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1 wk
Test Coverage

import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import RoomPlanner from 'room/planner/room-planner';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE} from 'room-defense';
import {serializeCoords} from 'utils/serialization';

declare global {
    interface Structure {
        needsDismantling: () => boolean;

    interface Room {
        roomManager: RoomManager;

    interface RoomMemory {
        manager: RoomManagerMemory;

    interface RoomManagerMemory {
        runNextTick: boolean;
        hasMisplacedSpawn: boolean;
        dismantle: Record<string, number>;

interface ScoredExtractorPosition {
    position: RoomPosition;
    hasExtractor: boolean;
    score: number;
    mineralType?: MineralConstant;

export default class RoomManager {
    room: Room;
    roomPlanner: RoomPlanner;
    memory: RoomManagerMemory;
    roomConstructionSites: ConstructionSite[];
    constructionSitesByType: Record<string, ConstructionSite[]>;

    roomStructures: Structure[];
    structuresByType: Record<string, Structure[]>;

    newStructures: number;

     * Creates a new RoomManager object.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to manage.
    constructor(room: Room) {
        this.room = room;
        this.roomPlanner = room.roomPlanner;

    initializeMemory() {
        if (!Memory.rooms[this.room.name]) {
            Memory.rooms[this.room.name] = {} as RoomMemory;

        if (!Memory.rooms[this.room.name].manager) {
            Memory.rooms[this.room.name].manager = {
                dismantle: {},
                runNextTick: false,
                hasMisplacedSpawn: false,

        this.memory = Memory.rooms[this.room.name].manager;

     * Determines if the RoomManager needs to run immediately.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True to ignore normal throttling.
    shouldRunImmediately() {
        return this.memory.runNextTick;

     * Manages the assigned room.
    runLogic() {
        if (!this.roomPlanner || !this.roomPlanner.isPlanningFinished()) return;
        if (this.room.defense.getEnemyStrength() > ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE && !this.room.controller?.safeMode) return;

        delete this.memory.runNextTick;
        this.roomConstructionSites = this.room.find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES);
        this.constructionSitesByType = _.groupBy(this.roomConstructionSites, 'structureType');
        this.roomStructures = this.room.structures;
        this.structuresByType = this.room.structuresByType;
        this.newStructures = 0;

        if (this.isRoomRecovering()) {

            if (!this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] || this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN].length === 0) return;
            if (CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_STORAGE][this.room.controller.level] > 0 && (!this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_STORAGE] || this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_STORAGE].length === 0)) return;


    isRoomRecovering(): boolean {
        if ((this.room.controller.safeMode ?? 0) > 5000) return false;
        if (this.room.needsReclaiming()) return true;

        if (this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] && this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN].length > 0) return false;
        if (this.room.controller.level < 3) return false;

        return true;

    buildRoomDefenseFirst() {
        for (let i = 0; i < CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_TOWER][this.room.controller.level]; i++) {
            // Build ramparts at tower spots.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('tower.' + i, STRUCTURE_RAMPART, pos => this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'tower'));
            this.buildPlannedStructures('tower.' + i, STRUCTURE_TOWER, pos => this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'tower'));
        // @todo We don't really want to build ramparts at spots where we
        // can't build towers yet (if we're not at max RCL).
        this.buildPlannedStructures('tower', STRUCTURE_RAMPART);
        this.buildPlannedStructures('tower', STRUCTURE_TOWER);

        // Build normal ramparts.
        this.buildPlannedStructures('rampart', STRUCTURE_RAMPART);

        // Build spawn once we have enough capacity for decently sized creeps.
        if (this.checkWallIntegrity(10_000)) {
            const creepCost = 6 * BODYPART_COST[WORK] + 3 * BODYPART_COST[MOVE] + 3 * BODYPART_COST[CARRY];
            if (this.room.energyCapacityAvailable + SPAWN_ENERGY_CAPACITY < creepCost) {

            this.buildPlannedStructures('spawn.0', STRUCTURE_SPAWN);
            this.buildPlannedStructures('container.source', STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);
            this.buildPlannedStructures('storage', STRUCTURE_STORAGE);

    canCreateConstructionSites() {
        return this.newStructures + this.roomConstructionSites.length < 5;

