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import StructureSource from 'dispatcher/resource-source/structure';

interface LabSourceTask extends StructureSourceTask {
    type: 'lab';
    target: Id<StructureLab | StructureStorage | StructureTerminal>;

export default class LabSource extends StructureSource<LabSourceTask> {
    constructor(readonly room: Room) {

    getType(): 'lab' {
        return 'lab';

    getHighestPriority() {
        return 3;

    getTasks(context: ResourceSourceContext) {
        if (this.room.isEvacuating()) return [];

        return this.cacheEmptyTaskListFor(context.resourceType || '', 25, () => {
            const options: LabSourceTask[] = [];

            this.addLabResourceOptions(options, context);

            // Get reaction resources.
            const roomMemory = this.room.memory;
            if (roomMemory?.labs && roomMemory?.currentReaction) {
                this.addSourceLabResourceOptions(options, Game.getObjectById<StructureLab>(roomMemory.labs.source1), roomMemory.currentReaction[0], context);
                this.addSourceLabResourceOptions(options, Game.getObjectById<StructureLab>(roomMemory.labs.source2), roomMemory.currentReaction[1], context);

            return options;

     * Adds options for picking up resources for lab management.
     * @param {Array} options
     *   A list of potential resource sources.
    addLabResourceOptions(options: LabSourceTask[], context: ResourceSourceContext) {
        const room = this.room;
        const currentReaction = room.memory.currentReaction;
        if (!room.memory.canPerformReactions) return;

        const labs = room.memory.labs.reactor;
        for (const labID of labs) {
            // Clear out reaction labs.
            // @todo collect job so that transporter empties any labs that need
            // it before doing another action.
            const lab = Game.getObjectById<StructureLab>(labID);
            if (!lab?.mineralType) continue;
            if (context.resourceType && context.resourceType !== lab.mineralType) continue;

            const mineralAmount = lab.store[lab.mineralType];
            const mineralCapacity = lab.store.getCapacity(lab.mineralType);
            if (lab && mineralAmount > 0) {
                if (room.boostManager.isLabUsedForBoosting(lab.id) && lab.mineralType === room.boostManager.getRequiredBoostType(lab.id)) continue;

                const option: LabSourceTask = {
                    priority: 0,
                    weight: mineralAmount / mineralCapacity,
                    type: 'lab',
                    target: lab.id,
                    resourceType: lab.mineralType,

                if (mineralAmount > mineralCapacity * 0.8) {

                if (mineralAmount > mineralCapacity * 0.9) {

                if (mineralAmount > mineralCapacity * 0.95) {

                if (currentReaction // If we're doing a different reaction now, clean out faster!
                    && REACTIONS[currentReaction[0]][currentReaction[1]] !== lab.mineralType) {
                    option.priority = 3;
                    option.weight = 0;

                option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder(this.getType(), lab.id).length * 2;
                option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder('getEnergy', lab.id).length * 2;
                option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder('getResource', lab.id).length * 2;

                if (option.priority > 0) options.push(option);

        if (!currentReaction) return;

        // Clear out source labs with wrong resources.
        let lab = Game.getObjectById<StructureLab>(room.memory.labs.source1);
        if (lab?.mineralType && (!context.resourceType || context.resourceType === lab.mineralType) && lab.store[lab.mineralType] > 0 && lab.mineralType !== currentReaction[0]) {
            const option: LabSourceTask = {
                priority: 3,
                weight: 0,
                type: 'lab',
                target: lab.id,
                resourceType: lab.mineralType,

            option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder(this.getType(), lab.id).length * 2;
            option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder('getEnergy', lab.id).length * 2;
            option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder('getResource', lab.id).length * 2;


        lab = Game.getObjectById<StructureLab>(room.memory.labs.source2);
        if (lab?.mineralType && (!context.resourceType || context.resourceType === lab.mineralType) && lab.store[lab.mineralType] > 0 && lab.mineralType !== currentReaction[1]) {
            const option: LabSourceTask = {
                priority: 3,
                weight: 0,
                type: 'lab',
                target: lab.id,
                resourceType: lab.mineralType,

            option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder(this.getType(), lab.id).length * 2;
            option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder('getEnergy', lab.id).length * 2;
            option.priority -= this.room.getCreepsWithOrder('getResource', lab.id).length * 2;


     * Adds options for getting reaction lab resources.
     * @param {Array} options
     *   A list of potential resource sources.
     * @param {StructureLab} lab
     *   The lab to fill.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource that should be put in the lab.
    addSourceLabResourceOptions(options: LabSourceTask[], lab: StructureLab, resourceType: ResourceConstant, context: ResourceSourceContext) {
        if (!lab) return;
        if (lab.mineralType && lab.mineralType !== resourceType) return;
        if (lab.store[lab.mineralType] > lab.store.getCapacity(lab.mineralType) * 0.5) return;
        if (context.resourceType && context.resourceType !== resourceType) return;

        const source = this.room.getBestStorageSource(resourceType);
        if (!source) return;
        if ((source.store[resourceType] || 0) === 0) return;

        const option: LabSourceTask = {
            priority: 3,
            weight: 1 - (lab.store[lab.mineralType] / lab.store.getCapacity(lab.mineralType)),
            type: 'lab',
            target: source.id,

        if (lab.store[lab.mineralType] > lab.store.getCapacity(lab.mineralType) * 0.2) {


    isValid(task: LabSourceTask, context: ResourceSourceContext) {
        if (!task.resourceType) return false;
        const structure = Game.getObjectById(task.target);
        if (!structure) return false;
        if (structure.store.getUsedCapacity(task.resourceType) === 0) return false;
        if (context.creep.store.getFreeCapacity(task.resourceType) === 0) return false;
        if (!this.isSafePosition(context.creep, structure.pos)) return false;

        return true;

    execute(task: LabSourceTask, context: ResourceSourceContext) {
        const creep = context.creep;
        const target = Game.getObjectById(task.target);

        creep.whenInRange(1, target, () => {
            const resourceType = task.resourceType;

            if (task.amount) {
                creep.withdraw(target, resourceType, Math.min(target.store.getUsedCapacity(resourceType), creep.memory.order.amount, creep.store.getFreeCapacity()));
            else {
                creep.withdraw(target, resourceType);

            delete creep.memory.order;