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import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import Process from 'process/process';
import utilities from 'utilities';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL} from 'room-defense';

// Minimum value for a trade. Would be cool if this was a game constant.
const minTradeValue = 0.001;
// Amount of credits to keep in reserve for creating orders.
const creditReserve = 10_000;
// Lookup for lab reaction recipes.
const recipes = utilities.getReactionRecipes();

type TradeResource = ResourceConstant | InterShardResourceConstant;

interface ResourceStates {
    rooms: Record<string, RoomResourceState>;
    total: {
        rooms: number;
        resources: Partial<Record<ResourceConstant, number>>;
        sources: Partial<Record<ResourceConstant, number>>;

function isIntershardResource(resourceType: TradeResource): resourceType is InterShardResourceConstant {
    return (INTERSHARD_RESOURCES as string[]).includes(resourceType);

 * Automatically trades resources on the open market.
export default class TradeProcess extends Process {
    availableCredits: number;

     * Buys and sells resources on the global market.
    run() {
        if (!hivemind.settings.get('enableTradeManagement')) return;

        // Only trade if we have a terminal to trade with.
        if (_.size(_.filter(Game.myRooms, room => room.terminal)) === 0) return;


        this.availableCredits = Math.max(0, Game.market.credits - creditReserve);

        const resources = this.getRoomResourceStates();
        const total = resources.total;
        const maxStorage = total.rooms * STORAGE_CAPACITY / 20;
        const highStorage = total.rooms * STORAGE_CAPACITY / 50;
        const lowStorage = total.rooms * Math.min(STORAGE_CAPACITY / 100, 20_000);
        const minStorage = total.rooms * Math.min(STORAGE_CAPACITY / 200, 10_000);

        for (const resourceType of RESOURCES_ALL) {
            const tier = this.getResourceTier(resourceType);

            if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY) {
                // Buy energy for rooms under attack so we can hold out longer.
                for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
                    if (room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 30_000 && room.defense.getEnemyStrength() >= ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL) {
                        if (room.factory && room.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity(RESOURCE_ENERGY) > 500) {
                            this.instaBuyResources(RESOURCE_BATTERY, {[room.name]: resources.rooms[room.name]}, true);
                        else {
                            this.instaBuyResources(RESOURCE_ENERGY, {[room.name]: resources.rooms[room.name]}, true);
            else if (tier === 1) {
                // Check for base resources we have too much of.
                if ((total.resources[resourceType] || 0) > maxStorage) {
                    this.instaSellResources(resourceType, resources.rooms);

                if ((total.resources[resourceType] || 0) > highStorage) {
                    this.trySellResources(resourceType, resources.rooms);

                // Check for base resources we're missing.
                if ((total.resources[resourceType] || 0) < lowStorage && this.availableCredits > 0) {
                    this.tryBuyResources(resourceType, resources.rooms);

                if ((total.resources[resourceType] || 0) < minStorage && this.availableCredits > 0) {
                    this.instaBuyResources(resourceType, resources.rooms);
            else if (recipes[resourceType]) {
                // Check if we can make a nice profit selling some boost compounds.
                const resourceWorth = this.calculateWorth(resourceType);
                if (resourceWorth) {
                    const history = this.getPriceData(resourceType);
                    if (history && history.average && history.average > resourceWorth) {
                        // Alright, looks like we can make a profit by selling this!
                        if ((total.resources[resourceType] || 0) > minStorage) {
                            this.instaSellResources(resourceType, resources.rooms);

                        if ((total.resources[resourceType] || 0) > minStorage) {
                            this.trySellResources(resourceType, resources.rooms);

        if (this.availableCredits > 0 && hivemind.settings.get('allowBuyingEnergy')) {
            // Also try to cheaply buy some energy for rooms that are low on it.
            _.each(resources.rooms, (roomState: any, roomName: string) => {
                if (!roomState.canTrade) return;
                if (roomState.isEvacuating) return;
                if ((roomState.totalResources[RESOURCE_ENERGY] || 0) > STORAGE_CAPACITY / 10) return;

                // @todo Force creating a buy order for every affected room.
                const temporary = {
                    [roomName]: roomState,
                this.tryBuyResources(RESOURCE_ENERGY, temporary, true);

        if (this.availableCredits > 0 && hivemind.settings.get('allowBuyingPixels')) {
            // Try to buy pixels when price is low.