     * Removes structures that might prevent the room's construction.
    cleanRoom() {
        // Remove all extensions and labs blocking roads or bays (from redesigning rooms).
        for (const extension of this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_EXTENSION] || []) {
            if (this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(extension.pos, 'extension')) continue;
            if (!this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(extension.pos, 'road')) continue;


        for (const lab of this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_LAB] || []) {
            if (this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'lab')) continue;
            if (
                !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'road')
                && !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'spawn')
                && !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'link')
                && !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'extension')
            ) continue;


        for (const lab of this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_LINK] || []) {
            if (this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'link')) continue;
            if (
                !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'road')
                && !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'spawn')
                && !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'link')
                && !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(lab.pos, 'extension')
            ) continue;


        // Remove unwanted walls that might block initial buildings.
        for (const wall of this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_WALL] || []) {
            if (
                this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(wall.pos, 'road')
                || this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(wall.pos, 'harvester')
                || this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(wall.pos, 'spawn')
                || this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(wall.pos, 'storage')
                || this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(wall.pos, 'extension')
            ) {

        // Remove hostile structures.
        // @todo Might keep storage / terminal / factory alive to withdraw from
        // before reaching rcl 4.
        for (const structure of this.room.find(FIND_HOSTILE_STRUCTURES)) {

        // Remove hostile construction sites as they might count against our limits.
        for (const site of this.room.find(FIND_CONSTRUCTION_SITES)) {
            if (site.my) continue;


    getOperationRoadPositions(): Record<number, RoomPosition> {
        return cache.inHeap('opRoads:' + this.room.name, 100, () => {
            const positions = {};

            for (const operationName in Game.operationsByType.mining || []) {
                const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining[operationName];

                const locations = operation.getMiningLocationsByRoom();
                if (!locations[this.room.name]) continue;

                const paths = operation.getPaths();
                for (const sourceLocation of locations[this.room.name]) {
                    for (const position of paths[sourceLocation].path) {
                        if (position.roomName === this.room.name) positions[serializeCoords(position.x, position.y)] = position;

            return positions;

    isOperationRoadPosition(position: RoomPosition): boolean {
        const positions = this.getOperationRoadPositions();
        if (positions[serializeCoords(position.x, position.y)]) return true;

        return false;

     * Makes sure structures are built and removed as intended.
    manageStructures() {
        if (_.size(Game.spawns) === 1 && _.sample(Game.spawns).room.name === this.room.name && this.room.controller.level < 4) {
            // In our first room, getting more extensions is pretty important for
            // spawning bigger creeps asap.

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // Make sure towers are built in the right place, remove otherwise.
        this.removeUnplannedStructures('tower', STRUCTURE_TOWER, 1);
        const maxTowers = CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_TOWER][this.room.controller.level];
        for (let i = 0; i < maxTowers; i++) {
            this.buildPlannedStructures('tower.' + i, STRUCTURE_TOWER, pos => this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'tower'));

        this.buildPlannedStructures('tower', STRUCTURE_TOWER);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // Make sure all current spawns have been built.
        const roomSpawns = this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] || [];
        const roomSpawnSites = this.constructionSitesByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] || [];

        // Make sure spawns are built in the right place, remove otherwise.
        delete this.memory.hasMisplacedSpawn;
        if (roomSpawns.length >= CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_SPAWN][this.room.controller.level] && this.roomConstructionSites.length === 0) {
            if (this.removeMisplacedSpawn(roomSpawns)) return;
        else if (roomSpawns.length + roomSpawnSites.length < CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_SPAWN][this.room.controller.level]) {
            for (let i = 0; i < CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_SPAWN][this.room.controller.level]; i++) {
                this.buildPlannedStructures('spawn.' + i, STRUCTURE_SPAWN, pos => this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'spawn'));

            this.buildPlannedStructures('spawn', STRUCTURE_SPAWN);

        this.buildPlannedStructures('wall.blocker', STRUCTURE_WALL);

        if (this.room.controller.level === 0) {
            // Build road to sources asap to make getting energy easier.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('road.source', STRUCTURE_ROAD);

            // Build road to controller for easier upgrading.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('road.controller', STRUCTURE_ROAD);

            // If we're waiting for a claim, busy ourselves by building roads.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('road', STRUCTURE_ROAD);

        if (this.room.controller.level < 2) return;

        // Make sure enough extensions for reasonably sized creeps are built.
        if (this.room.energyCapacityAvailable < MAX_CREEP_SIZE * (BODYPART_COST[WORK] + BODYPART_COST[MOVE]) / 2) {

