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6 days
Test Coverage
/* global PathFinder Room RoomPosition CREEP_LIFE_TIME FIND_MY_CREEPS

import cache from 'utils/cache';
import Process from 'process/process';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import interShard from 'intershard';
import NavMesh from 'utils/nav-mesh';
import settings from 'settings-manager';
import Squad from 'manager.squad';
import stats from 'utils/stats';
import {getUsername} from 'utils/account';

interface ExpansionTarget extends RoomListEntry {
    roomName: string;
    spawnRoom: string;

type ExpandProcessMemory = {
    started?: number;
    claimed?: number;
    currentTarget: {
        roomName: string;
        supportingRooms: string[];
        spawnRoom: string;
    pathBlocked: number;
    evacuatingRoom: {
        name: string;
        cooldown: number;
    failedExpansions: Array<{
        roomName: string;
        time: number;

declare global {
    interface StrategyMemory {
        expand?: ExpandProcessMemory;

    namespace NodeJS {
        interface Global {
            ExpandProcess: typeof ExpandProcess;

let lastCleanup = 0;

let expansionTargetScoringProgress: {
    rooms: Record<string, boolean>;
    bestTarget: ExpansionTarget;

export default class ExpandProcess extends Process {
    memory: ExpandProcessMemory;
    navMesh: NavMesh;

     * Chooses rooms for expansion and sends creeps there.
     * @constructor
     * @param {object} parameters
     *   Options on how to run this process.
    constructor(parameters: ProcessParameters) {

        if (!Memory.strategy) {
            Memory.strategy = {};

        if (!Memory.strategy.expand) {
            Memory.strategy.expand = {} as ExpandProcessMemory;

        this.memory = Memory.strategy.expand;
        this.navMesh = new NavMesh();

     * Sends a squad for expanding to a new room if GCL and CPU allow.
    run() {
        // We probably can't expect to expand earlier than 100 ticks into the game.
        if (!stats.getStat('cpu_total', 1000)) return;

        const ownedRooms = Game.myRooms.length;
        const harvestRooms = Memory.strategy.remoteHarvesting ? Memory.strategy.remoteHarvesting.currentCount : 0;

        // If we have many rooms with remote harvesting, be a bit more lenient
        // on CPU cap for claiming a new room. Remote harvesting can always be
        // dialed back to the most efficient rooms to save CPU.
        const cpuLimit = harvestRooms < 5 ? 0.8 : 1;

        const hasFreeControlLevels = ownedRooms < Game.gcl.level;
        const maxRooms = settings.get('maxOwnedRooms');
        const shardMemory = interShard.getLocalMemory();
        const mayHaveMoreRooms = !maxRooms || (shardMemory.info && shardMemory.info.ownedRooms < maxRooms);
        const shortTermCpuUsage = stats.getStat('cpu_total', 1000) / Game.cpu.limit;
        const longTermCpuUsage = stats.getStat('cpu_total', 10_000) ? stats.getStat('cpu_total', 10_000) / Game.cpu.limit : shortTermCpuUsage;

        const canExpand = hasFreeControlLevels
            && mayHaveMoreRooms
            && shortTermCpuUsage < cpuLimit
            && longTermCpuUsage < cpuLimit;

        Memory.hivemind.canExpand = false;
        if (!this.memory.currentTarget && canExpand) {
            Memory.hivemind.canExpand = true;


        // Check if we could benefit from giving up a room to expand to a better one.
        if (shortTermCpuUsage > cpuLimit && longTermCpuUsage > cpuLimit) {



     * Chooses a new target room to expand to.
    chooseNewExpansionTarget() {
        // Choose a room to expand to.
        let bestTarget;
        let modifiedBestExpansionScore: number;
        const startTime = Game.cpu.getUsed();
        if (expansionTargetScoringProgress) {
            bestTarget = expansionTargetScoringProgress.bestTarget;
            if (bestTarget) modifiedBestExpansionScore = this.getModifiedExpansionScore(bestTarget.roomName, bestTarget);
        else {
            expansionTargetScoringProgress = {
                rooms: {},
                bestTarget: null,

