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import cache from 'utils/cache';
import container from 'utils/container';
import RemoteMiningOperation from 'operation/remote-mining';
import ResourceDestinationDispatcher from 'dispatcher/resource-destination/dispatcher';
import ResourceSourceDispatcher from 'dispatcher/resource-source/dispatcher';
import {decodePosition} from 'utils/serialization';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL} from 'room-defense';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';

declare global {
    interface Room {
        sourceDispatcher: ResourceSourceDispatcher;
        destinationDispatcher: ResourceDestinationDispatcher;
        getStorageLimit: () => number;
        getFreeStorage: () => number;
        getCurrentResourceAmount: (resourceType: string) => number;
        getStoredEnergy: () => number;
        getCurrentMineralAmount: () => number;
        getEffectiveAvailableEnergy: () => number;
        isFullOnEnergy: () => boolean;
        isFullOnPower: () => boolean;
        isFullOnMinerals: () => boolean;
        isFullOn: (resourceType: string) => boolean;
        getStorageLocation: () => RoomPosition;
        prepareForTrading: (resourceType: ResourceConstant, amount?: number) => void;
        stopTradePreparation: () => void;
        getRemoteHarvestSourcePositions: () => RoomPosition[];
        getRemoteReservePositions: () => RoomPosition[];
        getResourceState: () => RoomResourceState;
        getBestStorageTarget: (amount: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant) => StructureStorage | StructureTerminal;
        getBestStorageSource: (resourceType: ResourceConstant) => StructureStorage | StructureTerminal;
        getBestCircumstancialStorageSource: (resourceType: ResourceConstant) => StructureStorage | StructureTerminal;
        determineResourceLevel: (amount: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant) => ResourceLevel;
        getResourceLevelCutoffs: (resourceType: ResourceConstant) => ResourceLevelCuttoffs;

    interface RoomMemory {
        fillTerminal?: ResourceConstant;
        fillTerminalAmount?: number;

    interface RoomResourceState {
        totalResources: Partial<Record<ResourceConstant, number>>;
        state: Partial<Record<ResourceConstant, ResourceLevel>>;
        canTrade: boolean;
        isEvacuating: boolean;
        mineralTypes: ResourceConstant[];
        addResource: (resourceType: ResourceConstant, amount: number) => void;

    interface Source {
        isDangerous: () => boolean;

    interface Mineral {
        isDangerous: () => boolean;

    interface StructureKeeperLair {
        isDangerous: () => boolean;

// Define quick access property room.sourceDispatcher.
Object.defineProperty(Room.prototype, 'sourceDispatcher', {
    get(this: Room) {
        return cache.inObject(this, 'sourceDispatcher', 1, () => new ResourceSourceDispatcher(this));
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true,

// Define quick access property room.destinationDispatcher.
Object.defineProperty(Room.prototype, 'destinationDispatcher', {
    get(this: Room) {
        return cache.inObject(this, 'destinationDispatcher', 1, () => new ResourceDestinationDispatcher(this));
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true,

 * Determines maximum storage capacity within a room.
 * @return {number}
 *   The total storage limit.
Room.prototype.getStorageLimit = function (this: Room) {
    let total = 0;
    if (this.storage && !this.isClearingStorage()) {
        total += this.storage.store.getCapacity();

    if (this.terminal && !this.isClearingTerminal()) {
        total += this.terminal.store.getCapacity();

    if (total === 0) {
        // Assume 10000 storage for dropping stuff on the ground.
        total += 10_000;

    return total;

 * Determines amount of currently available storage.
 * @return {number}
 *   The currently available free storage space.
Room.prototype.getFreeStorage = function (this: Room) {
    // Determines amount of free space in storage.
    let limit = this.getStorageLimit();
    if (this.storage && !this.isClearingStorage()) {
        // Only count storage resources if we count it's free capacity.
        limit -= Math.min(this.storage.store.getCapacity(), this.storage.store.getUsedCapacity());

    if (this.terminal && !this.isClearingTerminal()) {
        // Only count terminal resources if we count it's free capacity.
        limit -= Math.min(this.terminal.store.getCapacity(), this.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity());

    return limit;

