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/* global RoomVisual */

import ProcessInterface from 'process/process-interface';
import Logger from 'utils/debug';
import Relations from 'relations';
import SegmentedMemory from 'utils/segmented-memory';
import settings, {SettingsManager} from 'settings-manager';
import stats from 'utils/stats';
import {timeCall} from 'utils/cpu';


declare global {
    interface ProcessMemory {
        cpu?: number;
        lastRun?: number;
        lastCpu?: number;
        parentId?: string;

    interface Memory {
        hivemind: KernelMemory;

    interface KernelMemory {
        process: Record<string, ProcessMemory>;
        intelMigrated?: boolean;
        roomPlannerMigrated?: boolean;
        remoteMinersMigrated?: boolean;
        canExpand?: boolean;
        maxScoutDistance: number;
        showProcessDebug?: number;

    namespace NodeJS {
        interface Global {
            hivemind: typeof hivemind;

interface OutdatedRoomMemory {
    intel: any;

/* Default options for the various process priorities. */
const priorityEffects = {
        throttleAt: 9500,
        stopAt: 5000,
        throttleAt: 8000,
        stopAt: 3000,
        throttleAt: 5000,
        stopAt: 500,
        throttleAt: 0,
        stopAt: 0,

 * Kernel that can be used to run various processes.
class Hivemind {
    memory: KernelMemory;
    relations: Relations;
    // @todo hivemind.settings should be removed. Any module needing access to
    // settings can import them directly.
    settings: SettingsManager;
    loggers: Record<string, unknown>;
    segmentMemory: SegmentedMemory;
    hasGlobalReset: boolean;
    currentProcess: ProcessInterface;
    emergencyBrakeProcessId: string;
    parentProcessId: string;
    cpuUsage: number;

    constructor() {
        if (!Memory.hivemind) {
            Memory.hivemind = {
                process: {},
                maxScoutDistance: 7,

        if (!Memory.rooms) {
            Memory.rooms = {};

        this.memory = Memory.hivemind;
        this.relations = new Relations();
        this.settings = settings;
        this.loggers = {};

        // @todo Periodically clean old process memory.

    setSegmentedMemory(memory: SegmentedMemory) {
        this.segmentMemory = memory;

     * Check CPU stats for throttling processes this turn.
    onTickStart() {
        this.cpuUsage = stats.getStat('cpu_total', 10) / Game.cpu.limit;
        this.parentProcessId = 'root';
        this.currentProcess = null;
        this.emergencyBrakeProcessId = null;

        // Refresh reference to memory object.
        this.memory = Memory.hivemind;


     * Tells hivemind that a global reset has occured.
    logGlobalReset() {
        this.hasGlobalReset = true;

     * Gather CPU stats for periodic reports.
    gatherCpuStats() {
        if (!Memory.strategy) return;
        if (!Memory.strategy.reports) return;
        if (!Memory.strategy.reports.data) return;
        if (!Memory.strategy.reports.data.cpu) Memory.strategy.reports.data.cpu = {};

        const memory = Memory.strategy.reports.data.cpu;
        memory.totalTicks = (memory.totalTicks || 0) + 1;
        memory.bucket = (memory.bucket || 0) + Game.cpu.bucket;
        memory.cpu = (memory.cpu || 0) + (stats.getStat('cpu_total', 1) || 0);
        memory.cpuTotal = (memory.cpuTotal || 0) + Game.cpu.limit;

        if (this.hasGlobalReset) {
            memory.globalResets = (memory.globalResets || 0) + 1;
            this.hasGlobalReset = false;

     * Runs a given process.
     * @param {string} id
     *   The id of the process in memory.
     * @param {function} ProcessConstructor
     *   Constructor function of the process to be run.
     * @param {object} options
     *   Options on how to run this process. These will also be passed to the
     *   process itself.
     *   The following keys are always available:
     *   - interval: Set the minimum amount of ticks that should pass between runs
     *     of this process. Use 0 for processes that run multiple times in a single
     *     tick. (Default: 1)
     *   - priority: Use one of the PROCESS_PRIORITY_* constants to determine how
     *     this process should be throttled when cpu resources run low.
     *     (Default: PROCESS_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
     *   - throttleAt: Override at what amount of free bucket this process should
     *     start to run less often.
     *   - stopAt: Override at what amount of free bucket this process should no
     *     no longer run.
     *   - requireSegments: If true, the process may only run after segment memory
     *     has been fully loaded.
    runProcess<P extends ProcessParameters>(id: string, ProcessConstructor: new (parameters: P) => ProcessInterface, options: P) {
        if (this.pullEmergengyBrake(id)) return;
        if (options && options.requireSegments && !this.segmentMemory.isReady()) return;