        for (const roomName in Memory.strategy.roomList) {
            const roomFilter = settings.get('expansionRoomFilter');
            if (roomFilter && !roomFilter(roomName)) {
                expansionTargetScoringProgress.rooms[roomName] = true;

            const info = Memory.strategy.roomList[roomName];
            if (Game.cpu.getUsed() - startTime >= settings.get('maxExpansionCpuPerTick')) {
                // Don't spend more than configured cpu amount trying to find
                // a target each tick.
                hivemind.log('strategy').debug('Suspended trying to find expansion target.', _.size(expansionTargetScoringProgress.rooms), '/', _.size(Memory.strategy.roomList), 'rooms checked so far.');
                hivemind.log('strategy').debug('Current best target:', bestTarget ? bestTarget.roomName : 'N/A', '@', bestTarget ? modifiedBestExpansionScore : 'N/A');

            if (expansionTargetScoringProgress.rooms[roomName]) continue;

            expansionTargetScoringProgress.rooms[roomName] = true;
            if (typeof info.expansionScore === 'undefined' || info.expansionScore === 0) continue;

            const modifiedExpansionScore = this.getModifiedExpansionScore(roomName, info);
            if (bestTarget && modifiedBestExpansionScore >= modifiedExpansionScore) continue;
            if (Game.rooms[roomName] && Game.rooms[roomName].isMine()) continue;

            // Don't try to expand to a room that can't be reached safely.
            const bestSpawn = this.findClosestSpawn(roomName);
            if (!bestSpawn) continue;

            bestTarget = {...info, spawnRoom: bestSpawn, roomName};
            modifiedBestExpansionScore = modifiedExpansionScore;
            expansionTargetScoringProgress.bestTarget = bestTarget;

        if (bestTarget) {
            expansionTargetScoringProgress = null;

     * Gets the modified expansion score for a room.
     * This takes into account failed expansion attempts in close proximity to
     * the target room.
    getModifiedExpansionScore(roomName: string, info: RoomListEntry): number {
        let score = info.expansionScore || 0;

        for (const failedAttempt of this.memory.failedExpansions || []) {
            const distance = Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(roomName, failedAttempt.roomName);
            let multiplier = 1;
            const elapsedTicks = Game.time - failedAttempt.time;
            if (elapsedTicks > 1_000_000) continue;
            if (elapsedTicks > 100_000) multiplier = 1 - ((elapsedTicks - 100_000) / 900_000);

            if (distance === 0) score -= multiplier;
            else if (distance < 6) score -= multiplier / (distance + 1);

        return score;

     * Starts expanding to a given room.
     * @param {object} roomInfo
     *   Scout information of the room to expand to.
    startExpansion(roomInfo) {
        this.memory.currentTarget = roomInfo;


        // Spawn expansion squad at origin.
        const squad = new Squad('expand');

        // Send to target room.
        squad.setTarget(new RoomPosition(25, 25, roomInfo.roomName));
        squad.setUnitCount('brawler', 1);
        squad.setUnitCount('singleClaim', 1);
        squad.setUnitCount('builder', 2);
        this.memory.started = Game.time;

        hivemind.log('strategy').notify('🏴 Started expanding to ' + roomInfo.roomName);

    manageStripmines(roomName: string) {
        const maxMines = 0; // Math.floor((Game.myRooms.length + 1) / 3);
        const totalMines = _.filter(Game.myRooms, room => room.isStripmine()).length;

        if (totalMines < maxMines) {
            Memory.rooms[roomName].isStripmine = true;

     * Manages getting an expansion up and running.
    manageCurrentExpansion() {
        if (!this.memory.currentTarget) return;


        const info = this.memory.currentTarget;
        const squad = new Squad('expand');


        if (Game.rooms[info.roomName]) {
            // @todo If path to controller is blocked, send dismantlers to dismantle
            // blocking buildings, or construct a tunnel to the controller.