 * Determines the amount of a resource currently stored in this room.
 * @param {string} resourceType
 *   The resource in question.
 * @return {number}
 *   Amount of this resource in storage or terminal.
Room.prototype.getCurrentResourceAmount = function (this: Room, resourceType: string): number {
    let total = 0;
    if (this.storage && this.storage.store[resourceType]) {
        total += this.storage.store[resourceType];

    if (this.terminal && this.terminal.store[resourceType]) {
        total += this.terminal.store[resourceType];

    /* If (this.factory && this.factory.store[resourceType]) {
        total += this.factory.store[resourceType];
    } */

    // Add resources in transporters to prevent fluctuation from transporters
    // moving stuff around.
    _.each(this.creepsByRole.transporter, creep => {
        total += creep.store.getUsedCapacity(resourceType as ResourceConstant);

    if (!this.terminal && !this.storage) {
        // Until a storage is built, haulers effectively act as transporters.
        _.each(this.creepsByRole.hauler, creep => {
            total += creep.store.getUsedCapacity(resourceType as ResourceConstant);

    return total;

 * Gets amount of energy stored, taking into account energy on storage location.
 * @return {number}
 *   Amount of energy this room has available.
Room.prototype.getStoredEnergy = function (this: Room) {
    return cache.inObject(this, 'storedEnergy', 1, () => {
        let total = this.getCurrentResourceAmount(RESOURCE_ENERGY);

        // Add energy on storage location (pre storage).
        const storageLocation = this.getStorageLocation();
        if (!storageLocation) return total;
        const storagePosition = new RoomPosition(storageLocation.x, storageLocation.y, this.name);
        const resources = _.filter(storagePosition.lookFor(LOOK_RESOURCES), resource => resource.resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY);
        if (resources.length > 0) {
            total += resources[0].amount;

        // Add dropped resources and containers on harvest spots.
        const harvestPositions = this.roomPlanner && this.roomPlanner.getLocations('harvester');
        for (const position of harvestPositions || []) {
            for (const resource of position.lookFor(LOOK_RESOURCES)) {
                if (resource.resourceType !== RESOURCE_ENERGY) continue;

                total += resource.amount;

            for (const structure of position.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES)) {
                if (structure.structureType !== STRUCTURE_CONTAINER) continue;

                total += (structure as StructureContainer).store.getUsedCapacity(RESOURCE_ENERGY);

        // Add controller container.
        const container = this.memory.controllerContainer && Game.getObjectById<StructureContainer>(this.memory.controllerContainer);
        if (container) total += container.store.getUsedCapacity(RESOURCE_ENERGY);

        return total;

 * Gets amount of minerals and mineral compounds stored in a room.
 * @return {number}
 *   Amount of minerals stored in this room.
Room.prototype.getCurrentMineralAmount = function (this: Room) {
    // @todo This could use caching.
    let total = 0;

    for (const resourceType of RESOURCES_ALL) {
        if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY || resourceType === RESOURCE_POWER) continue;
        total += this.getCurrentResourceAmount(resourceType);

    return total;

 * Gets amount of energy stored, taking into account batteries.
 * @return {number}
 *   Amount of energy this room has available.
Room.prototype.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy = function (this: Room) {
    const availableEnergy = this.getStoredEnergy();

    if (!this.factory || !this.factory.isOperational() || this.isEvacuating()) return availableEnergy;

    // @todo Get resource unpacking factor from API or config.
    return availableEnergy + Math.max(0, this.getCurrentResourceAmount(RESOURCE_BATTERY) - 5000) * 5;

