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Test Coverage
<% if user_signed_in? && current_user.has_role?('Librarian') -%>
  <div id="shortcut">
    <% 2.upto(9) do |num| %>
      <% if SystemConfiguration.get("f#{num}.display_name").present? and SystemConfiguration.get("f#{num}.path").present? %>
        <div class="function_key"><h4>F<%= num %>: <%= SystemConfiguration.get("f#{num}.display_name") %></h4></div>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
    <br style="clear:both;">
<% end %>

<script type="text/javascript">
  <% if user_signed_in? && current_user.has_role?('Librarian') -%>
      <% 2.upto(9) do |num| %>
        <% if SystemConfiguration.get("f#{num}.display_name").present? and SystemConfiguration.get("f#{num}.path").present? %>
          F<%=num%> :function(obj,s,c,a){ 
            // document.location = '<%= SystemConfiguration.get("f#{num}.path") %>'; 
            var path = '<%= SystemConfiguration.get("f#{num}.path") %>';
            var pathname_array = location.pathname.split('/');
            if (pathname_array[1] && pathname_array[2]) { 
              // set routes
              switch (pathname_array[1]) {
                case 'manifestations': path += '?manifestation_id='; break;
                case 'users':          path += '?user=';          break;
              if (pathname_array[2].match(/[0-9]/gi)) {
                // set num
                path += pathname_array[2];
              } else { 
                switch (pathname_array[1]) {
                  case 'users': path += pathname_array[2]; break;
            document.location = path;
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% unless SystemConfiguration.get("no_operation_counter").nil? || SystemConfiguration.get("no_operation_counter") == 0 -%>   
      window.document.onmousedown = counter_clear;
      window.document.onkeydown   = counter_clear;
      window.document.onmousemove = counter_clear;
      function counter_clear() {
        nooperation_cnt = 0;

    var t = setInterval(keyborad_observer, 1000);
    function keyborad_observer(){
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        nooperation_cnt = 0;
      if (nooperation_cnt > <%= SystemConfiguration.get("no_operation_counter") %>) {
      <% if user_signed_in? %>      
        <% if SystemConfiguration.get("no_operation_logout") %>
          location.href = "<%= destroy_user_session_path %>";
        <% else %>
          <% if current_user.has_role?('Librarian') %>      
            location.href = "<%= root_path %>";
          <% else %>
            location.href = "<%= destroy_user_session_path %>";
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
      <% else %>
        location.href = "<%= root_path %>";
      <% end %>
  <% end %>
  // -->

<div id="footer">
  <%= button_tag(t('page.print'), :type => 'button', :onclick => 'window.print();') if SystemConfiguration.get("view_print_button") %>