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import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import Role from 'role/role';
import {getThrottleOffset, throttle} from 'utils/throttle';
import {timeCall} from 'utils/cpu';

declare global {
    interface CreepMemory {
        disableNotifications?: boolean;
        operation?: string;
        singleRoom?: string;

        body?: Record<string, number>;
        building?: boolean;
        buildTarget?: any;
        currentLair?: any;
        extraEnergyTarget?: any;
        isHealer?: boolean;
        isReturning?: boolean;
        order?: any;
        origin?: any;
        pickupResources?: any;
        repairTarget?: any;
        resourceTarget?: any;
        sourceRoom?: string;
        sourceTarget?: any;
        squadUnitType?: string;
        target?: any;
        targetRoom?: string;
        upgrading?: boolean;

        // Internal throttle offset.
        // @todo Move to heap, this doesn't need persistence.
        _tO?: number;

export default class CreepManager {
    roles: Record<string, Role>;
    performance: Record<string, {
        run: number;
        throttled: number;
        total: number;
        average: number;
        min?: number;
        max?: number;

     * Generally responsible for all creeps' logic.
     * @constructor
    constructor() {
        this.roles = {};
        this.performance = {};

     * Registers a role to be managed.
     * @param {String} roleId
     *   Identifier of the role, as stored in a creep's memory.
     * @param {Role} role
     *   The role to register.
    registerCreepRole(roleId: string, role: Role) {
        this.roles[roleId] = role;

     * Runs cleanup tasks at the beginning of a tick.
    onTickStart() {
        this.performance = {};
        _.each(_.keys(this.roles), roleId => {

     * Prepares memory for storing creep CPU statistics.
     * @param {String} roleId
     *   Identifier of the role, or 'total'.
    prepareStatMemory(roleId: string) {
        this.performance[roleId] = {
            run: 0,
            throttled: 0,
            total: 0,
            average: 0,

     * Decides whether a creep's logic should run during this tick.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep in question.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if the creep's logic should not be executed this tick.
    throttleCreep(creep: Creep): boolean {
        const role = this.roles[creep.memory.role];

        // Do not throttle creeps at room borders, so they don't accidentaly
        // transition back to their previous room.
        if (creep.pos.x === 0 || creep.pos.x === 49 || creep.pos.y === 0 || creep.pos.y === 49) return false;

        // If we're really low on CPU for this tick, throttle mercilessly!
        if (Game.cpu.getUsed() > Game.cpu.tickLimit * 0.85) return true;

        if (!creep.heapMemory._tO) creep.heapMemory._tO = getThrottleOffset();
        return throttle(creep.heapMemory._tO, role.stopAt, role.throttleAt);

     * Runs logic for a creep according to its role.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep in question.
    runCreepLogic(creep: Creep) {
        if (creep.spawning) return;
        if (!this.canManageCreep(creep)) return;

        const roleId = creep.memory.role;

        if (this.throttleCreep(creep)) {


        const totalTime = timeCall('creepRole:' + roleId, () => {
            let shouldRun = true;
            if (this.roles[roleId].preRun) {
                shouldRun = this.roles[roleId].preRun(creep);

            if (shouldRun) {

        if (totalTime >= 5) {
            hivemind.log('creeps', creep.room.name).error(creep.name, 'took', totalTime.toPrecision(3), 'CPU this tick!');

        this.recordCreepCpuStats(roleId, totalTime);
        if (creep.memory.operation && Game.operations[creep.memory.operation]) {

     * Decides whether this creep manager can handle a given creep.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep in question.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if this creep manager could run logic for this creep.
    canManageCreep(creep: Creep) {
        if (creep.memory.role && this.roles[creep.memory.role]) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Stores CPU statistics for a creep after running logic.
     * @param {String} roleId
     *   Identifier of the role, as stored in a creep's memory.
     * @param {Number} totalTime
     *   Total CPU time spent running this creep's logic.
    recordCreepCpuStats(roleId: string, totalTime: number) {
        _.each([this.performance.total, this.performance[roleId]], memory => {
            memory.total += totalTime;

            if (!memory.min || totalTime < memory.min) {
                memory.min = totalTime;

            if (!memory.max || totalTime > memory.max) {
                memory.max = totalTime;

     * Runs logic for all creeps in a list.
     * @param {Array|Object} creeps
     *   List of all the creeps to handle.
    manageCreeps(creeps: Array<Creep | PowerCreep> | Record<any, Creep | PowerCreep>) {
        _.each(creeps, (creep: Creep) => {

     * Reports statistics like throttled creeps.
    report() {
        if (this.performance.total.throttled) {
            const total = this.performance.total.throttled + this.performance.total.run;
            hivemind.log('creeps').debug(this.performance.total.throttled, 'of', total, 'creeps have been throttled due to bucket this tick.');

        if (!Memory.strategy) return;
        if (!Memory.strategy.reports) return;
        if (!Memory.strategy.reports.data) return;
        const memory = Memory.strategy.reports.data.cpu;

        if (!memory.creeps) {
            memory.creeps = {
                roles: {},

        // Record highest creep CPU usage each turn.
        // @todo Might even want to report creep name along with it, or room it's in.

        // Save stats for each creep role.
        for (const roleId in this.roles) {
            if (!this.performance[roleId]) continue;
            const perf = this.performance[roleId];
            const total = perf.throttled + perf.run;
            if (!memory.creeps.roles[roleId]) {
                memory.creeps.roles[roleId] = {
                    total: 0,
                    throttled: 0,
                    cpu: 0,

            memory.creeps.roles[roleId].total += total;
            memory.creeps.roles[roleId].throttled += perf.throttled;
            memory.creeps.roles[roleId].cpu += perf.total;