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1 wk
Test Coverage
/* global Creep PowerCreep RoomVisual RoomPosition LOOK_CREEPS OK

import cache from 'utils/cache';
import container from 'utils/container';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import NavMesh from 'utils/nav-mesh';
import settings from 'settings-manager';
import utilities from 'utilities';
import {encodePosition, decodePosition, serializePositionPath, deserializePositionPath} from 'utils/serialization';
import {getCostMatrix} from 'utils/cost-matrix';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';
import {handleMapArea} from 'utils/map';

declare global {
    interface Creep {
        moveToRange: (target: RoomObject | RoomPosition, range: number, options?: GoToOptions) => boolean;
        whenInRange: (range: number, target: RoomObject | RoomPosition, callback: () => void) => void;
        setCachedPath: (path: Array<string | number>, reverse?: boolean, distance?: number) => void;
        getCachedPath: () => RoomPosition[] | null;
        hasCachedPath: () => boolean;
        clearCachedPath: () => void;
        hasArrived: () => boolean;
        followCachedPath: () => void;
        getOntoCachedPath: () => boolean;
        manageBlockingCreeps: () => void;
        incrementCachedPathPosition: () => void;
        moveAroundObstacles: () => boolean;
        canMoveOnto: (position: RoomPosition) => boolean;
        goTo: (target: RoomObject | RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => boolean;
        calculateGoToPath: (target: RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => boolean;
        calculatePath: (target: RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => RoomPosition[];
        moveToRoom: (roomName: string, allowDanger?: boolean) => boolean;
        calculateRoomPath: (roomName: string, allowDanger?: boolean) => string[] | null;
        isInRoom: () => boolean;
        interRoomTravel: (targetPos: RoomPosition, allowDanger?: boolean) => boolean;
        moveUsingNavMesh: (targetPos: RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => OK | ERR_NO_PATH;
        getNavMeshMoveTarget: () => string | null;
        stopNavMeshMove: () => void;

    interface PowerCreep {
        moveToRange: (target: RoomObject | RoomPosition, range: number, options?: GoToOptions) => boolean;
        whenInRange: (range: number, target: RoomObject | RoomPosition, callback: () => void) => void;
        setCachedPath: (path: Array<string | number>, reverse?: boolean, distance?: number) => void;
        getCachedPath: () => RoomPosition[];
        hasCachedPath: () => boolean;
        clearCachedPath: () => void;
        hasArrived: () => boolean;
        followCachedPath: () => void;
        getOntoCachedPath: () => boolean;
        manageBlockingCreeps: () => void;
        incrementCachedPathPosition: () => void;
        moveAroundObstacles: () => boolean;
        canMoveOnto: (position: RoomPosition) => boolean;
        goTo: (target: RoomObject | RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => boolean;
        calculateGoToPath: (target: RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => boolean;
        calculatePath: (target: RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => RoomPosition[];
        moveToRoom: (roomName: string, allowDanger?: boolean) => boolean;
        calculateRoomPath: (roomName: string, allowDanger?: boolean) => string[] | null;
        isInRoom: () => boolean;
        interRoomTravel: (targetPos: RoomPosition, allowDanger?: boolean) => boolean;
        moveUsingNavMesh: (targetPos: RoomPosition, options?: GoToOptions) => OK | ERR_NO_PATH;
        getNavMeshMoveTarget: () => string | null;
        stopNavMeshMove: () => void;

    interface CachedPath {
        path: Array<string | number>;
        position: number;
        arrived: boolean;
        lastPositions: Record<number, string>;
        forceGoTo?: number;

    interface CreepHeapMemory {
        cachedPath?: CachedPath;
        _decodedCachedPath?: RoomPosition[];
        _moveBlocked?: boolean;
        _mtrTarget?: string;
        _mtrNextRoom?: string;
        moveWithoutNavMesh?: boolean;
        _nmpt?: string;
        _nmp?: {
            path?: string[];
            incomplete: boolean;
        _nmpi?: number;

    interface PowerCreepHeapMemory {
        cachedPath?: CachedPath;
        _decodedCachedPath?: RoomPosition[];
        _moveBlocked?: boolean;
        _mtrTarget?: string;
        _mtrNextRoom?: string;
        moveWithoutNavMesh?: boolean;
        _nmpt?: string;
        _nmp?: {
            path?: string[];
            incomplete: boolean;
        _nmpi?: number;

type GoToOptions = {
    range?: number;
    maxRooms?: number;
    allowDanger?: boolean;

// @todo For multi-room movement we could save which rooms we're travelling through, and recalculate (part of) the path when a CostMatrix changes.
// That info should probably live in global memory, we don't want that serialized...

