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import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import Operation from 'operation/operation';
import PathManager from 'empire/remote-path-manager';
import {decodePosition, encodePosition} from 'utils/serialization';
import {getCostMatrix} from 'utils/cost-matrix';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';
import {getUsername} from 'utils/account';
import {packPosList, unpackPosList} from 'utils/packrat';

declare global {
    interface RemoteMiningOperationMemory extends OperationMemory {
        type: 'mining';
        status: Record<string, {
            containerId?: Id<StructureContainer>;

const energyCache: Record<string, number> = {};
const cannotDismantlePositions: Record<string, boolean> = {};

 * This kind of operation handles all remote mining.
 * It determines source rooms for spawning and delivering resources.
export default class RemoteMiningOperation extends Operation {
    protected memory: RemoteMiningOperationMemory;
    protected pathManager: PathManager;

     * Constructs a new RemoteMiningOperation instance.
    public constructor(name: string) {
        this.memory.type = 'mining';
        this.pathManager = new PathManager();

        if (!this.memory.status) this.memory.status = {};

     * Acts on this operation being terminated.
     * @todo Remove construction sites for this operation.
    onTerminate() {}

     * Gets a list of active source positions keyed by room name.
    getMiningLocationsByRoom() {
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return {};

        return cache.inHeap('sourceRooms:' + this.name, 1000, () => {
            const result: Record<string, string[]> = {};
            const paths = this.getPaths();

            _.each(paths, (info, sourceLocation) => {
                if (!info.accessible) return;
                if (!result[info.sourceRoom]) result[info.sourceRoom] = [];


            return result;

     * Gets the position of all sources in the room.
    getSourcePositions(): RoomPosition[] {
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return [];

        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(this.roomName);
        const sourceInfo = roomIntel.getSourcePositions();

        const positions: RoomPosition[] = [];
        for (const source of sourceInfo) {
            positions.push(new RoomPosition(source.x, source.y, this.roomName));

        return positions;

     * Gets the room responsible for spawning creeps assigned to the given source.
    getSourceRoom(sourceLocation: string): string {
        const locations = this.getMiningLocationsByRoom();

        for (const roomName in locations) {
            if (locations[roomName].includes(sourceLocation)) return roomName;

        return null;

     * Get best room to spawn claimers for this room.
     * @todo Use room with higher rcl or spawn capacity.
    getClaimerSourceRoom() {
        return _.first(_.keys(this.getMiningLocationsByRoom()));

     * Gets the remote paths associated with this operation.
    getPaths() {
        return cache.inObject(this, 'getPaths', 0, () => {
            if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return {};

            const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(this.roomName);
            const positions = this.getSourcePositions();
            const result: Record<string, {
                accessible: boolean;
                path?: RoomPosition[];
                sourceRoom?: string;
                travelTime?: number;
                requiredCarryParts?: number;
                requiredWorkParts?: number;
            }> = {};
            for (const sourcePos of positions) {
                const sourceLocation = encodePosition(sourcePos);
                if (!this.memory.status[sourceLocation]) this.memory.status[sourceLocation] = {};

                // This has a short caching time since the path manager will do most of
                // the heavy caching. We also want to be able to react in changes
                // to room reservation somewhat quickly.
                const info = cache.inHeap('rmPath:' + sourceLocation, 100, () => {
                    const path = this.pathManager.getPathFor(sourcePos);
                    if (!path) {
                        return {
                            accessible: false,

                    const sourceRoom = path[path.length - 1].roomName;
                    const travelTime = path.length;
                    const generatedEnergy = roomIntel.isClaimable()
                        ? (this.canReserveFrom(sourceRoom) ? SOURCE_ENERGY_CAPACITY : SOURCE_ENERGY_NEUTRAL_CAPACITY)
                        : SOURCE_ENERGY_KEEPER_CAPACITY;
                    const requiredWorkParts = generatedEnergy / ENERGY_REGEN_TIME / HARVEST_POWER;
                    const requiredCarryParts = Math.ceil(2 * travelTime * generatedEnergy / ENERGY_REGEN_TIME / CARRY_CAPACITY);
                    return {
                        accessible: true,
                        path: packPosList(path),

                if (info.accessible) {
                    result[sourceLocation] = {
                        accessible: info.accessible,
                        path: unpackPosList(info.path),
                        sourceRoom: info.sourceRoom,
                        travelTime: info.travelTime,
                        requiredCarryParts: info.requiredCarryParts,
                        requiredWorkParts: info.requiredWorkParts,
                else {
                    result[sourceLocation] = {
                        accessible: info.accessible,

            return result;