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // At level 2, we can start building containers at sources and controller.
        this.removeUnplannedStructures('container', STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);
        this.buildPlannedStructures('container.source', STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);
        this.buildPlannedStructures('container.controller', STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);

        // @todo We might be able to get away with not building ramparts as long as
        // we still have a safemode remaining, it's not on cooldown, and no other
        // room of ours is safemoded.
        const currentSafemode = this.room.controller.safeMode ?? 0;
        if (this.room.controller.level >= 3 && (currentSafemode < 2000 || this.room.controller.safeModeCooldown)) {
            // Make sure all requested main ramparts are built.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('rampart', STRUCTURE_RAMPART, pos => !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'rampart.ramp'));

            // Make sure all on-ramps are built as well.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('rampart', STRUCTURE_RAMPART);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // Build storage ASAP.
        if (this.hasMisplacedStorage() && this.room.storage.store.getUsedCapacity() < 5000) {
            this.removeUnplannedStructures('storage', STRUCTURE_STORAGE, 1);

        this.buildPlannedStructures('storage', STRUCTURE_STORAGE);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // Also build terminal when available.
        if (this.hasMisplacedTerminal() && this.room.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity() < 5000) {
            this.removeUnplannedStructures('terminal', STRUCTURE_TERMINAL, 1);

        this.buildPlannedStructures('terminal', STRUCTURE_TERMINAL);

        if (this.room.storage || CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_STORAGE][this.room.controller.level] < 1) {
            // Build road to sources asap to make getting energy easier.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('road.source', STRUCTURE_ROAD);

            // Build road to controller for easier upgrading.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('road.controller', STRUCTURE_ROAD);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;


        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // Build extractor and related container if available.
        if (CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR][this.room.controller.level] > 0) {
            this.buildPlannedStructures('container.mineral', STRUCTURE_CONTAINER);

        if (this.room.controller.level < 4) return;

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // Slate all unmanaged walls and ramparts for deconstruction.
        this.memory.dismantle = {};
        if (!this.room.needsReclaiming()) {
            const unwantedWalls = _.filter(
                structure => !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'wall'),
            const unwantedRamparts = hivemind.settings.get('dismantleUnwantedRamparts') ? _.filter(
                structure => !this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, 'rampart'),
            ) : [];
            const unwantedDefenses = [...unwantedWalls, ...unwantedRamparts];

            for (const structure of unwantedDefenses) {
                if (hivemind.settings.get('dismantleUnwantedRamparts')) {
                    this.memory.dismantle[structure.id] = 1;
                else if (structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_WALL) {

        // At level 4, we can build all remaining roads.
        if (this.room.storage) {
            this.buildPlannedStructures('road', STRUCTURE_ROAD);

        // Build any missing extensions.

        // Further constructions should only happen in safe rooms.
        if (this.room.isEvacuating()) return;
        if (!this.checkWallIntegrity()) return;


        this.buildPlannedStructures('wall.deco', STRUCTURE_WALL);

    manageExtensions() {
        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        // Make sure extensions are built in the right place, remove otherwise.
        this.removeUnplannedStructures('extension', STRUCTURE_EXTENSION, 1);
        if (this.room.controller.level >= 3) {
            // We can now build extensions near energy sources, since harvesters are now
            // big enough that one will be able to harvest all available energy.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('extension.harvester', STRUCTURE_EXTENSION, pos => this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'extension'));

        // Otherwise, build extensions one bay at a time.
        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            this.buildPlannedStructures('extension.bay.' + i, STRUCTURE_EXTENSION, pos => this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'extension'));

        // Then, all extensions we might have missed.
        this.buildPlannedStructures('extension.bay', STRUCTURE_EXTENSION, pos => this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'extension'));
        this.buildPlannedStructures('extension', STRUCTURE_EXTENSION);

    manageLinks() {
        // Make sure links are built in the right place, remove otherwise.
        this.removeUnplannedStructures('link', STRUCTURE_LINK, 1);
        if (!this.buildPlannedStructures('link.controller', STRUCTURE_LINK)) return;