 * Moves creep within a certain range of a target.
 * @param {RoomObject} target
 *   The target to move towards.
 * @param {number} range
 *   The requested distance toward the target.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   Whether the movement succeeded.
Creep.prototype.moveToRange = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, target, range, options) {
    if (!options) options = {};
    options.range = range;
    return this.goTo(target, options);

 * Ensures that the creep is in range before performing an operation.
Creep.prototype.whenInRange = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, range, target, callback) {
    if (target instanceof RoomObject) {
        target = target.pos;

    container.get('TrafficManager').setPreferredArea(this, target, range);

    const visual = this.room.visual;
    if (visual && this.pos.getRangeTo(target) <= range) {
        const color = getVisualizationColor(this);
            target.x - range - 0.4,
            target.y - range - 0.4,
            2 * range + 0.8,
            2 * range + 0.8,
                fill: 'transparent',
                stroke: color,
                lineStyle: 'dashed',
                strokeWidth: 0.2,

    if (this.pos.getRangeTo(target) > range) {
        this.moveToRange(target, range);


 * Saves a cached path in a creeps memory for use.
 * @param {string[]} path
 *   An array of encoded room positions the path consists of.
 * @param {boolean} reverse
 *   If set, the path is traversed in the opposite direction.
 * @param {number} distance
 *   How close to the end of the path the creep is supposed to travel.
Creep.prototype.setCachedPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, path, reverse, distance) {
    path = _.clone(path);
    if (reverse || distance) {
        const originalPath = deserializePositionPath(path);
        if (reverse) {

        if (distance) {
            for (let i = 0; i < distance; i++) {

        path = serializePositionPath(originalPath);

    delete this.heapMemory._decodedCachedPath;
    this.heapMemory.cachedPath = {
        position: null,
        arrived: false,
        lastPositions: {},

 * Gets the current cached path for a creep.
 * @return {RoomPosition[]}
 *   The creep's cached path as a list of room positions.
Creep.prototype.getCachedPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    if (!this.hasCachedPath()) return null;

    if (!this.heapMemory._decodedCachedPath) {
        this.heapMemory._decodedCachedPath = deserializePositionPath(this.heapMemory.cachedPath.path);

    return this.heapMemory._decodedCachedPath;

 * Checks if a creep has a path stored.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if the creep has a cached path.
Creep.prototype.hasCachedPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    return typeof this.heapMemory.cachedPath !== 'undefined';

 * Clears a creep's stored path.
Creep.prototype.clearCachedPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    delete this.heapMemory.cachedPath;
    delete this.heapMemory._decodedCachedPath;

 * Checks if a creep has finished traversing it's stored path.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if the creep has arrived.
Creep.prototype.hasArrived = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    return this.hasCachedPath() && this.heapMemory.cachedPath.arrived;

 * Makes a creep follow it's cached path until the end.
 * @todo Sometimes we get stuck on a cicle of "getonit" and "Skip: 1".
Creep.prototype.followCachedPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {

    this.heapMemory._moveBlocked = false;
    if (!this.heapMemory.cachedPath || !this.heapMemory.cachedPath.path || _.size(this.heapMemory.cachedPath.path) === 0) {
        hivemind.log('creeps', this.room.name).error(this.name, 'Trying to follow non-existing path');

    const path = this.getCachedPath();

    if (this.heapMemory.cachedPath.forceGoTo) {
        const pos = path[this.heapMemory.cachedPath.forceGoTo];

        if (this.pos.getRangeTo(pos) > 0) {
            const path = this.calculatePath(pos);
            if (!path || path.length === 0) {
                this.say('no way!');

            if (settings.get('visualizeCreepMovement')) {
                this.room.visual.poly(path, {
                    fill: 'transparent',
                    stroke: '#f00',
                    lineStyle: 'dashed',
                    strokeWidth: 0.2,
                    opacity: 0.1,
                this.say('S:' + pos.x + 'x' + pos.y);

            if (path[0].roomName === this.pos.roomName) {

                // Due to push-behavior we sometimes try to move onto another creep.
                // That creep needs to be pushed away.
                const creep = path[0].lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS)[0];
                if (creep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, creep);
                const powerCreep = path[0].lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS)[0];
                if (powerCreep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, powerCreep);
            else {


        this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position = this.heapMemory.cachedPath.forceGoTo;
        delete this.heapMemory.cachedPath.forceGoTo;
    else if (!this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position && this.getOntoCachedPath()) return;