     * Checks if the target room is under attack.
    isUnderAttack(): boolean {
        const roomMemory = Memory.rooms[this.roomName];
        if (roomMemory?.enemies && !roomMemory.enemies.safe && roomMemory.enemies.expires > Game.time) return true;

        // Check rooms en route as well.
        return cache.inHeap('rmPathSafety:' + this.name, 10, () => {
            const paths = this.getPaths();
            const checkedRooms = {};
            for (const location in paths) {
                const path = paths[location];
                for (const pos of path.path || []) {
                    if (pos.roomName === this.roomName) continue;
                    if (checkedRooms[pos.roomName]) continue;

                    checkedRooms[pos.roomName] = true;
                    const roomMemory = Memory.rooms[pos.roomName];
                    if (roomMemory?.enemies && !roomMemory.enemies.safe && roomMemory.enemies.expires > Game.time) return true;

            return false;

    hasInvaderCore(): boolean {
        return Memory.rooms[this.roomName]?.enemies?.hasInvaderCore;

    getTotalEnemyData(): EnemyData {
        const totalEnemyData: EnemyData = {
            parts: {},
            damage: 0,
            heal: 0,
            lastSeen: Game.time,
            safe: false,
            hasInvaderCore: this.hasInvaderCore(),

        for (const roomName of this.getRoomsOnPath()) {
            // @todo Now that we're spawning defense for every room on the path,
            // make sure brawlers actually move to threatened rooms.
            const roomMemory = Memory.rooms[roomName];
            if (!roomMemory?.enemies) continue;
            if (roomMemory.enemies.hasInvaderCore) totalEnemyData.hasInvaderCore = true;
            if (roomMemory.enemies.safe) continue;

            totalEnemyData.damage += roomMemory.enemies.damage;
            totalEnemyData.heal += roomMemory.enemies.heal;
            for (const part in roomMemory.enemies.parts || {}) {
                totalEnemyData.parts[part] = (totalEnemyData.parts[part] || 0) + roomMemory.enemies.parts[part];

        return totalEnemyData;

    estimateRequiredWorkPartsForMaintenance(sourceLocation: string) {
        return cache.inHeap('neededWorkParts:' + sourceLocation, 500, () => {
            let total = 0.7;

            const path = this.getPaths()[sourceLocation];
            for (const position of path.path || []) {
                if (Game.rooms[position.roomName]?.isMine()) continue;

                total += 0.03;

            return Math.ceil(total);

    needsRepairs(sourceLocation: string) {
        return cache.inHeap('needsRepairs:' + sourceLocation, 50, () => {
            const containerPositon = this.getContainerPosition(sourceLocation);
            if (this.getNeededWorkForPosition(containerPositon, STRUCTURE_CONTAINER) > CONTAINER_HITS / 2) return true;

            const path = this.getPaths()[sourceLocation];
            for (const position of path.path || []) {
                if (Game.rooms[position.roomName]?.isMine()) continue;

                // @todo This should depend on whether it's a swamp tile.
                if (this.getNeededWorkForPosition(position, STRUCTURE_ROAD) > ROAD_HITS / 3) return true;

            return false;

    getNeededWork(sourceLocation: string) {
        return cache.inHeap('neededRepairs:' + sourceLocation, 50, () => {
            const containerPositon = this.getContainerPosition(sourceLocation);
            let total = this.getNeededWorkForPosition(containerPositon, STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);

            const path = this.getPaths()[sourceLocation];
            for (const position of path.path || []) {
                if (Game.rooms[position.roomName]?.isMine()) continue;

                total += this.getNeededWorkForPosition(position, STRUCTURE_ROAD);

            return total;

    getNeededWorkForPosition(position: RoomPosition, structureType: BuildableStructureConstant) {
        const room = Game.rooms[position.roomName];
        if (!room) {
            // If we don't have visibility, we treat everything as built.
            return 0;

        const structures = position.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
        const structure = _.find(structures, structure => structure.structureType === structureType);
        if (structure) return structure.hitsMax - structure.hits;

