output_format_type") ? 'tsv' : 'csv'}") %><br />
      <%= radio_button_tag(:format_type_article2, 'pdf') %><%= t('page.output_filetype_format.pdf') %>
    <div id='check_cols_article'>
      <br />
      <strong><%= t('page.output_excelx_dialog') %></strong><br />
      <% cols_article.each do |x| %>
        <%= check_box_tag '', '', true, :id => "chkbox2_#{x.gsub('.','_')}" %><%= ResourceImport::Sheet.field_name(x) %><br />
      <% end %>
    <div><br /><button id="excelx_article_trigger"><%= t('page.output_excelx_detail') -%></button></div>
<% end %>
<!-- end dialog for selecting excel columns -->

<%- if current_user -%>
  <div style="float: right">
    <%= render 'baskets/menu', :is_list => false %>
  <br style="clear: both;"/>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%><%# if form_pos == :top -%>