        if (hivemind.settings.get('allowSellingPower')) {
            // Sell excess power we can't apply to our account.
            if ((total.resources[RESOURCE_POWER] || 0) > highStorage) {
                this.instaSellResources(RESOURCE_POWER, resources.rooms);

            if ((total.resources[RESOURCE_POWER] || 0) > lowStorage) {
                this.trySellResources(RESOURCE_POWER, resources.rooms);

        if (hivemind.settings.get('allowSellingOps')) {
            // Sell excess ops.
            if ((total.resources[RESOURCE_OPS] || 0) > lowStorage) {
                this.instaSellResources(RESOURCE_OPS, resources.rooms);

            if ((total.resources[RESOURCE_OPS] || 0) > minStorage) {
                this.trySellResources(RESOURCE_OPS, resources.rooms);

     * Determines the amount of available resources in each room.
     * @return {object}
     *   An object containing the following keys:
     *   - rooms: An array of objects containing resource states for each room.
     *   - roral: Sum of all resource levels of each room.
    getRoomResourceStates(): ResourceStates {
        const rooms = {};
        const total = {
            resources: {},
            sources: {},
            rooms: 0,

        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            const roomData = room.getResourceState();
            if (!roomData) continue;

            for (const resourceType of _.keys(roomData.totalResources)) {
                total.resources[resourceType] = (total.resources[resourceType] || 0) + roomData.totalResources[resourceType];

            for (const mineralType of roomData.mineralTypes) {
                total.sources[mineralType] = (total.sources[mineralType] || 0) + 1;

            rooms[room.name] = roomData;

        return {

     * Tries to find a reasonable buy order for instantly getting rid of some resources.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} rooms
     *   Resource states for rooms to check, keyed by room name.
    instaSellResources(resourceType: ResourceConstant, rooms: Record<string, RoomResourceState>) {
        // Find room with highest amount of this resource.
        const roomName = this.getHighestResourceState(resourceType, rooms);
        if (!roomName) return;

        const room = Game.rooms[roomName];

        const bestOrder = this.findBestBuyOrder(resourceType, roomName);
        const history = this.getPriceData(resourceType);
        if (!bestOrder) return;
        if (!history) return;

        const minPrice = history.average + (history.stdDev / 2);
        hivemind.log('trade', roomName).debug('Could sell', resourceType, 'for', bestOrder.price, '- we want at least', minPrice);
        if (bestOrder.price < minPrice) return;

        const amount = Math.min(this.getMaxOrderAmount(resourceType), bestOrder.amount);
        const transactionCost = Game.market.calcTransactionCost(amount, roomName, bestOrder.roomName);

        if (amount > (room.terminal.store[resourceType] || 0)) {
            if (room.memory.fillTerminal) {
                hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Busy, can\'t prepare', amount, resourceType, 'for selling.');
            else {
                room.prepareForTrading(resourceType, amount);
                hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Preparing', amount, resourceType, 'for selling to', bestOrder.roomName, 'at', bestOrder.price, 'credits each, costing', transactionCost, 'energy');


        if (transactionCost > room.terminal.store.energy) {
            if (room.memory.fillTerminal) {
                hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Busy, can\'t prepare', transactionCost, 'energy for selling', amount, resourceType);
            else {
                room.prepareForTrading(RESOURCE_ENERGY, transactionCost);
                hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Preparing', transactionCost, 'energy for selling', amount, resourceType, 'to', bestOrder.roomName, 'at', bestOrder.price, 'credits each');


        hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Selling', amount, resourceType, 'to', bestOrder.roomName, 'for', bestOrder.price, 'credits each, costing', transactionCost, 'energy');

        const result = Game.market.deal(bestOrder.id, amount, roomName);
        if (result !== OK) {
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Transaction failed:', result);