        // Build link to farthest locations first.
        const farthestLinks = _.sortBy(this.roomPlanner.getLocations('link.source'), p => -p.getRangeTo(this.room.controller.pos));
        for (const pos of farthestLinks) {
            if (!this.tryBuild(pos, STRUCTURE_LINK)) return;

        this.buildPlannedStructures('link.source', STRUCTURE_LINK);
        this.buildPlannedStructures('link.storage', STRUCTURE_LINK);
        this.buildPlannedStructures('link', STRUCTURE_LINK);

    manageExtractors() {
        const plannedLocations = this.roomPlanner.getLocations('extractor');
        if (plannedLocations.length <= CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR][this.room.controller.level]) {
            this.buildPlannedStructures('extractor', STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR);

        const sortedMinerals = _.sortBy(this.scoreExtractorPositions(plannedLocations), p => -p.score);

        let missingExtractors = 0;
        let missingThoriumExtractor = false;
        for (const mineral of sortedMinerals) {
            // Build extractor only on minerals that have resources left.
            if (mineral.score > 0) {
                if (mineral.hasExtractor) {
                    const extractor = _.find(mineral.position.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES), s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR);
                    if (!extractor) continue;
                    if (missingThoriumExtractor && extractor.destroy() === OK) {
                        missingThoriumExtractor = false;
                        this.memory.runNextTick = true;
                else {
                    const currentExtractors = _.size(this.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR]) + _.size(this.constructionSitesByType[STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR]);

                    if (currentExtractors >= CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR][this.room.controller.level]) {
                        // If (mineral.mineralType === RESOURCE_THORIUM) missingThoriumExtractor = true;
                    else {
                        this.tryBuild(mineral.position, STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR);


            // Dismantle extractors if its mineral is empty and there's an uncovered
            // mineral with resources left.
            if (missingExtractors === 0) break;
            if (!mineral.hasExtractor) continue;

            const extractor = _.find(mineral.position.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES), s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR);
            if (!extractor) continue;

            if (extractor.destroy() === OK) {
                this.memory.runNextTick = true;

    scoreExtractorPositions(positions: RoomPosition[]): ScoredExtractorPosition[] {
        const result: ScoredExtractorPosition[] = [];

        for (const position of positions) {
            const mineral = position.lookFor(LOOK_MINERALS)[0];

            const structures = position.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
            const constructionSites = position.lookFor(LOOK_CONSTRUCTION_SITES);

            const hasExtractor = _.some(structures, s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR)
                || _.some(constructionSites, s => s.structureType === STRUCTURE_EXTRACTOR);

            let scoreFactor = 1; // Mineral && mineral.mineralType === RESOURCE_THORIUM ? 5 : 1;
            if (mineral && !mineral.room.isStripmine() && mineral.mineralAmount < 500) {
                scoreFactor = 0;

                score: (mineral?.mineralAmount || -100) * scoreFactor,
                mineralType: mineral?.mineralType,

        return result;

     * Try placing construction sites of the given type at all locations.
     * @param {string} locationType
     *   The type of location that should be checked.
     * @param {string} structureType
     *   The type of structure to place.
     * @param {Function} filterCallback
     *   If a callback is provided, structures are only constructed for positions
     *   where it returns true.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if we can continue building.
    buildPlannedStructures(locationType: string, structureType: StructureConstant, filterCallback?: (pos: RoomPosition) => boolean): boolean {
        let canBuildMore = true;
        for (const pos of this.roomPlanner.getLocations(locationType)) {
            if (filterCallback && !filterCallback(pos)) continue;
            if (this.tryBuild(pos, structureType)) continue;

            canBuildMore = false;

        return canBuildMore;

    buildOperationRoads() {
        const positions = this.getOperationRoadPositions();
        for (const pos of _.values<RoomPosition>(positions)) {
            if (this.tryBuild(pos, STRUCTURE_ROAD)) continue;


     * Tries to place a construction site.
     * @param {RoomPosition} pos
     *   The position at which to place the structure.
     * @param {string} structureType
     *   The type of structure to place.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if we can continue building.
    tryBuild(pos: RoomPosition, structureType) {
        // Check if there's a structure here already.
        const structures = pos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
        for (const i in structures) {
            if (structures[i].structureType === structureType) {
                // Structure is here, continue.
                return true;

