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import balancer from 'excess-energy-balancer';
import cache from 'utils/cache';
import container from 'utils/container';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import Role from 'role/role';
import TransporterRole from 'role/transporter';
import utilities from 'utilities';
import {throttle} from 'utils/throttle';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE, ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL} from 'room-defense';

interface RepairOrder {
    type: 'repair';
    target: Id<Structure>;
    maxHealth: number;

interface BuildOrder {
    type: 'build';
    target: Id<ConstructionSite>;

interface OrderOption {
    priority: number;
    weight: number;
    type: 'build' | 'repair';
    object: Structure<BuildableStructureConstant>;
    maxHealth?: number;

declare global {
    interface BuilderCreep extends Creep {
        memory: BuilderCreepMemory;
        heapMemory: BuilderCreepHeapMemory;

    interface BuilderCreepMemory extends CreepMemory {
        role: 'builder';
        repairing?: boolean;
        order?: RepairOrder | BuildOrder;

    interface BuilderCreepHeapMemory extends CreepHeapMemory {

    interface RoomMemory {
        noBuilderNeeded?: number;

// @todo Calculate from constants.
const wallHealth: Record<number, number> = hivemind.settings.get('maxWallHealth');

export default class BuilderRole extends Role {
    transporterRole: TransporterRole;

     * Builders stay in their spawn room and build or repair structures.
     * When empty, they will gather energy from various sources. Once enough
     * energy is carried, they will pick a target to build or repair, move to it,
     * and use their energy for it.
     * Targets are chosen by priority based on the structure type, missing
     * hit points, etc.
     * Energy may be spent on repairing nearby structures (mostly roads) on the
     * move so less effort is needed to individually maintain these.
     * @todo Document memory structure.
    constructor() {

        this.transporterRole = new TransporterRole();

     * Makes this creep behave like a builder.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
    run(creep: BuilderCreep) {
        if (creep.heapMemory.suicideSpawn) {

        if ((creep.memory.repairing || creep.memory.upgrading) && creep.store[RESOURCE_ENERGY] === 0) {
            this.setBuilderState(creep, false);
        else if (!creep.memory.repairing && !creep.memory.upgrading && creep.store.getUsedCapacity() >= creep.store.getCapacity() * 0.9) {
            this.setBuilderState(creep, true);

        if (creep.memory.upgrading) {

        if (creep.memory.repairing) {
            if (
                && (creep.room.defense.getEnemyStrength() < ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL || creep.room.controller?.safeMode)
            ) {
                creep.room.memory.noBuilderNeeded = Game.time;
                const funnelManager = container.get('FunnelManager');
                const isFunnelingElsewhere = creep.room.terminal && funnelManager.isFunneling() && !funnelManager.isFunnelingTo(creep.room.name) && creep.room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 100_000;
                const isStripmine = creep.room.controller.level >= 6 && creep.room.isStripmine();
                if (creep.room.controller?.level < 8 && !isFunnelingElsewhere && !isStripmine && !creep.room.controller.upgradeBlocked) {
                    creep.memory.upgrading = true;
                    delete creep.memory.repairing;
                else {
                    // Prevent draining energy stores by recycling.
                    delete creep.memory.repairing;


        if (creep.memory.sourceTarget && !creep.memory.order) {
            delete creep.memory.sourceTarget;

        const deliveringCreeps = creep.room.getCreepsWithOrder('workerCreep', creep.id);
        if (deliveringCreeps.length > 0) {
            creep.moveToRange(deliveringCreeps[0], 1);

        if (!creep.room.storage || creep.room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() > 2500) {
            // @todo Instead of completely circumventing TypeScript, find a way to
            // make energy gathering reusable between multiple roles.
            // @todo Replace with dispatcher calls similar to hauler creeps delivery
            // once all sources are covered by dispatcher.
            this.transporterRole.performGetEnergy(creep as unknown as TransporterCreep);

