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// @todo Rewrite delivery part using transporter logic.
// @todo Just make the harvester build a container when none is available.
// @todo Merge fixedMineralSource into fixedSource.
// @todo Stop harvesting when container and link are full.

import Role from 'role/role';
import TransporterRole from 'role/transporter';
import {encodePosition, serializeCoords, deserializePosition} from 'utils/serialization';

declare global {
    interface HarvesterCreep extends Creep {
        memory: HarvesterCreepMemory;
        heapMemory: HarvesterCreepHeapMemory;

    interface HarvesterCreepMemory extends CreepMemory {
        role: 'harvester';
        harvesting?: boolean;
        fixedSource?: Id<Source>;
        fixedMineralSource?: Id<Mineral>;
        harvestPos?: number;
        noHarvestPos?: boolean;

    interface HarvesterCreepHeapMemory extends CreepHeapMemory {

export default class HarvesterRole extends Role {
    transporterRole: TransporterRole;

    constructor() {

        // Harvesting energy is essential and doesn't need tons of CPU.
        this.stopAt = 0;
        this.throttleAt = 2000;

        this.transporterRole = new TransporterRole();

     * Makes a creep behave like a harvester.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
    run(creep: HarvesterCreep) {
        if (creep.heapMemory.suicideSpawn) {

        // @todo Instead of completely circumventing TypeScript, find a way to
        // make energy gathering reusable between multiple roles.
        this.transporterRole.creep = creep as unknown as TransporterCreep;

        if (this.hasFinishedDelivering(creep)) {
            this.setHarvesterState(creep, true);
        else if (this.hasFinishedHarvesting(creep) && !this.isStationaryHarvester(creep)) {
            // Have harvester explicitly deliver resources, unless it's a fixed energy
            // harvester with no need to move.
            this.setHarvesterState(creep, false);

        if (creep.memory.harvesting) {


    hasFinishedDelivering(creep: HarvesterCreep) {
        return !creep.memory.harvesting && creep.store.getUsedCapacity() === 0;

    hasFinishedHarvesting(creep: HarvesterCreep) {
        return creep.memory.harvesting && creep.store.getFreeCapacity() === 0;

    isStationaryHarvester(creep: HarvesterCreep) {
        return (creep.memory.fixedSource || creep.memory.fixedMineralSource) && _.size(creep.room.creepsByRole.transporter) > 0;

     * Determines where a harvester's fixed position should be.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {Source | Mineral} source
     *   The source this harvester is assigned to.
    determineHarvestPosition(creep: HarvesterCreep, source: Source | Mineral) {
        if (creep.memory.harvestPos || creep.memory.noHarvestPos) return;
        if (!creep.room.roomPlanner) return;

        // Get harvest position from room planner.
        const harvestPos = _.sample(creep.room.roomPlanner.getLocations('harvester.' + source.id));
        if (harvestPos) creep.memory.harvestPos = serializeCoords(harvestPos.x, harvestPos.y);

        if (!creep.memory.harvestPos) {
            creep.memory.noHarvestPos = true;

     * Puts this creep into or out of harvesting mode.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {boolean} harvesting
     *   Whether this creep should be harvesting.
    setHarvesterState(creep: HarvesterCreep, harvesting: boolean) {
        creep.memory.harvesting = harvesting;
        delete creep.memory.resourceTarget;

     * Makes the creep gather resources in the current room.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
    performHarvest(creep: HarvesterCreep) {
        let source: Source | Mineral;
        if (creep.memory.fixedSource) {
            source = Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.fixedSource);
            // @todo Just in case, handle source not existing anymore.
        else if (creep.memory.fixedMineralSource) {
            source = Game.getObjectById(creep.memory.fixedMineralSource);
            const minAmount = 0;
            /* If (source && source.mineralType === RESOURCE_THORIUM && !creep.room.isStripmine()) {
                minAmount = creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) * 10;
            } */

            if (!source || source.mineralAmount <= minAmount) {
                // Return home and suicide.

        this.determineHarvestPosition(creep, source);

        // By default, just move to range 1 of the source.
        let targetPos = source.pos;
        let targetRange = 1;

        // If available, move onto a harvest position.
        if (creep.memory.harvestPos) {
            const harvestPosition = deserializePosition(creep.memory.harvestPos, creep.room.name);
            if (harvestPosition.lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS).length === 0) {
                targetPos = harvestPosition;
                targetRange = 0;

