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Test Coverage
  $(function() {

<div id="opac_manifestation_info_area">
  <%= render 'opac/manifestations/manifestation_info', :manifestation => manifestation %>
<br style="clear: both;" />

<div class="opac_field">
  <%= form_for(reserve) do |f| %>
      <%= t('activerecord.models.user') %>:
      <%= reserve.user.username %>(<%= reserve.user.user_number %>)

    <div id="reserve_information_type">
      <%= t('activerecord.attributes.reserve.information_type') %>:<br />
      <% if reserve.retained %>
        <%= i18n_information_type(reserve.information_type_id) %>: <%= Reserve.get_information_type(reserve) %> 
      <% else %>
        <% informations.each do |i| %>
          <% if i == informations.first %>
            <%= f.radio_button :information_type_id, i.id, :checked => true, :class => 'opac_radio_button' %>
            <label for="reserve_information_type_id_<%= i.id %>"><%= i.display_name + " " + i.information %></label><br />
          <% else %>
            <%= f.radio_button :information_type_id, i.id, :class => 'opac_radio_button' %>
            <label for="reserve_information_type_id_<%= i.id %>"><%= i.display_name + " " + i.information %></label><br />
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>

    <div id="reserve_receipt_library">
      <%= t('activerecord.attributes.reserve.receipt_library') %>:<br />
      <% if reserve and !reserve.state == 'requested' %>
        <%= reserve.item.shelf.library.display_name.localize %>
      <% else %>
        <% libraries.each do |l| %>
          <% if l == libraries.first %>
            <%= f.radio_button :receipt_library_id, l.id, :checked => true, :class => 'opac_radio_button' %>
              <label for="reserve_receipt_library_id_<%= l.id %>"><%= l.display_name.localize %></label><br />
          <% else %>
            <%= f.radio_button :receipt_library_id, l.id, :class => 'opac_radio_button' %>
              <label for="reserve_receipt_library_id_<%= l.id %>"><%= l.display_name.localize %></label><br />
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>

      <%= t('activerecord.attributes.reserve.expired_at') %>:<br />
      <% if reserve and !reserve.state == 'requested' %>
        <%= l(reserve.expired_at, :format => :only_date) %>
      <% else %>
        <%= f.text_field :expired_at, :value => reserve.expired_at.try(:strftime, "%Y-%m-%d"), :class => 'date-text-field' %>
        <%= error_message_on :reserve, :expired_at, t('activerecord.attributes.reserve.expired_at') %>
      <% end %>
      <%= f.hidden_field :user_number, :value => user.user_number %>
      <%= f.hidden_field :manifestation_id %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag :opac, true %>
      <%= f.submit t('page.create'), :disable_with => t('page.wait'), :class => 'opac_submit_button' %>
  <% end %>