            const room = Game.rooms[info.roomName];

            if (room.controller.my) {
                if (!this.memory.claimed) {
                    // Remove claimer from composition once room has been claimed.
                    this.memory.claimed = Game.time;
                    squad.setUnitCount('singleClaim', 0);
                    squad.setUnitCount('claimer', 0);

                if (room.controller.level > 3 && room.storage) {
                    // Room has RCL 4 and a storage, it can fend for itself now. Success!
            else {
                if (room.controller.reservation && room.controller.reservation.username !== getUsername() && room.controller.reservation.ticksToEnd > 100) {
                    squad.setUnitCount('singleClaim', 0);
                    squad.setUnitCount('claimer', Math.ceil(room.controller.reservation.ticksToEnd / 2000));
                else {
                    squad.setUnitCount('singleClaim', 1);
                    squad.setUnitCount('claimer', 0);


        if (this.hasExpansionFailed()) {

     * Determines if the current expansion effort has failed.
    hasExpansionFailed(): boolean {
        // Abort if claiming takes too long.
        // @todo And we don't have anything to dismantle in the way of the controller.
        if (!this.memory.claimed && Game.time - this.memory.started > 5 * CREEP_LIFE_TIME) return true;

        // If a lot of time has passed after claiming, let the room fend for itself
        // anyways, either it will be lost or fix itself.
        if (this.memory.claimed && Game.time - this.memory.claimed > 20 * CREEP_LIFE_TIME) return true;

        // If we lose control of the room, there's been a problem.
        const room = Game.rooms[this.memory.currentTarget.roomName];
        if (this.memory.claimed && (!room || !room.controller.my)) return true;

        // @todo Think about any more cases we need to cover.
        return false;

     * Keeps track of failes expansions so the next expansion goes somewhere else.
    recordFailedExpansion() {
        const roomName = this.memory.currentTarget.roomName;
        if (!this.memory.failedExpansions) this.memory.failedExpansions = [];

            time: Game.time,

        hivemind.log('strategy').notify('💀 Expanding to ' + roomName + ' has failed. A new target will be chosen soon.');

     * Stops current expansion plans by disbanding all related squads.
    stopExpansion() {
        const roomName = this.memory.currentTarget.roomName;
        const squad = new Squad('expand');

        _.each(Game.squads, (squad, squadName) => {
            if (squadName.startsWith('expandSupport.' + roomName)) {

        delete this.memory.currentTarget;
        delete this.memory.started;
        delete this.memory.claimed;
        delete this.memory.pathBlocked;

     * Sends extra builders from rooms in range so the room is self-sufficient sooner.
    manageExpansionSupport() {
        const info = this.memory.currentTarget;
        if (!info) return;

        const activeSquads = {};
        info.supportingRooms = [];

        // @todo Start with closest rooms first.
        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            // 5 Support squads max.
            if (_.size(activeSquads) >= 5) break;

            if (room.controller.level < 4) continue;
            if ((room.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] || []).length === 0) continue;
            if (room.name === info.spawnRoom || room.name === info.roomName) continue;
            if (room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 50_000) continue;

            const path = cache.inHeap('spawnAssistPath:' + info.roomName + ':' + room.name, 2000, () => this.navMesh.findPath(new RoomPosition(25, 25, room.name), new RoomPosition(25, 25, info.roomName), {maxPathLength: 700}));
            if (!path || path.incomplete) continue;

            const squadName = 'expandSupport.' + info.roomName + '.' + room.name;
            const supportSquad = new Squad(squadName);
            supportSquad.setTarget(new RoomPosition(25, 25, info.roomName));
            supportSquad.setUnitCount('builder', 1);
            // Sometimes add a claim creep if main squad has problems claiming the room.
            if (Math.random() < 0.05 && !this.memory.claimed) {
                supportSquad.setUnitCount('singleClaim', 1);

            activeSquads[squadName] = true;

        // Remove support squads from older rooms.
        // @todo This should no longer be necessary when the code in stopExpansion
        // works reliably.
        _.each(Game.squads, (squad, squadName) => {
            if (squadName.startsWith('expandSupport.') && !activeSquads[squadName]) {

     * Checks if creeps can reach the room's controller, builds tunnels otherwise.
    checkClaimPath() {
        const info = this.memory.currentTarget;
        if (!info) return;

        const room = Game.rooms[info.roomName];
        const creeps = room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS);

        const matrix = new PathFinder.CostMatrix();
        const terrain = new Room.Terrain(info.roomName);

        for (let x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
            for (let y = 0; y < 50; y++) {
                if (terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) {
                    matrix.set(x, y, 255);
                else {
                    matrix.set(x, y, 1);

        const roads = room.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_ROAD] || [];
        for (const road of roads) {
            matrix.set(road.pos.x, road.pos.y, 1);