     * Tries to find a reasonable sell order for instantly acquiring some resources.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} rooms
     *   Resource states for rooms to check, keyed by room name.
    instaBuyResources(resourceType: TradeResource, rooms?: Record<string, RoomResourceState>, force?: boolean) {
        // Find room with lowest amount of this resource.
        const roomName = isIntershardResource(resourceType) ? null : this.getLowestResourceState(resourceType, rooms);
        if (!roomName && !isIntershardResource(resourceType)) return;

        const room = Game.rooms[roomName];

        const bestOrder = this.findBestSellOrder(resourceType, roomName);
        const history = this.getPriceData(resourceType);
        if (!bestOrder) return;
        if (!history) return;

        const maxPrice = history.average - Math.min(history.stdDev / 5, history.average * 0.1);
        hivemind.log('trade', roomName).debug('Could buy', resourceType, 'for', bestOrder.price, '- we want to spend at most', maxPrice);
        if (bestOrder.price > maxPrice && !force) return;

        let amount = Math.min(force ? 10_000 : this.getMaxOrderAmount(resourceType), bestOrder.amount);
        if (isIntershardResource(resourceType)) {
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Buying', amount, resourceType, 'from', bestOrder.roomName, 'for', bestOrder.price, 'credits each.');
        else {
            let transactionCost = Game.market.calcTransactionCost(amount, roomName, bestOrder.roomName);

            if (transactionCost > room.terminal.store.energy) {
                if (room.memory.fillTerminal) {
                    hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Busy, can\'t prepare', transactionCost, 'energy for buying', amount, resourceType);
                else {
                    room.prepareForTrading(RESOURCE_ENERGY, transactionCost);
                    hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Preparing', transactionCost, 'energy for buying', amount, resourceType, 'from', bestOrder.roomName, 'at', bestOrder.price, 'credits each');

                if (force) {
                    amount = Math.floor(amount * room.terminal.store.energy / transactionCost);
                    transactionCost = Game.market.calcTransactionCost(amount, roomName, bestOrder.roomName);
                else return;

            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Buying', amount, resourceType, 'from', bestOrder.roomName, 'for', bestOrder.price, 'credits each, costing', transactionCost, 'energy.');

        const result = Game.market.deal(bestOrder.id, amount, roomName);
        if (result !== OK) {
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Transaction failed:', result);

     * Creates a buy order at a reasonable price.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} rooms
     *   Resource states for rooms to check, keyed by room name.
     * @param {boolean} ignoreOtherRooms
     *   If set, only check agains orders from rooms given by `rooms` parameter.
    tryBuyResources(resourceType: TradeResource, rooms?: Record<string, RoomResourceState>, ignoreOtherRooms?: boolean) {
        if (_.some(Game.market.orders, order => {
            if (order.type === ORDER_BUY && order.resourceType === resourceType) {
                if (ignoreOtherRooms && !rooms[order.roomName]) {
                    return false;

                return true;

            return false;
        })) {

        // Find room with lowest amount of this resource.
        const roomName = isIntershardResource(resourceType) ? null : this.getLowestResourceState(resourceType, rooms);
        if (!roomName && !isIntershardResource(resourceType)) return;

        // Find comparable deals for buying this resource.
        const bestBuyOrder = this.findBestBuyOrder(resourceType, roomName);
        const history = this.getPriceData(resourceType);
        if (!history) return;

        const maxPrice = history.average - Math.min(history.stdDev / 2, history.average * 0.2);
        let offerPrice = maxPrice;
        if (bestBuyOrder) {
            // Adapt to the current buy price, if it's to our benefit.
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info(resourceType, 'is currently being bought for', bestBuyOrder.price);
            offerPrice = Math.min(offerPrice, bestBuyOrder.price * 1.01);
        else {
            // Nobody is buying this resource, try to get it for very cheap.
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Nobody else is currently buying', resourceType);
            offerPrice = history.average - Math.min(history.stdDev, history.average * 0.8);

        hivemind.log('trade', roomName).debug('Could offer to buy', resourceType, 'for', offerPrice, '- we want to spend at most', maxPrice);
        if (offerPrice > maxPrice) return;

        if (offerPrice < minTradeValue) offerPrice = minTradeValue;

        const amount = this.getMaxOrderAmount(resourceType);

        // Make sure we have enough credits to actually buy this.
        if (this.availableCredits < amount * offerPrice) return;

        hivemind.log('trade', roomName).debug('Offering to buy for', offerPrice);

        const result = Game.market.createOrder({
            type: ORDER_BUY,
            price: offerPrice,
            totalAmount: amount,
        if (result !== OK) {
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).error('Could not create buy order:', result);

     * Creates a sell order at a reasonable price.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} rooms
     *   Resource states for rooms to check, keyed by room name.
    trySellResources(resourceType: ResourceConstant, rooms: Record<string, RoomResourceState>) {
        if (_.some(Game.market.orders, order => order.type === ORDER_SELL && order.resourceType === resourceType)) {