        const sites = position.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
        const site = _.find(sites, site => site.structureType === structureType);
        if (site) return site.hitsMax * REPAIR_POWER;

        return CONSTRUCTION_COST[structureType] * REPAIR_POWER;

    getRoomsOnPath(sourceLocation?: string): string[] {
        return cache.inHeap('rmPath:' + this.name + ':' + (sourceLocation ?? 'all'), 1000, () => {
            const paths = this.getPaths();
            const result: string[] = [];
            const checkedRooms = {};
            for (const location in paths) {
                if (sourceLocation && location !== sourceLocation) continue;

                const path = paths[location];
                for (const pos of path.path || []) {
                    if (checkedRooms[pos.roomName]) continue;

                    checkedRooms[pos.roomName] = true;

            return result;

    canReserveFrom(roomName: string): boolean {
        if (!Game.rooms[roomName] || !Game.rooms[roomName].isMine()) return false;

        return Game.rooms[roomName].energyCapacityAvailable >= 2 * (BODYPART_COST[CLAIM] + BODYPART_COST[MOVE]);

     * Checks if we have an active reservation for the target room.
    hasReservation(): boolean {
        const room = Game.rooms[this.roomName];
        if (room) return room.controller?.reservation && room.controller.reservation.username === getUsername() && room.controller.reservation.ticksToEnd >= CONTROLLER_RESERVE_MAX * 0.1;

        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return false;
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(this.roomName);
        const reservation = roomIntel.getReservationStatus();
        return reservation && reservation.username === getUsername() && reservation.ticksToEnd >= CONTROLLER_RESERVE_MAX * 0.1;

     * Gets the container for the given source, if available.
    getContainer(sourceLocation: string): StructureContainer | null {
        if (!this.hasContainer(sourceLocation)) return null;
        if (!this.memory.status[sourceLocation]) return null;

        // Will return null if we don't have visibility in the target room.
        return Game.getObjectById<StructureContainer>(this.memory.status[sourceLocation].containerId);

     * Checks if a container has already been built near the given source.
     * @todo We might have to build another container if the container position
     * changes at some point.
    hasContainer(sourceLocation: string): boolean {
        return cache.inObject(this, 'hasContainer:' + sourceLocation, 0, () => {
            if (!this.memory.status[sourceLocation]) return false;

            if (!Game.rooms[this.roomName]) {
                return Boolean(this.memory.status[sourceLocation].containerId);

            const containerId = this.memory.status[sourceLocation].containerId;
            if (containerId) {
                const container = Game.getObjectById<StructureContainer>(containerId);
                if (!container || container.structureType !== STRUCTURE_CONTAINER) {
                    delete this.memory.status[sourceLocation].containerId;
                    return false;

                return true;

            const containerPosition = this.getContainerPosition(sourceLocation);
            if (!containerPosition) return false;
            const structures = _.filter(containerPosition.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES), (struct: AnyStructure) => struct.structureType === STRUCTURE_CONTAINER) as StructureContainer[];

            if (structures.length > 0) {
                this.memory.status[sourceLocation].containerId = structures[0].id;
                return true;

            return false;

     * Gets the position where the container for a source needs to be built.
    getContainerPosition(sourceLocation: string): RoomPosition {
        const paths = this.getPaths();
        if (!paths[sourceLocation] || !paths[sourceLocation].accessible) return null;

        return paths[sourceLocation].path[0];

    getEnergyForPickup(sourceLocation: string): number {
        const container = this.getContainer(sourceLocation);
        let total = container?.store?.energy || 0;

        const position = decodePosition(sourceLocation);
        if (!Game.rooms[position.roomName]) return energyCache[sourceLocation] || total;
        for (const resource of position.findInRange(FIND_DROPPED_RESOURCES, 1)) {
            if (resource.resourceType !== RESOURCE_ENERGY) continue;

            total = Number(resource.amount);

        // Keep track of available energy even if we lose visibility of the room.
        energyCache[sourceLocation] = total;
        return total;

     * Decides whether haulers need to be spawned for a location.
    shouldSpawnHaulers(sourceLocation: string): boolean {
        if (this.isUnderAttack()) return false;
        if (!this.hasContainer(sourceLocation)) return false;
        if (this.needsDismantler(sourceLocation)) return false;

        return true;