        // Treat road sites as walkable so we don't calculate multiple tunnel paths.
        const roadSites = room.find(FIND_CONSTRUCTION_SITES, {
            filter: s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_ROAD,
        for (const site of roadSites) {
            matrix.set(site.pos.x, site.pos.y, 1);

        const blockingStructures = _.filter(room.structures, s => !s.isWalkable());
        for (const structure of blockingStructures) {
            matrix.set(structure.pos.x, structure.pos.y, 255);

        for (const creep of creeps) {
            const path = PathFinder.search(creep.pos, [{pos: room.controller.pos, range: 1}], {
                maxRooms: 1,
                plainCost: 1,
                swampCost: 1,
                roomCallback: roomName => {
                    if (room.name !== roomName) return false;
                    return matrix;

            // If creep can reach controller, everything is fine.
            if (!path.incomplete) break;

            // Find a new path that is allowed to go through walls, for
            // us to build tunnels.
            for (let x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
                for (let y = 0; y < 50; y++) {
                    if (terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL && matrix.get(x, y) > 50) {
                        matrix.set(x, y, 50);

            const tunnelPath = PathFinder.search(creep.pos, [{pos: room.controller.pos, range: 1}], {
                maxRooms: 1,
                plainCost: 1,
                swampCost: 1,
                roomCallback: roomName => {
                    if (room.name !== roomName) return false;
                    return matrix;

            if (tunnelPath.incomplete) {
                // @todo Abort expansion or dismantle structures?
            else {
                // Build tunnels.
                for (const pos of tunnelPath.path) {
                    if (terrain.get(pos.x, pos.y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) {

                // One path is enough.

     * Checks if there is a safe path to the current expansion for spawned creeps.
    checkAccessPath() {
        const info = this.memory.currentTarget;
        if (!info) return;

        const originRoom = Game.rooms[info.spawnRoom];
        if (originRoom) {
            const path = this.navMesh.findPath(new RoomPosition(25, 25, originRoom.name), new RoomPosition(25, 25, info.roomName), {maxPathLength: 500});
            if (!path || path.incomplete) {
                // Path is too long, claimers might not even reach.
                if (!this.memory.pathBlocked) {
                    this.memory.pathBlocked = Game.time;
            else {
                // Everything is fine (again).
                delete this.memory.pathBlocked;

        if (!originRoom || (this.memory.pathBlocked && Game.time - this.memory.pathBlocked > 5 * CREEP_LIFE_TIME)) {
            const newOrigin = this.findClosestSpawn(info.roomName);
            const squad = new Squad('expand');
            if (newOrigin) {
                info.spawnRoom = newOrigin;
            else {
                // No good spawn location available. Stop expanding, choose new target later.

     * Finds the closest valid spawn location for an expansion.
     * @param {string} targetRoom
     *   Name of the room we're expanding to.
     * @return {string}
     *   Name of the room to spawn from.
    findClosestSpawn(targetRoom: string): string {
        let bestRoom = null;
        let bestLength = 0;
        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            if (room.controller.level < 5) continue;
            if (room.name === targetRoom) continue;
            if ((room.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] || []).length === 0) continue;

            const path = cache.inHeap('spawnPath:' + targetRoom + ':' + room.name, 1000, () => this.navMesh.findPath(new RoomPosition(25, 25, room.name), new RoomPosition(25, 25, targetRoom), {maxPathLength: 500}));
            if (!path || path.incomplete) continue;

            if (!bestRoom || bestLength > path.path.length) {
                bestRoom = room;
                bestLength = path.path.length;

        return bestRoom && bestRoom.name;

     * Decides if it's worth giving up a weak room in favor of a new expansion.
    abandonWeakRoom() {
        // Only abandon rooms if we aren't in the process of expanding.
        if (this.memory.currentTarget) return;

        // Only choose a new target if we aren't already relocating.
        if (this.memory.evacuatingRoom) return;