     * Puts this creep into or out of repair mode.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {boolean} repairing
     *   Whether to start building / repairing or not.
    setBuilderState(creep: BuilderCreep, repairing: boolean) {
        creep.memory.repairing = repairing;
        delete creep.memory.upgrading;
        delete creep.memory.sourceTarget;
        delete creep.memory.order;

    performUpgrade(creep: BuilderCreep) {
        if (
            || (creep.room.defense.getEnemyStrength() >= ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL && !creep.room.controller?.safeMode)
            || creep.room.find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES).length > 0
        ) {
            delete creep.memory.upgrading;
            delete creep.room.memory.noBuilderNeeded;

        creep.room.memory.noBuilderNeeded = Game.time;
        const roomHasTooLittleEnergy = creep.room.storage && creep.room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 25_000;
        const shouldNotUpgrade = creep.room.controller.level === 8 && !balancer.maySpendEnergyOnGpl();
        const funnelManager = container.get('FunnelManager');
        const isFunnelingElsewhere = creep.room.terminal && funnelManager.isFunneling() && !funnelManager.isFunnelingTo(creep.room.name) && creep.room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 100_000;
        const isStripmine = creep.room.controller.level >= 6 && creep.room.isStripmine();
        if (
            || shouldNotUpgrade
            || isFunnelingElsewhere
            || isStripmine
            || creep.room.controller.upgradeBlocked
        ) {
            // Prevent draining energy stores by recycling.

        const controller = creep.room.controller;
        creep.whenInRange(3, controller, () => {
            const result = creep.upgradeController(controller);
            if (controller.level == 8 && result == OK) {
                const amount = Math.min(creep.store[RESOURCE_ENERGY], creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) * UPGRADE_CONTROLLER_POWER);

     * Makes the creep repair damaged buildings.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if an action was performed.
    performRepair(creep: BuilderCreep): boolean {
        if (!creep.memory.order || !creep.memory.order.target || !Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.order.target)) {

        if (!creep.memory.order || !creep.memory.order.target || !Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.order.target)) {
            return false;

        if (
            creep.room.defense.getEnemyStrength() > ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL
            && !creep.room.controller?.safeMode
            && !([STRUCTURE_SPAWN, STRUCTURE_RAMPART, STRUCTURE_TOWER, STRUCTURE_WALL] as string[]).includes(Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.order.target).structureType)
        ) {

            if (!creep.memory.order || !creep.memory.order.target || !Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.order.target)) {
                return false;

        if (creep.memory.order.type === 'repair') {
            const target = Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.order.target);
            let maxHealth = target.hitsMax;
            if (creep.memory.order.maxHealth) {
                maxHealth = creep.memory.order.maxHealth;

                // Repair ramparts past their maxHealth to counteract decaying.
                if (target.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART) {
                    maxHealth = Math.min(maxHealth + 10_000, target.hitsMax);

            if (!target.hits || target.hits >= maxHealth) {
                return true;

            this.repairTarget(creep, target);
            return true;

        if (creep.memory.order.type === 'build') {
            const target = Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.order.target);
            this.buildTarget(creep, target);
            return true;

        // Unknown order type, recalculate!
        hivemind.log('creeps', creep.pos.roomName).notify('Unknown order type detected on', creep.name);
        return true;

     * Sets a good repair or build target for this creep.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
    calculateBuilderTarget(creep: BuilderCreep) {
        delete creep.memory.order;

        const best: any = utilities.getBestOption(this.getAvailableBuilderTargets(creep));
        if (!best || best.priority <= 0) return;

        delete creep.room.memory.noBuilderNeeded;
        creep.memory.order = {
            type: best.type,
            target: best.object.id,
            maxHealth: best.maxHealth,

     * Collects information about all damaged or unfinished buildings in the current room.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @return {Array}
     *   An array of repair or build option objects.
    getAvailableBuilderTargets(creep: BuilderCreep): OrderOption[] {
        const options: OrderOption[] = [];

        this.addRepairOptions(creep, options);
        this.addBuildOptions(creep, options);

        return options;