    // Make sure we don't have a string on our hands...
    this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position = Number(this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position);

    if (this.heapMemory.cachedPath.arrived) return;

    if (this.moveAroundObstacles()) return;

    // Check if we've arrived at the end of our path.
    if (this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position >= path.length - 1) {
        this.heapMemory.cachedPath.arrived = true;

    // Move towards next position.
    const next = path[this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position + 1];
    if (next.roomName !== this.pos.roomName) {
        // Something went wrong, we must have gone off the path.
        delete this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position;


 * Moves a creep onto its cached path if possible.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if we're currently trying to move onto the path, false if we
 *   reached it.
Creep.prototype.getOntoCachedPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    const creep = this;
    const target = this.pos.findClosestByRange(this.getCachedPath(), {
        filter: pos => {
            // Try to move to a position on the path that is in the current room.
            if (pos.roomName !== this.room.name) return false;
            // Don't move onto exit tiles when looking to find our path.
            if (pos.x === 0 || pos.x === 49 || pos.y === 0 || pos.y === 49) return false;

            // Only try to get on positions not blocked by other creeps.
            return creep.canMoveOnto(pos);

    if (!target) {
        // We're not in the correct room to move on this path. Kind of sucks, but try to get there using the default pathfinder anyway.
        // @todo Actually, we might be in the right room, but there are creeps on all parts of the path.
        if (this.pos.roomName === this.heapMemory._decodedCachedPath[0].roomName) {

            const path = this.calculatePath(this.heapMemory._decodedCachedPath[0]);
            if (!path || path.length === 0) {
                this.say('no way!');
                return true;

            if (path[0].roomName === this.pos.roomName) {

                const creep = path[0].lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS)[0];
                if (creep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, creep);
                const powerCreep = path[0].lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS)[0];
                if (powerCreep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, powerCreep);
            else {
        else {
            // @todo Use our pathfinder to get onto the cached path.

        this.heapMemory._moveBlocked = true;
        return true;

    // Try to get to the closest part of the path.
    if (this.pos.x === target.x && this.pos.y === target.y) {
        // We've arrived on the path, time to get moving along it!
        const path = this.getCachedPath();
        for (const [i, element] of path.entries()) {
            if (this.pos.x === element.x && this.pos.y === element.y && this.pos.roomName === element.roomName) {
                this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position = i;
    else {
        const path = this.calculatePath(target);
        if (!path || path.length === 0) {
            this.say('no way!');
            return true;

        if (settings.get('visualizeCreepMovement')) {
            this.room.visual.poly(path, {
                fill: 'transparent',
                stroke: '#fff',
                lineStyle: 'dashed',
                strokeWidth: 0.1,
                opacity: 0.5,

        if (path[0].roomName === this.pos.roomName) {

            const creep = path[0].lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS)[0];
            if (creep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, creep);
            const powerCreep = path[0].lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS)[0];
            if (powerCreep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, powerCreep);
        else {

        return true;

    return false;

Creep.prototype.manageBlockingCreeps = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    const path = this.getCachedPath();
    if (typeof this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position === 'undefined' || this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position === null) {
        for (const pos of path) {
            // @todo Look for the _furthest_ position that is in range 1.
            if (pos.getRangeTo(this.pos) > 1) continue;

            const creep = pos.lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS)[0];
            if (creep) {
                container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, creep);

            const powerCreep = pos.lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS)[0];
            if (powerCreep) {
                container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, powerCreep);


    let pos = path[this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position];
    if (!pos || pos.roomName !== this.pos.roomName) return;
    if (this.pos.x !== pos.x || this.pos.y !== pos.y) {
        // Push away creep on current target tile.
        const creep = pos.lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS)[0];
        if (creep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, creep);
        const powerCreep = pos.lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS)[0];
        if (powerCreep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, powerCreep);

    pos = path[this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position + 1];
    if (!pos || pos.roomName !== this.pos.roomName) return;
    if (this.pos.x !== pos.x || this.pos.y !== pos.y) {
        // Push away creep on next target tile.
        const creep = pos.lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS)[0];
        if (creep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, creep);
        const powerCreep = pos.lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS)[0];
        if (powerCreep) container.get('TrafficManager').setBlockingCreep(this, powerCreep);