     * Determines the ideal size of harvesters for a source.
    getHarvesterSize(sourceLocation: string): number {
        // Make harvester slightly larger if container still needs to be built,
        // since we will spend some ticks building and not harvesting.
        const paths = this.getPaths();
        const multiplier = this.hasContainer(sourceLocation) ? 1 : 1.5;

        return (paths[sourceLocation] && paths[sourceLocation].accessible) ? paths[sourceLocation].requiredWorkParts * multiplier : 0;

     * Determines the ideal size of haulers for carrying the output of a source.
    getHaulerSize(sourceLocation: string): number {
        const paths = this.getPaths();

        if (!paths[sourceLocation]) return 0;
        if (!paths[sourceLocation].accessible) return 0;

        return paths[sourceLocation].requiredCarryParts;

     * Determines how many haulers of the given size should be spawned.
    getHaulerCount(): number {
        // @todo If a round trip is possible before container is full, use a single
        // big hauler.
        return this.hasReservation() ? 2 : 1;

    hasActiveHarvesters(sourceLocation?: string): boolean {
        if (sourceLocation) return _.some(Game.creepsByRole['harvester.remote'], (creep: RemoteHarvesterCreep) => creep.memory.source === sourceLocation);

        for (const pos of this.getSourcePositions()) {
            if (this.hasActiveHarvesters(encodePosition(pos))) return true;

        return false;

     * Determines whether the source / room needs a dismantler.
    needsDismantler(sourceLocation?: string): boolean {
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return false;
        if (sourceLocation) return this.getDismantlePositions(sourceLocation).length > 0;

        for (const pos of this.getSourcePositions()) {
            if (this.needsDismantler(encodePosition(pos))) return true;

        return false;

     * Gets the positions on the remote path that are obstructed.
    getDismantlePositions(sourceLocation: string): RoomPosition[] {
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return [];

        // No dismantlers for SK rooms, they get confused easily...
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(this.roomName);
        if (!roomIntel.isClaimable()) return [];

        const cached = cache.inHeap('blockedTiles:' + sourceLocation, 100, () => {
            const blockedTiles = [];
            const paths = this.getPaths();
            if (!paths[sourceLocation] || !paths[sourceLocation].accessible) return '';

            const path = paths[sourceLocation].path;
            let roomName;
            let matrix;
            // Check path from storage to source.
            for (let i = path.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                const pos = path[i];
                if (pos.roomName !== roomName) {
                    // Load cost matrix for the current room.
                    roomName = pos.roomName;
                    matrix = getCostMatrix(roomName, {ignoreMilitary: true});

                // Don't try to dismantle things in our own rooms.
                if (Game.rooms[roomName]?.isMine()) continue;

                if (matrix.get(pos.x, pos.y) < 100) continue;

                // Make sure this is a structure that can be dismantled, not an invader core.
                if (Game.rooms[roomName]) {
                    for (const structure of Game.rooms[roomName].structuresByType[STRUCTURE_INVADER_CORE] || []) {
                        cannotDismantlePositions[encodePosition(structure.pos)] = true;

                if (cannotDismantlePositions[encodePosition(pos)]) continue;

                // Blocked tile found on path. Add to dismantle targets.

            return packPosList(blockedTiles);

        return unpackPosList(cached);

    needsBuilder(sourceLocation: string): boolean {
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return false;
        if (!this.hasContainer(sourceLocation)) return true;

        const container = this.getContainer(sourceLocation);
        if (container && container.hits < container.hitsMax / 3) return true;

        return cache.inHeap('needsBuilder:' + sourceLocation, 100, () => {
            const paths = this.getPaths();
            if (!paths[sourceLocation] || !paths[sourceLocation].accessible) return false;

            const path = paths[sourceLocation].path;
            // Check path from storage to source.
            for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                const pos = path[i];
                if (!Game.rooms[pos.roomName] || Game.rooms[pos.roomName].isMine()) continue;

                const road = _.sample(_.filter(pos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES), s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_ROAD));
                if (!road || road.hits < road.hitsMax / 5) return true;

            return false;

    isProfitable(): boolean {
        return (this.getStat(RESOURCE_ENERGY) || 0) > 0;

    drawReport(targetPos: string) {
        if (hivemind.settings.get('disableRoomVisuals')) return;

        // @todo Update this report for new hauler pools.