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7 hrs
Test Coverage
import BodyBuilder from 'creep/body-builder';
import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import interShard from 'intershard';
import NavMesh from 'utils/nav-mesh';
import SpawnRole from 'spawn-role/spawn-role';
import {decodePosition} from 'utils/serialization';

interface ReclaimSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    targetRoom: string;
    interShardPortal?: string;

export default class ReclaimSpawnRole extends SpawnRole {
    navMesh?: NavMesh;
    room: Room;

     * Adds reclaim spawn options for the given room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
    getSpawnOptions(room: Room): ReclaimSpawnOption[] {
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return [];

        return this.cacheEmptySpawnOptionsFor(room, 100, () => {
            if (room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() < 10_000) return [];

            const options: ReclaimSpawnOption[] = [];
            this.room = room;
            for (const targetRoom of Game.myRooms) {
                if (room.name === targetRoom.name) continue;
                this.addSpawnOptionsFor(targetRoom, options);


            return options;

    addSpawnOptionsFor(targetRoom: Room, options: ReclaimSpawnOption[]) {
        if (!this.canReclaimRoom(targetRoom)) return;

            priority: 3,
            weight: 1,
            targetRoom: targetRoom.name,

    canReclaimRoom(targetRoom: Room): boolean {
        if (!targetRoom.needsReclaiming()) return false;
        if (!targetRoom.isSafeForReclaiming()) return false;
        if (!targetRoom.roomPlanner) return false;

        const remoteBuilderCount = _.filter(Game.creepsByRole['builder.remote'], (creep: RemoteBuilderCreep) => creep.memory.targetRoom === targetRoom.name || creep.memory.singleRoom === targetRoom.name).length;
        if (remoteBuilderCount > 5) return false;

        const route = cache.inHeap('reclaimPath:' + targetRoom.name + '.' + this.room.name, 100, () => {
            if (!this.navMesh) this.navMesh = new NavMesh();
            return this.navMesh.findPath(this.room.roomPlanner.getRoomCenter(), targetRoom.roomPlanner.getRoomCenter(), {maxPathLength: 700});
        if (route.incomplete) return false;

        return true;

    addIntershardSpawnOptions(options: ReclaimSpawnOption[]) {
        const interShardMemory = interShard.getLocalMemory();
        for (const shardName in (interShardMemory.portals || {})) {
            const shardMemory = interShard.getRemoteMemory(shardName);
            if (!shardMemory?.info?.rooms?.reclaimable) continue;

            for (const request of shardMemory.info.rooms.reclaimable) {
                this.addIntershardSpawnOptionsFor(request, shardName, options);

    addIntershardSpawnOptionsFor(request: {name: string; safe: boolean; rcl: number; portalRoom?: string}, shardName: string, options: ReclaimSpawnOption[]) {
        if (!request.portalRoom) return;
        if (request.rcl < 4) return;
        if (!request.safe) return;

        const remoteBuilderCount = _.filter(Game.creepsByRole['builder.remote'], (creep: RemoteBuilderCreep) => creep.memory.targetRoom === request.name && creep.memory.interShardPortal).length;
        if (remoteBuilderCount > 5) return;

        const portalLocation = this.findClosestPortalToRemoteRoom(request.portalRoom, shardName);
        if (!portalLocation) return;

            priority: 3,
            weight: 1,
            targetRoom: request.name,
            interShardPortal: portalLocation,

    findClosestPortalToRemoteRoom(roomName: string, shardName: string) {
        return cache.inHeap('portalRoomPos:' + this.room.name + ':' + roomName + ':' + shardName, 2 * CREEP_LIFE_TIME, () => {
            let bestPortal;

            console.log('Checking if we can spawn a reclaimer to ' + shardName + '/' + roomName);

            const interShardMemory = interShard.getLocalMemory();
            _.each(interShardMemory.portals[shardName], (portalInfo, portalLocation) => {
                if (portalInfo.dest !== roomName) return;

                const portalPosition = decodePosition(portalLocation);
                if (Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(portalPosition.roomName, this.room.name) > 10) return;

                console.log('Checking if we can reach ' + shardName + '/' + roomName + ' from portal at ' + portalPosition + '...');

                if (!this.navMesh) this.navMesh = new NavMesh();
                const path = this.navMesh.findPath(portalPosition, new RoomPosition(25, 25, this.room.name), {maxPathLength: 700});
                console.log(path.incomplete ? 'incomplete' : path.path.length);
                if (!path || path.incomplete) return;

                if (bestPortal && bestPortal.range <= path.path.length) return;

                bestPortal = {
                    range: path.path.length,

            return bestPortal?.portalLocation;

     * Gets the body of a creep to be spawned.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {string[]}
     *   A list of body parts the new creep should consist of.
    getCreepBody(room: Room): BodyPartConstant[] {
        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[CARRY]: 3, [WORK]: 2})
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(room.energyCapacityAvailable * 0.9, room.energyAvailable)))

     * Gets memory for a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    getCreepMemory(room: Room, option: ReclaimSpawnOption): RemoteBuilderCreepMemory {
        const memory: RemoteBuilderCreepMemory = {
            role: 'builder.remote',
            targetRoom: option.targetRoom,

        if (option.interShardPortal) {
            memory.interShardPortal = option.interShardPortal;

        return memory;