        // @todo Add CPU usage histogram data for some processes.
        const stats = this.initializeProcessStats(id);

        // @todo Think about reusing process objects between ticks.
        const process = new ProcessConstructor(options);

        if (this.isProcessAllowedToRun(stats, options) && process.shouldRun()) {
            const previousProcess = this.currentProcess;
            this.currentProcess = process;
            this.timeProcess(id, stats, () => {
            this.currentProcess = previousProcess;

     * Runs and times a function as part of the currently running process.
     * @param {string} id
     *   The id of the process in memory.
     * @param {Function} callback
     *   Function to run as the sub process. Will be called with the current
     *   process as this-argument.
    runSubProcess(id: string, callback: () => void) {
        if (this.pullEmergengyBrake(id)) return;

        const stats = this.initializeProcessStats(id);
        this.timeProcess(id, stats, () => callback.call(this.currentProcess));

     * Decides whether current CPU usage is too high to run any more processes.
     * @param {string} id
     *   The id of the process in memory.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if running processes is forbidden.
    pullEmergengyBrake(id: string) {
        if (Game.cpu.getUsed() > Game.cpu.tickLimit * 0.85) {
            if (!this.emergencyBrakeProcessId) {
                this.emergencyBrakeProcessId = id;
                this.log('cpu').error('Shutting down all other processes before running', id, '-', Game.cpu.getUsed().toPrecision(3), '/', Game.cpu.tickLimit.toPrecision(3), 'cpu used!');

            return true;

        return false;

     * Runs a callback and records cpu usage in memory.
     * @param {string} id
     *   The id of the process in memory.
     * @param {object} stats
     *   Memory object to record cpu stats in.
     * @param {Function} callback
     *   Function to run while timing.
    timeProcess(id: string, stats: ProcessMemory, callback: () => void) {
        const previousRunTime = stats.lastRun;
        stats.lastRun = Game.time;
        const cpuUsage = timeCall('process:' + id, () => {
            stats.parentId = this.parentProcessId;
            this.parentProcessId = id;
            this.parentProcessId = stats.parentId;

        this.memory.process[id].cpu = ((this.memory.process[id].cpu || cpuUsage) * 0.99) + (cpuUsage * 0.01);
        if (previousRunTime === Game.time) {
            this.memory.process[id].lastCpu += cpuUsage;
        else {
            this.memory.process[id].lastCpu = cpuUsage;

     * Makes sure some process stats are taken care of in persistent memory.
     * @param {string} id
     *   The id of the process in memory.
     * @return {object}
     *   Memory object allocated for this process' stats.
    initializeProcessStats(id: string) {
        if (!this.memory.process[id]) {
            this.memory.process[id] = {
                lastRun: 0,

        return this.memory.process[id];

     * Decides whether a process is allowed to run based on current CPU usage.
     * @param {object} stats
     *   Memory object allocated for this process' stats.
     * @param {object} options
     *   Options on how to run this process.
     *   @see Hivemind.prototype.runProcess()
     * @return {boolean}
     *   Returns true if the process may run this tick.
    isProcessAllowedToRun(stats: ProcessMemory, options: ProcessParameters): boolean {
        // Initialize process timing parameters.
        const interval = options.interval || 1;
        const priority = options.priority || PROCESS_PRIORITY_DEFAULT;
        const stopAt = options.stopAt || priorityEffects[priority].stopAt || 0;
        const throttleAt = options.throttleAt || priorityEffects[priority].throttleAt || 0;

        // Don't run process if bucket is too low.
        if (Game.cpu.bucket <= stopAt) return false;

        // No need to throttle if no interval is set.
        if (interval === 0 || priority === PROCESS_PRIORITY_ALWAYS) return true;

        // Run process if interval has elapsed.
        return this.hasIntervalPassed(interval, stats.lastRun, stopAt, throttleAt);

     * Checks if a given interval has passed, throttled by CPU usage.
     * @param {number} interval
     *   Minimum tick interval to wait.
     * @param {number} startTime
     *   Game tick on which the interval started.
     * @param {number} stopAt
     *   Minimum amount of bucket needed for this operation to run.
     * @param {number} throttleAt
     *   Amount of bucket at which this operation should always run.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if the interval has passed and we have sufficient cpu resources.
    hasIntervalPassed(interval: number, startTime: number, stopAt?: number, throttleAt?: number): boolean {
        // An interval of 0 always means caching for the current tick only.
        if (interval === 0) return Game.time !== startTime;