 * Decides whether a room's storage has too much energy.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if storage limit for energy has been reached.
Room.prototype.isFullOnEnergy = function (this: Room) {
    return this.getCurrentResourceAmount(RESOURCE_ENERGY) > this.getStorageLimit() / 2;

 * Decides whether a room's storage has too much power.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if storage limit for power has been reached.
Room.prototype.isFullOnPower = function (this: Room) {
    return this.getCurrentResourceAmount(RESOURCE_POWER) > this.getStorageLimit() / 6;

 * Decides whether a room's storage has too many minerals.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if storage limit for minerals has been reached.
Room.prototype.isFullOnMinerals = function (this: Room) {
    return this.getCurrentMineralAmount() > this.getStorageLimit() / 3;

 * Decides whether a room's storage has too much of a resource.
 * @param {string} resourceType
 *   Type of the resource we want to check.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if storage limit for the resource has been reached.
Room.prototype.isFullOn = function (this: Room, resourceType: ResourceConstant) {
    if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY) return this.isFullOnEnergy();
    if (resourceType === RESOURCE_POWER) return this.isFullOnPower();
    return this.isFullOnMinerals();

 * Determines a room's storage location, where we drop energy as long as no
 * storage has been built yet.
 * @return {RoomPosition}
 *   Returns the room's storage location.
Room.prototype.getStorageLocation = function (this: Room) {
    if (!this.controller) return null;
    if (this.roomPlanner) return this.roomPlanner.getRoomCenter();

    return this.storage ? this.storage.pos : null;

 * Saves the order to move a certain amount of resources to the terminal.
 * @param {string} resourceType
 *   The type of resource to store.
 * @param {number} amount
 *   Amount of resources to store.
Room.prototype.prepareForTrading = function (this: Room, resourceType: ResourceConstant, amount?: number) {
    if (!amount) amount = Math.min(10_000, this.getCurrentResourceAmount(resourceType));
    this.memory.fillTerminal = resourceType;
    this.memory.fillTerminalAmount = Math.min(amount, 50_000);

 * Stops deliberately storing resources in the room's terminal.
Room.prototype.stopTradePreparation = function (this: Room) {
    delete this.memory.fillTerminal;
    delete this.memory.fillTerminalAmount;

 * Returns the position of all sources that should be remote harvested.
 * @return {RoomPosition[]}
 *   An array of objects containing information about remote harvest targets.
Room.prototype.getRemoteHarvestSourcePositions = function (this: Room) {
    // @todo Sort by profitability because it influences spawn order.
    return cache.inHeap('remoteSourcePositions:' + this.name, 500, () => {
        const evaluations = [];
        _.each(Game.operationsByType.mining, operation => {
            const locations = operation.getMiningLocationsByRoom();

            _.each(locations[this.name], location => {
                if (!operation.getPaths()[location]?.path) return;

                evaluations.push(getRemoteHarvestSourceEvaluation(operation, location));

        const harvestPositions: RoomPosition[] = [];
        for (const evaluation of _.sortBy(evaluations, evaluation => {
            if (this.storage || this.terminal) return evaluation.averageDistance * (1.2 - (evaluation.sourceCount / 5));

            return evaluation.distance;
        })) {

        return harvestPositions;

function getRemoteHarvestSourceEvaluation(operation: RemoteMiningOperation, location: string) {
    const filteredPaths = _.filter(operation.getPaths(), path => path.path);

    return {
        sourceCount: _.size(filteredPaths),
        distance: operation.getPaths()[location].path.length,
        averageDistance: _.sum(filteredPaths, path => path.path.length) / _.size(filteredPaths),

 * Returns the position of all nearby controllers that should be reserved.
 * @return {RoomPosition[]}
 *   An array of objects containing information about controller targets.
Room.prototype.getRemoteReservePositions = function (this: Room) {
    const reservePositions = [];
    _.each(Game.operationsByType.mining, operation => {
        const roomName = operation.getClaimerSourceRoom();
        if (this.name !== roomName) return;

        const position = getRoomIntel(operation.getRoom()).getControllerPosition();
        if (!position) return;