 * Checks if movement last tick brought us on the next position of our path.
Creep.prototype.incrementCachedPathPosition = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    // Check if we've already moved onto the next position.
    const path = this.getCachedPath();
    const next = path[this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position + 1];
    if (!next) {
        // Out of range, so we're probably at the end of the path.
        this.heapMemory.cachedPath.arrived = true;

    if (next.x === this.pos.x && next.y === this.pos.y) {

    if (next.roomName !== this.pos.roomName) {
        // We just changed rooms.
        const afterNext = path[this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position + 2];
        if (afterNext && afterNext.roomName === this.pos.roomName && afterNext.getRangeTo(this.pos) <= 1) {
            this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position += 2;
        else if (!afterNext) {
            delete this.heapMemory.cachedPath.forceGoTo;
            delete this.heapMemory.cachedPath.lastPositions;

 * Checks if we've been blocked for a while and tries to move around the blockade.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if we're currently moving around an obstacle.
Creep.prototype.moveAroundObstacles = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {

    // Record recent positions the creep has been on.
    // @todo Using Game.time here is unwise in case the creep is being throttled.
    // @todo Push and slice an array instead.
    if (!this.heapMemory.cachedPath.lastPositions) {
        this.heapMemory.cachedPath.lastPositions = {};

    if (!('fatigue' in this) || this.fatigue === 0) {
        // If we're not fatigued, we're kind of stuck.
        this.heapMemory.cachedPath.lastPositions[Game.time % REMEMBER_POSITION_COUNT] = encodePosition(this.pos);

    // Go around obstacles if necessary.
    if (this.heapMemory.cachedPath.forceGoTo) return false;

    // Check if we've moved at all during the previous ticks.
    let stuck = false;
    if (_.size(this.heapMemory.cachedPath.lastPositions) > REMEMBER_POSITION_COUNT / 2) {
        let last = null;
        stuck = true;
        _.each(this.heapMemory.cachedPath.lastPositions, position => {
            if (!last) last = position;
            if (last !== position) {
                // We have been on 2 different positions recently.
                stuck = false;
                return false;

            return null;

    if (!stuck) return false;

    // If a creep is blocking the next spot, tell it to move over if possible.

    // Try to find next free tile on the path.
    let i = this.heapMemory.cachedPath.position + 1;

    const path = this.getCachedPath();
    while (i < path.length) {
        const pos = path[i];
        if (pos.roomName !== this.pos.roomName) {
            // Skip past exit tile in next room.

        if (this.canMoveOnto(pos)) break;


    if (i >= path.length) {
        // No free spots until end of path. Let normal pathfinder take over.
        this.heapMemory.cachedPath.arrived = true;
        return true;

    this.heapMemory.cachedPath.forceGoTo = i;
    delete this.heapMemory.cachedPath.lastPositions;

    return false;

 * Checks if a creep could occupy the given position.
 * @param {RoomPosition} position
 *   The position to check.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if the creep could occupy this position.
Creep.prototype.canMoveOnto = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, position) {
    const creeps = position.lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS);
    if (creeps.length > 0 && creeps[0].id !== this.id && !isMovingCreep(creeps[0])) return false;

    const powerCreeps = position.lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS);
    if (powerCreeps.length > 0 && powerCreeps[0].id !== this.id && !isMovingCreep(powerCreeps[0])) return false;

    const structures = position.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
    for (const structure of structures) {
        if (!structure.isWalkable()) return false;

    const sites = position.lookFor(LOOK_CONSTRUCTION_SITES);
    for (const site of sites) {
        if (!site.isWalkable()) return false;

    return true;

function isMovingCreep(creep: Creep | PowerCreep): boolean {
    if (!creep.my) return false;

    return container.get('TrafficManager').hasAlternatePosition(creep);

function drawCreepMovement(creep: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    if (!RoomVisual) return;
    if (!settings.get('visualizeCreepMovement')) return;

    const target = creep.memory.go?.target ? decodePosition(creep.memory.go.target) : null;

