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import container from 'utils/container';
import Process from 'process/process';
import settings from 'settings-manager';
import SpawnManager from 'spawn-manager';

import {drawTable} from 'utils/room-visuals';

declare global {
    interface StructureSpawn {
        heapMemory: SpawnHeapMemory;

    interface SpawnHeapMemory extends StructureHeapMemory {
        ticks: number;
        spawning: number;
        waiting: number;
        options: number;
        history: HistorySegment[];

type HistorySegment = {
    ticks: number;
    spawning: number;
    waiting: number;

const historyChunkLength = 200;
const maxHistoryChunks = 10;

export default class ManageSpawnsProcess extends Process {
    room: Room;
    spawnManager: SpawnManager;

     * Runs reactions in a room's labs.
     * @constructor
     * @param {object} parameters
     *   Options on how to run this process.
    constructor(parameters: RoomProcessParameters) {
        this.room = parameters.room;

        this.spawnManager = container.get('SpawnManager');

     * Manages a room's spawns.
    run() {
        const roomSpawns = _.filter(this.room.myStructuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN], spawn => spawn.isOperational());
        this.spawnManager.manageSpawns(this.room, roomSpawns);

     * Collects stats for each spawn in memory.
    collectSpawnStats(spawns: StructureSpawn[]) {
        for (const spawn of spawns) {
            if (!spawn.heapMemory.history) {
                spawn.heapMemory.ticks = 0;
                spawn.heapMemory.spawning = 0;
                spawn.heapMemory.waiting = 0;
                spawn.heapMemory.history = [];
                spawn.heapMemory.options = 0;

            if (spawn.spawning) spawn.heapMemory.spawning++;
            if (spawn.waiting) spawn.heapMemory.waiting++;
            spawn.heapMemory.options = spawn.numSpawnOptions;

            if (spawn.heapMemory.ticks >= historyChunkLength) {
                // Save current history as new chunk.
                    ticks: spawn.heapMemory.ticks,
                    spawning: spawn.heapMemory.spawning,
                    waiting: spawn.heapMemory.waiting,
                spawn.heapMemory.history = spawn.heapMemory.history.slice(-maxHistoryChunks);

                // Also record to room stats if enabled.
                if (settings.get('recordRoomStats') && Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]) {
                    Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnSpawning'] = (Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnSpawning'] || 0) + spawn.heapMemory.spawning;
                    Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnWaiting'] = (Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnWaiting'] || 0) + spawn.heapMemory.waiting;
                    Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnIdle'] = (Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnIdle'] || 0) + spawn.heapMemory.ticks - spawn.heapMemory.waiting - spawn.heapMemory.spawning;
                    Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnTotalTicks'] = (Memory.roomStats[spawn.room.name]['RCL' + spawn.room.controller.level + 'SpawnTotalTicks'] || 0) + spawn.heapMemory.ticks;

                // Reset current history values.
                spawn.heapMemory.ticks = 0;
                spawn.heapMemory.spawning = 0;
                spawn.heapMemory.waiting = 0;

     * Visualize which creeps are spawning in a room's spawns.
     * @param {StructureSpawn[]} spawns
     *   An array containing the room's spawns.
    visualizeSpawning(spawns: StructureSpawn[]) {
        if (!this.room.visual || settings.get('disableRoomVisuals')) return;

        for (const spawn of spawns) {
            // Show spawn usage stats.
            const memory = spawn.heapMemory || {ticks: 1, spawning: 0, waiting: 0, history: []};
            const totalTicks = memory.ticks + _.sum(memory.history, h => h.ticks);
            const spawningTicks = _.reduce(memory.history, (total, h: any) => total + h.spawning, memory.spawning);
            const waitingTicks = _.reduce(memory.history, (total, h: any) => total + h.waiting, memory.waiting);
            this.room.visual.rect(spawn.pos.x - 0.5, spawn.pos.y, 1, 0.3, {fill: '#888888', opacity: 0.5});
            this.room.visual.rect(spawn.pos.x - 0.5, spawn.pos.y, spawningTicks / totalTicks, 0.3, {fill: '#88ff88'});
            this.room.visual.rect(spawn.pos.x - 0.5 + (spawningTicks / totalTicks), spawn.pos.y, waitingTicks / totalTicks, 0.3, {fill: '#ff8888'});

            if (!spawn.spawning) continue;

            // Show name of currently spawning creep.
            this.room.visual.text(spawn.spawning.name, spawn.pos.x + 0.05, spawn.pos.y + 0.65, {
                font: 0.5,
                color: 'black',
            this.room.visual.text(spawn.spawning.name, spawn.pos.x, spawn.pos.y + 0.6, {
                font: 0.5,

    visualizeSpawnQueue() {
        if (!settings.get('visualizeSpawnQueue')) return;
        if (!this.room.visual || settings.get('disableRoomVisuals')) return;

        const tableData: string[][] = [['Spawn Queue', 'Priority']];
        const queue = _.sortBy(this.spawnManager.getAllSpawnOptions(this.room), option => -(option.priority + (0.01 * option.weight)));
        const offset = 0;
        for (const option of queue) {
            tableData.push([option.role, option.priority + '/' + option.weight.toPrecision(2)]);

        if (tableData.length === 1) return;

            data: tableData,
            top: 1,
            left: 40,
        }, this.room.visual);