        // Move to container when creep's store is almost full.
        const targetContainer = source.getNearbyContainer();
        const harvestPower = (source instanceof Source) ? HARVEST_POWER : HARVEST_MINERAL_POWER;
        if (
            && targetContainer.pos.getRangeTo(targetPos) > 1
            && creep.store.getFreeCapacity() < creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) * harvestPower
        ) {
            targetPos = targetContainer.pos;
            targetRange = 1;

        creep.whenInRange(targetRange, targetPos, () => {

            // If there's a harvester bay, transfer resources into it.
            if (this.depositInBay(creep)) return;

            // If there's a link or container nearby, directly deposit resources.
            this.depositResources(creep, source);

     * Deposits energy in a harvester's bay.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if the harvester is in a bay.
    depositInBay(creep: HarvesterCreep): boolean {
        if (!creep.memory.harvestPos) return false;
        const harvestPosition = deserializePosition(creep.memory.harvestPos, creep.room.name);
        const bay = _.find(creep.room.bays, bay => bay.name === encodePosition(harvestPosition));

        if (!bay) return false;
        if (creep.pos.x !== bay.pos.x || creep.pos.y !== bay.pos.y) return false;

        if (creep.store.getUsedCapacity() >= creep.store.getCapacity() * (bay.needsRefill() ? 0.6 : 1)) bay.refillFrom(creep);
        if (bay.needsRefill()) this.pickupEnergy(creep);

        return bay.energyCapacity > 0;

     * Makes a harvester pickup energy from the ground or a close container.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
    pickupEnergy(creep: HarvesterCreep) {
        const resources = creep.pos.lookFor(LOOK_RESOURCES);
        const energy = _.find(resources, r => r.resourceType === RESOURCE_ENERGY);
        if (energy) {

        const structures = creep.pos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
        const container = _.find(structures, s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);
        if (container && ((container as StructureContainer).store.energy || 0) > 0) {
            creep.withdraw(container, RESOURCE_ENERGY);

     * Makes a harvester deposit resources in nearby structures.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
     * @param {Source} source
     *   The source this harvester is assigned to.
    depositResources(creep: HarvesterCreep, source: Source | Mineral) {
        const harvestPower = (source instanceof Source) ? HARVEST_POWER : HARVEST_MINERAL_POWER;
        if (creep.store.getFreeCapacity() >= creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) * harvestPower) return;

        const targetContainer = source.getNearbyContainer();

        if (
            && creep.store.energy > Math.max(creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) * BUILD_POWER, creep.store.getCapacity() - creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) * HARVEST_POWER)
            && _.filter(creep.room.creepsByRole.builder, c => c.store.getFreeCapacity() > 20).length === 0
        ) {
            // Check if there is a container construction site nearby and help build it.
            const sites = source.pos.findInRange(FIND_CONSTRUCTION_SITES, 3, {
                filter: site => site.structureType === STRUCTURE_CONTAINER,

            if (sites.length > 0) {
                creep.whenInRange(3, sites[0], () => creep.build(sites[0]));

        let target: StructureContainer | StructureLink = source.getNearbyContainer();
        if (target?.store.getFreeCapacity() === 0) target = null;

        if (source instanceof Source && creep.store.energy > 0) {
            const link = source.getNearbyLink();
            if (link && link.store.getFreeCapacity(RESOURCE_ENERGY) > 0) {
                target = link;
            else {
                // Check for other nearby links.
                const links: StructureLink[] = _.filter(
                    structure =>
                        structure.store.getFreeCapacity(RESOURCE_ENERGY) > 0
                        && source.pos.getRangeTo(structure.pos) <= 3,
                if (links.length > 0) {
                    target = links[0];

        if (target) {
            const distance = creep.pos.getRangeTo(target);
            creep.whenInRange(1, target, () => {
                if (target.structureType === STRUCTURE_CONTAINER && distance === 0) {
                    // Nothing to do, resources will drop into the container.
                else {

        if (creep.room.controller.level < 6 && creep.store.energy > 0) {
            const nearbyCreeps = creep.pos.findInRange(FIND_MY_CREEPS, 1, {
                filter: c => {
                    if (['transporter', 'upgrader', 'builder', 'builder.remote'].includes(c.memory.role) && c.store.getFreeCapacity() > 0) return true;

                    return false;

            if (nearbyCreeps.length > 0) {
                const targetCreep = _.sample(nearbyCreeps);
                creep.transfer(targetCreep, RESOURCE_ENERGY, Math.min(creep.store.energy, targetCreep.store.getFreeCapacity()));

     * Dumps resources a harvester creep has gathered.
     * @param {HarvesterCreep} creep
     *   The creep to run logic for.
    performHarvesterDeliver(creep: HarvesterCreep) {
        if (!creep.memory.fixedSource && !creep.memory.fixedMineralSource) return;

        if (_.size(creep.room.creepsByRole.transporter) === 0) {
            // Use transporter drop off logic.

        this.setHarvesterState(creep, true);