    // Add positions of nearby safe rooms.
    const safeRooms = this.roomPlanner ? this.roomPlanner.getAdjacentSafeRooms() : [];
    for (const roomName of safeRooms) {
        const position = getRoomIntel(roomName).getControllerPosition();
        if (!position) continue;


    return reservePositions;

 * Gathers resource amounts for a room.
 * @return {object}
 *   An object containing information about this room's resources:
 *   - totalResources: Resource amounts keyed by resource type.
 *   - state: Resource thresholds, namely `low`, `medium`, `high` and
 *     `excessive` keyed by resource type.
 *   - canTrade: Whether the room can perform trades.
Room.prototype.getResourceState = function (this: Room) {
    if (!this.isMine()) return null;

    const storage = this.storage;
    const terminal = this.terminal;

    return cache.inObject(this, 'resourceState', 1, () => {
        const roomData: RoomResourceState = {
            totalResources: {},
            state: {},
            canTrade: false,
            addResource(resourceType: ResourceConstant, amount: number) {
                this.totalResources[resourceType] = (this.totalResources[resourceType] || 0) + amount;
            isEvacuating: false,
            mineralTypes: [],

        // @todo Remove in favor of function.
        roomData.isEvacuating = this.isEvacuating();

        if (storage && !roomData.isEvacuating) {
            _.each(storage.store, (amount: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant) => {
                roomData.addResource(resourceType, amount);

        if (terminal) {
            roomData.canTrade = true;
            _.each(terminal.store, (amount: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant) => {
                roomData.addResource(resourceType, amount);

        if (this.factory) {
            _.each(this.factory.store, (amount: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant) => {
                roomData.addResource(resourceType, amount);

        if (!roomData.isEvacuating) {
            for (const mineral of this.minerals) {

        // Add resources in labs as well.
        if (this.memory.labs && !roomData.isEvacuating) {
            const labs = this.myStructuresByType[STRUCTURE_LAB] || [];

            for (const lab of labs) {
                if (lab.mineralType && lab.mineralAmount > 0) {
                    roomData.addResource(lab.mineralType, lab.mineralAmount);

        for (const resourceType of RESOURCES_ALL) {
            roomData.state[resourceType] = this.determineResourceLevel(roomData.totalResources[resourceType] || 0, resourceType);

        return roomData;

type ResourceLevel = 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | 'excessive';
type ResourceLevelCuttoffs = [number, number, number];

Room.prototype.determineResourceLevel = function (this: Room, amount: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant): ResourceLevel {
    const cutoffs = this.getResourceLevelCutoffs(resourceType);
    if (amount >= cutoffs[0]) return 'excessive';
    if (amount >= cutoffs[1]) return 'high';
    if (amount >= cutoffs[2]) return 'medium';
    return 'low';

Room.prototype.getResourceLevelCutoffs = function (this: Room, resourceType: ResourceConstant): ResourceLevelCuttoffs {
    if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY) {
        // Defending rooms need energy to defend.
        if (this.defense.getEnemyStrength() >= ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL) return [1_000_000, 100_000, 50_000];

        // Rooms we are funneling should pull extra energy.
        const funnelManager = container.get('FunnelManager');
        if (funnelManager.isFunnelingTo(this.name)) return [500_000, 300_000, 150_000];

        return [200_000, 50_000, 20_000];

    if (resourceType === RESOURCE_POWER) {
        // Only rooms with power spawns need power.
        if (!this.powerSpawn) return [1, 0, 0];
        return [50_000, 30_000, 10_000];

    if (resourceType === RESOURCE_OPS) {
        // Only rooms with power creeps need ops.
        if (_.filter(Game.powerCreeps, c => c.pos && c.pos.roomName === this.name).length === 0) return [1, 0, 0];
        return [10_000, 5000, 1000];

    // @todo If the room has a factory, consolidate normal resources and bars.