     * Collects damaged structures with priorities for repairing.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {Array} options
     *   An array of repair or build option objects to add to.
    addRepairOptions(creep: BuilderCreep, options: OrderOption[]) {
        const targets = _.filter(
            structure => structure.hits < structure.hitsMax
                && !structure.needsDismantling()
                && this.isSafePosition(creep, structure.pos),
        for (const target of targets) {
            const option: OrderOption = {
                priority: 3,
                weight: 1 - (target.hits / target.hitsMax),
                type: 'repair',
                object: target,
                maxHealth: null,

            if (target.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL || target.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART) {
                this.modifyRepairDefensesOption(creep, option, target as (StructureWall | StructureRampart));
            else {
                if (target.hits / target.hitsMax > 0.9) {

                if (target.hits / target.hitsMax < 0.2) {

                // Roads are not that important, repair only when low.
                if (target.structureType === STRUCTURE_ROAD && target.hits > target.hitsMax / 3) {
                    option.priority = 0;

                // Slightly adjust weight so that closer structures get
                // prioritized. Not for walls or Ramparts, though, we want those
                // to be equally strong all arond.
                option.weight -= creep.pos.getRangeTo(target) / 100;

            // For many decaying structures, we don't care if they're "almost" full.
            if ((target.structureType === STRUCTURE_ROAD || target.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART || target.structureType === STRUCTURE_CONTAINER) && target.hits / (option.maxHealth || target.hitsMax) > 0.9) {

            // Spread out repairs unless room is under attack.
            if (creep.room.defense.getEnemyStrength() === ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE) {
                option.priority -= creep.room.getCreepsWithOrder('repair', target.id).length;


    getAvailableRepairTargets(creep: BuilderCreep): Array<Structure<BuildableStructureConstant>> {
        const repairableStructureIds = cache.inHeap('repairStructures:' + creep.room.name, 50, () => {
            const repairableStructures = _.filter(creep.room.structures, (structure: Structure<BuildableStructureConstant>) => {
                if (structure.hits >= this.getStructureMaxHits(structure)) return false;
                if (structure.needsDismantling()) return false;

                if (structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_ROAD) {
                    const isPlannedRoad = creep.room.roomPlanner && creep.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, STRUCTURE_ROAD);
                    const isOperationRoad = creep.room.roomManager && creep.room.roomManager.isOperationRoadPosition(structure.pos);

                    // Let old roads decay naturally.
                    if (!isPlannedRoad && !isOperationRoad) return false;

                if (
                    structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART
                    && creep.room.roomPlanner
                    && !creep.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'rampart')
                ) {
                    // Let old ramparts decay naturally.
                    return false;

                if (
                    structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL
                    && creep.room.roomPlanner
                    && !creep.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'wall')
                ) {
                    // Ignore old walls.
                    return false;

                return true;

            return _.map(
                structure => structure.id,
            ) as Array<Id<Structure<BuildableStructureConstant>>>;

        return cache.inObject(creep.room, 'repairStructures', 1, () => _.filter(_.map(repairableStructureIds, (id: Id<Structure<BuildableStructureConstant>>) => Game.getObjectById(id))));

    getStructureMaxHits(structure: Structure<BuildableStructureConstant>): number {
        if (structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL || structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART) {
            // @todo Have a defcon system that determines how high ramparts
            // should be at any given time.
            let maxHealth = wallHealth[structure.room.controller.level];
            if (
                structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL
                && structure.room.roomPlanner
                && structure.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'wall.quad')
            ) {
                maxHealth /= 10;

            if (
                structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART
                && structure.room.roomPlanner
                && structure.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'rampart.ramp')
            ) {
                maxHealth /= 10;

            if (
                structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL
                && structure.room.roomPlanner
                && (structure.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'wall.blocker')
                || structure.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'wall.deco'))
            ) {
                maxHealth = 10_000;

            return maxHealth;

        return structure.hitsMax;

     * Modifies basic repair order for defense structures.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {object} option
     *   The repair order to modify.
     * @param {Structure} target
     *   The defensive structure in question.
    modifyRepairDefensesOption(creep: BuilderCreep, option, target: StructureWall | StructureRampart) {
        if (target.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL) option.priority--;