        // Find room with highest amount of this resource.
        const roomName = this.getHighestResourceState(resourceType, rooms);
        if (!roomName) return;

        // Find comparable deals for selling this resource.
        const bestSellOrder = this.findBestSellOrder(resourceType, roomName);
        const history = this.getPriceData(resourceType);
        if (!history) return;

        const minPrice = history.average + (history.stdDev / 2);
        let offerPrice = minPrice;
        if (bestSellOrder) {
            // Adapt to the current sale price if it's to our benefit.
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info(resourceType, 'is currently being sold for', bestSellOrder.price);
            offerPrice = Math.min(Math.max(offerPrice, bestSellOrder.price * 0.99), (history.average * 1.5) + (history.stdDev * 2));
        else {
            // Nobody is selling this resource, try to get a greedy price for it.
            hivemind.log('trade', roomName).info('Nobody else is currently selling', resourceType);
            offerPrice = (history.average * 1.5) + (history.stdDev * 2);

        hivemind.log('trade', roomName).debug('Could offer to sell', resourceType, 'for', offerPrice, '- we want at least', minPrice);
        if (offerPrice < minPrice) return;

        const amount = this.getMaxOrderAmount(resourceType);
        // Make sure we have enough credits to actually sell this, otherwise try
        // filling other player's orders.
        if (Game.market.credits < amount * offerPrice * 0.05) {
            this.instaSellResources(resourceType, rooms);

        hivemind.log('trade', roomName).debug('Offering to sell for', offerPrice);

            type: ORDER_SELL,
            price: offerPrice,
            totalAmount: amount,

     * Finds the room in a list that has the lowest amount of a resource.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} rooms
     *   Resource states for rooms to check, keyed by room name.
     * @return {string}
     *   Name of the room with the lowest resource amount.
    getLowestResourceState(resourceType: ResourceConstant, rooms: Record<string, RoomResourceState>) {
        let minAmount;
        let bestRoom;
        _.each(rooms, (roomState: RoomResourceState, roomName: string) => {
            if (!roomState.canTrade) return;
            if (Game.rooms[roomName] && Game.rooms[roomName].isFullOn(resourceType)) return;
            if (!minAmount || (roomState.totalResources[resourceType] || 0) < minAmount) {
                minAmount = roomState.totalResources[resourceType];
                bestRoom = roomName;

        return bestRoom;

     * Finds the room in a list that has the highest amount of a resource.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} rooms
     *   Resource states for rooms to check, keyed by room name.
     * @return {string}
     *   Name of the room with the highest resource amount.
    getHighestResourceState(resourceType: ResourceConstant, rooms: Record<string, RoomResourceState>) {
        let maxAmount;
        let bestRoom;
        _.each(rooms, (roomState: RoomResourceState, roomName: string) => {
            if (!roomState.canTrade) return;
            if (!maxAmount || (roomState.totalResources[resourceType] || 0) > maxAmount) {
                maxAmount = roomState.totalResources[resourceType];
                bestRoom = roomName;

        return bestRoom;

     * Finds best buy order of another player to sell a certain resource.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} roomName
     *   Name of the room that serves as a base for this transaction.
     * @return {object}
     *   The order as returned from Game.market.
    findBestBuyOrder(resourceType: TradeResource, roomName: string): Order {
        // Find best deal for selling this resource.
        const orders = Game.market.getAllOrders(order => order.type === ORDER_BUY && order.resourceType === resourceType);

        let maxScore: number;
        let bestOrder: Order;
        _.each(orders, order => {
            if (order.amount < 100) return;
            const transactionCost = isIntershardResource(resourceType) ? 0 : Game.market.calcTransactionCost(1000, roomName, order.roomName);
            const credits = 1000 * order.price;
            const score = credits - (0.3 * transactionCost);

            if (!maxScore || score > maxScore) {
                maxScore = score;
                bestOrder = order;

        return bestOrder;