    const color = getVisualizationColor(creep);
    const pathPosition = creep.heapMemory.cachedPath?.position || creep.heapMemory.cachedPath?.forceGoTo;
    if (!pathPosition && target) {
        creep.room.visual.line(creep.pos, target, {
            width: 0.05,
            opacity: 0.5,

    const path = creep.getCachedPath();

    const steps: RoomPosition[] = [];
    for (let i = pathPosition; i < path.length; i++) {
        const pos = path[i];
        if (pos.roomName !== creep.pos.roomName) break;


    creep.room.visual.poly(steps, {
        fill: 'transparent',
        stroke: color,
        lineStyle: 'dashed',
        strokeWidth: 0.15,
        opacity: 0.3,

    if (!target) return;

    const lineStartPos = steps.length > 0 ? steps.pop() : creep.pos;
    if (lineStartPos.roomName !== target.roomName) return;

    creep.room.visual.line(lineStartPos, target, {
        width: 0.15,
        opacity: 0.3,

function getVisualizationColor(creep: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    const hue: number = cache.inHeap('creepColor:' + creep.name, 10_000, oldValue => oldValue?.data ?? Math.floor(Math.random() * 360));
    return 'hsl(' + hue + ', 50%, 50%)';

 * Moves a creep using cached paths while moving around obstacles.
 * @param {RoomPosition|RoomObject} target
 *   The target to move towards.
 * @param {object} options
 *   Further optional options for pathfinding consisting of:
 *   - range: How close to the target we need to move.
 *   - maxRooms: Maximum number of rooms for finding a path.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if movement is possible and ongoing.
Creep.prototype.goTo = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, target, options) {
    if (!target) return false;
    if (!options) options = {};

    if (!this.memory.go || this.memory.go.lastAccess < Game.time - 10) {
        // Reset pathfinder memory.
        this.memory.go = {
            lastAccess: Game.time,

    if (target instanceof RoomObject) {
        target = target.pos;

    const range = options.range || 0;
    const targetPos = encodePosition(target);
    if ((!this.memory.go.target || this.memory.go.target !== targetPos || !this.hasCachedPath()) && !this.calculateGoToPath(target, options)) {
        hivemind.log('creeps', this.room.name).error('No path from', this.pos, 'to', target, 'found!');
        return false;

    this.memory.go.lastAccess = Game.time;

    if (this.hasArrived()) {
    else {

        if (this.heapMemory._moveBlocked) {
            // Seems like we can't move on the target space for some reason right now.
            // This should be rare, so we use the default pathfinder to get us the rest of the way there.
            // @todo Fix
            if (this.pos.getRangeTo(target) > range) {
                const result = this.moveTo(target, {
                    plainCost: 2,
                    swampCost: 10,
                    maxOps: 10_000, // The default 2000 can be too little even at a distance of only 2 rooms.
                    maxRooms: options.maxRooms,
                    costCallback: roomName => {
                        // If a room is considered inaccessible, don't look for paths through it.
                        if (!options.allowDanger && hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady() && getRoomIntel(roomName).isOwned()) {
                            return null;

                        const pfOptions = {
                            singleRoom: false,
                            isQuad: false,

                        // Work with roads and structures in a room.
                        const costs = getCostMatrix(roomName, pfOptions);

                        // Also try not to drive through bays.
                        if (Game.rooms[roomName] && Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner) {
                            _.each(Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.getLocations('bay_center'), pos => {
                                if (costs.get(pos.x, pos.y) <= 20) {
                                    costs.set(pos.x, pos.y, 20);

                        // @todo Try not to drive too close to sources / minerals / controllers.

                        return costs;
                if (result === ERR_NO_PATH) return false;
            else if (this.pos.roomName === target.roomName) {
                return false;

    return true;

 * Calculates and caches the exact path a creep is supposed to take.
 * @param {RoomPosition} target
 *   The target to move towards.
 * @param {object} options
 *   Further options for pathfinding.
 *   @see Creep.prototype.goTo()
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if a path was successfully generated.
Creep.prototype.calculateGoToPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, target, options) {
    const targetPos = encodePosition(target);
    this.memory.go.target = targetPos;

    const path = this.calculatePath(target, options);

    if (path) {
        this.setCachedPath(serializePositionPath([this.pos, ...path]));
    else {
        return false;

    return true;

