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import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';

type CreepIntel = {
    body: Partial<Record<BodyPartConstant, number>>;
    boosts?: Partial<Record<ResourceConstant, number>>;
    pos: {
        x: number;
        y: number;
        roomName: string;
    lastSeen: number;
    expires: number;

export type PlayerIntelMemory = {
    lastSeen: number;
    creeps: Record<Id<Creep>, CreepIntel>;
    rooms: Record<string, number>;
    remotes: Record<string, number>;
    lastCleanup?: number;


export default class PlayerIntel {
    protected memory: PlayerIntelMemory;
    protected readonly memoryKey: string;

    constructor(readonly userName: string) {
        this.memoryKey = 'u-intel:' + userName;
        if (!this.hasMemory()) {
                lastSeen: Game.time,
                creeps: {},
                rooms: {},
                remotes: {},

        this.memory = this.getMemory();

        if (!this.memory.lastCleanup || Game.time - this.memory.lastCleanup > CLEANUP_INTERVAL) {

    hasMemory() {
        return hivemind.segmentMemory.has(this.memoryKey);

    setMemory(memory: PlayerIntelMemory) {
        hivemind.segmentMemory.set(this.memoryKey, memory);

    getMemory(): PlayerIntelMemory {
        return hivemind.segmentMemory.get(this.memoryKey);

    cleanupMemory() {
        for (const roomName in this.memory.rooms) {
            const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);

            if (!roomIntel || roomIntel.getOwner() !== this.userName) {
                delete this.memory.rooms[roomName];

        for (const roomName in this.memory.remotes) {
            if (Game.time - this.memory.remotes[roomName] > CREEP_LIFE_TIME) {
                delete this.memory.remotes[roomName];

        for (const id in this.memory.creeps) {
            const creepIntel = this.memory.creeps[id];

            // @todo Also delete creeps we can be sure have died. We could check
            // tombstones, for example.
            if (Game.time > creepIntel.expires) delete this.memory.creeps[id];

    isNpc(): boolean {
        return this.userName === SYSTEM_USERNAME || this.userName === 'Invader';

    getAllOwnedRooms(): string[] {
        return _.keys(this.memory.rooms);

    updateOwnedRoom(roomName: string) {
        this.memory.rooms[roomName] = Game.time;

    getAllRemotes(): string[] {
        return _.keys(this.memory.remotes);

    updateRemote(roomName: string) {
        this.memory.remotes[roomName] = Game.time;

    updateCreeps(creeps: Creep[]) {
        if (!this.memory.creeps) this.memory.creeps = {};

        for (const creep of creeps) {
            if (!this.memory.creeps[creep.id]) {
                // Record some info about this creep.
                this.memory.creeps[creep.id] = {
                    body: _.countBy(creep.body, 'type'),
                    boosts: _.countBy(creep.body, 'boost'),
                    pos: null,
                    lastSeen: Game.time,
                    expires: Game.time + creep.ticksToLive,

            // Update some information.
            const creepIntel = this.memory.creeps[creep.id];

            creepIntel.lastSeen = Game.time;

            const {x, y, roomName} = creep.pos;
            creepIntel.pos = {x, y, roomName};