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import BodyBuilder, {MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD} from 'creep/body-builder';
import cache from 'utils/cache';
import SpawnRole from 'spawn-role/spawn-role';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL} from 'room-defense';

interface BuilderSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    size: number;

export default class BuilderSpawnRole extends SpawnRole {
     * Adds builder spawn options for the given room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
    getSpawnOptions(room: Room): BuilderSpawnOption[] {
        return this.cacheEmptySpawnOptionsFor(room, 50, () => {
            const maxWorkParts = this.getNeededWorkParts(room);

            let numberWorkParts = 0;
            _.each(room.creepsByRole.builder, creep => {
                numberWorkParts += creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) || 0;

            if (numberWorkParts >= maxWorkParts) return [];

            const availableEnergy = room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy();
            // @todo Use target wall health to determine if we need stronger ramparts.
            const needsStrongerRamparts = room.terminal && this.getLowestRampartValue(room) < 3_000_000 && availableEnergy > 10_000;
            const needsBuildings = room.find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES).length > 0;

            return [{
                priority: (needsStrongerRamparts || needsBuildings) ? 4 : 3,
                weight: 0.5,
                size: room.isEvacuating() ? 3 : null,

     * Determine how many work parts we need on builders in this room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to check.
     * @return {number}
     *   The number of work parts needed.
    getNeededWorkParts(room: Room): number {
        const numberConstructionSites = room.find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES).length;
        const hasStorage = room.storage || room.terminal;

        if (numberConstructionSites === 0 && room.memory.noBuilderNeeded && Game.time - room.memory.noBuilderNeeded < 1500 && hasStorage) {
            return 0;

        const availableEnergy = room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy();
        if (hasStorage && availableEnergy < 5000) {
            // Wait for room economy to kick in a little.
            return 0;

        if (room.isEvacuating()) {
            // Just spawn a small builder for keeping roads intact.
            return 1;

        if (hasStorage && availableEnergy < 10_000) {
            // Just spawn a small builder for keeping roads intact. Wait for
            // harvesting to fill up storage.
            return 1;

        if (availableEnergy < 10_000 && _.size(room.creepsByRole.harvester) <= 1) {
            const activeHarvesters = _.size(room.creepsByRole.harvester) + _.filter(Game.creepsByRole['harvester.remote'], (creep: RemoteHarvesterCreep) => creep.memory.sourceRoom === room.name).length;

            // Don't overspawn builders if there's hardly any energy income.
            if (activeHarvesters < _.size(room.sources)) return 1;

        let maxWorkParts = 5;
        if (room.controller.level > 2) {
            maxWorkParts += 5;

        // There are a lot of ramparts in planned rooms, spawn builders appropriately.
        // @todo Only if they are not fully built, of course.
        if (room.roomPlanner && room.controller.level >= 4) {
            maxWorkParts += _.size(room.roomPlanner.getLocations('rampart')) / 10;

        // Add more builders if we have a lot of energy to spare.
        if (!hasStorage) {
            // Small rooms that don't have a storage yet should spawn builders
            // depending on available energy - excess will be used for upgrading.
            maxWorkParts *= 1 + availableEnergy / 3000;
        else if (availableEnergy > 400_000) {
            maxWorkParts *= 2;
        else if (availableEnergy > 200_000) {
            maxWorkParts *= 1.5;

        // Add more builders if we're moving a spawn.
        if (room.roomManager?.hasMisplacedSpawn()) {
            maxWorkParts *= 2;

        // Add more builders if we have a terminal, but ramparts are too low to
        // reasonably protect the room.
        if (room.terminal && this.getLowestRampartValue(room) < 3_000_000 && availableEnergy > 10_000) {
            maxWorkParts *= 2.5;

        if (room.controller.level > 3) {
            // Spawn more builders depending on total size of current construction sites.
            // @todo Use hitpoints of construction sites vs number of work parts as a guide.
            maxWorkParts += numberConstructionSites / 2;

        return maxWorkParts;

     * Gets lowest number of hit points of all ramparts in the room.
     * @return {number}
     *   Number of hits for the lowest rampart.
    getLowestRampartValue(room: Room): number {
        return cache.inHeap('lowestRampart:' + room.name, 100, () => {
            const ramparts = _.filter(
                s => room.roomPlanner?.isPlannedLocation(s.pos, 'rampart')
                    && !room.roomPlanner?.isPlannedLocation(s.pos, 'rampart.ramp'),

            return _.min(ramparts, 'hits').hits;

     * Gets the body of a creep to be spawned.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {string[]}
     *   A list of body parts the new creep should consist of.
    getCreepBody(room: Room, option: BuilderSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[WORK]: 4, [CARRY]: 3})
            .setPartLimit(WORK, option.size)
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(room.energyCapacityAvailable * 0.9, room.energyAvailable)))

     * Gets memory for a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    getCreepMemory(room: Room): BuilderCreepMemory {
        return {
            role: 'builder',
            singleRoom: room.name,
            operation: 'room:' + room.name,

     * Gets which boosts to use on a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @param {string[]} body
     *   The body generated for this creep.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    getCreepBoosts(room: Room, option: BuilderSpawnOption, body: BodyPartConstant[]): Record<string, ResourceConstant> {
        // Only boost if ramparts need a lot of repairs.
        if (room.defense.getEnemyStrength() <= ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL) return {};

        return this.generateCreepBoosts(room, body, WORK, 'repair');