        // Check if there's a construction site here already.
        const sites = pos.lookFor(LOOK_CONSTRUCTION_SITES);
        for (const i in sites) {
            if (sites[i].structureType === structureType) {
                // Structure is being built, continue.
                return true;

        const canCreateMoreSites = this.newStructures + this.roomConstructionSites.length < 5;
        if (canCreateMoreSites && _.size(Game.constructionSites) < MAX_CONSTRUCTION_SITES * 0.9) {
            // Don't try to build some structures if a nuke is about to land nearby.
            if ([STRUCTURE_SPAWN, STRUCTURE_EXTENSION, STRUCTURE_LINK, STRUCTURE_CONTAINER, STRUCTURE_ROAD].includes(structureType) && pos.findInRange(FIND_NUKES, 2).length > 0) {
                return true;

            const isBlocked = OBSTACLE_OBJECT_TYPES.includes(structureType)
                && (pos.lookFor(LOOK_CREEPS).length > 0 || pos.lookFor(LOOK_POWER_CREEPS).length > 0);
            if (!isBlocked && pos.createConstructionSite(structureType) === OK) {
                // Structure is being built, continue.
                return true;

            // Some other structure is blocking or we can't build more of this structure.
            // Building logic should continue for now.
            return true;

        // We can't build anymore in this room right now.
        return false;

     * Removes misplaced spawns for rebuilding at a new location.
     * @param {StructureSpawn[]} roomSpawns
     *   List of spawns in the room.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a spawn was destroyed this tick.
    removeMisplacedSpawn(roomSpawns) {
        for (const spawn of roomSpawns) {
            if (this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(spawn.pos, 'spawn')) continue;

            // Only destroy spawn if there are enough resources and builders available.
            const roomEnergy = this.room.storage ? this.room.storage.store.energy : 0;
            const resourcesAvailable = (roomEnergy > CONSTRUCTION_COST[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] * 2 && _.size(this.room.creepsByRole.builder) > 1);
            if (!resourcesAvailable && _.size(roomSpawns) === 1) return false;

            // This spawn is misplaced, set a flag for spawning more builders to help.
            if (roomEnergy > CONSTRUCTION_COST[STRUCTURE_SPAWN] * 2) {
                this.memory.hasMisplacedSpawn = true;

            // Don't check whether spawn can be moved right now if a creep is spawning.
            if (spawn.spawning) continue;

            let buildPower = 0;
            for (const creep of _.values<Creep>(this.room.creepsByRole.builder)) {
                if (creep.ticksToLive) {
                    buildPower += creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) * creep.ticksToLive / CREEP_LIFE_TIME;

            if (buildPower > 15) {
                this.memory.runNextTick = true;
                // Only kill of one spawn at a time, it should be rebuilt right away next tick!
                return true;

        return false;

     * Checks if the room has a spawn at the wrong location.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a spawn needs to be moved.
    hasMisplacedSpawn(): boolean {
        return this.memory.hasMisplacedSpawn;

     * Checks if the room has a storage at the wrong location.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a storage needs to be moved.
    hasMisplacedStorage(): boolean {
        if (!this.room.storage) return false;
        if (!this.roomPlanner) return false;
        if (this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(this.room.storage.pos, 'storage')) return false;

        return true;

     * Checks if the room has a terminal at the wrong location.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a terminal needs to be moved.
    hasMisplacedTerminal(): boolean {
        if (!this.room.terminal) return false;
        if (!this.roomPlanner) return false;
        if (this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(this.room.terminal.pos, 'terminal')) return false;

        return true;

     * Remove structures that are not part of the current building plan.
     * @param {string} locationType
     *   The type of location that should be checked.
     * @param {string} structureType
     *   The type of structure to remove.
     * @param {number} amount
     *   Maximum number of structures to remove during a single tick.
    removeUnplannedStructures(locationType, structureType, amount?: number) {
        const structures = this.structuresByType[structureType] || [];
        const sites = this.constructionSitesByType[structureType] || [];

        let limit = Math.min(CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[structureType][this.room.controller.level], _.size(this.room.roomPlanner.getLocations(locationType)));
        if (amount) {
            limit = amount + structures.length + sites.length - limit;

        let count = 0;
        for (const structure of structures) {
            if (!this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(structure.pos, locationType)) {
                if (count < limit) {
                else break;

        for (const site of sites) {
            if (!this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(site.pos, locationType)) {