        // We check if the interval has actually been passed before adjusting
        // based on throttling to save Game.cpu.getUsed() calls.
        if (Game.time - startTime < interval) return false;
        if (Game.time - startTime < interval * this.getThrottleMultiplier(stopAt, throttleAt)) return false;

        return true;

     * Returns a multiplier for intervals based on current cpu usage.
     * @param {number} stopAt
     *   Minimum amount of bucket needed for this operation to run.
     * @param {number} throttleAt
     *   Amount of bucket at which this operation should always run.
     * @return {number}
     *   Multiplier of at least 1.
    getThrottleMultiplier(stopAt?: number, throttleAt?: number): number {
        // Throttle process based on previous ticks' total cpu usage
        let throttling = Math.max(this.cpuUsage, 1);

        // Throttle process based on current cpu usage.
        const minThrottle = Game.cpu.limit / 2;
        const maxThrottle = Game.cpu.tickLimit;
        if (Game.cpu.getUsed() > minThrottle) {
            throttling /= 1 - ((Game.cpu.getUsed() - minThrottle) / (maxThrottle - minThrottle));

        // Throttle process based on remaining bucket.
        if (!stopAt) stopAt = 0;
        if (!throttleAt) throttleAt = 5000;
        if (Game.cpu.bucket <= stopAt) return 99_999;
        if (Game.cpu.bucket < throttleAt) {
            throttling *= (throttleAt - stopAt) / (Game.cpu.bucket - stopAt);

        return throttling;

     * Creates or reuses an appropriate logger instance.
     * @param {string} channel
     *   The name of the channel to get a logger for.
     * @param {string|null} roomName
     *   The name of the room to log this message for, or null if logging globally.
     * @return {Logger}
     *   The requested logger instance.
    log(channel: string, roomName?: string): Logger {
        const category = roomName || 'global';
        if (!this.loggers[category]) this.loggers[category] = {};
        if (!this.loggers[category][channel]) this.loggers[category][channel] = new Logger(channel, roomName);

        return this.loggers[category][channel];

     * Migrates data from an older hivemind version to this one.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a migration is in progress, to prevent execution of other code.
    migrateData() {
        // Move room intel into segment memory.
        if (!this.memory.intelMigrated) {
            if (!this.segmentMemory.isReady()) return true;

            _.each(Memory.rooms, (memory: OutdatedRoomMemory, roomName: string) => {
                if (!memory.intel) return;

                const key = 'intel:' + roomName;
                this.segmentMemory.set(key, memory.intel);
                delete memory.intel;

            this.memory.intelMigrated = true;

        if (!this.memory.roomPlannerMigrated) {
            if (!this.segmentMemory.isReady()) return true;

            _.each(Memory.rooms, (memory, roomName) => {
                if (!memory.roomPlanner) return;

                const key = 'planner:' + roomName;
                this.segmentMemory.set(key, memory.roomPlanner);
                delete memory.roomPlanner;

            this.memory.roomPlannerMigrated = true;

        return false;

     * Shows a list of processes run in a tick, sorted by CPU usage.
    drawProcessDebug() {
        const processes = _.map(this.memory.process, (data: ProcessMemory, id: string) => ({
            lastRun: data.lastRun,
            lastCpu: data.lastCpu,
            parentId: data.parentId,
        const filtered = _.filter(processes, data => data.lastCpu > 0.5);
        const processData = _.groupBy(_.sortByOrder(filtered, ['lastRun', 'lastCpu'], ['desc', 'desc']), 'parentId');

        const visual = new RoomVisual();
        let lineNumber = 0;

        const drawProcesses = function (parentId, indent) {
            _.each(processData[parentId], data => {
                visual.text(String(_.round(data.lastCpu, 2)), 5, lineNumber, {align: 'right'});
                visual.text(data.id, 6 + indent, lineNumber, {align: 'left'});

                if (data.lastRun !== Game.time) {
                    visual.text((Game.time - data.lastRun) + ' ago', 2, lineNumber, {align: 'right', color: '#808080'});


                drawProcesses(data.id, indent + 1);

        drawProcesses('root', 0);

const hivemind = new Hivemind();

export {
export default hivemind;