        // Walls and ramparts get repaired up to a certain health level.
        let maxHealth = this.getStructureMaxHits(target);

        if (
            || (!creep.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(target.pos, 'wall.blocker')
            && !creep.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(target.pos, 'wall.deco')))
            && target.hits >= maxHealth * 0.9 && target.hits < target.hitsMax
        ) {
            // This has really low priority.
            option.priority = creep.room.controller.level < 8 ? -1 : 0;
            maxHealth = target.hitsMax;

        option.weight = 1 - (target.hits / maxHealth);
        option.maxHealth = maxHealth;

        if (target.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART) {
            if (target.hits < 10_000 && creep.room.controller.level >= 3) {
                // Low ramparts get special treatment so they don't decay.

            if (creep.room.defense.getEnemyStrength() >= ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL) {
                // Repair defenses as much as possible to keep invaders out.
                // @todo Prioritize low HP wall / close to invaders.
            else if (creep.room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 5000 && target.hits >= 10_000) {
                // Don't strengthen ramparts too much if room is struggling for energy.
                option.priority = -1;
            else if (target.hits < hivemind.settings.get('minWallIntegrity') && creep.room.controller.level >= 6 && creep.room.terminal) {
                // Once we have a terminal, get ramparts to a level where we can
                // comfortably defend the room.

     * Collects construction sites with priorities for building.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {Array} options
     *   An array of repair or build option objects to add to.
    addBuildOptions(creep: BuilderCreep, options) {
        const targets = creep.room.find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES, {
            filter: site => this.isSafePosition(creep, site.pos),
        for (const target of targets) {
            const option = {
                priority: 4,
                weight: target.progress / target.progressTotal,
                type: 'build',
                object: target,

            // Slightly adjust weight so that closer sites get prioritized.
            option.weight -= creep.pos.getRangeTo(target) / 100;

            if (target.progressTotal < 1000) {
                // For things that are build quickly, don't send multiple builders to the
                // same target.
                // @todo Use target.progressTotal - target.progress in relation to
                // assigned builders' stored energy for this decision.
                option.priority -= creep.room.getCreepsWithOrder('build', target.id).length;

            if (target.structureType === STRUCTURE_SPAWN) {
                // Spawns have highest construction priority - we want to make
                // sure moving a spawn always works out.
                option.priority = 5;

            if (([STRUCTURE_ROAD, STRUCTURE_RAMPART, STRUCTURE_WALL, STRUCTURE_CONTAINER] as string[]).includes(target.structureType)) {
                // Roads and defenses can be built after functional buildings are done.

            if (([STRUCTURE_LAB, STRUCTURE_NUKER, STRUCTURE_FACTORY] as string[]).includes(target.structureType)) {
                // Expensive structures should only be built with excess energy.


     * Moves towards a target structure and repairs it once close enough.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {Structure} target
     *   The structure to repair.
    repairTarget(creep: BuilderCreep, target: Structure) {
        creep.whenInRange(3, target, () => {

        if (creep.pos.getRangeTo(target) > 3) {
            // Also try to repair things that are close by when appropriate.

     * Moves towards a target construction site and builds it once close enough.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {ConstructionSite} target
     *   The construction site to build.
    buildTarget(creep: BuilderCreep, target: ConstructionSite) {
        creep.whenInRange(3, target, () => {

        if (creep.pos.getRangeTo(target) > 3) {
            // Also try to repair things that are close by when appropriate.

     * While not actively working on anything else, use carried energy to repair nearby structures.
     * @param {Creep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
    repairNearby(creep: BuilderCreep) {
        if (creep.store[RESOURCE_ENERGY] < creep.store.getCapacity() * 0.7 && creep.store[RESOURCE_ENERGY] > creep.store.getCapacity() * 0.3) return;
        if (throttle(creep.heapMemory._tO)) return;

        const workParts = creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK);
        if (!workParts) return;

        const needsRepair = _.filter(this.getAvailableRepairTargets(creep), structure => {
            if (creep.pos.getRangeTo(structure.pos) > 3) return false;
            return true;

        for (const structure of needsRepair) {
            const maxHealth = this.getStructureMaxHits(structure);
            if (structure.hits > maxHealth - (workParts * 100)) continue;
