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import Process from 'process/process';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE} from 'room-defense';
import {getResourcesIn} from 'utils/store';

interface TransportRouteOption {
    priority: number;
    weight: number;
    resourceType: ResourceConstant;
    source: string;
    target: string;

export default class TradeRouteManager {
     * Determines when it makes sense to transport resources between rooms.
     * @return {Array}
     *   An array of option objects with priorities.
    public getAvailableTransportRoutes(): TransportRouteOption[] {
        const options = [];
        const rooms = this.getResourceStates();

        _.each(rooms, (roomState: RoomResourceState, roomName: string) => {
            const room = Game.rooms[roomName];
            if (!roomState.canTrade) return;

            // Do not try transferring from a room that is already preparing a transfer.
            if (room.memory.fillTerminal && !this.roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room) && !this.roomNeedsStorageSpace(room)) return;

            if (room.terminal.cooldown) return;

            for (const resourceType of getResourcesIn(roomState.state)) {
                if (!roomState.totalResources[resourceType]) continue;

                const resourceLevel = roomState.state[resourceType] || 'low';

                this.addResourceRequestOptions(options, room, resourceType, roomState);

                if (!['high', 'excessive'].includes(resourceLevel) && !this.roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room)) continue;

                // Make sure we have enough to send (while evacuating).
                if (this.roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room) && (roomState.totalResources[resourceType] || 0) < 100) continue;
                if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY && (roomState.totalResources[resourceType] || 0) < 10_000) continue;

                // Look for other rooms that are low on this resource.
                _.each(rooms, (roomState2: any, roomName2: string) => {
                    if (roomName === roomName2) return;

                    const room2 = Game.rooms[roomName2];
                    const resourceLevel2 = roomState2.state[resourceType] || 'low';

                    if (!roomState2.canTrade) return;

                    const isEvacuatingRoomWithLowEnergy = room2.isEvacuating()
                        && resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY
                        && room2.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 5000
                        && room2.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity() > 10_000;
                    if (this.roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room2) && !isEvacuatingRoomWithLowEnergy) return;

                    const isLow = resourceLevel2 === 'low'
                        || (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY && room2.defense.getEnemyStrength() > ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE && resourceLevel2 === 'medium');
                    const isLowEnough = resourceLevel2 === 'medium';
                    const shouldReceiveResources = isLow
                        || (resourceLevel === 'excessive' && isLowEnough);

                    if (!this.roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room) && !this.roomNeedsStorageSpace(room) && !shouldReceiveResources) return;

                    // Make sure target has space left.
                    if (room2.terminal.store.getFreeCapacity() < 5000) return;

                    // Make sure source room has enough energy to send resources.
                    if (room.terminal.store.energy < Game.market.calcTransactionCost(5000, roomName, roomName2)) return;

                    const option = {
                        priority: 3,
                        weight: (((roomState.totalResources[resourceType] || 0) - (roomState2.totalResources[resourceType] || 0)) / 100_000) - Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(roomName, roomName2),
                        source: roomName,
                        target: roomName2,

                    if (this.roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room) && resourceType !== RESOURCE_ENERGY) {
                        if (room.terminal.store[resourceType] && room.terminal.store[resourceType] >= 5000) {
                    else if (!isLow) {


        return options;

    private addResourceRequestOptions(options: TransportRouteOption[], room: Room, resourceType: ResourceConstant, roomState: RoomResourceState) {
        // Fullfill allies trade requests.
        for (const roomName2 in Memory?.requests?.trade?.[resourceType] || {}) {
            const info = Memory.requests.trade[resourceType][roomName2];
            if (Game.time - info.lastSeen > 10) {
                // Request was not recorded recently, skip it.

            const tier = this.getResourceTier(resourceType);
            const shouldReceiveResources
                = roomState.state[resourceType] === 'excessive' && info.priority >= 0.05
                || roomState.state[resourceType] === 'high' && (info.priority >= 0.5 || tier > 1)
                || roomState.state[resourceType] === 'medium' && (info.priority >= 0.8)
                || roomState.state[resourceType] === 'medium' && (info.priority >= 0.5 && tier > 1)
                || roomState.state[resourceType] === 'low' && (info.priority >= 0.8 && tier > 1)
                || roomState.state[resourceType] === 'low' && (info.priority >= 0.5 && tier > 4);
            if (!shouldReceiveResources) continue;

            // Make sure source room has enough energy to send resources.
            const amount = Math.min(roomState.totalResources[resourceType] || 0, 5000);
            if (amount < 100) continue;
            if (room.terminal.store.energy < Game.market.calcTransactionCost(5000, room.name, roomName2)) continue;

            const option = {
                priority: 3,
                weight: (roomState.totalResources[resourceType] / 100_000) - Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(room.name, roomName2),
                source: room.name,
                target: roomName2,

            if (this.roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room) && resourceType !== RESOURCE_ENERGY) {
                if (room.terminal.store[resourceType] && room.terminal.store[resourceType] >= 5000) {
            else if (info.priority < 0.5) {


    private getResourceTier(resourceType: ResourceConstant): number {
        if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY) return 0;
        if (resourceType === RESOURCE_POWER) return 10;

        const tier = resourceType.length;
        if (resourceType.includes('G')) {
            return tier + 3;

        return tier;

     * Collects resource states of all available rooms.
     * @return {object}
     *   Resource states, keyed by room name.
    private getResourceStates(): Record<string, RoomResourceState> {
        const rooms = {};

        // Collect room resource states.
        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            const roomData = room.getResourceState();
            if (!roomData) continue;

            rooms[room.name] = roomData;

        return rooms;

    public roomNeedsTerminalSpace(room: Room): boolean {
        return room.isEvacuating()
            || (room.isClearingTerminal() && room.storage && room.storage.store.getFreeCapacity() < room.storage.store.getCapacity() * 0.3)
            || (room.isClearingStorage() && room.terminal && room.terminal.store.getFreeCapacity() < room.terminal.store.getCapacity() * 0.3);

    public roomHasUncertainStorage(room: Room): boolean {
        if (!room) return true;

        return room.isEvacuating()
            || room.isClearingStorage()
            || room.isClearingTerminal();

    public roomNeedsStorageSpace(room: Room): boolean {
        return room.terminal
            && room.terminal.store.getFreeCapacity() < room.terminal.store.getCapacity() * 0.1
            && room.storage
            && room.storage.store.getFreeCapacity() < room.storage.store.getCapacity() * 0.1;