        // @todo Take into account better expansions on other shards.
        // We expect a minimal gain from giving up a room.
        const shardMemory = interShard.getLocalMemory();
        if (!shardMemory.info) return;
        if (shardMemory.info.ownedRooms && shardMemory.info.ownedRooms < 2) return;
        if (!shardMemory.info.rooms) return;
        if (!shardMemory.info.rooms.bestExpansion) return;
        if (!shardMemory.info.rooms.worstRoom) return;

        const hasBetterExpansion = shardMemory.info.rooms.bestExpansion.score - shardMemory.info.rooms.worstRoom.score >= 0.5;
        const maxRooms = settings.get('maxOwnedRooms');
        const hasTooManyRooms = maxRooms && shardMemory.info.ownedRooms > maxRooms;
        if (!hasBetterExpansion && !hasTooManyRooms) return;

        const roomName = shardMemory.info.rooms.worstRoom.name;
        if (!Game.rooms[roomName] || !Game.rooms[roomName].isMine()) return;

        this.memory.evacuatingRoom = {
            name: roomName,
            cooldown: null,
        hivemind.log('strategy').notify('💀 Evacuating ' + roomName + ' to free up CPU cycles for expanding. Possible Target: ' + shardMemory.info.rooms.bestExpansion.name);

     * Decides if it's worth giving up a weak room in favor of a new expansion.
    abandonStripmine() {
        // Only choose a new target if we aren't already relocating.
        if (this.memory.evacuatingRoom) return;

        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            if (!room.isStripmine()) continue;
            if (!room.terminal) continue;
            if (_.some(room.minerals, mineral => mineral.mineralAmount > 0)) continue;

            this.memory.evacuatingRoom = {
                name: room.name,
                cooldown: null,
            hivemind.log('strategy').notify('💀 Evacuating ' + room.name + ' to mine another room instead.');

     * Manages the room we are currently abandoning.
    manageEvacuation() {
        if (!this.memory.evacuatingRoom) return;

        const roomName = this.memory.evacuatingRoom.name;
        const room = Game.rooms[roomName];
        if (!room || !room.isMine()) {
            // We don't own this room anymore for some reason. Guess we're done.
            if (!this.memory.evacuatingRoom.cooldown) {
                // Start a cooldown timer of about 5000 ticks before considering
                // abandoning more (enough for creeps to despawn and CPU to normalize).
                this.memory.evacuatingRoom.cooldown = Game.time + 5000;
                delete this.memory.evacuatingRoom.name;

            if (Game.time < this.memory.evacuatingRoom.cooldown) return;

            delete this.memory.evacuatingRoom;

        // Storage needs to be emptied.
        if (room.storage && room.storage.store.getUsedCapacity() > 0) return;

        // Destroy nuker for some extra resources.
        // Make sure terminal is somewhat empty beforehand.
        if (room.nuker && room.terminal && room.terminal.store.getFreeCapacity() > room.nuker.store.getUsedCapacity(RESOURCE_ENERGY)) {

        // Terminal needs to be mostly empty and contain mostly energy.
        if (room.terminal && room.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity() > 10_000) return;
        if (room.terminal && room.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity() > 0 && room.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity(RESOURCE_ENERGY) / room.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity() < 0.8) return;

        const filledRuins = room.find(FIND_RUINS, {filter: ruin => ruin.store.getUsedCapacity() > 100});
        if (filledRuins?.length > 0) return;

        const droppedResources = room.find(FIND_DROPPED_RESOURCES, {filter: resource => resource.amount > 100});
        if (droppedResources?.length > 0) return;

        // Alright, this is it, flipping the switch!
        if (room.controller.unclaim() === OK) {
                _.filter(room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS), creep => creep.memory.singleRoom === room.name),
                creep => creep.suicide(),

    private cleanupMemory() {
        if (!hivemind.hasIntervalPassed(5000, lastCleanup)) return;
        lastCleanup = Game.time;

        if (!this.memory.failedExpansions) return;

        for (let i = this.memory.failedExpansions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (Game.time - this.memory.failedExpansions[i].time < 1_000_000) continue;

            this.memory.failedExpansions.splice(i, 1);
global.ExpandProcess = ExpandProcess;