    // Basic commodities need a factory.
    if (([RESOURCE_SILICON, RESOURCE_METAL, RESOURCE_BIOMASS, RESOURCE_MIST] as string[]).includes(resourceType)) {
        if (!this.factory) return [1, 0, 0];
        return [30_000, 10_000, 2000];

    // @todo For commodities, ignore anything we don't need for recipes of the
    // current factory level.
    if (
        ] as string[]).includes(resourceType)
    ) {
        if (!this.factory) return [1, 0, 0];
        if (!isCommodityNeededAtFactoryLevel(this.factory.getEffectiveLevel(), resourceType)) return [1, 0, 0];
        return [10_000, 5000, 500];

    // For boosts, try to have a minimum amount for all types. Later, make
    // dependent on room military state and so on.
    // @todo If there's no labs, we don't need boosts.
    for (const bodyPart in BOOSTS) {
        if (!BOOSTS[bodyPart][resourceType]) continue;

        if ((bodyPart === ATTACK || bodyPart === RANGED_ATTACK) && this.defense.getEnemyStrength() > ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL) return [15_000, 7500, 2500];
        if (bodyPart === WORK && BOOSTS[bodyPart][resourceType].repair && this.defense.getEnemyStrength() > ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL) return [15_000, 7500, 2500];
        if (bodyPart === WORK && BOOSTS[bodyPart][resourceType].upgradeController && this.controller.level >= 8) return [15_000, 7500, 2500];

    const reaction = this.memory.currentReaction;
    if (reaction && (resourceType === reaction[0] || resourceType === reaction[1])) {
        // Make sure we request enough resources of this type to perform reactions.
        return [50_000, 30_000, 10_000];

    // Any other resources, we can store but don't need.
    return [50_000, 0, 0];

function isCommodityNeededAtFactoryLevel(factoryLevel: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant): boolean {
    for (const productType in COMMODITIES) {
        const recipe = COMMODITIES[productType];
        if (recipe.level && recipe.level !== factoryLevel) continue;
        if (recipe.components[resourceType]) return true;

    return false;

 * Determines the best place to store resources.
 * @param {number} amount
 *   Amount of resources to store.
 * @param {string} resourceType
 *   Type of resource to store.
 * @return {Structure}
 *   The room's storage or terminal.
Room.prototype.getBestStorageTarget = function (this: Room, amount, resourceType) {
    if (this.storage && this.terminal) {
        const storageFree = this.storage.store.getFreeCapacity();
        const terminalFree = this.terminal.store.getFreeCapacity();
        if (this.isEvacuating() && terminalFree > this.terminal.store.getCapacity() * 0.2) {
            // If we're evacuating, store everything in terminal to be sent away.
            return this.terminal;

        if (this.isClearingTerminal() && storageFree > amount + 5000) {
            // If we're clearing out the terminal, put everything into storage.
            return this.storage;

        if (this.isClearingStorage() && terminalFree > amount + (resourceType == RESOURCE_ENERGY ? 0 : 5000)) {
            // If we're clearing out the storage, put everything into terminal.
            return this.terminal;

        if (!resourceType) {
            if (this.storage.store.getUsedCapacity() / this.storage.store.getCapacity() < this.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity() / this.terminal.store.getCapacity()) {
                return this.storage;

            return this.terminal;

        if (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY && this.terminal && this.terminal.store[RESOURCE_ENERGY] < 7000 && terminalFree > 0) {
            // Make sure terminal has energy for transactions.
            return this.terminal;

        if (storageFree >= amount && terminalFree >= amount && (this.storage.store[resourceType] || 0) / storageFree < (this.terminal.store[resourceType] || 0) / terminalFree) {
            return this.storage;

        if (terminalFree >= amount) {
            return this.terminal;

        if (storageFree >= amount) {
            return this.storage;
    else if (this.storage) {
        return this.storage;
    else if (this.terminal) {
        return this.terminal;

    return null;