Creep.prototype.calculatePath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, target, options): RoomPosition[] {
    if (!options) options = {};

    // @todo Properly type this.
    const pfOptions: any = {};
    if (this.memory.singleRoom) {
        if (this.pos.roomName === this.memory.singleRoom) {
            pfOptions.maxRooms = 1;

        pfOptions.singleRoom = this.memory.singleRoom;

    pfOptions.maxRooms = options.maxRooms;
    pfOptions.allowDanger = options.allowDanger;

    // Always allow pathfinding in current room.
    pfOptions.whiteListRooms = [this.pos.roomName];

    // Calculate a path to take.
    const result = utilities.getPath(this.pos, {
        pos: target,
        range: options.range || 0,
    }, false, pfOptions);

    if (result) return result.path;

    return null;

 * Makes this creep move to a certain room.
 * @param {string} roomName
 *   Name of the room to try and move to.
 * @param {boolean} allowDanger
 *   If true, creep may move through unsafe rooms.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if movement is possible and ongoing.
Creep.prototype.moveToRoom = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, roomName, allowDanger) {
    // Make sure we recalculate path if target changes.
    if (this.heapMemory._mtrTarget !== roomName) {
        delete this.heapMemory._mtrNextRoom;
        this.heapMemory._mtrTarget = roomName;

    // Check which room to go to next.
    if (!this.heapMemory._mtrNextRoom || (this.pos.roomName === this.heapMemory._mtrNextRoom && this.isInRoom())) {
        const path = this.calculateRoomPath(roomName, allowDanger);
        if (_.size(path) < 1) {
            // There is no valid path.
            return false;

        this.heapMemory._mtrNextRoom = path[0];

    // Move to next room.
    const target = new RoomPosition(25, 25, this.heapMemory._mtrNextRoom);
    if (this.pos.getRangeTo(target) > 15) {
        return this.moveToRange(target, 15);

    return true;

 * Generates a list of rooms the creep needs to travel through to get to the target room.
 * @param {string} roomName
 *   Name of the target room for finding a path.
 * @param {boolean} allowDanger
 *   If true, creep may move through unsafe rooms.
 * @return {string[]|null}
 *   An array of room names, not including the current room, or null if no path
 *   could be found.
Creep.prototype.calculateRoomPath = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, roomName, allowDanger) {
    return this.room.calculateRoomPath(roomName, {allowDanger});

Creep.prototype.isInRoom = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    return this.pos.x > 2 && this.pos.x < 47 && this.pos.y > 2 && this.pos.y < 47;

Creep.prototype.interRoomTravel = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, targetPos, allowDanger = false) {
    const isInTargetRoom = this.pos.roomName === targetPos.roomName;
    if (!isInTargetRoom || (!this.isInRoom() && this.getNavMeshMoveTarget())) {
        if (this.heapMemory.moveWithoutNavMesh) {
            if (!this.moveToRoom(targetPos.roomName, allowDanger)) {
                return false;

            return true;

        if (this.moveUsingNavMesh(targetPos, {allowDanger}) !== OK) {
            hivemind.log('creeps').debug(this.name, 'can\'t move from', this.pos.roomName, 'to', targetPos.roomName);

            // Try moving to target room without using nav mesh.
            this.heapMemory.moveWithoutNavMesh = true;

        return true;

    return false;

Creep.prototype.moveUsingNavMesh = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep, targetPos, options) {
    if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return OK;

    if (!options) options = {};

    const pos = encodePosition(targetPos);
    if (!this.heapMemory._nmpt || !this.heapMemory._nmp || this.heapMemory._nmpt !== pos) {
        this.heapMemory._nmpt = pos;
        const mesh = new NavMesh();
        const path = mesh.findPath(this.pos, targetPos, options);
        this.heapMemory._nmp = {
            incomplete: path.incomplete,
            path: path.path ? _.map(path.path, encodePosition) : null,

        this.heapMemory._nmpi = 0;

    if (!this.heapMemory._nmp.path) {
        if (this.moveToRoom(targetPos.roomName)) return OK;

        return ERR_NO_PATH;

    const nextPos = decodePosition(this.heapMemory._nmp.path[this.heapMemory._nmpi]);

