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import BodyBuilder, {MOVEMENT_MODE_MINIMAL, MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD} from 'creep/body-builder';
import SpawnRole from 'spawn-role/spawn-role';
import {getDangerMatrix} from 'utils/cost-matrix';
import {handleMapArea} from 'utils/map';

interface HarvesterSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    source: Id<Source>;
    size: number;
    force: boolean;

export default class HarvesterSpawnRole extends SpawnRole {
     * Adds harvester spawn options for the given room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
    getSpawnOptions(room: Room): HarvesterSpawnOption[] {
        return this.cacheEmptySpawnOptionsFor(room, 10, () => {
            // Stop harvesting if we can't really store any more energy.
            if (room.isFullOnEnergy() && !this.isSmallHarvesterNeeded(room)) return [];

            const options: HarvesterSpawnOption[] = [];
            for (const source of room.sources) {
                this.addInitialHarvester(source, options);
                this.addAdditionalHarvesters(source, options);

            return options;

     * Spawns a harvester at every source.
     * @param {Source} source
     *   The source to spawn harvesters for.
     * @param {Object[]} options
     *   A list of spawn options to add to.
    addInitialHarvester(source: Source, options: HarvesterSpawnOption[]) {
        // Spawn new harvester before previous harvester dies.
        const spawns = _.filter(Game.spawns, spawn => spawn.room.name === source.room.name);
        const minSpawnDistance = _.min(_.map(spawns, spawn => spawn.pos.getRangeTo(source.pos)));
        const activeHarvesters = _.filter(source.harvesters, creep => creep.spawning || creep.ticksToLive > creep.body.length * CREEP_SPAWN_TIME + minSpawnDistance);

        if (activeHarvesters.length > 0) return;
        if (!this.isSourceSafe(source)) return;

        const force = this.isSmallHarvesterNeeded(source.room);
            priority: (force ? 6 : (this.isEarlyGame(source.room) ? 5 : 4)),
            weight: (50 - minSpawnDistance) / 50,
            source: source.id,
            preferClosestSpawn: source.pos,
            size: this.getMaxWorkParts(source),

     * Spawns additional harvesters when it improves productivity.
     * @param {Source} source
     *   The source to spawn harvesters for.
     * @param {Object[]} options
     *   A list of spawn options to add to.
    addAdditionalHarvesters(source: Source, options: HarvesterSpawnOption[]) {
        // Starting from RCL 4, 1 harvester per source should always be enough.
        if (source.room.controller.level > 3) return;

        // Don't spawn more harvesters than we have space for.
        if (source.harvesters.length >= source.getNumHarvestSpots()) return;
        if (!this.isSourceSafe(source)) return;

        let totalWorkParts = 0;
        for (const creep of source.harvesters) {
            totalWorkParts += creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK) || 0;

        const spawns = _.filter(Game.spawns, spawn => spawn.room.name === source.room.name);
        const minSpawnDistance = _.min(_.map(spawns, spawn => spawn.pos.getRangeTo(source.pos)));
        const maxParts = this.getMaxWorkParts(source);
        if (totalWorkParts < maxParts) {
                priority: this.isEarlyGame(source.room) ? 5 : 4,
                weight: 1 - (totalWorkParts / maxParts / 2) - ((50 - minSpawnDistance) / 100),
                source: source.id,
                preferClosestSpawn: source.pos,
                size: maxParts,
                force: false,

    isSourceSafe(source: Source) {
        const dangerMatrix = getDangerMatrix(source.room.name);

        let safe = true;
        handleMapArea(source.pos.x, source.pos.y, (x, y) => {
            if (dangerMatrix.get(x, y) > 0) {
                safe = false;
                return false;

            return null;

        return safe;

     * Decides whether we have no other way to recover but to spawn with a reduced
     * number of parts.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to check.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a small harvester should be spawned.
    isSmallHarvesterNeeded(room: Room): boolean {
        // If there's another harvester, we're fine.
        if (_.size(room.creepsByRole.harvester) > 0) return false;

        // Otherwise, rooms without a storage need a harvester always.
        if (!room.storage) return true;

        // Rooms with a storage need to have some energy left. In that case,
        // a transporter can be spawned and provide enough energy for a full
        // harvester.
        if (room.getStoredEnergy() < 5000) return true;

        return false;

     * Calculates the maximum number of work parts for harvesting a source.
     * @param {Source} source
     *   The source to calculate the number of work parts for.
     * @return {number}
     *   Number of needed work parts.
    getMaxWorkParts(source: Source): number {
        let numberOfParts = source.energyCapacity / ENERGY_REGEN_TIME / 2;

        _.each(source.effects, effect => {
            if (effect.effect === PWR_REGEN_SOURCE) {
                numberOfParts += POWER_INFO[PWR_REGEN_SOURCE].effect[effect.level - 1] / POWER_INFO[PWR_REGEN_SOURCE].period / 2;

        // @todo Only spawn bigger harvesters in high level rooms when there's
        // enough energy and we need to save CPU.
        const sizeFactor = (source.room.controller.level === 8 ? 2
            : (source.room.controller.level === 7 ? 1.8
                : (source.room.controller.level === 6 ? 1.5 : 1.2)));

        return sizeFactor * numberOfParts;

     * Gets the body of a creep to be spawned.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {string[]}
     *   A list of body parts the new creep should consist of.
    getCreepBody(room: Room, option: HarvesterSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        const source = Game.getObjectById(option.source);
        const hasSpawnAtSource = _.some(room.myStructuresByType[STRUCTURE_SPAWN], s => source.pos.getRangeTo(s.pos) <= 2 && s.isOperational());
        const hasFewExtensions = room.energyCapacityAvailable < SPAWN_ENERGY_CAPACITY * 2;

        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[WORK]: 4, [CARRY]: 1})
            .setPartLimit(WORK, option.size)
            .setMovementMode(hasSpawnAtSource || hasFewExtensions ? MOVEMENT_MODE_MINIMAL : MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD)
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(option.force ? SPAWN_ENERGY_CAPACITY : room.energyCapacityAvailable, room.energyAvailable)))

     * Gets memory for a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    getCreepMemory(room: Room, option: HarvesterSpawnOption): HarvesterCreepMemory {
        return {
            role: 'harvester',
            singleRoom: room.name,
            fixedSource: option.source,
            operation: 'room:' + room.name,

    isEarlyGame(room: Room): boolean {
        if (room.storage || room.terminal) return false;

        return true;