     * Finds best sell order of another player to buy a certain resource.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to trade.
     * @param {object} roomName
     *   Name of the room that serves as a base for this transaction.
     * @return {object}
     *   The order as returned from Game.market.
    findBestSellOrder(resourceType: TradeResource, roomName: string) {
        // Find best deal for buying this resource.
        const orders = Game.market.getAllOrders(order => order.type === ORDER_SELL && order.resourceType === resourceType);

        let minScore;
        let bestOrder;
        _.each(orders, order => {
            if (order.amount < 100) return;
            const transactionCost = isIntershardResource(resourceType) ? 0 : Game.market.calcTransactionCost(1000, roomName, order.roomName);
            const credits = 1000 * order.price;
            const score = credits + (0.3 * transactionCost);

            if (!minScore || score < minScore) {
                minScore = score;
                bestOrder = order;

        return bestOrder;

     * Removes outdated orders from the market.
    removeOldTrades() {
        _.each(Game.market.orders, order => {
            const age = Game.time - order.created;

            if (age > 100_000 || order.remainingAmount === 0) {
                // Nobody seems to be buying or selling this order, cancel it.
                hivemind.log('trade', order.roomName).debug('Cancelling old trade', order.type + 'ing', order.remainingAmount, order.resourceType, 'for', order.price, 'each after', age, 'ticks.');

     * Assigns a "tier" to a resource, giving it a base value.
     * @param {string} resourceType
     *   The type of resource to check.
     * @return {number}
     *   The general trade value we assign the given resource.
    getResourceTier(resourceType: ResourceConstant) {
        if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY) return 0;
        if (resourceType === RESOURCE_POWER) return 10;

        const tier = resourceType.length;
        if (resourceType.includes('G')) {
            return tier + 3;

        return tier;

     * Decides how much resource should be traded at once.
     * This is to make sure we don't pay huge amounts on market fees for trades
     * that will never be completed.
     * @param {String} resourceType
     *   The resource type for which we need information.
     * @return {Number}
     *   Maximum amount of this resource to trade in a single transaction.
    getMaxOrderAmount(resourceType: TradeResource): number {
        const history = this.getPriceData(resourceType);
        if (!history) return 0;

        if (history.average < 10 && history.total > 10_000) return 10_000;
        if (history.average < 100 && history.total > 1000) return 1000;
        if (history.average < 1000 && history.total > 100) return 100;
        if (history.average < 10_000 && history.total > 10) return 10;

        return 1;

     * Analyzes market history to decide on resource price.
     * @param {String} resourceType
     *   The resource type for which we need information.
     * @return {Object}
     *  An object with price data containing the following keys:
     *  - total: Amount of this resource traded recently.
     *  - average: Adjusted average price of this resource.
     *  - stdDev: Adjusted standard deviation for this resource's price.
    getPriceData(resourceType: TradeResource): {total: number; average: number; stdDev: number} {
        return cache.inHeap('price:' + resourceType, 5000, () => {
            const history = Game.market.getHistory(resourceType);

            // There needs to be a few days of price data before we consider dealing.
            if (history.length < 4) return null;

            // Find days with highest and lowest deal values.
            const minDay = _.min(history, 'avgPrice');
            const maxDay = _.max(history, 'avgPrice');
            const maxDev = _.max(history, 'stddevPrice');

            let count = 0;
            let totalValue = 0;
            let totalDev = 0;
            _.each(history, day => {
                // Skip days with highest and lowest deal values as outliers.
                if (day.date === minDay.date) return;
                if (day.date === maxDay.date) return;
                if (day.date === maxDev.date) return;
                if (day.resourceType !== resourceType) return;

                count += day.volume;
                totalValue += day.volume * day.avgPrice;
                totalDev += day.volume * day.stddevPrice;

            return {
                total: count,
                average: totalValue / count,
                stdDev: totalDev / count,

     * Calculates estimated worth of lab reaction compounds.
     * @param {String} resourceType
     *   The resource type for which we need information.
     * @return {Number}
     *   Estimated worth of the given resource in credits.
    calculateWorth(resourceType: TradeResource): number {
        return cache.inHeap('resourceWorth:' + resourceType, 5000, () => {
            const history = this.getPriceData(resourceType);
            if (!recipes[resourceType]) {
                return history ? history.average : 0;

            const reagentWorth = _.reduce(recipes[resourceType], (total: number, componentType: ResourceConstant) => {
                const componentWorth = this.calculateWorth(componentType);
                const componentHistory = this.getPriceData(componentType);
                return total + Math.max(componentWorth, componentHistory ? componentHistory.average : 0);
            }, 0);

            // Add 0.1% to price for each tick needed to produce this reagent.
            return reagentWorth * (1 + (0.001 * (REACTION_TIME[resourceType] || 0)));