    // Bugfix for weird cases where travelling through a portal didn't work,
    // leading to extremely far move requests.
    if (this.heapMemory._nmpi > 0 && Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(nextPos.roomName, this.pos.roomName) > 3) {
        const prevPos = decodePosition(this.heapMemory._nmp.path[this.heapMemory._nmpi - 1]);
        if (Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(prevPos.roomName, this.pos.roomName) <= 3) {
            return OK;

    if (this.pos.roomName !== nextPos.roomName || this.pos.getRangeTo(nextPos) > 1) {
        const moveResult = this.moveToRange(nextPos, 1, options);
        if (!moveResult) {
            // Couldn't get to next path target.
            // @todo Recalculate route?
            return ERR_NO_PATH;

    if (Game.rooms[nextPos.roomName]) {
        const portal = _.find(nextPos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES), s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_PORTAL) as StructurePortal;
        if (portal) {
            // Step onto portals.
            let portalUsed = false;
            handleMapArea(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, (x, y) => {
                if (x === this.pos.x && y === this.pos.y) return null;

                const portalHere = _.find(this.room.lookForAt(LOOK_STRUCTURES, x, y), s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_PORTAL) as StructurePortal;
                if (portalHere && portalHere.destination instanceof RoomPosition && portal.destination instanceof RoomPosition && portalHere.destination.roomName === portal.destination.roomName) {
                    if (this.move(this.pos.getDirectionTo(x, y)) === OK) {
                        portalUsed = true;
                        return false;

                return null;

            if (portalUsed) return OK;

    // If we reach a waypoint, increment path index.
    if (this.pos.getRangeTo(nextPos) <= 1 && this.heapMemory._nmpi < this.heapMemory._nmp.path.length - 1) {
        if (_.some(nextPos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES), s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_PORTAL)) {
            // Step onto portals.
            if (this.move(this.pos.getDirectionTo(nextPos)) === OK) {

            return OK;

        const newPos = decodePosition(this.heapMemory._nmp.path[this.heapMemory._nmpi + 1]);
        const moveResult = this.moveToRange(newPos, 1, options);
        if (moveResult) {
        else {
            // Couldn't get to next path target.
            // @todo Recalculate route?
            return ERR_NO_PATH;

    return OK;

Creep.prototype.getNavMeshMoveTarget = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    return this.heapMemory._nmpt;

Creep.prototype.stopNavMeshMove = function (this: Creep | PowerCreep) {
    delete this.heapMemory._nmpt;
    delete this.heapMemory._nmp;
    delete this.heapMemory._nmpi;
    delete this.heapMemory.moveWithoutNavMesh;

PowerCreep.prototype.moveToRange = Creep.prototype.moveToRange;
PowerCreep.prototype.whenInRange = Creep.prototype.whenInRange;
PowerCreep.prototype.setCachedPath = Creep.prototype.setCachedPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.getCachedPath = Creep.prototype.getCachedPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.hasCachedPath = Creep.prototype.hasCachedPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.clearCachedPath = Creep.prototype.clearCachedPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.hasArrived = Creep.prototype.hasArrived;
PowerCreep.prototype.followCachedPath = Creep.prototype.followCachedPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.getOntoCachedPath = Creep.prototype.getOntoCachedPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.incrementCachedPathPosition = Creep.prototype.incrementCachedPathPosition;
PowerCreep.prototype.moveAroundObstacles = Creep.prototype.moveAroundObstacles;
PowerCreep.prototype.canMoveOnto = Creep.prototype.canMoveOnto;
PowerCreep.prototype.goTo = Creep.prototype.goTo;
PowerCreep.prototype.calculateGoToPath = Creep.prototype.calculateGoToPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.calculatePath = Creep.prototype.calculatePath;
PowerCreep.prototype.moveToRoom = Creep.prototype.moveToRoom;
PowerCreep.prototype.calculateRoomPath = Creep.prototype.calculateRoomPath;
PowerCreep.prototype.manageBlockingCreeps = Creep.prototype.manageBlockingCreeps;
PowerCreep.prototype.isInRoom = Creep.prototype.isInRoom;
PowerCreep.prototype.moveUsingNavMesh = Creep.prototype.moveUsingNavMesh;
PowerCreep.prototype.getNavMeshMoveTarget = Creep.prototype.getNavMeshMoveTarget;
PowerCreep.prototype.stopNavMeshMove = Creep.prototype.stopNavMeshMove;