     * Checks if all ramparts in the room have at least 500.000 hits.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if walls are considered complete.
    checkWallIntegrity(minHits?: number) {
        // @todo make this consistent with defense manager.
        if (!minHits) minHits = hivemind.settings.get('minWallIntegrity');
        const maxHealth = hivemind.settings.get('maxWallHealth');

        minHits *= maxHealth[this.room.controller.level] / maxHealth[8];

        for (const pos of this.roomPlanner.getLocations('rampart')) {
            if (this.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'rampart.ramp')) continue;

            // Check if there's a rampart here already.
            const structures = pos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
            if (_.filter(structures, structure => structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART && structure.hits >= minHits).length === 0) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Builds structures that are relevant in fully built rooms only.
    buildEndgameStructures() {
        if (this.room.terminal) {
            // Once there is a terminal, build quad-breaker walls.
            this.buildPlannedStructures('wall.quad', STRUCTURE_WALL);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        if (hivemind.settings.get('constructLabs')) {
            // Make sure labs are built in the right place, remove otherwise.
            this.removeUnplannedStructures('lab', STRUCTURE_LAB, 1);
            if (CONTROLLER_STRUCTURES[STRUCTURE_LAB][this.room.controller.level] === 3) {
                // Build reaction labs first if we only have enough to start reactions.
                this.buildPlannedStructures('lab.reaction', STRUCTURE_LAB);
            else {
                // Build boost lab with priority.
                this.buildPlannedStructures('lab.boost', STRUCTURE_LAB);

                // Build remaining labs.
                this.buildPlannedStructures('lab', STRUCTURE_LAB);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        if (hivemind.settings.get('constructNukers')) {
            // Make sure all current nukers have been built.
            if (_.size(this.roomConstructionSites) === 0) this.removeUnplannedStructures('nuker', STRUCTURE_NUKER, 1);
            this.buildPlannedStructures('nuker', STRUCTURE_NUKER);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        if (hivemind.settings.get('constructPowerSpawns')) {
            // Make sure all current power spawns have been built.
            if (_.size(this.roomConstructionSites) === 0) this.removeUnplannedStructures('powerSpawn', STRUCTURE_POWER_SPAWN, 1);
            this.buildPlannedStructures('powerSpawn', STRUCTURE_POWER_SPAWN);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        if (hivemind.settings.get('constructObservers')) {
            // Make sure all current observers have been built.
            if (_.size(this.roomConstructionSites) === 0) this.removeUnplannedStructures('observer', STRUCTURE_OBSERVER, 1);
            this.buildPlannedStructures('observer', STRUCTURE_OBSERVER);

        if (!this.canCreateConstructionSites()) return;

        if (hivemind.settings.get('constructFactories')) {
            // Make sure all current factories have been built.
            if (_.size(this.roomConstructionSites) === 0) {
                this.removeUnplannedStructures('factory', STRUCTURE_FACTORY, 1);
                if (
                    this.room.factory && (this.room.factory.level || 0) > 0
                    && this.room.factoryManager && this.room.factoryManager.getFactoryLevel() > 0
                    && this.room.factory.level !== this.room.factoryManager.getFactoryLevel()
                ) {

            this.buildPlannedStructures('factory', STRUCTURE_FACTORY);

     * Decides whether a dismantler is needed in the current room.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a dismantler should be spawned.
    needsDismantling() {
        return _.size(this.memory.dismantle) > 0;

     * Decides on a structure that needs to be dismantled.
     * @return {Structure}
     *   The next structure to dismantle.
    getDismantleTarget() {
        if (!this.needsDismantling()) return null;

        for (const id of _.keys(this.memory.dismantle)) {
            const structure = Game.getObjectById<AnyOwnedStructure>(id);
            if (!structure) {
                delete this.memory.dismantle[id];

            // If there's a rampart on it, dismantle the rampart first if requested, or just destroy the building immediately.
            const structures = structure.pos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
            let innocentRampartFound = false;
            for (const i in structures) {
                if (structures[i].structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART) {
                    if (this.memory.dismantle[structures[i].id]) {
                        return structures[i];

                    innocentRampartFound = true;

            if (!innocentRampartFound) {
                return structure;

        return null;

 * Decides whether a structure is supposed to be dismantled.
 * @return {boolean}
 *   True if the structure should be dismantled.
Structure.prototype.needsDismantling = function () {
    if (!this.room.roomManager || !this.room.roomManager.needsDismantling()) return false;

    if (this.room.roomManager.memory.dismantle && this.room.roomManager.memory.dismantle[this.id]) {
        return true;

    return false;