 * Determines the best place to get resources from.
 * @param {string} resourceType
 *   The type of resource to get.
 * @return {Structure}
 *   The room's storage or terminal.
Room.prototype.getBestStorageSource = function (this: Room, resourceType: ResourceConstant) {
    if (this.storage && this.terminal) {
        const specialSource = this.getBestCircumstancialStorageSource(resourceType);
        if (specialSource) return specialSource;

        if ((this.storage.store[resourceType] || 0) / this.storage.store.getCapacity() < (this.terminal.store[resourceType]) / this.terminal.store.getCapacity() && this.memory.fillTerminal !== resourceType) {
            return this.terminal;

        if ((this.storage.store[resourceType] || 0) > 0) {
            return this.storage;
    else if (this.storage && this.storage.store[resourceType]) {
        return this.storage;
    else if (this.terminal && this.terminal.store[resourceType] && (!this.memory.fillTerminal || this.memory.fillTerminal !== resourceType)) {
        return this.terminal;

    return null;

 * Determines the best place to get resources from when special rules apply.
 * This is the case when a room is evacuating or a terminal is being emptied.
 * @param {string} resourceType
 *   The type of resource to get.
 * @return {Structure}
 *   The room's storage or terminal.
Room.prototype.getBestCircumstancialStorageSource = function (this: Room, resourceType: ResourceConstant) {
    let primarySource: StructureStorage | StructureTerminal;
    let secondarySource: StructureStorage | StructureTerminal;
    if (this.isEvacuating()) {
        // Take resources out of storage if possible to empty it out.
        primarySource = this.storage;
        secondarySource = this.terminal;
    else if (this.isClearingTerminal()) {
        // Take resources out of terminal if possible to empty it out.
        primarySource = this.terminal;
        secondarySource = this.storage;
    else {
        return null;

    const secondaryFull = secondarySource.store.getUsedCapacity() > secondarySource.store.getCapacity() * 0.8;

    if (primarySource.store[resourceType] && (!secondaryFull || !secondarySource.store[resourceType])) {
        return primarySource;

    if (secondarySource.store[resourceType] && (resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY || secondaryFull)) {
        return secondarySource;

    return null;

 * Checks if a keeper lair is considered dangerous.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if a source keeper is spawned or about to spawn.
StructureKeeperLair.prototype.isDangerous = function (this: StructureKeeperLair) {
    if (_.some(this.room.enemyCreeps['Source Keeper'], c => c.pos.getRangeTo(this) <= 5)) return true;

    return !this.ticksToSpawn || this.ticksToSpawn < 10;

 * Checks if being close to this source is currently dangerous.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if an active keeper lair is nearby and we have no defenses.
const isDangerous = function (this: Source | Mineral) {
    const lair = this.getNearbyLair();
    if (!lair || !lair.isDangerous()) return false;

    // It's still safe if a guardian with sufficient lifespan is nearby to take
    // care of any source keepers, and the lair isn't too close to the source.
    if (this.room.creepsByRole.skKiller && lair.pos.getRangeTo(this) > 4) {
        for (const guardian of _.values<SkKillerCreep>(this.room.creepsByRole.skKiller)) {
            if (lair.pos.getRangeTo(guardian) < 5 && guardian.ticksToLive > 30) {
                return false;

    return true;

 * Checks if being close to this source is currently dangerous.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if an active keeper lair is nearby and we have no defenses.
Source.prototype.isDangerous = function (this: Source) {
    return isDangerous.call(this);

 * Checks if being close to this mineral is currently dangerous.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if an active keeper lair is nearby and we have no defenses.
Mineral.prototype.isDangerous = function (this: Mineral) {
    return isDangerous.call(this);